Holy Institution

Chapter 25: Teaching method (5)


It was pitch black in the water.

Dilling could only close his eyes and use his sense of the water element to find the small stone with the fire element hidden on the surface.

The bright water element in my mind is as dense as silver sesame seeds scattered all over the place. Not to mention the fire element, you can't even see a gap.

Dilling surfaced again for a breath.

Although the lake is not very deep, he has been in the water for such a long time, and his physical strength and willpower are on the verge of exhaustion.

He couldn't help but turn his head to look at the shore.

In just a short while, the sky was completely dark.

The figures of Heidein and Soso drowned in the woods together. He could only vaguely guess where they might be based on the location in his memory.


He heard himself exhale deeply, and then continued to sink to the bottom.

He could not count the number of times this was the first time he had gone to the bottom of the lake, and each time he hoped it would be the last, and each time he was disappointed. Should he be glad that he played with water since he was a child, so he can persist until now? if not like this…

Dilling imagined Hydein's appearance and immediately concluded that even if he couldn't swim, he would kick himself off.

Perhaps, for him, there is only the use of his method, and nothing is inapplicable.

The water element in my mind suddenly flashed.

The so-called flickering is a light and a dark.

His heart tightened and he slowly swam back to his original position.

The bleak point came out clearly in my mind.

Dilling reached out and groped slowly at the bottom of the lake, piece by piece... until he caught it.

"Grumpy Grumpy..."

After catching the stone, he instantly relaxed his mind and body.

When he found out that he was not good, his body no longer obeyed his commands, but the air kept escaping from his nose...

Suosuo lowered his head, his eyes fixed on the position of his toes.

In fact, he couldn't see his toes. But the darkness provided him with such good cover that even if the person standing in front of him was Heidein, who he had always been afraid of, he felt that he was not as nervous as he thought.

Just that question of him—

To be honest, he didn't think it was a big deal. He didn't have much interest in magic in the first place. If he could stay in the academy, even if he was doing the work of arranging documents like today, he would feel very good. At least it is much quieter here than Gu Lan, and you can see Di Lin every day. Thinking of this, Soso felt happy.

Hyde looked at the lake and counted the time silently, his face changed suddenly, his body was blown to the lake by a gust of wind, where Di Lin was in the water. He raised his hand high, and the pillar of fire plunged deep into the water like a spear in his hand!

Suo Suo watched in shock as the lake water churned, and then rushed towards the shore as if pushed away by fire.

The water quickly came over his feet, but he didn't feel it at all. His eyes were fixed on the location of the lake. Looking at Hydein's appearance, he also guessed that something must have happened to Dilling.

The pillar of fire inserted in the middle of the lake suddenly separated, drawing a circle around Heidein, wrapping him in the center.

Because the flames were so intense, Soso couldn't see what was going on.

He only knew that after a while, the flame slowly died out.

Hydein slowly flew back to shore with Dilling in his arms.

"Dilling?" Suo Suo leaned over, but was avoided by Hyde Yin.

"Do you know why he fainted?" Hydein asked coldly.

Soso replied without hesitation: "Because you asked him to pick up stones."

Hyde pouted in displeasure, "He can refuse."

Suso felt that there was something wrong with this sentence, but couldn't think of anything wrong for a while.

Seeing that he was silent, Hyde chased after the victory: "For you, he can't refuse."

Soso looked at him blankly.

Heidein said: "He wants to help you lift the shackles on your body."

The corners of Soso's lips moved, and she said softly, "I'm fine."

Heidein said: "If you are always so weak, then he will always think that you have a relationship. Although your head is stupid, it is not completely empty. You should make good use of the remaining things to find your own future."

Soso's eyes were even more dazed.

The lake slowly receded.

Hydein put Dilling on the shore, opened his mouth with his fingers, thought about it, and used some fire elements to enter his body to drive out the water elements.

"Cough cough." Di Lin was awakened by the heat in his chest, opened his eyes, and looked at Heidein in confusion. After a while, he raised his hand and gave him the stone in his hand, "I found it."

Hyde took back the fire element and said lightly: "I will abide by the agreement."

Dilling was relieved, and slowly put his raised hand down.

Susuo looked at Heidein timidly, walked quietly to the other side of Dilling, grabbed his hand and said, "Are you all right?"

"It's okay." Dilling gave him a reassuring smile.

Hydein raised his eyebrows and said, "Don't you think that with your appearance, his question is very mindless, and your answer is very insincere?"

Soso bit her lip.

Dilling grabbed Soso's arm and stood up slowly, the pain all over his body made him almost want to lie down forever, "Let's go back."

Soso said depressedly: "Dinner is over."

Dilling patted his shoulder, "I'm sorry."

Just as Suo Suo was about to explain that he was afraid that Dilling would not be able to eat a warm dinner because he was so tired, he was cut off by Hyde: "You raised a pig."

Dilling was displeased with his attitude towards Suso repeatedly, and retorted, "I will."

The three walked for a while.

Heidein said suddenly: "So he is really a pig."

Dilling: "..."

After this drowning incident, Hydein's next teaching method is finally much gentler, and he can eat lunch and dinner most of the time.

Dilling was only interested in finding the magician who cast the spell.

Hydein took a night out and took him and Dilling to the house of the college clerks.

Despite being chores, their accommodation is no worse than that of the trainees. From Dilling's point of view, the lighting design of their house is much better than the house he currently lives in. This may be because the students do not live here for long, but they have to live for a lifetime.

Hydein's arrival caused a certain stir.

Although Dilling didn't understand why there was such a scene, the fact was that every door was closed.

People who were originally laid-back and self-satisfied suddenly became nervous.

Soso asked inexplicably: "What happened to them?"

Hydein responded with rare cooperation: "Nothing. I only occasionally ask them to help me with my experiments."

Dilling, who had personally experienced Hyde's teaching method and almost died at the bottom of the lake, immediately sympathized and understood the behavior of the employees.

Leading up to the attic was an old ladder that creaked on it.

Dilling asked Soso to walk in front, and he followed behind in case of an accident. And Hydein flew up with magic.

The attic has a strange smell of paint.

Dilling walked up to the attic and saw all kinds of horrible paintings placed around the room.

The weak light does not add to the beauty of the pictures at all, but makes them look even more terrifying.

Heidein was standing by the window, and beside him sat an old man with a white beard and a round nose.

Dilling felt very serious, and Suosuo called out first and said, "Ah, it's you."

The old man glanced at him sideways, then looked at Heidein and said, "You don't look like a nosy person."

Heidein pointed to Dilling: "This is my student."


"It's no idle business."

"Then whose student is he?" The old man pointed at Soso.

Hydein pronounced the name almost with his nose, "Chai Fuang."

The old man pouted, "Look, you really don't need to bring them to me. Chai Fuang knows very well that I will never break his seal."

Heidein said: "My agreement with him is to bring them to see you. As for whether to untie it or not, that is a matter between you and them."

Dilling couldn't help but said, "Can you tell me why you can't unlock his seal?"

The old man turned his head slowly, then pointed to a painting on the wall and said, "How do you like this painting?"

Dilling followed his fingers.

This is an indescribable painting. There are only white and shades of orange and red, and they are mixed together in a mess, and I don't know what to express.

Heidein said: "Your talent for painting is inversely proportional to your talent for magic."

The old man said: "I admit that my magical talent is terrible."

Dilling said slowly: "This painting... looks like you."

The old man's eyes suddenly lit up, "Can you see that this is my self-portrait?"

Heiden also looked at him in amazement.

Dilling nodded hard. What he recognized was the big nose.