Holy Institution

Chapter 68: Going out for a home visit (8)


The fact that Dilinto was involved in the volunteer army only caused a small disturbance in the bedroom.

That wave is Soso.

He almost didn't put himself into Dilling's space bag and had to follow.

Kevin seemed to have expected this result, and showed a strange smile to Raymond.

Dilling's scalp tingled from his smile, "Did something happen that I don't know about?"

Kevin said: "No no no, I should have asked this sentence. Did something happen to you that we don't know but want to know?"

Dilling looked at Raymond blankly.

Raymond shook his head firmly and said, "I always feel that such a terrifying guess is impossible."

Di Lindao: "A terrifying guess?"

Raymond glanced at Kevin and said, "He thinks you and Hyde are in a relationship."

Dilling's face turned white, but after only a second, the blood surged wildly, making his face flush like a tomato.

"I'll say it's scary." Raymond shook his head disapprovingly.

Kevin said: "My guess is well-founded. According to my tutor's daily description of Tajlis tutor, he should not be the kind of person who is willing to cooperate with students to play lovers and drive away the princess."

Raymond retorted subconsciously: "I'm not playing a lover, just being a crush. It's hard to satisfy my vanity."

Kevin said: "Then why don't you help?"

Ruimeng choked and said after a long time, "The other party is Princess Joni."

Kevin said: "You think it's nothing, Tajilis will offend the princess for no reason."

"Who said it was for no reason? Dilling is his most proud student." Raymond high-fives, "Besides. With Hydein's personality, maybe he sees this as a challenge."

Kevin said in a weird tone, "Challenge?"

"Otherwise ask Dilling, he knows Hydein best." Raymond turned his head, but found that Soso and Dilling were gone. "Where did they go?"

The door was gently pushed open, and Soso showed half of his head from the crack of the door, "Dilin said the room was given to you, let's go to Kevin's room to sleep."

Kevin jumped up, "Wait, why are you going to my room..."

"These are your socks." Soso covered her nose and threw it in.

Kevin caught it in a hurry.

"Dilin said that you hide these socks under your pillow. They must be very important to you, so let me give them to you." After Soso finished speaking, he closed the door and left.

Raymond covered his nose and looked at the socks in Kevin's hand with disgust, "Why are you putting the smelly socks under the pillow?"

Kevin said embarrassedly: "So as not to leak the smell."

"..." Raymond kicked Kevin to the bed with a kick.

After a while.

Socks flew out of the window like shooting stars.

It is also a boat to leave, the atmosphere of this trip is much more dignified than the last match with Saint-Sauveur.

The elites of the Senior Academy either had their faces tense, or closed their eyes and rested their minds, and the cabin was silent.

Dilling sat alone in the midst of a group of adults, like a rabbit straying into a flock. He wanted to find the only person he knew in the cabin, but considering that when he left this morning, Michelle and the others had ulterior motives, he suppressed the impulse.

Despite his good intentions, he can only enter the Volunteer Army through a relationship. If he is too close to Hyde, I am afraid that all kinds of rumors will spread.

The scenery was the same as last time, but Di Lin was sitting on pins and needles, living like a year.

On the fourth day, he finally couldn't help but secretly went to Heidein's room.

The door knocked twice, and it opened automatically.

Hyde was lying on the bed, and his handsome features appeared more three-dimensional under the light from the paper window.

Only then did Dilling remember that the seasickness medicine he had planned to buy had been forgotten because of a series of incidents. "tutor?"

Hydein reluctantly opened his eyes a little, "How many days is it?"

"The fourth day."

Hyde pursed his lips.

Originally, they could take the props and use the magic circle to go directly to Langzan, as long as they stayed on the boat for less than a day. However, in order to prevent other countries from taking advantage of the situation, Langzaan has closed the teleportation magic circle. In other words, to get to Langzane, you must go by boat and car.

"Do you want coffee?" Dilling's voice subconsciously softened.

Hydein answered softly.

Dilling took out the coffee and turned to make it. Since he couldn't find coffee last time, Heidein gave him two boxes of coffee to take with him.

Although this boat is not big, it still has what it should have.

Dilling was about to turn around after making coffee when the only way was blocked.

"Are you from that junior academy?" The visitor was a middle-aged man in his forties. His gray hair on the temples made him look extremely vicissitudes.

"Yes." Dilling replied cautiously.

"Your mentor is a genius." The middle-aged man didn't mean to give way.

Dilling had to keep a polite smile, "I think so too."

"This trip to Langzan is very dangerous. You are still young and you are not in a hurry to earn credits. Why take the risk?"

Dilling tried his best not to show impatience on his face, and said patiently, "My friend is in Langzane."

