Hollywood Secret Garden

Chapter 93: Hollywood genius girl?


"Hi dear, are you sleeping well?" Dad greeted his daughter who came downstairs.

"As always." The daughter shrugged, sat down at the dining table, looked at the newspapers placed beside her father, and picked one out and turned it over.

"Honey, you should eat first. Your father will take you to the opera later. Today is Saturday. You said yes to Mr. Ryan, didn't you?" Mom came out of the kitchen with a plate.

"Okay, Mom, reading is also a form of learning. There's no harm in reading more newspapers." The daughter said with a smile, but even so, not many actually aroused her interest, so after flipping through a few pages, she Planning to put it back, at this moment, she saw the title of a message on the entertainment page: A technical movie? There are two pictures next to it, one is the one I have seen before, Mr. Al Pacino, and the other is the guy who brought her to see Mr. Pacino, Angela! After being surprised for a few seconds, the girl pulled out the entertainment version and read:

"I have to admire Mr. David Fincher. He was able to do this the first time he was in charge of a film director. The weird and suspenseful atmosphere was well rendered. He guided the audience's psychology little by little, and kept giving them Insinuating, letting them find the answer, and then declaring at the end that you all guessed wrong is very creative, and Miss Angela Mason, who is the screenwriter, has contributed to it. But, what else? Mr. David Tell us a story, a good story, and then what? I don't know what this story is trying to tell us, it has the shadow of "The Shining", and it also blends the characteristics of "Rear Window", the last scene The play is similar to "Silence of the Lambs" - I believe that Miss Foster has the most say, but compared with the above three films, "Hide and Seek" lacks a kind of direct power, so although it is a good story, but It's just a story, and obviously the screenwriter misses a lot at this point, so Hide and Seek is just a technically good movie."

This is... Angela's new work? Premiere last night? The girl thought about it for a while, put the newspaper in her hand aside, and began to look through her father's other newspapers.

"Hey dear, what are you doing?" asked the father strangely.

"Angela's new movie is out, I want to see the relevant comments." The girl said that she had taken out the "Washington Post" and found the entertainment edition.

"Is that the one filmed in Woodland Township?" Mom asked.

"Yes, Mom." The girl nodded and replied, then found relevant news on the entertainment page and read:

"A film for two people: it's a suspense film, a thriller, and although director David Fincher has done a great job creating the eerie atmosphere that's unique to thrillers, it's not like Mr. Al Pacino and Mr. Miss Angela Mason's performance, this film is at least half of its color. As Mr. Pacino, who appeared in a thriller for the first time, he undoubtedly drove the whole plot with his experienced acting skills, but I was very pleasantly surprised to find that Angela Mason However, Miss Mason is able to cooperate just right without falling behind, and she is completely different from her innocent and cute appearance in "Born to Be". I have to say that in "Hide and Seek", Miss Mason's acting has a qualitative leap. , but unfortunately, the whole film revolves around father and daughter, with the focus on them, making the supporting characters face-off, especially Jodie Foster, who is just a continuation of Silence of the Lambs It's just the characters in the movie, so Hide and Seek is a movie of Mr. Pacino and Miss Mason from start to finish."

"Okay, dear, let's eat first, and then read when you're done?" Mom said helplessly, looking at her daughter who was reading with gusto.

"Understood, Mom, just read one more copy, one more copy." The daughter stuck out her tongue, put down the "Washington Post" and then went to get the newspaper. The first one was "The New York Times", then three The only big newspaper left was the Los Angeles Times, but when she turned to the entertainment page, she was a little surprised. Half of the first page had a half-length photo of Angela, in which the girl brushed her hair lightly. , with the corners of his mouth bent and looking at the front absent-mindedly, giving people a lazy and cute feeling. Below is the bold and black title: Hollywood genius girl? The question mark is very bold and black.

