Holy Institution

Chapter 64: Home visit (4)


Although Dilling was already standing behind him, Heidein's mind and body were still tense.

"Okay, then let's catch up." Vincent walked downstairs step by step.

Hyde was standing still, and the distance between the two kept getting closer.

Vincent suddenly stopped when there were still three steps, "I heard that you are also studying wind magic."

Hydein said lightly: "This is the subject of the academy."

"Is it a subject?" Vincent said, "I thought it was only you and Chai Fuang who were interested in it. However, I admire you more than Chai Fuang's pig head. At least you want to list wind magic as a separate category. system."

Heidein said: "But I don't agree with the wind element."

"I know." Vincent looked down at him condescendingly and said leisurely, "You are the kind of person who sees believing."

Hydein's heart moved, "Have you sensed the wind element?"

Vincent sighed, "The elemental crystals are not enough."

"You did not answer my question."

Vincent sneered, "Age has only taught you to be aggressive?"

Heidein said: "At least I didn't learn to be stubborn."

"Well, I didn't find the wind element." Vincent compromised helplessly.

Hyde was slightly disappointed in his heart. Although he said he didn't believe it, he still had some yearning for the wind element in his heart. Unlike the other four magics, the wind magic is based on the fire and water. If there is a wind element, then the wind element will not conflict with the water element or the fire element, which means that the future will be A true dual-type magician appeared.

"What about you? What's your opinion on wind magic?" Vincent stared at him with piercing eyes.

"That's why you came to me." He should have thought that the only way to distract Vincent is magic.

Vincent ignored him and asked his own question, "Are you still researching and expanding wind magic? Although I can't say it's useless, but this research can obviously be done by anyone else, it's not that you have to. , unique."

"What do you mean?" Hydein raised his head halfway, his eyes from bottom to top, looking at him disdainfully.

"You came to me, it means that you have not given up your pursuit of wind magic." Vincent stretched out his hand and said slowly with confidence, "Come to my side. Just like the magic circle that helped me break through the Nightmare Forest. Same. I believe that if we join forces, we will find the element of wind."

"I don't have time to go crazy with you." Heideyin snorted coldly, "I only have one purpose in looking for you." Like Vincent, he stretched out his hand and said coldly, "Hand over the element crystal."

Both hands are also stretched out in mid-air, palms up, as if inviting and asking. But the eyes of the two fell on each other's faces, like provocation and persecution.

Dilling had seen the competition of swordsmen, and when he was a child, his father often took him to watch the competition of knights. At that time, the feeling was full of enthusiasm, and I could not wait to join in. It has never been like this, as if I was overwhelmed.

Heideyin didn't look back, but still noticed his face and said, "Go back first."

Magicians and knights are different. Knights rely on physical strength to win games, while magicians rely on mental strength. This competition is more dangerous than the physical competition.

Vincent suddenly laughed, "Hydein, are you really going to challenge me?"

Heidein said: "I don't think it's necessary to tease you."

"Okay then." After Vincent finished speaking, the figure disappeared and quickly appeared at the door, "Then let's have a match. Let your students be the judges."

Hydein frowned, "As I said, it's time for him to go to bed."

"I'll give him a whole day's leave tomorrow, let him sleep enough, if it's not enough, I can let him go for a whole year." Vincent's voice sounded outside the door, and Hydein said: "It's not up to you. ."

"I'll talk if I win." Vincent said arrogantly.

Dilling was in a trance. He had seen such a mighty tone on Hydein, but he didn't expect the protagonist to change so quickly. Seeing that Heiden was about to go out, he reached out to grab him, but the moment his fingers touched the back of his hand, he pulled back again, "Are you sure?"

Heidein glanced at him sideways, "If I lose, how about you being his student?"

Di Lin was stunned for a while, then firmly said: "You will not lose."

With the corner of his mouth curved, Hyde actually resolved the arrogance in the corner of his eyes.

Dilling's heart slammed hard, and he didn't regain his senses until he left. If he understood correctly, the feeling just now seemed to be called - throbbing.

It is difficult for ordinary people to judge a magician of such a level as Heidein and Vincent. Don't talk about Dilling, even Chai Fuang is very hung up.

So he only walked to the door, and found that he couldn't see the battlefield clearly at all.

