Holy Institution

Chapter 20: Adaptation process (9)


Hyde Yin only plans to accept one, which means that five people will return to the state of no mentor.

McCreese immediately checked the situation of all the tutors with the students. In the Holy Academy, each tutor can only take ten students, so as not to have too many students and the tutors have no time to take care of them, it will affect their schoolwork.

He looked at the form, and frowned deeply.

Usually, the tutors of the Holy Academy will conduct a certain amount of magic research in addition to the teaching. Many mentors prefer to explore new areas of magic, rather than cookie-cutter teaching their own well-known knowledge. As a result, tutors sometimes rush to push students out.

Therefore, the instructors who are generally reserved until the end still have places are classified as first-class and very difficult instructors.

— In particular, they once boycotted the aristocratic students who were exempted from the test.

Hyde turned a blind eye to McCreeth's scowling face.

"What do you think can be the fastest way to stimulate a person's potential for magic?"

McCreese said without raising his head: "Fight!"

Hydein gently hooked his chin with his fingers, "Are you fighting?"

McCreese had a sudden and bad premonition, "Learning must be gradual. Too aggressive teaching methods will only destroy students!"

Hydein squinted at him, "You just said that fighting is the fastest way to stimulate a person's potential for magic."

"But it's not a one-size-fits-all approach," McCreeth said.

Hyde narrowed his eyes.

McCreese's heart skipped a beat.

"Don't doubt my vision." Heidein's tone was super confident.

McCreeth remembered that he forgot to ask a very important question, "Which one did you choose?"


"Dilin Basseko?" McCreeth's head hurt even more.

Although the Holy Court is independent of all the countries in the Dream Continent, and it never needs to look at the face of any country, this is only a normal situation. If the son of the most powerful Duke of Basseko, Shaman Lille, is harmed in the Holy Court, perhaps the custom of peace between the Holy Court and the countries of the continent will be broken.

McCreeth began to seriously consider whether Hyde should be allowed to return to his laboratory.

"He's mine." Hydein stared at him displeased.

McCreese was taken aback, "Why do you have to have him?"

Hydein raised the corners of his mouth, "Because he looks a lot like me."

McCreeth and Dilling had little contact. In my impression, he is a prudent and humble young man. If there is anything that Heidein imagined, it should be that both of them are very good-looking and can easily attract the attention of others. As for the resemblance... That's entirely Heidein's wishful thinking.

"Do you think of yourself as Dilling?" McCreeth asked in surprise.

Hydein curled his lips, "It's just magical talent." He paused and added, "In other respects, he is too far from me. Especially in character."

"This is his greatest strength." McCreeth put this sentence in his mouth.

McCreeth eventually singled out two magisters.

Ciro's mentor - Chai Fuang.

The first place in the endorsement competition, Kevin's mentor, Melina.

He is also a well-known and difficult figure in the academy, but his reputation is slightly better than that of Heiden.

- Just a little.

McCreese did not discuss with Hydein, and directly invited the two of them to the office and briefly introduced the current situation.

Chai Fuang was about forty years old, and his body was slightly fat, but the black magician hid his belly well, and it only seemed that his face was rounder and bigger. There are deep smile lines at the corners of his eyes, and his mouth is grinned. The smile lines at the corners of his eyes are like folded fans, "The student who gives Hyde a headache? I'm very interested."

As soon as Heidein came in from them, his face became not very good-looking, and now he heard the words and stared at him coldly, "Headache? Hmph, I just don't want to waste my time on garbage."

Chai Fuang said indifferently, "I accept the steps you found for yourself." He smiled at McCreese, "I am willing to accept two students."

McCreese frowned slightly, "Just two people?" He looked at Melina, who was sitting on the far right of the sofa, keeping a moderate distance from everyone else.

Melina's age is almost the sum of Chai Fuang and Hydein. At nearly seventy years old, she is well-maintained, with a straight waist, a slender waist, and her silvery and smooth hair. But there is always only one expression on the face, always with the chill that no one is near. "I'll accept at most one more."