"Miss Angela Mason, who was born in Los Angeles, California in 1980, has blond hair and bright emerald eyes. She is only 12 years old and has starred in two movies, which was released at the end of last summer. The box-office good "Born Together", and yesterday's "Hide and Seek", but none of that has anything to do with the title, I'm talking about being a 12-year-old girl, she's starred in both of the movie's scripts. She wrote it herself! Isn't it funny? If you know that the script for "Sleepless in Seattle", which was released today on Valentine's Day and has a place in this year's top ten box office, was also written by her, then you would not Do you feel dizzy? In fact, the above content is really believable. It is hard to imagine that as a 12-year-old girl, she can write a movie script with a box office of more than 100 million yuan, and if you say "Born Together" and "Seattle" "Sleepless" is still something a woman can write, so what about "Hide and Seek"? But according to insiders, these scripts are indeed original by this girl, so I think if you want to set a standard for genius, Mason Miss should be a model of genius..."

"Dear!" The mother's tone increased, which made the girl roll her eyes, so she had to put down the newspaper: "Okay, Mom, I'll have breakfast now."

The breakfast is very simple, oatmeal, bread slices, etc., but there is no oily meat. The girl started vegetarian a few years ago and is used to it. After quickly finishing the breakfast, the girl left the table. She originally wanted to continue reading the newspaper that she had not read just now, but it was time to go out, and her father had also eaten breakfast and started to pack up, so after thinking about it, She ran to the phone, picked up the receiver and started dialing.

After a few beeps, a steady female voice came from there: "Hello, this is Mason's house, who are you looking for?"

"Hello, please find Angela, I'm her friend."

"Okay, please wait a moment, Angela is sick, rest in bed, I let her answer the phone on it."

"Thank you, ma'am." The girl waited for more than 10 seconds, and finally there was Angela's slightly weak voice on the other end of the phone, and she seemed very dissatisfied:

"You finally called and you want to apologize? Oh no, I will never accept it, think about what you did to me! Shameless and nasty, you played with my body and hurt deeply My heart, so Jesse, you want my forgiveness, unless you and Lindsay come to my house and say sorry to my face..."

The more the girl listened, the more inexplicable she became. Finally, she rolled her eyes and interrupted, "Angie, it's me."

There was no voice over there, and after a while, she asked awkwardly and hesitantly, "Nat?"

"Of course, or who do you think I am?" Natalie shrugged.

"Oh, hell!" came a painful moan over there, and then asked nervously, "Did you hear that just now?"

"Of course, it's clear that something shameless, obscene, playing with your body or something."

"God!" There was another moan, but Natalie's next words brought her back immediately: "Did something happen to you? Angie, I don't understand what you're talking about."

"You don't understand?" The other side paused for a while, and immediately said with joy and panic: "This is really... good, well, well, forget what I said, dear Nat, those are just when My... The troubles that I've had since coming back nearly half a year later have left me at a loss, so I'm incoherent... oh god, I don't even know what I'm talking about."

I do not know either. Natalie stuck out her tongue: "Okay, I got it, I just wanted to call and ask about your situation. You know, letters are not as fast as phone calls after all."

"Thank you, Nat, I was so happy to hear from you." There was a laugh.

"By the way, I read an interesting article in the Los Angeles Times, you know?"

"Oh Nat, that's not fun, I don't know what I have to dissect, I'm totally unprepared."

"Not mentally prepared? Then why do you want to write a script and make a movie? You know, there is another movie this year that is also your script." Natalie asked strangely.

"No, I mean I... Forget it, let's not talk about that, has the release date of "Killer Leon" been confirmed? I can't wait to see your performance!"

"Probably before Halloween. To be honest, I'm a little nervous."

"It's okay, honey, you'll be great, I promise."

At this time, the father's voice came: "Nat, we have to go."

"Okay, Dad, I'll come." Natalie replied loudly, and then said into the microphone: "Okay, I'm leaving, Angie, I have a role to play in a stage play."

"OK, come on, if you can, I really hope you come to California to see me."

"If you have a chance, then, bye."


After hearing the sound of hanging up from the microphone, Natalie put the microphone back in place, and then hurried upstairs to clean up, but she was curious, what did Angela mean by being played with? What else has bothered her after half a year? Or ask her later.