Holy Institution

Chapter 52: Siege Contest (2)


The main attack by Saint-Sauveur and the doubling of the manpower were all negotiated by Senrisga with the dean of Saint-Sauveur's Glory College. But he couldn't ignore the words of the representative of St. Pardes School of Magic. After all, this competition was invited by Saint-Sauveur as the organizer. If he pushed the other party back because of his own words, then he still couldn't eat it. Walk.

The supervisor laughed for a while, and seeing that Hyde was still unmoved, he had to leave the venue embarrassingly and report to his superiors.

As soon as he left, Heidein let the students who were still excited go back to their rooms to rest first.

Dilling walked behind, dawdling.

"Dilling." Hydein said.

Dilling immediately jumped up in front of him.

"What's your roommate's name?"

Di Lin was stunned, "Soso?"

"Black haired."


"Is he a Senriska?"

Dilling nodded, "Yes."

Heidein said: "Let him prepare a combat plan."

Dilling was completely stunned.

Heidein said: "Let him be the commander."

Dilling felt as if his body had been poured over by ice water, and his heart was cold and hard, but the quiet skills he had developed over the years did not let him put these feelings on his face, but replied very calmly: "Yes, Master Tajilis."

Hyde looked down at him, and after a moment, he said slowly, "Don't get involved too much."

"… Yes."

Dilling didn't know how he found the room, he seemed to have gone to the wrong place several times. He only knew that as soon as the door was closed, looking at Suosuo's wide eyes, the ice in his heart melted, and the discomfort of being frozen rushed out, almost knocking him down.

It turned out that his expectations were once so high, so once he failed, he would fall so hard!

It turned out that even though Hydein hadn't expressed his position from beginning to end, he subconsciously felt that the other party was on his side.

turn out to be…

It turned out that these "original" are just his wishful thinking.

"Dilin, what's wrong with you? Your face is so pale." Suosuo supported him carefully.

The familiar body temperature from Soso made Di Lin's thoughts slowly come back, only to realize that he was sweating half body, "No. Maybe a little tired. I'm going to take a shower."

"I'll go too." Suso took out the bath towel from the space bag and pushed him out.

Dilling rubbed his face with his hands to cheer himself up. Raymond was a Senrisgar, and it was reasonable for Hyde to make him the commander. Compared with who is the commander, defeating the Saint-Sauveur Academy of Glory is the most important thing.

The accommodation that Senrisga arranged for them was a hotel in the town, and the bathhouse was unified on the ground floor.

When they entered, it was already packed full of people.

Dilling frowned.

The facilities of the bathhouse are very simple, and there is a huge tub in the middle, which is filled with warm water. Everyone stood beside the big tub, scooping water for their baths.

With sharp eyes, Soso saw Raymond, who was awkwardly grabbing the bath towel and wrapped his lower body, and refused to let go, and Kevin, who was helping him water. "Dilling, Raymond is over there."

Although he persuaded himself to be relieved in his heart, hearing Raymond's name suddenly made Dilling feel unilaterally embarrassed. Seeing Suo Suo Pi Dian Pi Dian running over, Dilling had no choice but to follow behind him.

"Hey!" Susuo patted Raymond's arm and made a crisp sound.

Raymond shrank his shoulders. This kind of pure skin contact made him not used to it. "You come to take a bath too?"

"Dilling said to wash." Soso began to undress.

Dilling was still hesitating.

Raymond was not used to being naked in front of so many people, but it seemed awkward to see Di Lin, and he felt relieved, and he encouraged him: "Let's wash together, we've walked for a day, it's very dirty."

Di Lin saw that the people next to him were watching, afraid that they would think he was delicate, so he took off his clothes generously, and then used wind magic to wrap his lower body with a towel in the blink of an eye.

Raymond swept over the towel in disappointment, "Tsk, it's too fast."

Suo Suo didn't have so much scruples, undressed slowly, and then took off the spoon hanging beside the tub with bare buttocks to take a bath, but Dilling couldn't see it, and reached out and took his bath towel to help him surround his buttocks .

"Pfft." Raymond's eyes flickered, he leaned towards Di Lin, and whispered, "Is that kind of relationship between you and Susuo?"

Dilling looked at him angrily.

Rui Meng continued: "That's why I refused Princess Joni, and then used Hyde as a shield."

"..." Dilling was amazed by his rich imagination.

Raymond nodded clearly, "I understand."

"The instructor has designated you as the commander of this city battle." Dilling deliberately raised his voice.

Raymond looked at him blankly.

"Good job!" Di Lin reached out and patted his shoulder. The crisp sound awakened Raymond from his sluggishness. He pointed to his nose in surprise and exclaimed, "Me?!"

The others stopped their spoons and stared at him.

Dilling said with a smile: "Senrisgar is your hometown, so it is most suitable for you to give us victory as a souvenir."

"But..." Raymond looked at him hesitantly.

Dilling's eyes were firm, "We will definitely support you!"

Raymond was speechless for a long time.