McCreese's face fell, "But there are six students in total this time."

Chai Fuang said with a smile, "I have already brought three students." He looked at Melina, "What about you?" As a former student of Melina, he always had respect for her.

Melina said lightly: "Two."

McCreese looked at Heidein for help.

Hyde looked up at the ceiling.

McCreese coughed awkwardly and said, "I've asked them to come over, maybe you can see them before making a decision."

Chai Fuang and Melina were noncommittal.

McCreese knew that they were both opinionated people and that it would be extremely difficult to change their decision in a short period of time. He thought gloomily: Is he really going to invite those council elders who are about to retire to come out

Dean Orosei will definitely blow his head with a cane!

After McCreese announced the list, Dilling has been paying attention to Heidein's movements.

Because with Heidein's character, if the matter has nothing to do with him at all, he will never waste time to participate. Sure enough, in the midst of the whole audience crying, he saw Hydein and McCreese talking, and then McCreese's face became extremely ugly.

He couldn't hear what they were talking about, but from McCreeth's casual glance, he sensed that it had something to do with them.

McCreese's evening invitation confirmed his suspicions.

On the way there, Aidi asked excitedly: "You said, is he going to give us another reward?" As he won the tenth place in the endorsement competition, he felt that his position should be won. more rewards.

Raymond sneered: "You only get tenth place as a reward?"

Aridi retorted: "Dilling didn't win the first place, I can't blame it."

Dilling looked at Soso's eyes that were red and swollen like walnuts, and patted his shoulder comfortingly.

Seeing Soso's eyes, Alidi thought he was sad because they didn't get the top six, and stopped embarrassingly.

A group of people followed the senior who led the way to a small town composed of many rectangular parallelepipeds.

A long drawbridge rests over a small pool apparently dug by hand.

The light gray sky shines on the dark gray town, which is both quiet and desolate.

The senior introduced: "This is based on the Langzin Palace."

Raymond and the others all looked at Neia.

Dilling too. In fact, he was trying to find a legitimate excuse to look at him.

Neia's expression was so light that it seemed like it would disappear into the air at any moment.

"Are you all right?" Raymond said hesitantly.

Neia's pupils seemed to have no focal length, facing directly in front, and said softly: "It's okay."

Soso pulled Dilling's sleeve, his eyes full of questions.

Dilling didn't start, and dragged Soso to move forward.

He knew he had done nothing wrong. It was impossible for him to use the Basseko family's army of magicians as proof of his friendship with a friend he had just known for a while. However, his relationship with Neia had turned into what it is today, and he couldn't help but feel depressed.

If Neia was willing to trust him and say why, he would be more than willing to help.


When Dilling and his party walked into McCreese's office, McCreese was sweating profusely trying to keep Melena.

Her patience is clearly inversely proportional to age.

So when McCreese saw Dilling and the others, he breathed a sigh of relief and smiled at Melina, "They have already arrived."

Melina's eyes swept across everyone's faces indifferently, then pointed at Neia and said, "That's him."

Dilling and others looked at her in confusion.

Even Neia's eyes showed a bit of confusion.

Melina said: "From now on, you are me, Melina Hopkin's student."

Chai Fuang smiled and said, "Teacher, you are still so impatient. Well, let me take a good look. Who should I find to be with Ciro?"

Aidi's eyes lit up and he was about to speak when he saw Neia suddenly step forward, staring at Chai Fuang, and said firmly, "Please accept me!"

Chai Fuang: "..."

Melina's expression remained the same, but the icy aura on her body suddenly increased several times.

Heidein, who had been looking at the ceiling, finally turned his gaze back to the front, and the corners of his mouth raised with interest.

McCreese was eager to find a quilt to cover himself with. The quilt doesn't need to be too big, as long as it doesn't let him see the messy situation in front of him.