Holy Institution

Chapter 54: Siege Contest (4)


His voice was magnetic, and it was rarely sonorous and powerful. Those blue eyes shot out a fierce light that penetrated straight in, making Di Lin's heart tremble.

Seeing that the desired effect had been achieved, Hyde slowly let go of his hand, turned around and took a few steps out. When he found that he was not following, he stopped and turned around and said, "Do you need me to call an ox cart to invite you?"

Dilling pursed his lips and followed behind him without saying a word.

He suddenly had a feeling that this test would be difficult.

There is also a small open space in the backyard of the hotel, surrounded by a circle of low walls.

Hydein stopped and called out a flame that stopped in mid-air, "Destroy him."

Di Lin saw that the water element condensed into a water ball and threw it towards the flames.

fire out.

"Come again." It was the same flame again.

Although Dilling didn't know the reason, he still used the water polo to pounce.

The water polo fell from the flames, but the fire was unmoved.

Dilling's eyes widened and he tried again, still the same result. He didn't give up and called out two larger and rounder water balls, attacking from the left and right respectively.

With a slap, the water polo collided with the water polo, causing a splash of water, but the flames remained the same.

"What kind of fire is this?" Dilling couldn't help asking.

Hydein walked slowly to the flames, let out a breath, and the flames were blown away.

"..." Dilling said, "Is it only afraid of wind?"

"No, it's just afraid of me." Hyde called out another flame, "Come again."

Dilling took a deep breath.

Hyde raised an eyebrow.

Suddenly, a strong wind blows!

Heide blew high on both sides because of the golden bangs, and then fell slowly, revealing a smooth forehead.

Dilling was stunned when he looked at the flame that was motionless even when the wind was blowing.

Heidein said: "If two groups of enemy alliances attack you at the same time, what will you do?"

Dilling frowned and said, "This question is too general."

Heidein said: "You can give a general answer."

"Destroy them." Di Lin replied without thinking.

Hydein shrugged and said, "You destroy it."

Dilling continued to ponder while looking at the flames.

Hydein waved at the waste wood. They came hopping up and down as if they were alive, and automatically built themselves into chairs. Hydein took out a blanket from the space bag, spread it on it, and sat down.

"If two groups of enemies allied and attacked you at the same time..." Dilling said to himself.

Hydein took out a book and slowly turned the page with the bookmark.

"Destroy them... alienation?!" Di Lin's eyes suddenly lit up, as if flames were reflected in his pupils.

As soon as Heidein looked up, he saw that the flame had shrunk a little.

Dilling excitedly said: "It really is." Hyde firmly controls the fire elements together, and the density is higher than that required to generate the flame, so the flame will become a solid shape, motionless, and cannot be extinguished with water . He just divided the fire element in the flame little by little with the water element, and it really made it smaller.

"If this is your candle before you go to bed, you probably won't go to bed until the candle burns out the next morning," Heidein said.

Dilling said, "Is this a test?"

"No. This is a warm-up." Heidein blew another breath and the flame went out.

Dilling said: "That test is..." If this is a warm-up, then the test will probably be more difficult to handle. He cheered up.

Hydein casually drew an oval fire shield, "Attack me!"

He just finished speaking, and more than a dozen water balls have already hit the fire shield.

Hyde looked at him through the fire shield.

Seeming to feel his gaze, Dilling explained with a smile, "I'm warming up."

The flame of the fire shield is burning, it is obviously different from the flame just now, at least the fire elements are not tightly gathered together into a solid. But the water polo did not affect it in the slightest.

Dilling thought for a while, and decomposed the fire shield with the method of decomposing the flame just now.

The periphery of the fire shield was slowly disintegrated, but soon, a new flame emerged, replacing the old position, and even burned more intensely than before.

Dilling frowned.

Hyde sneered, and the fire shield pushed towards him.

Dilling's heel moved, and he was about to take a half step back, but Hyde's disdainful eyes appeared in his mind, his feet stopped immediately, and he used wind magic to blow towards the fire shield with all his strength.

The flames stretched back, but stayed where they were, not moving an inch.

"I read a lot of other magic books." Hydein asked slowly.

"Yeah." Dilling agreed casually.

Heidein said: "Very pleasant?"

