Holy Dragon Totem

Chapter 6: Origin Pillar


The altar of origin is just in front of the Great Jiang Palace.

Even within the Great Jiang Palace, one can see the huge, majestic, 'Pillar of Origin' towering into the clouds when one looks up!

That is the gift of the ancient gods, the source of martial arts.

Legend has it that in the ancient centuries, the world was originally a world where primordial beasts ravaged, and mortals had no power and reproduced like rats crossing the street.

Until one day, the ancient gods, sympathetic to the suffering of mortals, built the pillar of origin and bestowed the totem of natal life on mortals, so that mortals can truly build their homes and live and work in peace and contentment.

It is said that on the day of worshiping the gods, the ancient god will personally appear above the clouds and look down on all living beings.

Today is the grandest day of the year.

Dajiang King City, together with young girls of suitable ages from many surrounding small cities, arrived early and waited patiently in the vast altar of origin.

Of course, the Qilin royal family in Dajiang county has privileges. They don't need to be crowded with ordinary people, and they have a special passage leading all the way to the bottom of the pillar of origin.

Besides that, they have other perks.

For example, when ordinary people worship and contact the Divine Pillar of Origin, there are a group of hundreds of people, surrounding the Divine Pillar of Origin with a diameter of at least ten feet, they all receive the gifts of the ancient gods.

As for the five-veined Qilin royal family, as well as some descendants of those with high status, it is natural to go up alone, so that the chances of getting the natal totem are the greatest.

There is no way. Strictly speaking, the day of worshiping the gods is only half a day. This precious time must be used according to the strict level.

On this day, Concubine Ruohua led the people of Wangcheng to worship the ancient gods first, and the whole ceremony would take an hour.

Next, the boys and girls worshiped separately and then received the gifts.

Everyone is extraordinarily sincere, and if their hearts are not sincere, how could the ancient gods give them gifts

Jiang Zizai woke up relatively late. When they rushed from the "special passage" to the pillar of origin, it is estimated that hundreds of people have already begun to accept the "gift".

Both Lu Dingxing and Ruo Xiaoyue were extremely nervous.

"Boss, this is the 'Sincerity Flower' I planted with sincerity, bring it with you when you worship, maybe the ancient gods will be merciful..."

Lu Dingxing held a bouquet of white flowers and presented it to Jiang Zizai.

Regardless of his mighty appearance and burly figure, his biggest hobby on weekdays is to grow some flowers and plants.

That kind of tenderness when gazing at the flowers and plants is particularly frightening.

"Giant Panda, this thing of yours doesn't work, don't be ashamed of it." Ruo Xiaoyue rolled her eyes.

They pick up the pace.

Jiang Zizai once again saw the Divine Pillar of Origin that contained awe-inspiring power.

Once again contacted like this, there are mixed feelings in my heart.

He never envied that Lu Dingxing and Su Qianyu could have their own natal totem.

Why didn't he envy his elder brother Jiang Junjian, who is so magnificent.

As the son of King Zilin, he was born to be a strong person. He didn't know what he did wrong.

Just as they approached the 'Altar of Origin', they did not expect anyone to be later than them.

They were late at this time, but with a faster speed, they caught up with Jiang Zizai.

The two teams met here, and their eyes crossed.

The main character among them is a young man in a golden robe.

His figure is tall and straight, slightly majestic, with fair complexion, peach eyes, and between his brows, there is always a look of pride.

Jiang Zizai is very familiar with this person, he is one of the five-veined unicorns, 'Jiang Junduo', the son of 'Jiang Liu', the master of the Jinlin Mansion.

Because of their similar age, the two have often been used for comparison in recent years.

Jiang Junduo also awakened his natal totem at the age of nine. Although it was only a 'yellow-level natal totem' at the beginning, when he was ten years old, his father found a suitable evolution source for him.

Its natal totem evolved to a 'mysterious totem' and became a 'red gold unicorn totem'.

Now every move, demeanor and eyes, have the anger of a red gold unicorn, very frightening.

Although his talent is average, but with the help of his father with various resources and elixir, like Lu Dingxing, he has cultivated to the fifth stage of the Martial Fate Realm.

However, no matter how mighty he is, and his identity is different, in the past when he met the 'Little Prince', he had to be respectful.

His eyes were paired today, and it was obvious that his mentality had changed.

He passed by in a hurry, but a trace of sarcasm appeared at the corner of his mouth, and he deliberately said in a surprised tone: "Hey, this is not the little prince, why is he late this year, he was pious a few years ago, it is said that before dawn, he is here I have been kneeling in front of the Divine Pillar of Origin for a long time."

"Cousin, this year is different. After all, it's just a formality to end my career as the son of the Zilin King. If I were him, I wouldn't be ashamed of myself today."

The one who took the conversation was a nine-year-old boy next to him, who had just grown to the position of Jiang Junduo's chest, and had a childish face. Although he was not very old, he had learned the yin and yang intonation very well.

