Holy Institution

Chapter 34: Primary Exam (4)


Silver-green eyes twinkled, slowly revealing its true colors from the grass. If it weren't for the dazzling silver armor on it, Dilling and the others would definitely recognize it as a wild boar.

Raymond took a deep breath and said, "I'm sure it's not in the booklet the instructor sent us."

Kevin whispered: "It looks a bit like a silver armored beast."

Dilling glanced at him, "It's a good name."

Kevin said: "No, I mean I have seen this kind of monster in a book, if I remember correctly..."

Dilling heard his voice trembling slightly, and his heart sank, "What?"

"He is a fifth-order monster."

Fifth grade? !

In order to distinguish the magical beasts, the magician specially divided all kinds of magical beasts into ten levels, the higher the level, the more difficult it is to deal with.

Before the primary exam, McCreese once said that the monsters they encountered were all first-order monsters, and there were very few second-order monsters. How could a fifth-order monster run out all of a sudden

Dilling and the others looked at each other and saw the ugly expressions on each other's faces.

The silver-armored beast walked five or six meters away from them and stopped suddenly, a bloodthirsty light flashed in its silver-green eyes.

Dilling shouted: "Crush the crystal ball!"

Before the exam, they each received a crystal ball, which they would crush if they were in danger during the exam or if they wanted to give up the exam. But it also means failing the exam.

Therefore, although Kevin and others squeezed the crystal ball in their hands the moment Dilling spoke, no one squeezed it immediately.

Once pinched, the exam is over.

They looked at each other and seemed to be waiting for the other to act.

Dilling was not as complicated as they thought. He stared closely at the direction of the Shining Armored Beast, and slowly took out the sword from the space bag.

Although he decided early on that he wanted to become a magician, as the only son of the Duke of Basseco, learning the swordsmanship was a must. In this situation, instead of relying on his own half-baked magic, it is better to use a sword to be safe.

Seeing the sword, the silver-armored beast seemed to feel provocation, and those green eyes locked on his figure as if looking at the prey.

Dilling's palm holding the sword slowly oozes sweat. He secretly calculated in his mind the time it would take for the mentors to come over, and silently calculated how long he could hold on.

Kevin and the other three looked at the crystal ball that was still intact in each other's hands, and the embarrassment in their hearts expanded little by little.

"Maybe, I saw it wrong." Kevin said.

"What?" Dilling was startled.

At this moment, the silver armored beast turned into a silver wind and charged towards him.

The water polo the size of a ball quickly smashed through Kevin's hand.

Raymond and Aidi also immediately used magic, but at this time, their magic was obviously of little help.

I saw the silver armored beast throwing off the water polo, letting it fall behind, still rushing straight towards Di Lin.

Di Lin swiftly jumped back, raised his sword with both hands, and slammed it down at the head of the silver armored beast.

With a ding sound, the sword slashed firmly on the head of the silver armored beast.

Dilling's hands were numb, and he could hardly hold the hilt of the sword. On the other hand, the silver armored beast is actually not damaged at all!

The silver-armored beast let out a breath of heat, and its silver-green eyes stared fiercely at Di Lin's chest, and arched over violently.

Di Lin was hit hard in the chest and knocked three or four meters away.

Kevin and the others were dumbfounded and crushed the crystal ball almost simultaneously.

The silver-armored beast didn't stop, but took two steps forward, raised his feet, and stomped down on Di Lin's chest.

"Be careful!" Raymond and Kevin didn't care about using any magic at this time, and both bumped into them with their bodies.

The silver armored beast completely disregarded the crisis behind him, and at this moment its eyes were filled with Di Lin's figure.

Dilling was dizzy just now, and when he saw it lift his feet, he rolled to the side without thinking. Due to the pain in his chest, his movements were sluggish, and his arm almost brushed its front hoof before flashing.

Raymond and Kevin jumped on the silver-armored beast, and they were bounced away before they did anything.

The Shining Armor flicked its tail and turned to look at them.

Now, no one dares to doubt that it is not a fifth-order monster. An invulnerable physique is not what a Tier 1 or 2 Warcraft should have.

However, this realization is obviously a bit late.

