Holy Institution

Chapter 29: Teaching methods (9)


Neia woke up early in the morning to pack up the rest of the things, the sheets and quilts, not a single piece.

Dilling sat beside the bed, watching the things in the room that belonged to Neia decreased one by one, until they all fit into his space bag.

"You really decided?" Dilling asked dully.

Neia looked at him with a smile, her pale face glowing slightly golden under the light of the morning sun, it was surprisingly beautiful. "Perhaps, this is the last time we will meet, but I will always remember you as a friend." He stretched out his hand, thin but firm.

Dilling stood up and held his hand solemnly.

His hands were cold, just like his people.

Neia took the initiative to let go, "I'm leaving."

"Don't say goodbye to other classmates?" Di Lin looked at the still bright sky. At this time, Sosoremon and the others must still be sleeping.

"No." Neia said, "There's nothing to say."

After listening to him say this, Dilling no longer insisted, "I will send you."

"Okay." Neia did not refuse this time.

The two walked downstairs and saw McCreese waiting there.

"You still want to go?" McCreeth was slightly surprised.

Neia nodded.

McCreeth hesitated, "Maybe you can wait."

Neia lowered her gaze, "I'm afraid it's too late."

McCreese sighed, with sympathy for the weak boy flashing in his eyes, "Although it's none of my business, I still have to say, sorry for disappointing you."

Neia shook her shoulders slightly, raised her head, mixed emotions flashed from his eyes, and then smiled lightly: "Your Majesty Magis, you are serious."

McCreese said no more, turned and walked in the direction of Mirage Lake.

Neia and Dilling silently followed him.

On the way, Dilling wanted to speak several times to break the silence, but he still didn't know how to speak. McCreese's heavy footsteps and Neia's indifferent expression made him feel that the pursuit of a relaxed atmosphere was a luxury.

Mirage Lake gradually appeared in the field of vision.

The blue water of the lake is as pure and flawless as the sky. The cool breeze in the morning ruffled the lake surface, sparkling.

The boat is docked on the shore.

Dilling looked at the boat, his eyes slightly astringent. He suddenly found himself a little homesick.

"I'm leaving." Neia whispered beside him.

Di Lin returned to his senses, looked at him, and said solemnly, "Take care."

Neia smiled, turned to board the boat, and walked into the cabin, in a hurry as if she was in a hurry to escape from everything behind her, and as if she was in a hurry to go somewhere.

Little by little the boat left the shore, slowly embarking on the journey.

McCreeth suddenly said, "Didn't he ask for your help?"

Dilling's ears warmed, and after a while he said, "What happened to him?"

McCreese glanced down at him, shook his head slowly, and said, "Forget it." He left behind Dilling, who was still standing on the shore overlooking, and started to walk back. From the time he entered St. Pardes to study, he was used to seeing all kinds of people come and go, so although he felt regretful and regretful about Neia's departure, that feeling only lasted for a brief moment.

Di Lin looked at the smaller and smaller boat shadow, and slowly stroked the direction of his heart with his left hand, as if any feeling disappeared before it could take shape.

Neia's departure did not cause too many ripples among the students. Except for Suso and Raymond who were still sad for a while, the others seemed to have not noticed his disappearance at all.

Dilling asked Soso about Ciro, but Soso looked at him blankly, apparently not having any impression of what happened last night. Dilling had to tell him not to drink alone in the future, and if he went to a party, he must go with him.

Soso agreed.

In fact, he originally wanted to come back and call Dilling, but after being drunk by Raymond, he didn't remember anything.

That night, Raymond received Dilling's warning. In order to attract enough attention to him, Dilling made the situation extremely serious.

Ruimeng thought that he almost caused a battle between the princes of the two countries on a whim, and felt guilty in his heart.

Time flies, and in the blink of an eye, two months have passed so quietly.

In the past two months, through unremitting efforts, Di Lin finally sensed the wood element and the earth element. Although it was very weak, the feeling of being able to perceive the four elements was really good.

However, before he had time to be happy, he was greatly splashed with cold water by Kevin's performance.

Watching Kevin easily use magic to create a giant spiral water vortex, his inner joy was swept away.