Jiang Junduo made a serious face and said: "Don't talk nonsense, kid, you will make the little prince cry, and see if your parents don't teach you a lesson!"

After finishing speaking, he looked at Jiang Zizai with a smile and said, "Don't be annoyed, little prince. This kid came to worship the Pillar of Origin for the first time this year. He is not as experienced as you. Please take care of him when the time comes. guide guide."

The two talked, giggling, shaking their heads, surpassing Jiang Zizai and the others as if no one else was there.

As the saying goes, Huluopingyang being bullied by dogs is probably what it feels like today.

Jiang Zizai's backing fell, and he expected in his heart that if he didn't live up to it, then such teasing in the future would be commonplace.

"Boss, don't be angry. When the 'Kirin Meeting' arrives, I will beat up Jiang Junduo and vent my anger on you." Lu Dingxing said bitterly.

The "experienced" on the day of worshiping the gods is the most ruthless humiliation.

Jiang Zizi spread his hands and didn't say much.

It's useless to say anything now.

He looked up at the Divine Pillar of Origin, inexplicably recalling the vast and strange dream yesterday.

"Father, are you guiding me?"

He stepped into the altar of origin, looking around, there is really a sea of people here, and yesterday's drastic changes did not affect the grandness of this god worship day at all.

The Qilin royal family, on the high place of the altar, stands high above, leading all living beings to worship.

Underneath, there are tens of thousands of teenagers and girls, lined up neatly, waiting for the most important moment in life.

They were all very nervous, restless, restless, and their heartbeats accelerated, especially when they called their names, their heads immediately rushed to blood.

Many mortals yearn for the gift of the gods to change the fate of this life.

Jiang Zizai saw his mother, who was presiding over the overall situation with the other four-veined Qilin palace masters.

Under the scorching sun, her complexion was bleak, even if she tried her best to maintain it, she still couldn't hide the uneasiness and depression in her heart.

Only when she saw Jiang Zizai coming and her son looking at her, did she show a smile on her face.

Today is the most important opportunity for Jiang Zizai. She wants her son to have the strength to support him.

Jiang Zizai always remembers the love of his parents.

On the altar of origin, one hundred and one hundred teenagers and girls stood nervously around the pillar of origin after worshiping.

They closed their eyes, their arms trembled, and they touched the ancient reliefs and patterns of the Divine Origin Pillar.

Each person only has ten breaths of time, which is enough for the answer to be revealed.

Those who have not gained anything within this ten-breath period have failed, and it will be useless for a long time.

Jiang Zizai looked at the majestic pillar of origin with fiery eyes.

Suddenly, the first natal totem appeared!

The arm of one of the teenagers flashed, and a fiery red light flashed on the divine pillar of origin, passing through his arm and reaching the center of his eyebrows, the position of his forehead.


A fiery red mark was imprinted on the center of his brow.

The imprint has simple lines, but it vividly outlines a fiery red tiger with flames burning around it.


The imprint vibrated once, and suddenly expanded, forming the phantom of a huge flaming tiger on top of its head, roaring towards the sky.

This is the totem!

"Xu Jiayin! Flame Tiger Totem, yellow rank!"

All of a sudden, the entire altar of origin resounded with envious admiration.

That boy became the dazzling core in no time.

Even if the phantom has been put away, and the totem mark between the eyebrows has dimmed and hidden, he is still the focus of attention.

"Father, mother, you have spirits in heaven, the child has finally succeeded!"

The boy knelt on the ground with tears in his eyes.

"Thanks to the ancient god first, idiot!" The adult next to him reminded.

Anyway, his life has changed.

His joy was in stark contrast to the sorrow of the remaining ninety-nine people.

In this group of hundreds of people, only he stood out, selected by the ancient gods, and changed his fate against the sky.

Next, groups of people went up, and with the appearance of each totem, dozens of times more people went out in dejection.

The former Jiang Zizai was also one of them.

After half a day, tens of thousands of civilians and teenagers have completed their sacrifices. Today's God Worship Day is actually a wonderful moment.

Those who go up now are basically after the totem warriors.

The probability of them awakening their natal totem is more than ten times that of ordinary people.

The higher the status, the lower the speed of appearance.

Moreover, they are obviously younger, and most of them are nine-year-old and ten-year-old children.

According to experience, in fact, most of the totems awakened after the age of ten are also useless.

"Wang Qiong, giant sword totem, yellow grade!"

"Jiang Shu, the Red Rabbit Totem, does not qualify!"

Some totems are indeed too limited to grow, so the totem scriptures are too lazy to record them.

Although the awakening of this kind of totem will make the totem warrior laugh, but in fact there is a chance to evolve, and at least it is much better than the 'mortal insect'.

And even if they are both at the yellow level, because of the difference in totems, there will be a huge difference in future growth.

For example, the previous 'Flame Tiger Totem' is much more powerful than the 'Fire Monkey Totem' of the same level.

The later the day of worshiping the gods, the more rare and powerful totems will appear.

The probability of descendants of totem warriors going up one after another to get the natal totem is about 1/2.

