Holy Institution

Chapter 70: Home visit (10)


After dark, the palace is more heavily guarded.

Di Lin wandered around the palace for several times without finding a breakthrough.

Heideyin, who had been waiting on the spot when he circled the second lap, finally couldn't help but hold on to him who was still going around, and said helplessly, "What are you looking for?"

"The back door." Di Lin said, "There must be more than one gate in the palace."

"Follow me." Hyde turned around and walked back.

Dilling followed him suspiciously. He just came from that place, where is the door

Hyde turned into a narrow-looking aisle familiarly, and then heard someone shouting, "Who?"

Dilling's heart tightened, and he quickened his pace and rushed up, only to see Hydeyin standing with his back to him, with three guards lying on the ground.

"Are you... alright?" He originally wanted to ask "what did you do to them", but he changed his words and turned into such a nonsense. He was secretly annoyed, and with Heidein's character, he would definitely laugh at him back.

Unexpectedly, instead of sneering, Hyde answered seriously: "It's fine."

"That's good." Di Lin breathed a sigh of relief, squatted down and touched the heartbeat of the guards, making sure that they just passed out, and walked forward first.

Heidein didn't care about his rush, and Shi Shiran followed behind.

The design of the Langzin Palace is really strange. There is a long road that goes around in front of the door.

When Di Lin turned another corner, he heard an angry shout from the front: "Who are you? Why are you sneaking into the palace?"

Di Lin secretly said that it was not good. Except for the three guards who had been stunned by Hyde, they did not meet anyone else along the way. It seemed that the strange thing was this long aisle. Now that it has been discovered, there is no need to hide it. He walked out gracefully.

Several sword lights flashed across his face immediately.

Dilling looked down at the blade that was almost at his neck, and said with a smile, "I'm here to see Neia."

"Nonsense! If you see Prince Neia, why are you sneaking in?" He asked a middle-aged man with a slender physique. By looking at his face with pimples in his thirties and forties, he knew that this person must always get angry.

Dilling explained in a good-natured manner: "I asked to see him during the day. You said he would come at night, but he didn't come."

The middle-aged man said angrily, "There must be a reason for the prince not to come. This is not the reason for you to break into the palace in the middle of the night!"

Di Lindao: "I see Neia and I have reasons for wanting to see him. We are going to Dabei City early tomorrow morning, and I must see him before we leave."

"Do you think you can still go to Dabei City?" The middle-aged man looked at him coldly, "The crime of breaking into the palace at night is enough to make you spend the rest of your life in prison."

Di Lin was born in a noble family, and of course he knew how sinful it was to break into the palace at night. He was ashamed and didn't know how to explain it for a while. It was a spur of the moment to want to see Neia, but I didn't expect such a consequence. In particular, his identity is sensitive, not only involving St. Pardes Academy, but also involving Shaman Lille, if this leads to a confrontation between the three forces, "Since this is the case," Hyde finally came out from behind Dilling, "If If there is no palace, or no prison, then what you just said cannot stand."

The middle-aged man heard the threat in his words, his eyes were as cold as a knife, "You dare!"

Hyde ignored him and said to himself, "Anyway, the palace is right in front of you..."

"Teacher." Di Lin bit the bullet, gently tore off his sleeve, then took a step forward and said calmly, "It's really reckless for me to break into the palace at night, but I'm really here for Neia. Whether it's true or not, just let me meet him."

The middle-aged expression moved slightly.

The guards in front of him and behind him suddenly split into two sides to make way.

The middle-aged man turned back in a hurry, and saw a middle-aged man with a national character in a royal robe walking out slowly.

"Your Majesty!" The middle-aged man said respectfully while letting the roadside.

King Langzain nodded slightly, and his eyes fell directly on Dilling's face, "Neia went to Dabei City."

Di Lin was stunned, "When?" If he had already gone in the morning, why didn't he tell him before

King Langzain seemed to see his doubts and explained: "He has a secret mission. If you go, don't mention it to others."

Dilling was slightly relieved, and then he was surprised: "Your Majesty believes me?"

"Are you Dilling?" A faint smile appeared on the king's tired face, "I heard him mention you."

