Holy Institution

Chapter 5: New students treatment (4)


The flaming flames reflected on his stern face, his two thin lips were tightly pressed, and he walked step by step in the direction of Dilling.

It was quiet all around.

Although civilian students do not know him, his pomp is enough to show his noble status.

Seeing him getting closer and closer, Suoso couldn't help shrinking behind Dilling, but her big round eyes stared curiously.

Neia quietly took a half step back and inadvertently pulled away from Dilling.

Ciro finally walked in front of Dilling, his thin chin raised slightly, "Dilling Basseco."

Di Lin pressed his left chest lightly with his right hand, bent thirty degrees and saluted, "His Royal Highness Shiro."

The two names caused a great deal of murmurs.

The whole continent knows that the two most powerful countries in the continent, the Candine Empire and Shaman Riel, are rivals. Especially in the past 50 years, all kinds of disputes have never been interrupted. Although they have not yet staged the white-hot stage of invading each other's territory, they have never been stingy with leaving behind their achievements on the territory of other countries.

Ciro looked at Dilling's orange-red hair lightly, "Your father, Andre Basseko, used an army of fifty thousand to defeat the eighth of the Chopping Empire at the Battle of Nannon fifteen years ago. Wan Dajun."

Di Lin slowly raised his head, emerald green pupils looked at him calmly. Neither proud nor panicked.

Ciro said: "I'm not praising your father's exploits."

Di Lindao: "The prince of the Chopping Empire would not do this."

"Correction," Ciro pointed to the tip of his nose, "is never."

Dilling stared at the fingers that were close at hand, and said neither humble nor arrogant: "Can I regard it as a signal of challenge?"

The corners of Shiro's mouth curved, and he put away his fingers, "Yes. But not now. I have always only killed adult pigs."

Di Lindao: "As old as a prince?"

Shi Luo restrained his smile, and his eyes flashed with ice-cold light.

Dilling looked at him calmly.

Suoso moved to the side uneasily, but soon found out that it was timid, and moved back quietly.

"Soso Vantra?" Ciro looked at him at some point.

Soso swallowed nervously and nodded lightly.

Shi Luo said: "I heard that King Gulan intends to let you inherit the throne. I hope it is not a wrong decision."

Dilling countered: "It's a mistake for the Kaeding Empire, and it's great news for Goo Lan and Shaman Ril."

Ciro raised his palm, and a flame flower burned in his palm, "I sincerely hope that your strength will be half of your eloquence."

Dilling bowed his body and said, "I am very happy to fulfill your expectations."

Ciro withdrew his hands and glanced at Neia, but without stopping, he turned and walked towards the location where he had just landed.

The four magicians accompanying him had already set up a tent for him. After Shiro walked into the tent, he set up bamboo poles and chairs and flew back into the air to leave.

Only at this moment did Suso dare to breathe: "Does he want to live here too?"

Dilling was also very puzzled. The reason why Princess Joni was suspended from school for review at home was because she fought too fiercely with Ciro in the academy, which caused a bad influence and alarmed the academy head Orosei. But now it seems that only Joni is being punished

Neia whispered, "Only junior freshmen live in the wild."

"Junior?" Suo Suo was surprised, "But he doesn't look young at all!"

Ning Ya said: "The academy does not stipulate the age for admission. Besides, His Royal Highness Ciro is only nineteen years old."

Suosuo said: "No wonder. He is four years older than me. By the way, didn't he enter school three years ago? Why is he still in the elementary school?"

Dilling suddenly said, "He was relegated?" This could explain why he appeared here. Because he changed the way the Academy punished.

Neia shook her head slightly and said, "Perhaps not so."

Dilling waited for his guess, but instead of speaking, he closed his cloak and said, "It's very late, let's rest early."

Since he didn't want to say it, Dilling naturally wouldn't force it, so he said goodnight to each other and dragged Suosuo into the tent.

Probably overslept during the day, Suosuo was not sleepy at all, tossed and turned and couldn't fall asleep.