Wind, fire and water…

The three kinds of magic are raging like crazy.

However, they still controlled their proportions and did not disturb the town.

Dilling only stood at the door for a few seconds before the strong wind knocked him against the handrail of the stairs.

The door slammed shut.

The windows were rattling and shaking.

He stood up on his back and walked to the window sill.

The fire is like a snake, and the water is like thunder.

The figures of Heidein and Vincent have completely disappeared in the water and fire.

Dilling clenched his fists, and sweat gradually seeped out of his palms. On the back, too, it was uncomfortably smooth and greasy. But he doesn't feel it at all now, his whole energy and focus is on the outside.

I don't know how long it took, the wind weakened.

Vincent laughed and said, "This is my newly invented magic called a wind-scrolling water dragon. Try it!"

Dilling saw a huge water chain swirling and rising in midair, and then another water chain appeared outside the water chain, dancing more and more, until finally, the entire window was filled with all kinds of rotating water chains. .

Hydein's figure was faintly visible in the water.

Vincent said: "You still don't admit the existence of wind element? Are you really only water element because of this magic from beginning to end?"

Heidein's deep nasal voice came out of Feng Shui, and sneered: "Have you felt it? Or are you imagining it again?"

Vincent didn't say any more, but Dilling clearly felt that the wind outside was getting stronger.

The windows crackled softly.

Dilling watched as the glass window slowly shattered, and then smashed into pieces.

The wind rushed into the house like crazy.

Dilling was forced to the corner again, and his eyes were completely blown away by the wind. The water element in my mind is rampant, but it seems that it is not only the water element. The new elements when playing against Saint-Sauveur are like finely divided powder, circling around a center. Although it was very small, very light, and very fast, Dilling really felt it this time. He could even feel this element approaching him step by step.

Subconsciously, he used mental power to force them away.


Vincent's voice appeared in his ears.

Soon he tightened his waist, raised his head again, and was already beside Heidein.

The red flames formed a cylindrical enchantment, trying to resist the invasion of Feng Shui, but Dilling could see that Heidein was in a bad situation.

"Are you two going together? Interesting." Vincent's voice was directly opposite, although Di Lin couldn't see it, the fire barrier slowly turned towards him.

Di Lin remembered that he had forced the new element back just now, and it seemed that the wind had really weakened. He quickly closed his eyes and wanted to draw the gourd in the same way. However, Heidein's fire element is too powerful, completely blocking his induction of water and new elements. He thought for a while, then gritted his teeth and said, "Teacher, let me go out."

Hydein didn't speak, just glared at him from the corner of his eyes.

Dilling said: "I just sensed a new element, although I still don't know what it is..." He looked at Hydein's eyes that suddenly widened, and began to ponder what he said later, "I think it may be helpful for the battle."

"New element?" Vincent didn't speak just now, but his ears were very long, "You really sensed the new element just now?!"

The pressure of feng shui was suddenly removed.

Hyde put his arm around Dilling and withdrew the fire barrier.

Vincent stood opposite, looking at Dilling in disbelief, "Say what you just said again!"

Dilling looked at Heidein inquiringly.

Hydein frowned and nodded slowly.

"This is the second time I sensed this element. The first time was in the game against Saint-Sauveur." Dilling said truthfully. In this way, you can also increase your credibility.

"Game? What game?" Vincent refused to miss a single detail.

"The siege battle with Saint-Sauveur." Dilling briefly introduced the background of the game.

Vincent said: "What kind of situation do you really feel?"

"When I used water magic. At that time, my mental power could hardly feel the water element, and this new element suddenly popped out. Unfortunately, I passed out quickly, so I thought it was my illusion."

"What about this time?"

"It's a lot clearer this time." Dilling tilted his head, as if thinking of adjectives, "but it's not particularly clear. In short, I can sense it."

Vincent looked at Heidein and said slowly, "I believe him."

Because he clearly saw just now that his wind was pushed away by an invisible force, but the water element stayed in place and did not move. This shows that Dilling is indeed controlling the wind while bypassing the water element.

Heideyin noticed the greedy eyes he looked at Dilling, and warned: "He is my student."

"I know." Vincent paused and smiled, "Do you sell it?"