Holy Institution

Chapter 27: Teaching method (7)


After returning from Alidi's dormitory, Di Lin felt an itchy hand, and couldn't help but go downstairs and randomly found a tree there to continue sensing.

Strange to say, he seemed to have an innate sense of the water element, and he had a vague feeling from childhood to adulthood. Later, after a little bit of help from the teacher, that feeling was clearly revealed as if the cloud had been pushed aside. But for the other three elements, his perception is very weak, so weak that it can almost be ignored.

His enlightenment teacher also felt a little strange about this. People who can sense one element can usually sense other elements, maybe one, maybe two, maybe all four. It’s just that the perception is strong and weak. After one kind of cultivation is fixed, the other kinds will become weaker and weaker until they are completely ignored. It's rare to be as dedicated as him.

Dilling didn't know why Hyde was so persistent in letting him perceive the other three. He tried so hard, entirely out of the young man's competitive spirit.

Nearly eleven o'clock.

Very quiet at night.

Dilling's legs went numb as he stood.

As usual, getting nothing left him frustrated. Alidi said that it is necessary to feel gentle and kind, and he thought he had tried very hard to be gentle. Isn't that kind enough

Dilling stared blankly at the tree.

I wonder if the wood element can sense when he smiles at the trees

Thinking about it, the corners of his mouth twitched up a little involuntarily.

This is a very weird picture.

A beautiful teenager with short orange-red hair is smiling affectionately at a tree.

The crisp footsteps broke into the painting.

Dilling immediately pursed his lips and looked in the direction of the footsteps.

Neia walked back indifferently, like a ghost floating in the moonlight.

"Neia?" Dilling called softly.

Neia turned her head to the side, her eyes as black as a bottomless pit reflected her pale, almost transparent eyes, and the black and white were extremely distinct.

Di Lin stepped forward and asked with concern, "Are you all right?"

Neia's eyes flickered, and she weakly said two words from her lips, "It's okay."

"you… "

"I'm very tired." Neia avoided Dilling's outstretched hand and walked towards the dormitory without looking back.

Dilling thought for a while and silently followed behind him.

In fact, at every corner of the stairs, Neia could see Dilling following behind him, but he didn't say anything, as if he couldn't see anything except the road in front of him.

Dilling had a strange thought in his mind.

I remember when Neia tried to ask him for help but failed, and that's the same expression...

Neia quickly returned to her room.

Dilling went back to his room, woke up Suosuo, who was lying on his bed and didn't know what to do, and told him to go back to his room.

"Why?" Suosuo rubbed his eyes and looked at him blankly.

"Nia is in a bad mood." Di Lin glanced at Raymond, who looked up from the comic strip, and said in a low voice, "Go and accompany him."

Suosuo wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes from drowsiness, got up and put on his shoes, then looked at Dilling worriedly and said, "I don't know what to say."

"Anything." Dilling patted him on the shoulder, "Just don't leave him alone."

"Can I continue to sleep?" Soso asked shyly. He is really sleepy.

Dilling said: "When you go back, he should almost be ready to sleep."

Soso went back in peace.

Raymond waited for him to close the door, and suddenly turned his head with interest, "I always feel that Neia doesn't seem to be here to learn magic."

Dilling said calmly, "Why do you say that?"

Raymond said: "He seems to be making friends all the time."

"I also like to make friends." Dilling smiled at him, "don't you?"

"Oh, that's different." Raymond looked at him strangely, "Why do you always speak for him?"

Dilling lowered his head and remained silent for three seconds before slowly saying, "Because I think he had a hard time."

From the very first moment when he first met Neia, he felt like there was something on the pale boy's shoulders, and he couldn't breathe. Even if he never said it, he rarely revealed it.

Dilling frowned, remembering the curse Neia had endured the night he stole the test papers.

The next day, Di Lin looked at Neia's gentle expression, which was completely different from last night, and silently hid the care he was about to talk about in his heart, finished breakfast alone, and walked towards the forest that he had agreed with Hydein.

it's clear.

