Holy Dragon Totem

Chapter 120: Mysterious Talisman


In fact, if his father hadn't shown him his miraculous space jade pendant, Jiang Zizai would never have known that there would be such a magical item in this world.

The space jade pendant is essentially a kind of totem magic weapon. The totem pattern is drawn on the spirit mine, but the totem pattern and the spirit mine involved are very rare and rare, and it is very difficult to draw. Jiang Yunting said that the highest level of the Yanlong Dynasty No totem spiritual master can create a space jade pendant.

Moreover, the totem pattern of the space jade pendant has actually been lost long ago.

It is said that the pattern was copied from a magical space totem in ancient times. Countless generations of masters spent their entire lives researching it before integrating it. The loss of such inheritance is a pity for the entire world of totem warriors.

The spirit ore material of the space jade pendant is a very high-grade ethereal spirit stone. The ethereal spirit stone is very rare, and it is estimated that there are not many in the entire Yanlong Dynasty.

The lack of materials, the lack of totem patterns, and the lack of totem healers have made it impossible for a new space jade pendant to be born now.

The space jade pendant looks like a jade pendant, but in fact there is a void space hidden inside. Although it cannot keep life alive, it can store the items that are carried with it. Some people have strong assets, so it is very safe to store it with this space jade pendant.

Although this thing can't increase the combat power, many masters have a lot of wealth, so it is especially needed.

For example, Jiang Yunting has a space jade pendant. When he was a child, he actually "juggled" Jiang Zi in front of them. At that time, the children regarded him as a god, and he could come up with incredible things every time.

If he hadn't been born in the Great Jiang Palace, he might not have known that there was such a thing as a space jade pendant in this world.

But now, Jiang Zizai has obviously become the user of this space jade pendant. It is said that as long as he concentrates, he can connect to the inner space, and take out the things inside with a thought.

"Is there something in here?"

He imitated Jiang Yunting's method to feel that space, which is mainly the communication of spirit and soul. His soul in the spiritual realm that day was already quite strong, and there was no problem at all invading the jade pendant in this space.

Soon, he 'saw' the space, it wasn't too big, the length, width and height were about ten feet each, barely equivalent to a storage room.

There's only one thing in here!

That is the book!

There are probably several hundred copies piled up.

It is piled up from bottom to top, and the lower it goes, the thicker it seems to be, neatly.

He took out the top one. Although it has been a long time, this classic book is spotless, and the pages are thin gold, which can be preserved for a long time.

He took a closer look, and saw that on the cover, there were four big characters: Life and Death Talisman Zong!

This woman obviously came from the Life and Death Talisman Sect, and all the books should be from the Life and Death Talisman Sect.

Open the cover, open the home page, and see it says: Star Talisman, Immortality, Healing Talisman.

Turning to the back, it is somewhat similar to the classics that Xiao Youshan gave himself. There are templates with totem patterns, a lot of experience from the predecessors, and their notes on each key point. With such detailed notes, it is not difficult to learn by yourself.

Jiang Zizai was happy in his heart, he naturally knew that he might have obtained the rune classics of the Life and Death Talisman Sect! And there are hundreds of kinds!

He took a copy in the middle, the cover still said Life and Death Talisman Sect, and on the front page, it said: Moon-level Talisman, No Life, Soul Control Talisman!

"No life, no death? Life and death talisman? It seems that all the books are divided into two parts, no life and no death, and no death is actually a talisman related to treatment, recovery, and assistance, while no life is a kind of lethality A very powerful talisman, specially made for killing!"

Jiang Zizai was in a daze. These talismans and classics were obviously quite precious.

He was thinking, could it be that he was a blessing in disguise this time, and the spirit didn't intend to harm him at all, but brought him here to give himself a fortune

As for why so many priests choose him? That must be because I have a high soul level and I am very young, so I am obviously the most suitable person to inherit this life and death talisman sect!

The only thing that makes him panic is that his body is still weak and weak, and he feels hollowed out. If he wants to give it to himself, why should he torture himself so much...

He flipped through a few books, but he didn't dare to look at the bottom of the classics. There were thousands of pages in one book. He wanted to flip through it, but found that he didn't have the strength to open it. He guessed that even if he was in his prime, Neither can be opened.


