Holy Institution

Chapter 39: Primary Exam (9)


Ciro rushed back to the place before dark, where there were big trees intertwined, very eye-catching.

Seeing him frowning, Soso stood obediently, not daring to make a sound.

Ciro suddenly said: "The four directions are not right, it means that we are not lost." The content of their exam is to find fifty trees whose wood element is gradually declining, and to heal it with water and earth elements.

Due to the fire element that Ciro is good at, he is only responsible for marking with nicks.

Their group had healed three trees before, and he drew the three nicks. He clearly remembered their positions and shapes. If they saw them, they would definitely recognize them. Now that they have walked in all four directions, they have not seen the familiar environment, which means that they are no longer in their original positions.

Soso opened his eyes.

"It should be," Ciro said solemnly, "I encountered space magic."

Soso blurted out, "What should I do then?"

Hearing him ask such a question, the irritability in Ciro's heart swelled up again.

Everyone wants to meet a partner who can discuss problems or even a guide who can solve problems when they encounter difficulties. It is definitely not a child who only knows to rely on others.

But he still held back his anger, "Find a way out."

Seeing the cold light flashing in his eyes, Soso immediately snuffed out the thought of breaking the casserole and asking to the end.

"Let's rest first and have something to eat." Shiro picked up some dry wooden sticks, piled them into a pile, and set them on fire.

Soso took the blanket out of the space bag. Half on the ground and half on the body.

Ciro took out the jerky and ate it with water. He ate half of it, and when he saw Suosuo staring at him, holding his knees and looking at him, he couldn't help frowning and said, "You don't eat?"

"I said, I want you to eat." Soso said, swallowing involuntarily.

Shi Luo looked at him with a pitiful look on his face. He originally wanted to hand over the jerky in his hand, but after thinking about it, this time may be a good way to let Soso know that he must think clearly before doing things. If he is hungry, he will know that if he dares to say something, he must bear the corresponding consequences.

Thinking like this, he quickly wiped out the remaining jerky.

Soso's arms holding his knees tightened even more, as if trying to cover up his rumbling stomach.

"Go to bed early." Ciro took out the cushions, pillows and blankets from the space bag. After laying them all out, he lay down on his back gracefully, with both hands on his chest, in the most perfect sleeping position.

Suso has seen his sleeping position before falling asleep once, but when he wakes up, his sleeping position will be very unrestrained.

He took out the water bottle, took a sip of water to pad his stomach, and then lay down.

The flame between the two gradually weakened, and soon a small flame remained.

Because of the cold, Suosuo shrank into a ball.

dong dong dong...

There was a sound similar to metal slamming in the distance, and the ground trembled slightly.

Ciro, who was sleeping with big characters, quickly sat up, and his eyes became clear after seeing the situation around him clearly.

He threw the mattress or something into the space bag, and then looked at Susuo hesitating for a while, but reached out and pushed him to wake up and said, "Get up."

Suoso was sleeping soundly, but when he saw his face, he couldn't react for a while, "Siro?"

"Get up." Ciro grabbed his arm and pulled him up abruptly.

Suoso frowned in pain, and was about to make a sound when she heard a metal crash in the distance, and was approaching here.

"What's that?" He shrugged timidly.

"I don't know." Shiloh paused, a ray of light flashed in his eyes, "Perhaps St. Pades sent someone to look for us."

Suosuo's eyes lit up, and she packed her things immediately, "Let's go."

"You follow me." Although Ciro raised a hope, his intuition told him that it would not be so simple.

The closer you get to the sound source, the more clearly you feel the vibrations of the earth.

Later, Soso was almost half-hanging on Ciro before he could stand firm.

Ciro tried to throw him out several times, but his arm was too tight, and if he loosened it a little, the opponent would hold him tighter.

By the end, the crash was almost deafening.

Suo Suo was too busy to cover his ears and grab his arm. In the end, he simply put his ear on Shiro's arm and used his arm as an earplug.

Ciro himself was also troubled by the sound of the impact and had an unbearable headache, and he didn't bother to pay attention to his little actions.

As you get closer, you can see that two monsters with the same shape and color are constantly colliding with each other.

The moonlight shone on their carapaces, shimmering bronze-colored like fish scales.

The foreheads of the beasts are very smooth, with a slight bulge in the middle, as if they are naturally suitable for hitting each other. The two eyes are very small, especially in contrast to the thick short nose, the eyes seem to be glued together with two mung beans. Their mouths are the width of a palm, and their four fangs stick out diagonally, like four snow-white horns.

But the most sturdy thing is their size.

They were about the same height as Shiloh, with strong physiques, and when they ran, they seemed to be beating a million jins of iron.

Suo Suo's body went cold for a while, and her fingers clenched Shiro's sleeve tightly, as if afraid that he would disappear in a blink of an eye.

"Go." Ciro didn't turn around, but stepped back.

Suo Suo was caught off guard, tripped on his heel and fell backward. The moment he lost his balance, his mouth screamed subconsciously.

- Just when the two hit each other and were gasping for breath.

Ciro grabbed Soso's arm and covered his mouth. It was already a step too late, and the eyes of both monsters were looking towards them.

Shiro cursed lowly, pulled Soso and ran back.

Suo Suo knew that he was in trouble, and didn't dare to say a word. He tried to keep up with his footsteps and ran desperately.

But they are running, and so are the beasts.

The shaking ground made Shiro and Suso unsteady several times.

Seeing the demon beast getting closer, Ciro simply turned around and threw a fireball over.

The fireball fell on the beast, as if igniting a firewood, turning it into a fire beast in an instant.

"Oops!" Ciro suddenly remembered what kind of monster this was, and his face turned pale.

If he didn't admit his mistake, the monster that was closely following them was called the Fang Monster, and it was an eighth-order monster. The reason why they can become the eighth-order Warcraft is because of their invulnerable shells, because of the natural iron and stone on the soles of their feet, and because of their ability to absorb elements—whatever it is.

In short, it can control which element its body is exposed to the most.

If it weren't for the fact that there are still a certain amount of restrictions in its control, they would have already become tenth-order monsters.

Seeing the fang monster getting closer and closer, Shi Luo's mind revolved at high speed. It is extremely difficult to keep a person at this time, let alone carrying a Suso who will definitely become a burden

The urge to let go of his hand became more and more obvious, so that Susuo felt the hand that was holding him tightly relax a little, but finally caught him all by himself.

Suso seemed to have sensed his thoughts, suddenly let go of his hand, stopped, and turned to face the fang monster.

Only one caught up.

Ciro stared blankly at his hand, then turned around and stopped.

Suosuo's figure has been completely covered by the light of the flame on the Fang Monster, like the morning dew, it will evaporate in the light at any time.

For a split second, there was almost no room for thought...

Ciro rushed over with wind magic and hugged Soso to the side.

But the fang monster was obviously faster than he imagined. He felt a heat on his back, and then a fiery pain came over him. He smelled burnt.

"Ciro?" Soso looked at Ciro who was thrown on him, with shock and disbelief in his eyes.

Doesn't he hate him so much

Why are you still jumping

Ciro, who has been tortured by the pain and has difficulty breathing, of course, can't read these questions from his eyes and answer, the only thing he can do is frown... Breathe.

After the fang monster rushed over, it turned around and rushed back.

The flames on his body were even hotter than before.

This kind of heat made Suoso's head gradually burn like a fire.