Dilling has always been a light sleeper, so he had to sleep with him.

The two kept fighting until midnight before falling asleep.

The next morning, when Di Lin was sleeping soundly, he heard someone calling his name incessantly, and he woke up suddenly, only to realize that it was Soso who was talking in his sleep. He sat silently holding the quilt for a while, before reaching out to help Sosuo pull the quilt, and walked out of the tent to find a place to wash.

When he came back from the wash, he saw Neia standing outside the tent, looking suspiciously at McCreeth and another group of mages marking one by one.

Dilling walked over and explained, "They're picking students."

"Is there any special standard?" Neia asked curiously.

Dilling shrugged, "Maybe it's an odd or even number?"

If they were standing in the midst of that group of magisters at this moment, they would be heard muttering to themselves from time to time—

"The tent is strong and strong. Not bad."

"Ah, this pole is about to break. It must be an idiot who lives in it, no no no."

"God, his legs are actually sticking out of the tent... There are so many leg hairs that can be used for ignition, not bad."

"… "

The magisters quickly selected good students according to their own preferences, and the rest were pushed by McCreese to the mentors who did not recruit enough students.

Seeing the students being called out of the tent one by one and leaving with their respective tutors, Neia asked in confusion, "What about us?"

Dilling said: "We are the exception." His eyes fell on Ciro's tent. If the system of the Holy Academy is that tutors lead their own students, then Shiro, who entered the school three years ago, should have his own tutors, right? So, despite being juniors, they probably don't have classes together

To be honest, he didn't want to have too many entanglements with Ciro in his heart.

The reason why he came to St. Pardes College was to avoid those annoying disputes, but last night, he was very depressed to find that not only did he not escape, but he walked into a place with the most fierce disputes.

Although the forces of various countries in the mainland cannot penetrate St. Pardes College, they can penetrate the students in the college, which is enough to set off a wave. Ciro and Joni team up to prove it.

Neia seemed to understand.

The freshmen who arrived on the second day left shortly after, and the freshmen who arrived on the first day were taken away by their tutors. In the huge open space, only Dilin Sosoniana and Ciro, who had never come out of the tent, were left.

"I'm hungry." Soso stuck out his head from the tent.

Dilling took out the pamphlet again and decided to complete the expedition that was not completed yesterday.

Neia also joined in.

The three packed their things and started their journey.

With Neia's timely correction when the direction was wrong, Dilling and the others successfully found the dining hall—a majestic castle.

The door, two stories high, was open, and the aroma of food wafted in the air.

Soso rushed in moved, "Ah, this is a house!"

Di Lin followed behind and teased, "Is Gu Lan a nomad?"

Suo Suo complained: "After living in the tent for two days, I almost forgot what the Gulan Palace looked like."

Inside the gate are densely packed long tables, and you can imagine how spectacular it will be when they are all full.

At the end of the table and chairs is a row of stone platforms that are horizontally connected to the pillars of the house. Behind the stone platform stood a giant more than two meters tall, with a thick beard covering most of his face. The aroma of the food was constantly emitting from the row of wooden barrels behind him.

Soso swallowed and walked to the front of the table, "Are you eating here?"

The giant blinked, "Yes."

"Ah, I want two steaks!" Soso reached out and compared two.

The giant picked up a large wooden spoon that exactly matched his size, pointed to the wall clock on the wall, "There are still two hours before dinner time."

Suosuo lowered his face, "But I'm hungry."

The giant raised his eyebrows and said, "Why don't you eat the bread in your space bag?"

Suso stared at him in surprise, "How do you know there is bread in my space bag?"

The giant slowly bent down, moved his two huge nostrils and said, "The smell of bread told me."

Dilling was secretly shocked.

From a certain point of view, the space bag is completely sealed, and it is absolutely impossible for fragrance to waft out. But it doesn't seem like a blind person to see the giant's appearance.

He finally knew why St. Padres had been so far ahead of the others.

— This is a place where even the chef is hidden.

They took a remote seat in the cafeteria and sat down.