The air was filled with a faint scent of flowers and plants.

Di Lin was recalling the scene of outing with his mother in the suburbs when he was a child, when he felt a gloom in his head, and the huge flames rushed to his face!

The body reacted in an instant, swooping to the right.

The hot wind whistled past his left ear, causing him to break out in a cold sweat!

"Why didn't you take the Knight Academy?" Hydein's unique voice sounded in front of him.

Di Lin moved his legs and found that his limbs hadn't been rigid enough, so he slowly stood up.

Heidein obviously did not intend to let him go so easily. "It is the instinct of a knight to use his skills to save his life in times of danger."

Di Lin couldn't hold his breath and replied, "Because I respect your teaching and forgot the water magic I learned."

Hydein sneered: "You will forget, that's because it doesn't belong to you. If it belongs to you, even if you die, you won't forget it."

Di Lin raised his eyes, and the light in his eyes seemed to speculate on the deep meaning of his words.

"A true magician, what he possesses is not the magic left over by those who came before, but he creates magic that suits him. If you can't do that, then you didn't come to St. Pades to learn magic at all. Necessary. With your family's financial resources, it shouldn't be difficult to buy a bunch of magic scrolls to squander, right?" Hydein raised his chin slightly, and looked at him condescendingly, full of disdain.

Dilling's lips pursed into a line.

The so-called magic scroll is equivalent to a contract with the elements. Use gems as a bridge to communicate with the elements, and activate magical forms with spells written in magic potions on scrolls. Its advantage is that it can be used by people who are a little bit sensitive to elements, but the disadvantage is that it is expensive.

"I'll pay attention next time." Dilling heard himself answer coldly.

"Next time?" Hydein condensed a flame in his hand.

Di Lin's heart tightened, his eyes fixed on the flame, and the water element in his mind tumbled like a river overturned. His habit made him almost use the water mask that Mr. Rich had taught him, but he was so strong that he quickly restrained this desire.




His thoughts were mixed up by these two words, and he didn't know how to create his own magic. In the end, there was only one thought left in his head—


Maybe the idea is too strong.

The water elements suddenly crowded together and rushed towards the position where the fire elements condensed!


Great sound of water.

Dilling stared blankly at Heidein, who was poured from head to toe by a large scoop of water, and his empty palms, which were still stretched out in mid-air.

"Ha... Deyin tutor?" He said with difficulty.

The wet Hyde suddenly smiled strangely, "So the magic in your mind is like this."

Dilling's mouth turned up unnaturally.

"There is no beauty." Hyde turned around indifferently, dripping with drops of water, and walked deeper into the woods.

Dilling hesitated to catch up.

"Continue to practice wood elements." Heidein's voice came from a distance.

"Yes!" he answered loudly, then breathed a sigh of relief.

The connection of the wood element is still not progressing.

But Dilling was in a good mood.

In any case, being able to see the embarrassed Heidein is not an easy task. Although he felt that Hydein didn't resist on purpose, it didn't stop him from being in a good mood.

Back in the dormitory, he found that neither Raymond nor Suso had come back. He went downstairs and contacted Mu Elements and waited until it was dark and his stomach was growling for a long time, but he didn't see half of the students.

This is so counterintuitive.

Could it be that they are participating in something they don't know about

If there is anything bad about a mentor or a student, it is the lack of information. Especially the mentor is a loner like Hydein.

Dilling didn't even know who he should ask in this situation.

He wandered around for a while, and decided to visit McCreeth's residence. As the dean of the junior class, he might have some news there.

Tutors and students' dormitories are not far apart.

About twenty minutes on foot. Dilling used a trot, so he arrived in just ten minutes.

The tutor building is brightly lit.

He was about to step forward when he saw McCreese coming out of the building, followed by a thin figure.

Just a glance, Dilling recognized the man.

Pale in the moonlight, he was all too familiar.