Because he is a civilian, Kevin was completely unaware of magic before he entered St. Pardes, but his mastery of water magic is far superior to him now. This feeling of being overtaken is like a heavy hammer on the ground. In the bottom of his heart, his eyes darkened.

Susuo and Ruimeng were surprised when they saw Di Lin's face was not very good. In my impression, Dilling seemed to be an always gentle and stable boy, and he rarely showed such an expression.

Soso shook his arm worriedly, "Had Heidein bullied you again?"

Dilling wanted to nod, but after thinking about it, he shook his head again.

Raymond lay on the pillow, his feet swayed back and forth gently, "Have you encountered difficulties in studying?"

Dilling stared at him and said, "Did Teacher Meilena teach you magic?"

"Magic? Of course." Raymond wondered, "Aren't we learning magic when we come to St. Pardes School of Magic?"

Dilling pursed his lips.

Raymond said in surprise: "Have you not learned magic yet?"

Di Lindao: "No specific study."

"What do you mean without specific learning?" Raymond put his hands on the bed and sat up cross-legged, "Could it be that Hydein didn't teach you magic spells?"

"No." Dilling's face suddenly became ugly. "He said that a real magician should not learn the magic left by his predecessors, but should create his own magic."

Raymond frowned and said: "What are you kidding? We haven't even figured out what magic is, how can we create magic? Besides, isn't it Saint Pades's graduation exam to create our own magic? You haven't learned anything yet. Then, how can you create your own magic?"

The doubts that had been in his heart for a long time were finally clarified by Raymond, and Di Lin's face turned from black to red.

Suoso was confused and confused, "Di Lin, haven't you learned real magic yet? Then what are you learning all these days?"

Di Lin said slowly: "Sensing the other three elements." He only mentioned this when he asked Aidi for advice, and no one else knew about it.

Raymond exclaimed: "God! What kind of mentor is this! Everyone knows that as the magician learns more about the magic system he has chosen, his sense of the other three elements will gradually disappear until he has no sense of it at all. Now Learning to sense the other three elements is a waste of time."

Susuo said: "Ah. Then why did Hyde do this?"

"God knows." Raymond looked at Dilling sympathetically. Originally, he was very envious of Dilling being able to get Heidein's one-on-one teaching, but now it seems that it is definitely a disaster.

"You guys go to dinner first, I'll leave." Di Lin said, and walked out without looking back.

Suosuo chased after two steps, then turned to look at Raymond and said, "Where is he going?"

Raymond said: "Find the culprit to settle accounts."

When Dilling came out, he was full of anger and puzzlement, ready to question Hydein. But when he really saw Hydein, his anger was still there, but he didn't know where to start with the questioning.

Heidein looked up from the book, raised his eyebrows and looked at Dilling who was standing motionless in front of him, "You came here sweating profusely just to stand here to block my sunshine?"

Di Lin said solemnly, "I have something to ask you."

"Ask you?" Hydein extended the last word, then curled his lips and said, "It seems that he came to Xingshi to ask his guilt."

Dilling said: "I want to know why you haven't taught me water magic all the time." He paused, as if to prove that he was not being unreasonable, and then added, "Other students have already learned a lot of water magic."

"Do you know the difference between genius and mediocrity?" Hydein raised his chin slightly.

"I can't see my genius."

Hydein raised the corners of his mouth mockingly, "When did I say you're a genius?"

Dilling looked at him suspiciously, his eyes seemed to say that the genius and mediocrity you were referring to were not referring to him and other classmates

"There is no doubt that the most powerful genius in St. Pardes..." He stretched out his finger and pointed to himself slowly, "that's me. The other classmates you so-called are just the second generation of mediocrity taught by mediocrity. Whether you want to listen to me or listen to them is your choice."

Di Lin was silent for a while, then said slowly: "I want to know your teaching plan, including every step and every purpose."

"Okay." Hydein put down the book, stood up slowly, and sneered, "You can wait until you become the dean of St. Pades."

Dilling choked his throat, and seemed to realize that his request was too reckless, but what he said was like poured water, and it was impossible to take it back. He didn't want to bow his head to Hydein, so the topic turned to another direction, "Then, I want to change my tutor."

"Also." Hydein hugged his chest and said, "As long as someone can beat me, it's fine."

Dilling looked at his confident look suspiciously, could it be that...

Saint Pardes so many magisters, can't beat him