"Are you an aristocrat?" the middle-aged man said, "I know you are a nobility exempt student."

It's been a long time since I heard the five words for aristocrats exempt from exams. Dilling was sure he saw in his eyes the contempt he had seen in Kevin's eyes. "Yes, it's no secret."

When the middle-aged man saw his tone hardened, he smiled and said, "I'm just curious about you and Mage Tajilis. Because in my impression, he has always been a person who concentrates on studying magic and disdains the world."

So accepting him as a student and bringing him out is to ignore the world? Or, to put it simply, to curry favor with his aristocratic status? Dilling was both irritated and amused by his malicious speculation. Since he got on the boat, he has been paying attention to his every move, for fear that they will look down on him, but he did not expect that the other party not only sentenced him to prison, but even Hydein was dragged into the water.

"Thank you for paying so much attention to my mentor. If there is a chance, I would also like to know more about your mentor, although I don't know who he is yet." Dilling smiled and held coffee from his side. walk by.

“diveaka nimoyoli…”

Dilling heard a very soft curse from his throat. He paused, looking around nervously.

The boat shook violently suddenly.

Dilling rolled himself into the small room with the wind element without hesitation, and slammed the door shut.

The ship stabilized again.

He didn't have time to guess the current face of the middle-aged senior. Hyde was lying on the edge of the bed weakly, spitting up a pile of yellow water.

"Oops, isn't there any medicine on board?" Dilling put down the coffee and reached out to help him up.

Heidein sat up slowly, closed his eyes and said, "Who was using magic just now?"

Di Lindao: "A senior."

"Apart from me, everyone here is your senior."

"I don't know any names except you here."

"...You're too bad." Hyde opened his eyes and got up to get his coffee.

"What are you going to do?" Dilling took the coffee away.

Hydein frowned: "Isn't this for me to drink?"

"I changed my mind. You'd better drink some porridge first." Without waiting for him to answer, Dilling opened the window and poured out the coffee.

Hydein raised his eyebrows and said, "I don't know whether to say you spoil the coffee or the lake water."

Di Lin turned a deaf ear, "I'm going to cook porridge."

"Clean up the floor first." Heidein pressed his temple with his thumb and went out.

The boat was lively because of the shaking just now.

The middle-aged man sat in the corner and shrank slightly when he saw Hydein come out.

"Who was using magic just now?" Hyde suppressed all the commotion with his unique voice.

The students all stopped and turned to stare at him.

"There shouldn't be any five or six-year-old children among you who need to use pranks to emphasize their sense of existence, right?" Hydein swept his eyes.

There was silence below.

"Then, back to the question just now, who is using magic? What is the reason? I'm curious." The blue eyes of the sea were lined with pale skin as white as snow, making his whole person reveal a morbid look. dense.

The students looked at each other.

Hyde said lazily: "I hope he will stand up when I don't want to pursue the consequences..."

The door behind him opened and Dilling came out.

The middle-aged man's face tightened and he had to stand up. "It's me. I just want to brush up on magic."

Hydein said lightly: "Congratulations. You are late."

The middle-aged man did not understand what he meant.

"Since you are so free, then," Heideyin turned to Dilling, "remove the magic circle that propels the boat, and then find him an oar."

The middle-aged man guessed what he was going to do, and his face suddenly became ugly.

Hyde said to others: "Remember to thank him for his hard work after going ashore."

One of the senior college students stood up and said, "Mr. Tajilis, I understand what you're doing. But the situation in Langzain is serious, should we not waste the incident on the road?"

Hydein said to the middle-aged man, "Have you heard what he said? Don't waste your time on the road."

The middle-aged man's face was as black as the bottom of a pot.

The boat traveled slowly and slowly until the eighth day.

The middle-aged man was finally released after serving his sentence. But other students complained about the speed of the turtles these days. It was a very painful thing to take such a boat, not to mention the delay of the trip.

Hydein reappeared on the ship.

Facing the resentful eyes of the students, he only made one action—snap his fingers.

Immediately, the ship rushed out like an arrow from the string!

At half past two the next morning, the boat appeared on the shore of Sunrisgar.

Heidein looked at the sky and frowned: "It's early."

But no one paid attention to this, because everyone but him fell.

The deck by the window was full of people.



Hyde unexpectedly found that this speed did not cause him any discomfort. He said to himself: "It turns out that this can relieve seasickness."



Dilling is a relatively mild one, and he can stagger to Heidein's side, "When will the person pick us up?"

"This afternoon."

"What now?"

"Go to sleep." Hyde went back to his small room contentedly, leaving Dilling to frown at the others who were vomiting darkly.