Dilling was reading while Neia and Soso happily chatted about each other's countries.

Time passed quickly, and seeing that two hours were about to pass, a series of heavy footsteps suddenly sounded outside.

Dilling and the others were stunned to see the freshmen who had left in high spirits this morning rushing in one by one, with the tutors shouting behind them.

After a long time of confusion, they finally sat down in their respective positions.

The giant stood behind the stone platform and waved a large spoon.

Countless plates flew into the air and landed in front of everyone in an orderly manner.

Then food and knife and fork.

Suosuo widened his eyes, picked up the knife and fork and inserted the steak on the plate, exclaiming, "Oh my God! Is this magic?"

Dilling breathed a sigh of relief and put the book into the space bag, "It seems that in the days to come, I must give up the habit of making a fuss."

After lunch, the freshmen were shouted away by the tutors again.

Dilling and the others watched calmly as the plates and knives and forks flew back to the stone platform, and resumed what was interrupted in the morning.

It's okay to go back anyway, it's better to leave after dinner to save the long journey back and forth.

Of course, the biggest reason for this is-

Meals at St. Pardes College are very good.

After they finished their meal, they happily faced the breeze in the forest and walked back to the open space with leisurely steps. The third batch of freshmen had arrived.

Dilling subconsciously searched for Ciro's figure.

Sure enough, he came out of the tent and was talking to a little brunette. No, it should be said that the little brunette was trying to talk to him. Shiro was indifferent from beginning to end.

Soso's eyes swept across a group of people who were busy pitching tents, "With so many people, who will be our classmates?"

Neia whispered: "Prince Shiro is next to him."

Dilling pricked up his ears.

"He is the nephew of Queen Biago, Aridy Popov."

Soso's interest is lacking. The relationship between Biag and the Kaeddin Empire is like Goo Ran and Shaman Riel. In turn, the relationship between Biag and Shaman Ril Goo Lan is also very tense.

Dilling calculated: "There are seven places in total, and there are three remaining."

Neia said, "Maybe two."

Dilling looked at him.

Probably embarrassed to see it, Neia had to continue what she had not said yesterday, "The Holy Court has strict rules and regulations as strict as the law. Under normal circumstances, the punishment for students will not be easily changed."

Dilling's mind flashed, "What do you mean, the reason why Ciro appeared here is because he occupied the quota for the Chopping Empire this year?" Aridi, not the one who cut the empire.

Neia said shyly, "This is just my guess."

Dilling looked at him differently. It seems that his inside is not as ordinary as his outside.

Exactly who the classmates were, it became clear in the early morning of the fourth day when Dilling arrived at the Holy Court—

All that's left is looking at each other.

After introducing themselves to each other, Raymond Chell from Sunrisgar said what everyone was thinking: "Damn it! Where is our mentor?"

The following is a profile of Dilling and his classmates:

The three factions - the Caddin faction, the Sharman faction, the neutral faction.

First, the Sharman party:

(It has nothing to do with Jiang Shaman in "Lu Xiaofeng"... But if it's easier to remember like this, ahem, you can pretend to have a relationship.)

[Shaman Lille] Dilling (son of the Duke who holds military power)

[Gu Lan]Soso (Prince)

Upstairs are cousins.

Second, the chopping pie:

(It really has nothing to do with cutting men, this must be explained clearly. /(ㄒoㄒ)/~~)

[Chopping Empire] Ciro (Prince, and the kind of ambitious.)

[Biyag] Alidi (Alibaba, Alidi - you understand.)

The following may be less existential - neutral.

[Langzan] Neia (It can be used as a Chinese name. And after that small waist incident, he should have a sense of existence.)

[Senriska] Raymond (at the end of this chapter, the guy who got a chance to make a lap.)

[Santu] Jeffrey (You can see how tragic the location of Santu is when you look at the map. What's even more tragic is that Jeffrey has already appeared in this chapter, but he has no chance to be mentioned.╮ (╯_╰)╭ alas.)