Soso showed his head from behind Dilling, "I support you too!"

"Support!" Kevin shouted along with the others.

The splash of water turned into a water battle.

After taking a shower, Di Lin returned to the dormitory and just lay down when he was startled by Ruimeng's knock on the door.

Kevin, who was dragged in, complained: "This guy came out of the bath like stepping on a nail, and his feet and mouth didn't stop."

Soso thought for a while and said, "Do you keep licking your toes?"

"..." Kevin looked at him in surprise, "I didn't expect you to have a talent for telling bad jokes."

Di Lin coughed dryly, and said to Raymond, who had been winking beside him, "What exactly are you trying to say?"

"I thought about it and thought about it again, but I still think it's better for you to be the commander." Raymond said.

Dilling said calmly, "Why?"

Raymond said: "I don't know anything about commanding operations. You are better at this."

Kevin muttered, "You didn't say that just now."

Soso asked curiously, "What did he say?"

Kevin pretended not to see Raymond's wink, and said in a low voice, "Hydein and Dilling have such a good relationship, it must be because the commander is a chore that he didn't give it to him."

Raymond scratched his head in embarrassment and said, "This kind of consideration is also a little bit."

Dilling sighed, "Don't think about it too much, it's just a matter of commanding the war, it's no big deal." It was a huge bargain to have St. Pardes come to attack the city. Originally, the physical strength of the magician was far inferior to that of the knight. As the defender, he would probably be dragged down by the intensive attack of the attacker. But on the other hand, if they are the attackers, then the time of the attack will be determined by them, and they will naturally adjust the steps according to their own state, and the advantage of Saint-Sauveur in physical strength will be greatly weakened.

Although he didn't know whether Hydein proposed to exchange the offensive and defensive side on a whim or made a comprehensive consideration, but at present, this decision is very beneficial to himself.

Ruimeng said with a drooling face: "How about you write a rough plan for me to refer to?"

Dilling thought. I can't be a commander, and it's not bad to have been a military division. But Hydein's voice quickly came to mind. He wondered: "The mentor told me not to get involved too much."

Kevin looked at the frustrated Raymond and said, "I can't see that Tajlis mentor values you so much."

Raymond said to himself: "I always feel that this kind of care is inexplicable."

The format of this competition was never before. In order to ensure the safety of the students from both sides, the solution they negotiated was to send a large number of tutors from both colleges to protect the students of the other college, and at the same time, the supervisors would ensure the fairness of the competition and confirm that neither tutors made any violations of fairness during the competition. Behavior.

This is easy to say, but very difficult to operate. So all the tutors except Heidein were working on the project overnight. They were the first group, specially brought students over to negotiate the competition. The other instructors had to wait until the day before the game because they had to take into account the enchantment settings outside the Nightmare Forest.

Hydein continued to discuss the details of the terms of the game with Sunrisga.

The supervisor was caught between Hydein and the Minister of General Affairs of Senrisgar for the past two days. He lost five and a half pounds, his face was round and square, and the corners of his eyes were drooping. Even a lot of St. Padres students who didn't like him were unhappy. Have some sympathy for him.

But this kind of sympathy did not spread to Hydein, at least the negotiations were still deadlocked in the fight, but St. Pades was the siege party.

"This, the attacking and defending side of the city battle has already been decided at the beginning, and it is really difficult to explain to Saint-Sauveur College of Glory so rashly. I heard that they have already drawn up a combat plan. If they change, the combat plan will be We have to tear it down and start over." The supervisor said with a dry mouth. In fact, he said these words over and over several times, but Heideyin always went in with his left ear and came out with his right ear.

"As their opponent, I am very happy to hear the news." Hyde was unmoved.

The supervisor glared at him, his eyes clearly saying: Shameless, shameless!

"This, the game should be friendship first, winning and losing second."

"As long as they are willing to lose, we will do it." Hydein tapped lightly on the table with his fingers.

The supervisor glanced at his coffee cup, and it was empty. He waved helplessly to the waiter next to him. The waiter knowingly picked up the empty glass and filled it up again.

"About your proposal, I have actually talked to the dean of Saint-Sauveur." The supervisor had no choice but to change his strategy and move out of Saint-Sauveur. "He is very persistent with the attacker. After all, this is the beginning. It's settled, it doesn't seem like it's good to go back on your word."

"Do you mean to say that the attacking and receiving sides were decided from the beginning?"

The supervisor thought he had finally heard it, and hurriedly smiled and nodded.

"So nothing else has been decided," Heidein said slowly, "For example, the number of people."

The supervisor's smile was a little stiff.

Hydein touched his chin and said, "Okay."

Supervisors dare not be blindly optimistic.

"Since only the offensive and defensive side has been decided, then let me defend the city."

The supervisor was bewildered. What does "I" come to defend the city mean

"Saint Soviet loves a few, I'm the only one in Saint Pades." After Heiden finished speaking, he continued to drink coffee leisurely.

Supervisor: "..." This condition is getting more and more outrageous!