Holy Institution

Chapter 49: Elementary make-up exam (9)


Simple magic that can be used right away...

Create your own special magic...

Dilling had a tug-of-war in his heart.

Hydein hugged his chest, "Is it hard to choose?"

Dilling raised his hand.

"Water Magic Quick Course I" suddenly moved back half a meter, and Hyde raised his right eyebrow high.

"Didn't the instructor say let me choose?" Di Lin asked without changing his face.

Heidein said: "You can choose, but only in my way."

"..." Sure enough, it was the choice that Hydein only came up with. Dilling used wind magic to send himself to the book and quickly grabbed it.

This time, Hyde didn't stop him, but stared at him with half-squinted blue eyes.

"Not every magician likes to study." Dilling murmured while holding the book.

Hyde didn't speak.

"Some magicians just use it as a necessary tool for life. The threshold for entering the magic guild is not high, but the benefits are very good. Others are to protect the family and the country, just like knights learning swordsmanship." Dilling looked down at his hand in the book.

Under his attention, the word "quick" in the book was particularly sharp and clear.

"However," Dilling sighed, "for me, creating my own magic and engraving my name on the glorious history of St. Pardes is an irresistible temptation."

"Engrave your name on the glorious history of St. Pardes?" Hyde frowned slightly, but a slight smile leaked from the corner of his eyes, "Why don't I remember that I had such unrealistic expectations of you?"

Dilling smiled and said, "Because that is my ideal."

"Your ideal?" Heidein slowly stood up straight, "Are you sharing it with your mentor or with your sweetheart?"

Dilling's face flushed red again.

After returning from the library, Di Lin sat on the bed in a daze, and did not even respond when Raymond came back.

"What happened again?" Raymond approached him with wide eyes.

Dilling blinked, "Do you want to kiss me?"

Raymond jumped onto his bed as if running for his life, and asked with a frightened expression, "What happened?" He shouldn't have hit him with his mind, right? Thinking of this, Raymond felt a chill in his heart, and quickly said, "Hideyin is a perfect candidate, you mustn't gossip! Otherwise, it's easy for the princess to see the flaws."

Dilling touched his chin and looked at him suspiciously, "How did you feel when you heard what I said just now?"

"What does it feel like?" Raymond rubbed his arms exaggeratedly, "Of course I got goosebumps all over!"

Dilling was thoughtful.

Raymond suddenly shouted, "Isn't it possible that the princess said this to you?"

"of course not."

"That's Hydein?" Raymond's voice was even more high-pitched. When he thought of what Hydein said just now with Dilling's expression, the goose bumps on his body were the weeds blown by the spring breeze, and he stood up one by one.

"No." Di Lin was helpless, and if he continued, it would only get worse and worse, "I just wanted to tell you all of a sudden."

"..." The expression on Rui Meng's face could no longer be described as frightened.

Dilling stayed for two seconds before realizing that his words were ambiguous, and quickly added: "I mean, I suddenly want to give it a try."

"Try it?" Raymond's voice changed.

Dilling was dumbfounded.

His silence obviously made Raymond think that he had guessed, and he was even more uneasy. He did like Dilling, and it could be said that among all his classmates at St. Pardes, he was the one he admired the most. But that doesn't mean he wants to make promises. Although the mainland can't help being gay, he's pretty sure he doesn't have the potential to develop in that area.

He secretly glanced at Di Lin several times, secretly organizing the words of refusal.

Di Lin was dumbfounded not because he had nothing to say, but because he found that he was disturbed by Hydein's words over and over again, and even after the separation, the aftermath continued.

Di Lin sighed and said, "It's not what you think it is."

Rui Meng's eyes flickered in disbelief.

"I swear." Dilling raised his right hand.

Raymond believed five points, "What happened?"

Dilling made a vague excuse, "I'm a little bored that the princess has not left."

Raymond finally believed it, and said with great relief: "Don't worry. Princess Joni should stay here soon."


"Princess Joni has been secretly instructing the students of the Intermediate School to buy off the students of the Senior School, and even a few tutors were persuaded by her to leave St. Pades to join Shaman Lille." Raymond said.

Dilling was stunned. He always thought that the reason why Princess Joni didn't leave was because of him, but now it seems that he overestimated himself and underestimated Joni.

Raymond said: "But this matter has been highly concerned by the dean of the school and the council. I think she may spend her life behind closed doors this time." People stay in the academy.

Dilling thought for a while and couldn't help admiring Princess Joni's courage and determination. It is quite cost-effective to sacrifice one of yourself in exchange for so many top-level magicians. In particular, she was ordered to go home by the academy, and it was impossible for her to return to St. Pades. Rather than waiting for a punishment that will be lifted without knowing when, it is better to take the initiative to obtain more benefits.

"Those people are willing to leave?" He admired the admiration, but he still couldn't believe it. Just in terms of the academy, St. Pardes is second to none in the Dreamland in terms of atmosphere and welfare, as well as financial and material resources. And although Shaman Riel is a powerful country, there are a lot of nobles in the country, and no matter how high the status of magicians is, they cannot compete with them.

Raymond looked at him strangely, "Why not?"

Dilling looked at him.

Raymond said with a smile: "Are you willing to stay in St. Pades? Give up your status and title in Shaman Lille?"

Dilling said nothing.

The smile on Rui Meng's face disappeared, and he said dully: "It won't be true, will it?"

Di Lindao: "I like the academy."

"But your family, Shaman Riel, return your father..." Raymond said nonsense for a while before scratching his scalp, "I don't know whether to admire you or be jealous of you." The heir, how many people dream of! He didn't even care!

Di Lindao: "Everyone has their own aspirations."

