Hollywood Secret Garden

Chapter 99: interview (2)


At this time, the audience who had been waiting for a long time raised their hands.

"Okay, the gentleman fourth from the left in the second row." Susan chose one of them.

"I want to ask, Miss Angela, do your parents support or oppose you writing scripts and acting at this age?" The speaker was a calm middle-aged white male.

"They neither support nor oppose it, it's all up to me, of course, it's not laissez-faire, they always say they'll always stand behind me, shelter me when needed, I love them!" Angela said with emotion and sincerity, all the people were moved by these words, and nodded in unison.

"It's really touching words, your parents are really lucky." Susan interjected just in time, and then looked at the audience: "Then, the girl from the right in the fourth row."

"Angela, I really like the movies you acted in. I have watched both "Born Together" and "Hide and Seek" a few days ago. I want to ask, will you stop acting in movies in the future because of writing scripts?" That is a A well-behaved little black girl who doesn't look much older than Angela.

"Thank you for your support. Of course, I will also play the role if there is a suitable script." Angela said with a smile, and everyone laughed. Of course, there is no suitable script.

"Next, the boy in the middle of the first row."

It was a shy Caucasian boy, about fourteen or fifteen years old, with small freckles on his face. After he took the microphone, he scratched his head a little embarrassedly, and then hesitantly said: "Angela, may I ask your future Would your boyfriend be a reference to your characters?"

Everyone present was stunned for a moment, and then a burst of laughter broke out, making both the boy and Angela a little embarrassed. After a while, the girl coughed softly: "Well...not yet."

After the boy sat down in disappointment, Susan took over the topic: "Okay, the time is coming, so let's leave the last question to the audience in front of the TV."

Soon a call came in, it was a female voice: "Hello, Miss Susan, I'm Teresa from San Francisco."

"Hello, Teresa, do you have anything to ask Angela?"

"I want to ask Miss Angela, if she can make a script for Miss Meg Ryan, why can't she make one for Miss Julia Roberts?"

"Oh, Miss Teresa turned out to be a fan of Miss Julia." Susan smiled and looked at Angela.

Angela smiled and scratched her face, and then said: "It's Miss Teresa, right, I think I said just now that I'm writing a script, in fact, this script was written for Miss Julia, and I like her very much too , although I can't reveal the plot right now, but I can tell you that the name is "Runaway Bride"!"

"Okay, thank you Teresa in San Francisco," Susan turned to the camera again after the staff cut off the phone, "then that's the end of today's "Face to Face", thank you Miss Angela Mason for coming, give We had a great evening and see you at the same time next week!"

Following the host's words, applause broke out in the studio again, and the interview was successfully concluded.

"Angie, are you really going to write a script for Miss Julia?" Lilith asked in a low voice.

"I've answered you 8 times, Lilith, yes!" Angela sighed helplessly.

"Then why can't you reveal the plot to us?" Sally on the other side responded immediately, "Worry about us saying it? Oh, no, we definitely won't say it!"

"I don't believe you, Sally," Angela announced. "If you'd come over and ask me secretly that day, instead of screaming in public, nothing would have happened."

"I didn't mean to, I didn't know you didn't like letting people know that you were a screenwriter." Sally said a little aggrieved.

"Then you should secretly come over and ask me!" Angela was unmoved.

"Okay, Angie, even if Sally is wrong, how long do you think you can hide it? You've already been in the newspaper anyway, and it's only a matter of time before you find out." Lily said bluntly.

Angela glared at Lilith pretending to be unhappy, and was about to speak when a soft and somewhat feminine male voice rang out: "Ladies, it's class time, please finish your work first? Done."

The three girls stuck their tongues out to each other, Lilith and Sally hurried back to their drawing boards and started to draw, while Angela was busy holding the drawing board, mixing the paints, and then standing beside her, keeping the shallow paint. With stubble, a man in his thirties said with a smile, "I'm sorry, Mr. Hugo, I believe there will be no next time."

"Oh, Angela, your paintings are as good as ever. I think I may have nothing to teach you." Hugo didn't say much, but looked at her paintings and sighed, every interjection of his It made Angela feel awkward.

"I don't think so. I believe that everyone has a place for me to learn." The girl said with a forced smile.

