Hollywood Secret Garden

Chapter 98: interview (1)


"Susan, stop dawdling, go to the dressing room, the time is up." Director Will Callant appeared at the door, he pointed to the watch on his wrist, and reminded.

"Okay, Will, I'll come." Susan Brandon, the host of FOX TV's "Face to Face" column, adjusted her collar, packed up the relevant materials on the table, and walked out in front of him: " Can't you stop rushing like the producer Ms. Merrell?"

"If you could get to the studio a minute earlier every time, I would say one less word, how about that?" The director shrugged.

"It's not worth it, you should at least say a word less." Susan said with a smile, walking through the corridor and taking the elevator to the powder room on the first floor.

"Johnny, are you there? I need you now." The hostess pushed the door and went in. A makeup artist in the dressing room was cleaning a girl's face in front of a chair next to her, while another was with them. Chatted and laughed.

"Oh, Miss Susan, you're finally here." The laughing makeup artist found the hostess who came in, and hurriedly shouted, and then pulled away the chair of the other dressing table beside the girl for her, joking. "I thought I was going to lose this job."

"Really, if that's the case, congratulations, you don't have to deal with this annoying guy like me." Susan shrugged, sat down on the chair, and looked at the girl beside her, which has been rumored these days. genius girl.

"Hello, Susan. I'm Angela Mason, Ms. Brandon," the girl greeted, her face in the mirror and her eyes constantly glancing at herself, which was funny.

"Hello, Miss Mason, nice to meet you."


"Okay, Angela, you can also call me Susan. To be honest, you look much prettier than in the photos." Susan said with a smile.

"Thank you for the compliment, I think it should be Mr. Colin's credit." Angela blinked and looked like the person who put makeup on herself.

"Oh, that's none of my business," Colin shrugged and continued to work on her face, "Angela, you're the best makeup girl I've ever seen, don't get me wrong, I'm not saying you don't wear makeup. It's going to be ugly, I mean no matter what kind of makeup you put on you, you have a different kind of charm, and you can imagine how great you would be if you were a little older."

"Well, thank you." Angela didn't seem to want to talk about this, and changed the subject: "You know, Susan, I've watched a few episodes of your show. Your hosting style is both sharp and humorous, which is very commendable."

"You really know how to talk, Angela, but I won't let you go just like that." Susan laughed, while Angela, who was called a heartbreaker, stuck out her tongue in embarrassment.

"Okay, ladies, please stop talking, or there will be pigeons in "Face to Face" tonight." Johnny turned Susan's head to face the mirror and began to put on makeup for her.

Although she stopped talking, it didn't stop Susan from looking at Angela in the mirror. The girl in front of her didn't really look like she was 12 years old. Her fleshy cheeks still had the unique charm of girls, and very few people had Her bright and green eyes seem to be able to speak, and the slightly curved corners of her mouth give people a feeling of innocence and cuteness, but there is indeed a hidden maturity behind this cuteness. After supporting so many years of interview work, Susan is confident that she will not Wrong person, then, what kind of girl is this

Accompanied by the unique music, the lights were turned on, and Susan on the middle host stage said with a smile: "Welcome to the "Face to Face" program, I am the host Susan Brandon."

There was warm applause from the audience.

"Thank you, everyone," Susan nodded. "It seems that everyone is in high spirits today. I think everyone should read newspapers or entertainment news these days, unless you happen to be on vacation in Africa."

There was a chuckle at the scene.

"Yes, Hollywood has a talented girl, and amazingly, she's only 12 years old! Yes, today's guest is her, Angela Mason! Welcome to her."

After Susan finished speaking, there were several surprises in the audience, followed by warm applause. The reports in the past few days have made many people curious about this girl.

In the sound of certain music, Angela Shi Shiran came out of the backstage, and a few exclamations rang out from the audience again. The little guy is so cute and beautiful, although she waved to the audience generously, but There was a hint of shyness between her brows, which made her look even more charming.

"Oh, it seems, Angela is still very shy." Susan said with a smile.

