Holy Institution

Chapter 11: New students treatment (10)


In the early morning, Hydein did not appear, but asked McCreese to bring a note and let them move freely.

Free activities are now not as idle as they used to be. Dilling and the others have at least two options—

Endorsements and auditioning for other tutors.

Raymond looked around and made sure that Heidin would not appear suddenly like last time, and then whispered, "I think we are the most unlucky and transparent freshmen."

Di Lin suddenly said, "Who remembers where the mountain of books went yesterday?"

Neia took them out of the space bag and said, "I put them away."

Dilling breathed a sigh of relief. He would bet that if they lost the book, with Hydein's character, he would never give them another set.

"So we go to the book today?" Raymond frowned. For him, reading is really not a fun activity.

"It's not reading." Dilling shook his head.

Raymond's eyes lit up.

"It's an endorsement." Dilling took the largest and last book and put it in his palm, "It's going to be a competition."

Raymond frowned. If it wasn't a game about Suso's stay, but just a simple exam, he would rather fail than compete with such a mountain of books. "Do you carry it all?"

Dilling was also worried. Not to mention the endorsement of so much content, even if they take the book exam, they may not be able to find all of them.

Ning Ya said: "There are several libraries in the academy, and there may be a collection of competition materials over the years."

Ruimeng's eyes lit up again, "Ah. Then we just need to get the ones on the test paper?"

Ning Ya said: "No, we can refer to the way of questioning, maybe we can get inspiration."

Inspirational or not, as long as you don't have a full back. Raymond took out the booklet first, and walked in the direction of the academy according to the map above.

Neia glanced at Dilling. Although he thought his choice was correct, he was worried that Dilling misunderstood that he wanted to be lazy and deliberately did not work hard.

Dilling smiled and said, "Your decision is correct."

Neia then smiled.

Suosuo said with a flat mouth: "It's all my fault."

"This has nothing to do with you." Di Lin and Neia said in unison, then smiled at each other.

"So," Jeffrey said timidly, "shall we go?" He said while looking at Neia's face. Although he was just a listener during the chat with Alidi yesterday, it was not a very glorious role.

Neia smiled kindly.

In this way, Alidi, who was 5 or 6 meters away from them and squatted on the ground to study the grass, became an isolated person.

Soso looked at him sympathetically.

Seemingly sensing the look in his eyes, Aidi quickly glanced back at him, then lowered his head, humming the national anthem of Biagor in his heart to encourage himself.

A pair of well-polished cowhide boots slowly stopped in front of him.

Aidi looked up, and Dilling was looking at him condescendingly. He stood up abruptly, stared at him with his head half up, and said defensively, "What do you want to do?"

"I invite you to go to the library together." Di Lin said with a smile.

Aidi felt agitated in his heart, but he couldn't hold back his face, "You want to use me?"

Di Lin said with a smile: "No, I invite you to join our group and work together."

Joining a group is undoubtedly a very tempting condition.

After all, Ciro was not there, he was alone and lonely. But Dilling was from Shaman Lille, a country that was at odds with the Caddin Empire and Biagor.

Seeing him pondering, Di Lin said again, "We are classmates, aren't we?"

"Classmates?" Aidi thought for a while and decided to temporarily put aside the grievances between the countries and get to know the situation of the college with them. Anyway, he couldn't take any revenge here. After Neia punched him yesterday, he deeply realized how weak his power was. "Okay. But I don't guarantee a top six finish in the race."

He took a peek at the pile of books. Just kidding, he's here to learn magic, not to be a nerd.

Dilling's smile remained unchanged, "Of course. As long as you try your best, there is nothing you can do if the result is not as expected."

"..." Aidi always felt that there was a threat in his smile.

Raymond's sense of direction is obviously not at the same level as Dilling's.

It took the six people more than two hours to leave the woods and come to the academy that rivals the city.

"My God!" Raimon exclaimed, making a fuss. "Look how wide and luxurious this place is? Why do we have to squeeze in that crappy tent? I bet there are a lot of empty rooms here that are bathed in dust every day!"

Although Jeffrey and Aidi did not speak, their eyes expressed similar meanings.

Neia said: "Living in the woods is closer to the elements."

Di Lin walked slowly on the white jade-like avenue of the academy, "I feel that my sense of the water element is weak."

"It's not that your senses are weak, but the water element here is not as abundant as the woods." A kind voice sounded from beside them.

Dilling and the others looked around, but there was no one there. The nearest man was standing on the lawn and drawing, and looking at his posture, he didn't seem to be paying attention here.

Soso's face turned pale, "Is it a ghost?"

Raymond denied: "This is St. Pardes Magic Academy, even if there are ghosts, they have been solved by those magisters long ago."