Raymond sighed, "In this way, you won't be entangled with Hydein for the rest of your life."

The speaker has no intention, the listener has intention.

Dilling's face has a tendency to become red again.

He was considering whether to find an excuse to sneak out to avoid being teased by Raymond when he saw Soso pushing the door in.

"Aren't you ready?" Suso looked at them in surprise.

Dilling said blankly, "What are you going to prepare?"

Raymond jumped off the bed at once, "Almost forgot, carnival!"

Soso explained to Dilling: "I'm going to take a make-up exam in Sunrisga in a few days. Dean McCreese wants to set the barrier outside the Nightmare Forest and can't go, so he held a bonfire carnival to see us off."

"Farewell? I hate this word." Raymond muttered while looking for a suitable dress.

Dilling remembered that he was left alone last time, and this time he had to participate no matter what. "What to prepare?"

"Fashion!" Raymond found a golden mask.

"Masquerade ball?" Di Lin was taken aback. In Shaman Lille, only acquaintances held masquerade parties in private, and there were fewer among nobles.

Cableway: "It's a bonfire masquerade party."

"..." It's not a bad thing to be left behind.

Thinking of a group of people wearing masks walking around, Dilling's interest suddenly dropped.

Still a clearing in the woods.

The students in the junior college still remember the time when they lived in tents and were tested. I was very excited to visit this place again.

Dilling was wearing an ordinary black dress. Soso is simpler and comes out in pajamas - this is Raymond's new idea. And Raymond finally gave up the dazzling mask and dressed up as a sloppy bard, holding a small harp with a big slap in his hand.

Di Lin noticed that Raymond's mood was not high, and he was different from when he first went out, so he couldn't help but wonder: "What's wrong?"

Raymond looked at the moon slowly rising into the sky, and sighed faintly, "I think of Neia."

Dilling froze slightly.

Raymond said: "I still don't understand why he left."

Dilling patted him on the shoulder, "I believe he must have his reasons for doing this."

"Haha!" Aidi didn't know what Jeffrey said, and covered his stomach with laughter. Although he wears a big, bulky hat like a pumpkin on his head, his stature betrays his identity mercilessly.

Raymond felt unhappy in his heart, and it was dazzling to see others happy. He crept up behind him and patted his shoulder.

Aidi turned his head and saw that it was him, and immediately asked: "Why?"

Since moving into the dormitory building, Aidi and their contacts have become less and less, and the original aristocratic small alliance has already existed in name only. On the contrary, Kevin often came to Ramon and Dilling's dormitory to walk around. So Raymond suddenly stood behind him with a malicious smile on his face, which naturally made Alidi alert.

"It's nothing, I just want to ask you, don't you miss Ciro at all?" Ruimeng said badly, "I didn't know who it was at the beginning, and I was loyal to Ciro. "

Aidi's face was damaged by him for a while, and it took a long time to spit out a sentence, "Who said I don't want him?"

"I have eyes to see."

Aidi snorted coldly: "Prince Ciro is very good, there is no need to worry about it at all."

"how do you know?"

Although Aidi still had a lump in his heart about Ciro, he couldn't let his breath leak out at this time, and said stiffly, "He will soon become the crown prince, of course it's good!"

"Crown Prince?" Although Raymond already knew when Ciro left, he was going back to China to snatch the crown prince, but he was still surprised when he heard the news.

Dilling and Suso, who were standing behind him, were also stunned.

Aidi looked at their stunned looks, and immediately raised his head, "Ha! If you are afraid, it is too late to write a letter to ask for mercy."

Raymond returned to his senses and put his arms around Di Lin in front of him, "Oh, brother, look, someone is provoking you."

Aidi consciously lost his words, and his face suddenly became unnatural.

Di Lin didn't want to make matters worse, so he smiled casually: "Forget it, let's write a congratulatory letter. It's a classmate after all."

"You really..." Raymond wanted to say something, but the words behind it were overshadowed by the sudden sound of music.

Dilling turned to look at the source of the sound.

I saw a shelf full of small iron pieces placed there, and a music magician was using wind magic to direct the small iron pieces to make a pleasant sound.

McCreeth and a group of magic teachers in fancy clothes were standing beside the iron frame. But instead of enjoying the music, they each checked the instruments in their hands.

Raymond said in surprise: "The dean can play the trumpet? Oh no, it should be said, he actually wants to play the trumpet?"

Dilling's eyes quickly searched the crowd.

Hyde was not there.

Two minutes later, he was surprised to find that he was a little disappointed, and he didn't even have any interest in the carnival.

The iron sheet music ended quickly, and there was thunderous applause. I don't know if it was for the magician who was playing, or for McCreese, who was about to appear.


McCreeth played the trumpet.

Other instruments were added one after another.

The majestic symphony resounded throughout the forest.

The students danced to the music.

Dilling didn't want to participate, but Suso and Raymond both pulled him, so they had to jump up.

If you look at it as a whole, this dance is definitely a terrible dance. Students from all over the country randomly danced their own country's dance, each danced their own way, and from time to time they also learned from the people next to them. In the end, they didn't even know what they were dancing.

But that didn't stop them.

Laughter and music continued to blend together, hovering above the open space.

The barriers between people have disappeared.

Be it strangers, acquaintances, enemies, or friends, they all embrace each other.

The loss in Di Lin's heart was quickly dispelled by the warm smile of others.

This night is very long, because everyone is reluctant to part.

This night was very short, because it left only a vague and distant stroke in everyone's memory.

After a long, long time, Dilling could still clearly remember that pleasant and relaxed feeling, but he could never remember who was dancing with him or what music he was playing.