When Jiang Zizai was holding the space jade pendant, the spirit moved again, and its knife fingers stretched out again, cutting off Jiang Zizai's right hand, and the blood on that right hand instantly seeped into the light green talisman .

That is another strange thing besides the space jade pendant.

When Jiang Zizai's blood melted into the talisman, the talisman shattered and disappeared, and the complex light green totem pattern in it melted into Jiang Zizai's body, like a tattoo, flowing from the fingers, Along the arm, it got into the body, and finally appeared on the chest!

Jiang Zizai opened his clothes and found that the talisman was indeed on his chest. It twisted for a while and became the original talisman, like a tattoo on his chest, completely integrated with his body.

At this time, the emerald green lines were exuding oily green light, with a strong breath of life, which gradually made Jiang Zizai feel refreshed.

He didn't know what it was, but he knew that the magical talisman was obviously integrated with his body.

Its location was exactly the location of the Zhaoyu that Princess Shenxiao gave her. The Zhaoyu was stuck to her chest, blocking the light green talisman.

Suddenly, a drastic change occurred!

The light green totem pattern suddenly emitted a strong light, engulfing Zhao Yu!


The Zhaoyu sent by Princess Shenxiao turned into powder and dissipated in an instant!

When the light burst out, the light green lines on the chest changed to gray, as if it was dead, almost undetectable.

But the emerald green light from before flooded Jiang Zizai's whole body, and within a short period of time, Jiang Zizai felt so comfortable that he wanted to yell.

It's so cool!

When the emerald green light traveled through his body like a warm current, he found that his previous fatigue, muscle weakness, and mental depression all disappeared, and his whole body instantly returned to a perfect state, his whole body was full of explosive power, and his vision was direct and clear , the soul has become stronger, and even the most important thing is that even the little brother has his head held high, full of masculinity, and he has no fear at all when he puts ten beauties in front of him.

The change in this instant was like going from a near-death state to a complete recovery in an instant. The span was so large that Jiang Zizai was a little uncomfortable.

He glanced at his chest, and found that the talisman had indeed turned gray, but there were about "one-thousandth" lines, showing light green. He observed for a while, and the light green was recovering. Maybe after a while, This talisman can return to being all green.

"I'm going, where is Zhaoyu?" Jiang Zizai found out that Zhaoyu was gone. He had a little impression that it seemed to be engulfed by green light just now, and now it has disappeared, which means it must be shattered...

"This is Xiaozhao's grandmother's relic. She just borrowed me to improve my strength, but now it's gone. This is terrible. How should I explain to her..."

Jiang Zizai's face immediately became sad. After all, he knew how important his grandmother's relic was to Princess Shenxiao. She was willing to lend it to him because she believed in him. But now that she lost it in his own hands, he could only feel guilty.

"This talisman is strange. It was the one that let me recover just now, but why did it destroy Zhaoyu..."

To be honest, Jiang Zizai still likes the dragon-shaped jade pendant. The lifelike carving of the dragon is very suitable for him, and it also represents Xiaozhao's kindness...

"If you can go back to Yanlong Ruins, then apologize to her." Jiang Zizai thought to himself.

Now, he has put away the space jade pendant, and the talisman has melted into his body, and he has also returned to a perfect state, and even has vigor.

He looked at the empty crystal coffin, and then at the spirit.

He cupped his hands and said: "Maybe I blamed you wrongly. You gave me such a good thing. I know that this senior must have unfinished business. I want me to help her complete it. Can you tell me, Is there anything I need to do for her?"

The spirit was still whimpering, it wobbled, walked to the bloody words, and pointed to the bloody words.

"No life, no death, is the life and death talisman."

Perhaps, what she wanted to say, what she wanted the inheritor to fulfill for her, was all in these ten words.

"I understand that I can't do anything now, but in the future, I will be grateful to Dade and pursue the responsibilities behind these ten words."

She chose herself and brought great fortune to herself.

His father said that to be a human being, the kindness of a drop of water must be repaid by a spring. With such a great fortune, Jiang Zizai must know how to do it.

Maybe this spirit observed itself on Kirishima for so long to see its own character and ability, so it decided not to act until the Battle of Kirishima was over.

Jiang Zizai still wanted to ask some questions, but at this moment, suddenly, the landslides and the ground cracked, and this underground space seemed to be collapsing.