Susuo said: "But where did the sound come from?"

"Of course it's here." The voice that came out of nowhere had an obvious smile.

Dilling suddenly walked towards the old man who was painting.

Neia and the others hurriedly followed behind him.

"I'm sorry to bother you." Dilling put his right hand on his left chest and saluted.

The old man turned his head, his white beard spread like cotton on his chest, and his snow-white eyebrows drooped down, just blending in with the beard. Generally speaking, the most prominent part of his face is the red, round and slapped nose. In contrast, the eyes with drooping double eyelids look very dull, especially when looking at people. "Oh, hello, beautiful young man."

Dilling's eyes flickered, not because of his praise, but because of his voice, "Your voice sounds familiar."

"Of course, we just talked." The old man smiled and pointed to his painting, "What do you think of my painting?"

Dilling glanced at it, "It's full of vitality."

The old man said excitedly, "Can you see that I'm painting a garden?"

Dilling said silently: I didn't see it, I just guessed it based on the surrounding environment. He smiled and said, "You use colors very cleverly."

The old man accepted the compliment calmly, "Yes, this is my forte."

Listening to their questions and answers, Raymond almost suspected that they were not looking at the same painting. The painting on the easel cannot be described as artful from any angle. If he had to find an adjective, he could only think of "mess".

Dilling changed the subject and said, "Are you the tutor of the academy?"

"Of course not." The old man put the pen in his mouth and licked it, then quickly retracted the green tongue, "My pursuit in life is different from theirs."

Ropeway: "Are you a gardener?"

"Gardener?" The old man turned to look at him. "Does it look alike?"

"No, it doesn't look like it at all." Susuo said.

"Then why do you ask that?"

Ropeway: "I just prefer the latter among painters and gardeners."

The old man wrinkled his red nose and looked a little tangled.

Dilling hurriedly changed the subject and said, "Do you know where the library is?"

The old man said, "Which library are you looking for? There are seven libraries in the academy, not including the private library of some perverted tutors."

Dilling said: "I want to find information about the game in thirty days."

The old man said: "Those messed up rules and regulations? Oh, this is probably the stupidest competition in the academy. The rewards are not rich enough, it is completely fooling you freshmen. Trust me, preparing for this competition will be the most difficult in your life. A worthwhile thing.”

Dilling said with a wry smile: "We have no choice." Only a mentor like Heidein would let them focus on this kind of competition.

"Since you insist, okay." The old man pointed to the road on the left, "Keep walking along this road, and you will see a gloomy and quaint castle. The two highest windows of the castle are red, which is easy to recognize. ."

Dilling asked worriedly, "Is that the library?"

"Yes. Library No. 1, the largest and most complete library in the college." The old man waved his hand, "I wish you all the best of luck finding what you are looking for."

"Thank you for your advice, we will keep it in our hearts." Dilling said goodbye to him and walked towards Library No. 1.

The No. 1 library is as obvious as the old man said, both in terms of area and architectural style.

Cable said: "I hate those two red windows, they look like devil's eyes."

Raymond agreed: "The entire library is the face of the devil."

The library looks really gloomy, more gloomy than many castles, and it covers a huge area. Standing below it, there is a sense of oppression out of breath.

Dilling thought that as long as it set aside one percent of the space for books, they might drown in the sea of books. The only good thing is that they only need to read books related to the game.

The door to the library is high. In Soso's words, walking in is like walking into a mouthful of blood.

But the inside of the library is completely different from the outside. The windows are bright and clean, the sun shines in bundles, and the ceiling is full of chandeliers. In such light, even the dauntingly large bookshelf looks warm.

There is a wide stage next to the gate. A middle-aged man in a close-fitting robe is drinking coffee and fiddling with the cactus on the stage. When he sees them coming in, he is slightly taken aback: "Freshman? No class?"

Di Lindao: "The instructor asked us to come here to check the information."

"No." The man refused without thinking, "You haven't received the school badge, you are not official students, you are not qualified to enter the library."

Several people's faces suddenly fell.

Dilling frowned and said, "Can't you be accommodating?"

"Of course not." The man said with a straight face, "Didn't your instructor tell you this rule? He's so outrageous!"

"Who are you calling too outrageous?" A lazy and sweet voice sounded.

The man's neck shrank, and the secret passage was bad. He should have known that among the freshmen tutors, only this one would do such a knowing thing.

On the first floor and a half, in the leisure area dedicated to reading books, Hyde was leaning against the railing with a coffee cup and looking down, "What did you just say about the rules? I didn't hear it clearly."

After the man's face turned from white to red to blue to black, he returned to normal and asked Di Lin with a smile, "What book are you looking for?"