Holy Institution

Chapter 10: New students treatment (9)


When Dilling and Soso walked past, Aidi stood up growling and rushed towards Neia.

Raymond stood between the two of them with schadenfreude, his eyes fixed on Aidi's feet, ready to reach out at any time to make him fall. Geographically, Senrisga is closer to Langzain, and the relationship between the two countries is good. In terms of character, he also prefers to be close to Neia, rather than to follow Aridi, who is wandering behind Ciro's ass.


The faint tone of voice fixed Aridi's footsteps like a spell.

Dilling and Soso stopped, and Ciro was setting up the tent and walking out.

Some people are born with a presence that can't be ignored, no matter what they're wearing. It's like Ciro, although wearing pajamas like a fat cloth bag, it still doesn't detract from his majesty - at least in Alidi's eyes.

Aidi looked like a bullied child when he suddenly saw his own adults, his eyes turned red all of a sudden, and tears rolled down his cheeks.

Shiro was puzzled. In his eyes, Aidi was just a disciple of a noble nation from a friendly country who had known him for less than three days. He really couldn't figure out where his reliance and trust in him came from.

"What happened?" He walked over to Aidi, but looked at Neia.

Alidi's eyes turned redder, this time from anger. He pointed at Neia, "He beat me!"

puff puff puff haha...

There was laughter one after another all around.

Neia's neck was very straight, her face that had no blood in the first place became even paler, and the gray hair made him look so weak that he would pass out anytime, anywhere.

Aidi also seemed to realize that his actions just now were childish and ridiculous, and hurriedly put down his hands, but his eyes were still fixed on Neia, as if he would rush over at any time.

In the laughter, Ciro looked extra calm, "What's the reason?"

Neia's lips moved, but there was no distinction.

Aidi thought he was guilty, and his expression became even more aggrieved, "He's a lunatic." He described the situation in a low voice. He was chatting with Jeffrey in a good manner, but Neia suddenly rushed from the side and gave him a hard punch.

Jeffrey felt Ciro's eyes glance over, hesitated, and nodded.

Di Lin looked at Neia's face with no shame, and his heart moved. He was about to speak when he heard Ciro say, "What are you talking about?"

Aidi was stunned, and glanced at Jeffrey.

Jeffrey looked down at the tip of his shoe, trying to keep himself out of it.

Aidi snorted contemptuously, turned to Ciro and said, "It's nothing, just talking about the other two schools."

He did not specify which two schools were, but everyone knew that the only ones in the whole continent that could be compared with the Holy Court were Saint Soviet and Saint Dean.

Raymond suddenly said: "Have you ever studied in Saint-Sauveur?" He asked Neia this sentence.

All eyes were focused on Neia's face again.

Neia's expression didn't change, "Yeah."

Aridi came to his senses, "You know Triumph Berger?" He pondered the conversation just now, and the only person offended was the female knight.

Neia slowly raised her head, her dark eyes staring at him coldly.

Aidi shuddered, "What if you know her? I'm not wrong! The whole continent knows that she eloped with a married man to Langzane, but in the end she poisoned her lover's wife to death." To say that the whole continent is a bit exaggerated, but since Triumph is not only a nobleman in Tangierli, but also one of the three Golden Rose Knights in the mainland, she is very famous, and nobles from other countries are very concerned about her news. Aridi talked about her recklessly because she didn't have any noble classmates from Tangierli, but unexpectedly, it touched Neia's evil scales.

Neia said word by word, "She didn't run away, and she wasn't poisoned to death!"

Alidi never imagined that such an inconspicuous person would get angry so sharply, but now, he couldn't help but back down. So he also clenched his neck and said, "This is how it is spread in the mainland!"

Neia's eyes turned slightly red, and her eyes lit up even more.

"Enough." Ciro interrupted them suddenly. Although he didn't think it had anything to do with him, Aidi's attitude made him have to intervene, "Are you going to destroy the friendship between your classmates for the sake of hearsay and gossip?"

If the voice of the heart can be turned into language, then there must be a series of disdain one after another, including Shiro himself.

This sentence is really nasty.

However, no one would speak their heart out, especially if the other party was Ciro. So everyone's expression is serious and sincere.

Di Lin let go of Suosuo's hand, walked to Neia's side, and said in a voice that only a few of them could hear: "I will be a classmate for three years."

Neia turned her head to the side, her pupils like black zircon, and looked at him without blinking.

Dilling looked back at him steadily, not hiding the worry in his eyes.

Neia bowed her head.

