Holy Institution

Chapter 60: Siege Contest (10)


As evening drew near, the carriage finally drove into an unfamiliar city.

Dilling looked curiously at the buildings on both sides. The buildings of each country in the Dreamland have their own styles, and the top of the buildings in Senrisga likes to use domes. Looking at the domes of different sizes on both sides, he knew that he was still in Senrisgar.

The carriage stopped in front of the largest building on the street.

Hyde opened the door and got out of the car, Dilling followed behind him.

The driver drove the carriage away.

"Is this the destination?" Di Lin couldn't help but ask after enduring it for a long time.

Hydein squinted at him, "Do you want this place to be the destination of your life?"

The purpose of life? Sounds like you're talking about a cemetery.

Dilling wisely closed his mouth.

The two walked one after the other to the gate of the building.

This is a very imposing door, with the symbols of the four elements painted on the door.

Dilling's lips twitched.

Heidein explained without looking back: "These symbols are only decorative."

Dilling asked curiously, "Why do you use element symbols to decorate the door?"

"Better than a portrait of the president of the Magic Guild."

Dilling quickly realized, "Is this a magic guild?" Shaman Riel also had a magic guild, but at that time he was not qualified to go.

Hyde raised his hand and gently wiped the black crystal beside the door, and the door opened automatically. Dilling walked in after him.

The inside is not very different from a normal hotel.

A long, old counter blocks most views. A middle-aged man in his thirties or forties sat behind the counter, his head resting on one hand, drowsy.

Heidein's fingers tapped lightly on the counter.

The middle-aged man sat up suddenly, "It's supper time?"

Hydein said, "No, it's only dinner time."

The middle-aged man looked at him blankly, "I've eaten dinner."

"But we haven't eaten." The strange topic actually continued as the two asked and answered.

The middle-aged man finally realized that something was wrong. He looked at Hydein, then at Dilling, and said in amazement, "Who are they?"

Hyde turned the ring on his right hand.

Due to the dim lighting in the room, the middle-aged man couldn't see the totem on his ring, so he had to take out the paper and ink pad and put it on the table.

Hydein gently pressed the surface of the ring on the ink pad and covered it on the paper.

"This is..." The middle-aged man carefully identified it for a long time, and then took out a book that was so worn that it could no longer be seen.

Dilling had never noticed the decoration on Hydein's body, so he knew for the first time that his ring had the function of representing his identity.

"St. Pardes... Magic Academy?" The middle-aged man raised his head in surprise.

Heidein said: "Your pronunciation is accurate."

"Oh. You, oh no, what are you doing here?" The middle-aged man's knuckles, clutching the book, turned slightly white.

"Dinner." Heidein said, "I told you from the beginning."

The Magic Guild and St. Pardes Magic Academy have nothing to do with the word magic in their names. However, due to the special status of St. Pardes in the Dreamland, and the top magic talents they have never lacked or lost, the previous magic guilds will unilaterally include them in the guild's territory. Any magister and student holding the St. Pardes School of Magic logo is treated like a member of the Magic Guild—even better than a regular member.

For example, now, Hydein and Dilling have two very comfortable rooms and a sumptuous dinner.

The head of the Magic Guild in Senrisgar even rushed over from the capital with a magic circle. In fact, he had just breathed a sigh of relief for all the teachers and students of St. Pardes to return to St. Pardes College by boat. Who would have guessed that in less than a day, two more stray fishes appeared.

When Hydein and Dilling finished eating, they saw him standing outside the door smiling, "What are you doing here?"

His opening remarks were as uninspiring as the receptionist.

Hydein hooked his fingers at him.

Although the person in charge was displeased with this contemptuous attitude, he still walked over obediently.

"I want to check a person's record." Heidein said.

The person in charge asked cautiously, "Who?"

"Vincent Lin."

The person in charge said: "He is also your academy's tutor?"

Heiden thought for a while, "It used to be."

The person in charge said: "If it is convenient, can you provide his background?"

"He used to be mine, the enlightenment mentor." Hydein said slowly.

