Holy Institution

Chapter 69: Going out for a home visit (9)


The next afternoon, officials from Sunrisga came to greet them. Seeing the students who had disembarked from the boat, their faces were sallow and their steps were vain. They thought they were worried about Langzan. Students of the Magic Academy!

For a while now, the whole country of Senrisgar was worried about the sandstorms in the Eastern Wilderness, fearing that they would sweep across the territory, so I could feel the disaster of Langzin.

In order for them to arrive at Langzane as soon as possible, they specially prepared four large carriages pulled by six horses.

The official said: "It takes about six days to reach the Langzin border by horse-drawn carriage."

"Six days?" Dilling looked at Heidein hesitantly.

Hyde nodded without saying a word.

The other students looked like golden paper. They now see that anything that may shake has a psychological shadow, and even Heidein nodded, they looked a little dizzy.

The officials didn't understand the whole story, and thought they disliked the carriage being too slow, and sighed: "There's no way. Now the whole continent, especially our Western countries, dare not open the teleportation magic circle, otherwise you won't have to bump all the way."

At this time, the students silently made up their minds: when they go back, they must make suggestions to the dean of the academy and set up a teleportation magic circle in St. Pades College. It is not necessary to turn it on at ordinary times, but it must be able to be used at critical moments.

Make up your mind to make up your mind, at this time, there is no other way but to get on the carriage.

Fortunately, the horses of these four carriages are all excellent horses, which are not the same as wild horses. So students get used to it after a day of getting used to it. The only one with an ugly face was Dilling.

Because since he got in the car, Hydein has been sleeping with his arms around him. It was okay for Hyde to fall asleep, but he was stared at by other people's probing eyes like thorns on his back, and he was not even sure about sleeping in a hotel at night.

In this way, after rushing for six days, they finally entered the territory of Langzane.

The country is undergoing major changes, and to prevent sneak attacks from other countries, Langzane is very busy. But the border is more tightly guarded than ever. If it wasn't for the great action of St. Pardes' support, other countries might not know this secret until now.

Even though he had been informed in advance of the arrival of the St. Pardes College Volunteer Army at this time, Langzaan's defenders were still very closely investigated.

During the whole process, Dilling was extremely nervous, for fear that Hyde could not hold back because of one, and a conflict would occur. Fortunately, Hyde was not in the mood to care because he was unwell due to motion sickness for too long.

In this way, they were repeatedly authenticated for an afternoon before being sent to Tuta City, which is closest to the border.

When we got to the city gate, the big city gate was already closed, and only a small gate was left beside the wall to go in and out.

The small guard of the city gate checked them carefully again before letting them go.

By this time, even Dilling's students didn't have the strength to care. What they want most now is a comfortable hot bath and a comfortable soft bed.

Their wish was fulfilled at a discount—

Dilling and the others took a shivering cold shower in the hotel bathroom and slept shiveringly on the hard plank.

By the time I woke up the next morning, of the thirty volunteers from San Pades, six had a fever, eight had a headache, twelve had a cold, and only four were still able to jump and jump in good health.

Hydein and Dilling stood in the hotel aisle, watching the other two students who had come over and led the priests to run back and forth.

"What now?" Dilling asked. In fact, can't blame the hotel for poor hospitality. Mainly, after King Langzain issued the transfer order, most of the people in the country had already migrated to other countries, and the remaining people had to be used by one person as two people, so of course many things could be saved.

Heidein said: "I have already asked Chai Fuang to come."

"Teacher Chai Fuang? Why?" Di Lin remembered that he was the first group of mentors who went to Langzane to rescue him.

Hyde said without changing his face: "He is more suitable to be a mother bird."

Di Lin was stunned and whispered, "You want to throw them to him?"


Thinking of Hydein's relationship with Chai Fuang, Dilling doubted whether his conspiracy would come true, "What if he doesn't come?"

"He will definitely come." Hyde was full of confidence, "I told him that he was very sick and had vomiting and diarrhea. He would not miss such a rare opportunity to ridicule me."

Dilling: "..."

As Hyde expected.