"You are always so humble." Hugo chuckled, then put one hand on the drawing board, looked around, and coughed softly: "Angela, I heard that you are going to write a script for Miss Julia Roberts. ,yes?"

The girl looked at her art teacher in amazement, her mouth was slightly open, and there was a big sense of incompatibility. It wasn't until Mr. Hugo coughed again that he realized it. After waving his hands in a panic, he finally calmed down and nodded: "Yes, Mr. Hugo."

"If you can, can you reveal a little bit of content?" Hugo blinked, stretched out his index finger and thumb to squeeze, "Just a little bit!"

"Well... I'm sorry, Mr. Hugo... I just have a general idea now, and I haven't even written an outline, so... " Angela spread her hands apologetically.

"Well, what a pity." Mr. Hugo sighed, smiled, then pointed to the front and left.

Angela breathed a sigh of relief. I really didn't expect that Mr. Hugo would be a big-mouthed sister's movie fan. You must know that this gentleman always reveals a bit of motherhood, and the orchid finger is even more handy, which makes the girl very suspicious of him. GAY, so she's not used to him walking around, after all, her masculinity is still very strong. But now it seems... Wait, doesn't Big Mouth Sister have same-sex fans? Thinking of this, Angela suddenly had a cold war, um, forget about it.

Although Sister Big Mouth has not recovered to her original height for the time being, there are still many fans. Today, because Julia asked herself about the script, there are probably dozens of people. It is a wish to end, and when I think about just returning home last night , her unscrupulous uncle couldn't wait to call to praise her, and she was a little angry, if it weren't for the godfather Brian, and the uncles and aunts in the family, as well as Natalie, Jessica, and Lynn Sai and the others called one after another, and she had to make fun of him!

The time at school passed quickly. Except for occasionally being surrounded by asking gossip during breaks, the classmates were very restrained. Obviously the school worked hard in this regard. Because of Monday’s incident, I believe my father was very angry. Well, that's none of my business. At least the friends around him began to calm down after the excitement of the first few days, but although Vicky and her beauty gang still gathered to discuss the topics between them, they did not specifically say anything to her.

"Aren't you going back in my car today?" Angela asked a little surprised.

"Yes, today I'm going to the beach with Claire and the others to sketch." Lilith nodded and made an apologetic gesture.

"I want to go too." Angela pouted and looked at the reporters guarding outside the school. The media had already retreated, and all that was left were the paparazzi.

"Then come with us." Lilith looked at the reporters outside, "We can just ignore them."

"No, Lilith, there are still things at home." Angela said with a sigh. Just now, the driver David told her that Mr. Sparrow was at home waiting for her to go back. Just thinking about it, he knew what was going on.

"It's a pity, then you go back first." Lilith said with a smile.

Angela nodded, and after Lilith said goodbye, she got into the car and walked away. With David's skill and familiarity with Los Angeles, it took a little effort to get rid of the reporters, and then returned home safely.

"So, what companies want this script?" Angela and Sparrow started talking after saying hello to Jennifer that the parents weren't home for dinner again today.

"Several film companies have purchase intentions. Warner and Disney have a clear attitude because they have cooperated before. Paramount is a little hesitant because you are currently participating in the adaptation of "Forrest Gump". The remaining few, Universal, Columbia, MGM, etc. are just letting out wind for the time being.”

"Wow, should I be happy? The script has only a rough idea." Angela touched her chin and said rather proudly.

"In fact, George told me that if he wasn't worried about being too awkward last night, he would have called you." Sparrow smiled and spread his hands.

"Fortunately he didn't fight, otherwise he would definitely be out!" Angela raised her eyebrows, then thought about it and said, "Well, Uncle Sparrow, please reply to them, I will try to get it out within a month. The script, and then make a decision when they read it." Then she lamented again: "God, I still have to write songs for my first album, and also participate in the adaptation of "Forrest Gump", Why are you suddenly so busy?"

"So do you want to turn down other invitations for movies and advertisements?" Sparrow asked at this time.

"Of course." Angela replied in one go.

"Okay, but... I think maybe you should take a look at this movie invitation before making a decision." Sparrow said, took out a thick script with hundreds of pages from his briefcase, and put it on the coffee table .

Angela was slightly surprised: "What is this?"

"Mr. Spielberg's work!"