Dilling was taken aback.

This kind of feeling is like knowing that a very powerful monster actually has a period of tooth change in childhood.

"Then what happened to him now?" The person in charge looked at him, secretly calculating the age of the enlightened teacher.

"This is exactly what I want to know." Heidein said, "I want to know when and where he last contacted the Magic Guild."

The person in charge hesitated. Investigating the contact records of members of the Magic Guild must be approved by the guild president, and even if approval is not required, this is not something he can do within his authority. "I need to ask the president."

"Okay." Heidein didn't expect him to agree.

"If you don't mind, can I ask for your name?" the person in charge asked.

"Hydein Tagilis."

The person in charge determined that this was an unfamiliar name, and was disappointed. It would be great if the person in front of him was Chai Fuang. Thinking of the legendary transcendent magician, he couldn't hide his admiration, "Please wait a moment, I will report immediately."

Dilling was also curious about the enlightenment mentor Hydein said. But he knew that an organization such as the Magic Guild would never give an answer right away. At the very least, it had to confirm the identity of Hydein to St. Pardes, and then the president of the Magic Guild would convene a vice-chairman or an elder or something like that. Discuss and finally draw conclusions. Definitely not one night to come up with the answer. So he went back to his room very early to sleep.

The next morning, when Dilling reported to Hydein's room, the Magic Guild hadn't given an answer.

Heidein's face became gloomy.

Dilling used magic as an excuse, and was about to sneak away when Heidein said, "I'll practice with you."

Looking at the dark cloud on his face, Di Lin didn't say "don't be so polite" in his mouth after all.

Probably because of something in his heart, Heidein's test was not very severe, but it only helped him consolidate the decomposition magic he had learned last time.

After only half an hour of practice, Hydein stopped, "Enough."

Dilling just felt a little dizzy, so he nodded.

Heidein said: "Let's go shopping in the city." Dilling had no choice but to act as a sidekick.

The city is much bigger than the town of the competition. The city wall alone has doubled in height. There are also many people in the city, and there are vendors on both sides of the street who put up novel things.

But most things Dilling is used to seeing in Shaman Lille, not very curious. On the other hand, Hydein stopped to watch from time to time.

"The tutor hasn't come out for a long time?" Di Lin had nothing to say.

"This is the first time I have left the academy since I can remember." Heidein's answer greatly exceeded his expectations.

Di Lin was stunned: "What about the original home?"

St. Pardes College is not a shelter for children. Thirteen is the bottom line for accepting students. Unless Hyde has memories since he was thirteen, where was he before

"No home." Hydein said lightly.

Di Lin's heart was shocked. Although he was curious, he couldn't ask any more questions.

On the contrary, Hydein took the initiative to answer: "In the past, St. Pardes College once opened a class for gifted children, looking for gifted children with magical aptitudes throughout the continent to cultivate from childhood."

"How about a gifted child with magical aptitude?" Dilling was curious.

Heidein said: "I am afraid that only Vincent Lin can answer this question. There were a total of twelve selected at that time, only me and Chai Fuang have no relatives."

Dilling looked at his lonely figure and couldn't help holding his hand quietly.

Hyde broke away subconsciously.

Dilling felt hurt. He shouldn't forget that this is not Soso who needs to be cared for, nor is it Raymond of the same age, but his mentor, an adult who stands taller than him and sees farther than him.

"Let's go back." After the hand-holding episode, Hyde was obviously not interested in telling stories.

Di Lin secretly regretted it, but he could only silently follow behind him.

Back at the Magic Guild, the person in charge was already waiting in the hall, and when he saw him, he immediately came over and said, "What you want is ready."

Hyde's eyes flashed and he walked forward with big strides.

The person in charge chased after him, but it seemed that Hydein was leading the way.

"This way, this way." The person in charge had to trot in order to lead the way.