"Everyone will be shy, Susan, not to mention this is my first time participating in the show, so if I say something wrong, please be tolerant, okay?" Angela spread her hands and knees Sitting on the sofa, holding her hands on her lap, she looks like a little lady, and it seems that she has adjusted.

"Okay, Angela, I want to ask, did you really create 'Born To Be', 'Sleepless in Seattle' and 'Hide and Seek'? At 12 years old, you know, when I was your age, every day I thought about how to dress up the Barbie doll in my hand more beautifully."

"Yes, I wrote the scripts of these three films, there is no doubt about that." Angela nodded.

"So, what made you want to write a screenplay?" Susan pressed.

"Actually, I originally wanted to write a movie script because... well... I wanted to make some extra money." Angela scratched her face and said a little embarrassedly.

"What a... very interesting reason!" Susan blinked and said somewhat surprised, and there was a buzzing sound in the audience.

"My parents are very strict with me, and there are regulations for pocket money. Although I never spend money arbitrarily, sometimes I have things I really want, so..." Angela shrugged cutely.

"I hope the new screenwriters who have just entered the industry will not cry because of this." Susan said with emotion, causing another burst of laughter.

"Born to Be a Couple" is your first work and your first creation. What makes you successful in making a movie the first time you create it?"

"A lot of reading and life observation, I have been very fond of reading since I was very young - about 5 or 6 years old, and after practicing music every day, I would stay in my room and be quiet Reading. I have read a lot of books, most of them are novels, some are science fiction, some horror, some reasoning, and some classic literary works, my father’s collection, I have read almost half of them.”

"It's amazing. In contrast, some people can't read newspapers fluently when they go to high school, but do you really understand all the books you've read?"

"No, not necessarily, but although not every book can be fully understood, it does not prevent me from enjoying the fun of reading."

"But how did you come up with the idea of writing a script?"

"Because I like movies very much, besides reading, I also like music and drawing very much. Movies just combine pictures, music and stories. A good movie can make people think, cry or cheer."

"So, you must have watched a lot of movies?"

"Yeah, Star Wars, ET, Mother and Daughter, and so on, even the Godfather series and the Silence of the Lambs, oh, of course, those movies were watched with my dad Yes, trust me, he didn't break the law."

The audience laughed kindly, and Susan nodded secretly. She answered very well. She really didn't look like a 12-year-old girl. She flipped through the information in her hand and continued to ask: "If you say "Born" "A Couple" is a family movie full of warmth, and "Sleepless in Seattle" is a movie about love, so you have a mature view of love?"

Angela was stunned for a moment, and quickly said: "Oh, you can't say that, in fact, the script of "Sleepless in Seattle" is very tricky, friends who have seen it should know that the name of the movie runs through the entire movie, yes, It's Cary Grant's "Golden and Jade Alliance," which is actually a story about fate, I just reworked it and packaged it."

"We learned that this movie was made by you for Miss Meg Ryan, and you started writing it when you were filming 'Better Together', right?" Susan asked with a smile.

Angela was stunned for a while, then nodded and admitted: "Yes, I personally like the image of Miss Ryan's silly big sister, so I got a momentary inspiration and wrote a clip, and then until after the filming of "Born A Couple", It was added completely."

"Okay, so where did the inspiration for "Hide and Seek" come from?" Susan did not continue to ask, but changed the question.

"I said that I've read a lot of novels, including all of Stephen King's current works, as well as film adaptations, as well as all of Mr. Hitchcock's suspense films, and some critics think that "Hide and Seek" has "Rear Window" And the shadow of "The Shining", I agree with this, but the problem is also very prominent, too deliberately creating an atmosphere of suspense, weirdness and horror, making this film a pure horror film, which is also my lack of reading. caused." Angela answered this question very easily.

"We also learned that in addition to these three films, there is also a script for an animated cartoon in production and a script for an upcoming movie from you, so it seems that your creative frequency is really not low. , so is there still a script being created?" Susan blinked.

"Yes, but don't think about me revealing the plot, Susan," Angela stuck out her tongue. "Of course I can tell it's going to be a comedy."

"You did a great job, Angela," Susan laughed, then looked at the camera, "Okay, then it's audience question time, and the audience in front of the TV can call and ask questions."