Three of the four of them had already lied down. Although the rest of Alidi did not lie down, it was almost the same as lying down, and his legs kept shaking.

Dilling took a deep breath, grabbed the tree trunk in his hand and stood up slowly, the pain in his chest almost made his eyes darken and soften.

Sensing his movement, the silver armored beast turned around and aimed at him again.

"Damn." Dilling raised his hand and wiped the corner of his mouth. When he was hit just now, he bit his lip.

Kevin and Raymond looked at each other, not knowing what Dilling wanted to do. Thinking of putting everyone in such danger just because of their own selfishness, both of them were a little embarrassed.

"I've been running to the east to keep it away." Dilling said this very quickly, gritted his teeth, turned and ran in the direction behind.

The silver armored beast let out a low roar, and actually followed.

Kevin and Raymond wanted to stand up at the same time, but quickly fell back.

In terms of physical quality, they are much weaker than Dilling.

At this moment, Aidi came up quietly and said, "Isn't the direction he's going to the north?"

Raymond Kevin: "… "

The violent running made Dilling's eyes turn black. He didn't know how long he could run out. In fact, after seeing the speed of the Shining Armored Beast, it was a naive idea to try to distract the Shining Armored Beast. But in the situation just now, he had no choice.

God knows if the silver armored beast is carnivorous.

Because the Shining Armor Beast is obviously more interested in him, it is the best way to sacrifice himself to keep the other few. At least there is still a chance.

Just when he felt that his physical strength reached the limit and wanted to give up, the silvery water element in his mind was unprecedentedly clear. That instinctive desire to run faster seems to drive the water elements, making them quickly gather around the body, and…

Made him fly

He opened his eyes, and indeed found himself flying.

No, it should be said, rushing forward in a flying attitude.

Gradually, he felt that the blackness receded from his eyes, the trees swept down quickly to both sides, and the sound of the wind could be heard in his ears.

After an unknown amount of time, a burst of nausea surged in his chest, and he felt like he wanted to vomit. He hurriedly thought about stopping, and sure enough, the water element retreated little by little, and his feet fell back to the ground.

The first thing Dilling did when he got his feet on the ground was to turn his head to look at the road.

After making sure that the silver-armored beast that appeared out of nowhere and didn't know where to chase it, he slowly let out a breath, slid down against the towering tree beside him, and unbuttoned his chest. button.

The large blushing will soon turn into bruises, but what he is most worried about is the internal injury. He touched it and stopped to make sure it wasn't broken, and took out the crystal ball from the space bag.

Although he had already told Raymond and the others the direction before leading the Shining Armor away, it was better to crush the crystal ball to be safe, so that they could easily find his location.

But the moment his fingers were about to use force, he stopped again.

No matter from which point of view, the current primary exam has been deviated from the original syllabus, and pressing the crystal ball is the best choice. However, Di Lin Ningmei, he has a mentor who does not play cards according to the rules of the cards. Could all this be another level set by Heidein? Since he can put forward the unreasonable condition that he can find an elemental elves to graduate, it seems that it is not so impossible to find a fifth-order magical beast.

Perhaps, he was waiting somewhere for him to concede defeat and call for help

Dilling looked down at the crystal ball in his hand, and sat and struggled silently, rationally and emotionally.

struggle for a long time. He finally took it back and turned to the jerky to chew on.

Anyway, the silver armored beast has been thrown away, and what he has to do now is to complete the remaining tasks. As long as he thinks of Hydein's stunned expression, the blood in his heart will boil, and the pain in his chest doesn't seem to be so unbearable.

He finished his jerky, stood up smugly, and… froze.


Where did he come from just now

Getting lost in the forest is just as terrifying as getting lost in the desert. Because when you walk around, you will find that the surrounding environment is similar. If there is a plus, it's that the weather in the forest is not bad, with plenty of light before the sun goes down. If there is a disadvantage, it is that he does not know when a high-level monster that he has not seen will appear again.

However, sometimes people can not be too blindly optimistic.

A few hours later, Dilling found that the sun was going down, the surrounding forest was getting darker and darker, and another pair of eyes appeared in front of him.

A pair of red eyes.