After finally entering the office, the person in charge took out a notebook, spread it out in front of him and said, "This is the information provided by the headquarters, I have already copied it down." Listening to the words of the president of the Magic Association, the magister in front of him Definitely not a nobody. It is also true that St. Pardes Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, I don’t know how many powerful magicians are not known to the outside world. Thinking of this, he couldn't help but envy the youth and teenagers in front of him.

It is the lifelong dream of every magician to be able to enter St. Pades. He also took the test at the beginning, but unfortunately failed.

Hydein looked at the record silently, and his finger finally stopped on the last line, "Five years ago, the city of Neal in Santu."

The person in charge came over and said: "Yes. He released a reward of 5,000 gold coins to the guild at that time for elemental crystals. But the elemental crystals he wanted were too large, not to mention 5,000 gold coins, even 50,000 gold coins may not be found. ."

Hydein frowned: "Is it only five years ago?"

The person in charge said: "Yes. The contact information he provided at the time was a small hotel in Neil City, which has now been demolished."

Hyde closed the book and took it away without a word.

Dilling said to the person in charge for him, "Thank you, it's hard work."

Seeing that the older one had nothing to say, the person in charge turned to focus on the younger one, "Are you a student of St. Pades?"


"I heard it's hard to graduate from St. Pardes College?"

Di Lindao: "I just entered school this year."

"Ah. Is that so? I heard it's much easier to enroll this year than in previous years."

Dilling said: "Maybe. I didn't take the exam."

"Why?" The person in charge widened his eyes.

Dilling said: "Exemption."

The person in charge thought about it for a long time before he remembered the only exception in the admissions of St. Pades, "Ah, is it a noble?"

But the person who answered is no longer there.

Heidein remained in the room, and did not pack up and leave as Dilling imagined.

The door to the room was wide open.

"That," Dilling hesitated, standing by the door, "perhaps you can accept the reward?"

Heidein looked up from the notebook, saw him, and waved.

Dilling walked over.

"I don't have such a big elemental crystal." Heidein said.

Dilling was puzzled.

"It's a matter of integrity." Hydein closed the book, "I'll find him, but I won't use fraud as a means."

"… "

Dilling had to re-examine the man in front of him. His principles are always unexpected.

"He appeared in Santu," Heidein took out the map from the space bag, and then looked at the countries left and right of Santu, "Candin Empire and Shaman Ril, the two richest countries in the continent, are also the most likely to have large The country of block elemental crystals."

Dilling's heart tensed, "Do you think he will hide in Shamanril or the Chanding Empire?"

"He is not someone who gives up easily." If he gave up easily, he would not be obsessed with the wind element for so many years.

Dilling thought for a while and said, "If it's Shaman Lille, I think I can help."

Hyde turned his head to the side, his blue eyes as clear as water.

Thinking of being able to help the person in front of him, Di Lin felt an unspeakable excitement in his heart. Perhaps it was because he had been suppressed for too long, and he didn't want to miss a rare opportunity for the other party to rely on. Even if it's to go back to the circle he doesn't want to be in.

"Okay." Heidein said.

Dilling heard his heart fall back to his chest, and the corners of his mouth rose slightly.

Magic guilds have magic circles in major cities in the mainland, which can be used to transmit characters and letters. St. Padres also has enough strength to do so, but the first dean of the academy, considering the unique geographical location of St. Padres, no longer wants to be disturbed by outsiders, and ordered that no magic teleportation array should be set up anywhere in the academy. The school rules, from now on, the only means of transportation that can enter St. Padres is the boat.

Counting the time he left the home magic circle and went to Gulan to find Soso to go to St. Pades together, this was the second time Dilling used the magic circle, and he was still very nervous. He turned his head and looked at Heidein, who was supposed to be using a magic circle for the first time, but he was very calm, and secretly admired it.

"What are you thinking?" Heiden asked.

Dilling spoke his thoughts out. It was a positive affirmation, and he believed Heiden would be happy to know.

But again he miscalculated Heidein's reaction.

"When you are strong enough, you will find that there is nothing terrible in this world." Heidein looked at his eyes and clearly wrote, you are not working hard enough.

"..." Praise is a technical job. And Dilling is obviously not hot enough.