In the afternoon of that day, Chai Fuang did not hesitate to spend his energy and use wind magic to rush on the road, and he arrived in a dusty manner. However, he did not see the pleasant scene he imagined, only a letter of escrow entrustment.

"… damn it!"

In the afternoon of the same day, the students who were recuperating from illness all experienced a thrilling scene in which the door of the room was suddenly pushed open, and the normally smiling tutor Chai Fuang rushed in with a full of anger to "condolence".


Astonished, the pastor diagnosed room by room, and while diagnosing, said, "Why is the disease worse?"

The other cities in Langzan were also very guarded, but both Heidein and Dilling used wind magic to easily break through and rushed all the way to the capital of Langzane, Xiaobei City.

Xiaobei City was once ranked as one of the top ten famous cities in Dreamland, famous for its criss-crossing yet prosperous streets.

But today, the streets are still criss-crossed, but they look deserted.

Di Lindao: "Let's go to the palace first?"

Hydein raised his eyebrows and said, "Oh? Are you familiar with Langzin Palace?"

"I don't know. But I want to meet Neia first." Dilling answered honestly. The biggest reason he came to Langzain this time was to meet Neia.

Hyde didn't speak.

Di Lin was surprised when he saw him traversing various streets familiarly, "Have you been here?"

"No." Hyde could count the number of times he went out with one palm.

"Have you written down the map of Xiaobei City?" Di Lin said with admiration.


"Then what are you walking on?"

"Go blind."

"… "

Some people go no matter how hard they try, but they can't reach their destination. But there are also some people who can reach their destination no matter how blindly they go.

If Dilling is the former, then Hydein is the latter.

But Hydein didn't look happy at all.

"It's really at the palace." Di Lin said excitedly.

Hydein frowned. People traveling together are sometimes not necessarily in the same destination. He watched Di Lin excitedly explain his origin and purpose to the guard, and his originally frowning brows could not help tightening.

The guard cross-examined for a long time, until Di Lin couldn't help but condense a water polo, and the other party went in suspiciously to report.

After half an hour, the guard hurried out and said, "The chief asked me to take the two to the State Guest House to rest."

Di Lin was taken aback and said, "Where's Neia?"

"The general manager will arrange it." The guard said.

A flash of disappointment flashed in Dilling's heart, but he concealed it well.

He and Hydein arrived at the guest house, but it was empty.

The guard explained: "The reinforcements from St. Pardes College are already at the front line of Dabei City. The director asks the two of you to have a good rest. Tomorrow, a carriage will be arranged to send the two of you there."

Dilling said, "Will Neia come tonight?"

The guard said: "This, I don't know very well."

Dilling sighed.

Hydein watched from the sidelines, without saying a word.

After dinner, Dilling began to fidget. Seeing that it was getting late, but there was no movement outside the door. He thought about it, and finally made a risky decision.

Dark bodysuits are readily available, and after he put them on, he hesitated to take out the sword. This way, even if you are seen, your identity will not be suspected. After thinking about it, he decided to enter the palace to talk about it.

He held his breath by the door and waited for a while, and after making sure that there was no movement outside, he crept open the door, crept out, and then creptly turned around...

"Being a thief?" Hydein's voice echoed in the silent corridor.

Dilling's back tightened, he smiled nonchalantly and turned around and said, "Is the instructor still asleep?"

Hydein hugged his chest and leaned against the wall, "How do you watch your good show when you sleep?"

Dilling knew that he couldn't hide it, so he had to confess: "I just want to see Neia."

"Why do you want to see him?"

Dilling thought for a while and said: "Because of the rejection, I feel a little guilty, so I want to meet him and make sure he doesn't hold any grudges. I can live a little better. Even if I don't see me, I want to know the reason for not seeing me."

"that is it?"

"There's another friend, and I'd like to know if he's doing well recently."

Hydein stood up straight and said, "Let's go then."

"Go?" Dilling watched as Hydein brushed past him and walked towards the door. "The instructor is going too?"

"I'm afraid you'll be caught clumsily."

Dilling was moved and laughed and followed.

Hyde continued coldly, "Following you, at least you can guarantee a timely silence."

"… "