Judging by his shrugged shoulders, he took a deep breath.

Dilling hesitated to persuade him a few more words, but Neia suddenly raised her head.

Perhaps the kick of Aridi was too deep, so the moment Neia raised her head, she involuntarily took a half step back.

Shiro glanced at him from the corner of his eye, and there was an invisible disdain in his eyes.

"I'm sorry." Neia said lightly, "I'm impulsive."

Just impulsive

I also want to be impulsive!

Aidi almost jumped up from his choked words. But Ciro gently pressed his shoulder, "Do you accept his apology?" Although it was a question, it sounded more like a statement.

Aidi turned to look at him, as if to see his attitude hidden in his eyes.

But at the moment Ciro only had Dilling in his eyes.

Aridi shifted his heels uncomfortably. Obviously he is the victim and the protagonist, but why does he always feel as if he has been ignored

Dilling said slowly: "A true noble would not talk about unfounded rumors at will." Since Neia started talking to him, he had arbitrarily divided him into his own camp. But this is true. At present, it seems that there is only one Aridi in the Ciro camp.

Aidi shivered with anger, "I just said it casually."

"I can imagine how casual you were." Dilling faced him.

Ciro said: "Imagination itself is a random and unfounded thing."

Aidi was refreshed. Ciro finally spoke for him.

Dilling smiled nonchalantly and said, "It seems that I was influenced by a bad example, and I solemnly apologize." He looked at Alidi with a burning look, "for my irresponsible and baseless nonsense."

Aidi shook his head. He has already been kicked, and he can't try to provoke him to apologize in this way.

Ciro didn't want to rake this inexplicable matter anymore, "Your eloquence is no less than your sense of the water element."

Di Lin was slightly stunned, and didn't understand why he brought the matter to the water element.

Ciro raised the corners of his mouth, "I look forward to the day when you catch up with me."

Ironically, is he far inferior to him? Dilling said indifferently, "That was never my goal."

"Really?" Ciro's chin slightly raised.

After several confrontations, Dilling already understood that his action represented a bit of displeasure in his own mood.

"In that case," Ciro slowly stepped forward, "Let me wait and see how far you can go."

Alidi looked at the two confronting people inexplicably.

If he remembered correctly, he was the one who just got kicked. But why did things develop as if they had nothing to do with him at all

In any case, this almost raging fire was finally extinguished with the cooperation of Ciro and Dilling. And the rift between the two of them obviously must be traced back to the grievances between the two countries. So this matter ended when Dilling and Shiloh lost their warbooks to each other.

Seeing Di Lin returning to the tent, Suo Suo was about to follow, when he saw Neia's figure faster than him and entered first.

The area of this kind of temporary tent is not large, so Suso had no choice but to squat outside the door, blinking at them.

Neia felt sorry and explained, "I'm here to thank Dilling."

Dilling waved his hand and said, "I didn't do anything."

Neia thought for a while, then whispered, "Triumph is my mentor."

Dilling was stunned.

"She is a real knight. Kind, just, just, humble, brave, trustworthy, loyal and tolerant. She has all the good qualities, and things are not like the legends." Neia whispered and poured out, her face full of depression and pain, "She is the person I respect the most in my life, and I can't tolerate anyone slandering her or slandering her! I can't tolerate it."

Suosuo said: "Why don't you tell the truth? If you tell the truth, those people will not misunderstand her."

Neia's pained expression grew, and the fingers on her knees trembled slightly.

Dilling sighed silently, "It's very late. Go back and rest early."

Neia put one hand on the ground and wanted to stand up, but the sudden throbbing of his heart made him breathe, and he knelt forward.

Dilling was startled, he held his shoulder and said, "Are you all right?"

Neia shook her head.

The moonlight passed over Soso's shoulder and fell on his face, reflecting a hazy light gray.

Dilling worried: "Your face is ugly."

Neia smiled bitterly and said, "Probably sitting for too long."

Dilling never knew that sitting in his tent for five minutes could make a person's face look so ugly. But instead of piercing it, he let go and let Neia get out of the tent.

Soso crawled in on all fours, "Why did he enter St. Pades since he is a student of the Glory College of St. Soviet?"

"There's always a reason."

"What's the reason?" Soso opened his eyes curiously.

"The reason, I'll tell you tomorrow morning." Dilling said. Anyway, he must not remember what he had promised the next morning.

"Okay. Don't be rude." Suso thought for a while and added, "I always feel like you forgot to tell me a lot of things."

Dilling replied without blushing or panting, "This is your illusion."