Dilling was stunned. I don't know what his pleasure means.

"It's like a girl who likes to read romance novels." Heidein said, "It's not very practical, but it's a good way to pass the time."

Dilling finally understood that he was making fun of himself. "Not always!" He suddenly condensed a shield with the same water element as the fire element, clinging to the fire shield, trying to force it forward!

"Strange idea." Hydein shook his leg.

Fire Shield took another step forward.

Dilling's forehead gradually had cold sweat, the water shield became thinner and thinner, and the orange light penetrated from the transparent water light, as if a hot wind was blowing on his face. He closed his eyes, calmed down, turned the water shield into a water element again, and decomposed the fire shield.

Heidein's "warm-up" must have his reasons.

Dilling watched the flames rise again, and suddenly increased the speed of water element decomposition.

That's right, it's speed!

It takes speed to make up for the fire element that was decomposed before. As long as he decomposes faster, the fire shield will be extinguished - although it is not that easy to do.

Time passed minute by minute.

Dilling was completely immersed in the tug-of-war with Fire Shield.

Hyde took out his pocket watch and checked the time.

Half of the fire shield remains.

"Tsk." Hyde retracted his five fingers and the fire shield disappeared.

Di Lin suddenly let out a sigh of relief, raised his hand to wipe the cold sweat from his forehead.

"Continue after lunch."

When Dilling returned to the dormitory, Susuo had helped him bring back the meal.

Raymond graciously introduced from the side: "The most famous charcoal-grilled steak in Senrisgar, it uses a unique recipe to ensure that you will taste extraordinarily refreshing."

Dilling sat on the chair, picked up the knife and fork, looked at the steak seriously, and said, "Are those cows who helped us pull the cart?"

Raymond opened his mouth, and said after a long time, "I'll go check it out in the afternoon."

Dilling took a casual bite and put it down.

Raymond said dissatisfiedly: "Is it not delicious?"

Dilling shook his head.

Raymond said, "Has Hydein been in trouble again?"

"I gave a test."

"What test?" Soso and Raymond were very curious, and even Kevin, who had been sitting next to him reading comics, raised his head.


Three people, three curious faces.

Dilling waved his hand and fell asleep on the bed, unwilling to explain.

The three heads were immediately next to each other.

Raymond said in a low voice, "Extinguish the fire? Could it be that Hyde set fire in front of him, and he chased after him to extinguish it?"

Kevin said: "It can't be so simple. Could it be that the fire is all over the sky, and then let him chase after it and destroy it?"

Raymond said angrily: "Is this different from what I just said?"

Kevin said: "Mine is more difficult."

"Will it not be ordinary fire?" Suso said suddenly.

Raymond and Kevin both turned to look at him.

Suosuo shrank his neck subconsciously.

Ruimeng touched his chin and said, "It's possible. Otherwise, Di Lin would have no reason not to say it."

"But what's not ordinary?" Kevin asked in confusion.

"Could it be?" Ruimeng's expression changed.

Kevin looked at him, only to find that he was looking at his crotch.

"...No?" Kevin's eyes jumped.

"What are you talking about?" Soso was at a loss.

Raymond coughed dryly: "How do you like the steak at noon?"

In the afternoon, Di Lin woke up, put on his shoes and ran downstairs, and the sound of footsteps soon came from behind him. He turned around in amazement. Thorsorimon and Kevin both hurriedly followed.

"You..." Dilling asked with his eyes.

Raymond said: "We want to observe and observe and learn."

Dilling hesitated.

He didn't know what kind of problems Heiden would have in the afternoon, and he didn't want to expose himself to others in a helpless way.

Raymond and Kevin clearly misunderstood his hesitation.

Ruimeng patted him on the shoulder and said, "Friends, don't take anything to heart."

"But I think it's better for me to figure it out myself." His test didn't make sense for them to help together.

"With us here, at least he won't be so blatant." Raymond hinted at him.

Dilling blinked.

Hyde would be blatant because of their presence? Where does his confidence come from

But they all had good intentions, and he was too embarrassed to live up to it, so he said, "Okay. Come together."

Raymond breathed a sigh of relief.

They do not oppose teacher-student love, but they are absolutely opposed to coercion and threat of sadism!