And many amazing geniuses, at the age of nine, can get the totems that make the audience cheer and envy, and become the focus of everyone for a while.

Even, some will be absorbed by the Qilin royal family and serve the royal family.

It was the turn of the descendants of the Qilin royal family to appear on the stage, and the scene really became hot.

Because the children at this time are all nine years old, and the last one is ten years old, and the probability of success is close to 80%!

The remaining 20% will basically be successful next year.

These nine-year-old children can easily obtain a natal totem with great potential, and they are naturally overjoyed, in exchange for countless envious eyes.

"Jiang Junxin!"

Jiang Zizai was a little upset when he suddenly read a name.

The one whose name was called, who was very proud and strode towards the pillar of origin, was the nine-year-old child who had come with Jiang Junduo earlier.

He looked extraordinarily confident, even when worshiping the ancient gods, he seemed careless.

Jiang Zizai was like this when he was nine years old, thinking that he would definitely get his natal totem.

His appearance attracted the attention of many strong people. It seemed that the Palace Master of the Four-veined Qilin was discussing this child, but Ruohua did not interrupt.

At this moment, Jiang Junxin touched the divine pillar of origin with his palm.


In an instant, a burst of brilliance erupted from the Divine Pillar of Origin, and the golden light hit the position between his eyebrows along with his arm, forming a golden totem mark!


The imprint expanded and vibrated, forming a golden unicorn, without roaring, with an indifferent expression, looking down on the world.

The most obvious feature is its thick golden mane, which spreads out in the wind, like a lion.

"Congratulations to the Jinlin House! Jiang Junxin, directly awaken the 'Golden Mane Kylin Totem', a mysterious totem! The future is limitless!"

As soon as this statement came out, the audience shook and cheered endlessly. This is the first Xuan-level totem born today, and it is probably the only one.

The clattering applause and countless envious eyes focused on the little boy.

Jiang Junxin had the expected expression, pretending to be calm, but he couldn't hide the ecstasy in his heart.

"The future belongs to me!"

He clenched his fists and roared at the tens of thousands of youths below, already possessing the supernatural power of a 'golden-maned unicorn'.

It is indeed a top talent to directly awaken the mysterious totem.

"Jiang Liu, congratulations."

The master of Huolin Mansion, 'Jiang Entropy', was wearing a red robe, and his dark red eyes were still in the ancient well. At this time, he slightly cupped his hands and said to a man in a golden robe next to him.

The man in the gold robe was much bigger and bigger, his whole body was made of flesh and blood like gold.

He is 'Jiang Liu', the lord of the Jinlin Mansion.

At this moment, he grinned and said, "Brother Entropy, please don't say that. You and I both know that the totem is just the beginning. Whether this child will be really good in the future depends on him."

'Jiang Entropy' of Huolin Mansion caressed his long beard, looked at Jiang Junxin with admiration in his eyes, and said, "The golden-maned unicorn is quite good among the mysterious totems."

Jiang Liu nodded and said, "Yes."

His eyes fell on Princess Ruohua in front of him, looking at this exquisite and plump figure, deep in his eyes, inadvertently, a trace of obscenity and longing flashed.

He controlled his thoughts very well, and said: "Sister-in-law Ruohua, I heard that 'Ziza' will come today, why didn't I see him. Such a good opportunity, you can't just give it up."

Princess Ruohua looked back at him and said, "He won't give up, and I don't need you to worry about it."

Jiang Liu smiled, and said: "Actually, I know sister-in-law, you are under a lot of pressure. After all, Brother Yun Ting happened, if 'Zi Zi' fails, the future is really bleak."

He changed his voice and said with a smile: "However, the family rules are dead. In the future, he will be an ordinary person in Zilin Mansion and live a life of glory and wealth. We will not have any objections. After all, our brothers are all Watching this kid grow up."

When Ruohua looked at him again, there was murderous intent in his eyes.

"The truth about Yunting hasn't really come to light yet, so don't rush up and down like a monkey, lest you have to cry and beg for mercy when you can."

"You!" Jiang Liu was proud of himself, so naturally he was upset that Princess Ruohua made such a remark.

"Jiang Liu, don't say a few words." Jiang Entropy patted him on the shoulder.

"Well, I watched it six times anyway, so I'll watch it again." Jiang Liu shrugged, he had already seen Jiang Zizai.

It just so happened that the end was coming to an end, and it was Jiang Zizai's turn.

When his name sounded, the audience suddenly became silent.

Even the boys and girls know that if the Zilin King's youngest son's talent is so bad, he will really be expelled from the Qilin royal family.

When Jiang Zizai walked up to the altar and approached the Divine Pillar of Origin, Jiang Liu pursed his lips, sighed with a weird smile, and said, "Hey, if it wasn't for Brother Yunting who did something outrageous, how could this child To be so pitiful, to be despised by God, and not even to get the totem of natal life, it’s all karma!”

In front, Ruohua clenched his fists tightly, and his nails pierced into the flesh and blood of his palms.