Dilling was completely relieved, and hurriedly said, "Tonight is too rude." He wanted to say something, but when he saw the king nodded perfunctorily, he turned around and went back. Thinking about coming to Dongguimo has already exhausted him, and he has no more energy to deal with him.

The middle-aged man listened to the king not to pursue any further investigations, and gave a series of warnings angrily, and let him go.

On the way back, Di Lin was still annoyed by his recklessness. If Neia hadn't mentioned her before, and King Langzaan was unwilling to pursue it, then what happened tonight would have turned into a problem between countries.

"There's something weird in that corridor." Heidein's thinking was obviously completely different from him.

Dilling said: "Maybe there is an alarm there."

"It's not an alarm," Heidein has already figured out the key, "it's a magic circle that projects the scene there into the crystal ball, so that the guards in the palace can know what's going on outside just by looking at the crystal ball."

Di Lin didn't think of this level, and said with admiration, "I didn't expect the guards at Langzin Palace to be so strict." He took a few steps forward and found that Hyde didn't follow, so he stopped in surprise and turned to look. What's up with him?"

"It should be fun to break through such a strict guard." Hydein's eyes were full of excitement that was about to overflow.

Di Lin was startled and said, "We were just caught!"

"So they don't expect us to go back right away."

"Neia is not in Xiaobei City, we have no reason to go."

Hyde stared at him with a hint of bewitchment in his azure blue eyes, and said softly, "Yes."

Seeing his resolute expression, Di Lin turned his head desperately, thinking of various ways to stop him.

Heidein said: "Don't worry, this time I will not be caught by them." Last time, he was too careless and actually walked in. This time, they mainly used wind magic. Even if they had a hundred pairs of eyes facing the crystal ball, they would never be seen.

Dilling took a deep breath and said, "If they are discovered again this time, they will definitely turn their backs."

"I've made up my mind, so," Heidein shook his finger, "you don't need to encourage me any more."

encourage? He was clearly persuading. Dilling said, "We are here to help Langzan."

"Yes. Check the guards for them by the way."

"But..." Before Dilling could finish, he was hugged into his arms by Hyde, and then rushed directly into the palace like a gust of wind.

Dilling is still a young man after all, no matter how mature he is, he can't be flattered or humiliated. Since he was able to perceive the element of wind, although he was nothing on the surface, he was a little complacent in his heart. But this time, seeing Hyde again because of wind magic, that little complacency turned into shame.

Being able to sense wind elements and using wind magic are two different things.

Whether it is Heidein or Vincent, they may not perceive the wind element, but with their control of the fire element and the water element, the wind magic they use is far stronger than him.

The magician's power is ultimately subservient to the mastery and control of magic, not to the perception of the elements.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but secretly restrain the pride he had cultivated for a while, and readjusted his mentality.

"Here." Hydein let him go.

The wind that was rubbing his cheeks stopped suddenly, and Di Lin's icy face, which had been blown by the wind, suddenly became hot. He looked around warily. This is already the interior of the palace, looking at the layout nearby, it should be a reception room or something. Hydein's guess was not wrong. The other party did not expect that they would come back, and the internal security was very lax.

"Since the breakthrough is successful, let's go." Di Lin whispered.

"Don't you want to meet the crystal ball?" Heidein asked.

Dilling said without hesitation, "I don't want to." Now he just wanted to sneak out of this place of right and wrong without knowing it.

Hyde raised his eyebrows, as if he had already expected his answer, "It seems that without your friend, you have no interest in everything around you."

Dilling felt that his words were a bit weird, but he was used to being ridiculed, and he didn't think deeply, "After all, I am a member of the Shaman Riel Basecco family. If I get caught by them again, it will definitely cause trouble Their dissatisfaction and speculation about Shaman Riel may also cause friction between the two countries."

"Well, let's go then." Heidein said.

Dilling adjusted his posture and waited for a while, but he had not seen Heidein's movements for a long time, so he couldn't help turning his head to look at him.

Hydein opened his arms slightly, waiting for someone to hug him, "Let's go?"

"Me?" Dilling's expression tightened. In normal times, he would not miss such a practical opportunity, but now he does not dare to take the risk.

"As a tutor, it's a matter of course to assign homework to your students." Hydein smiled.

Dilling gritted his teeth and reached out to hug him.

Being hugged and being hugged are two completely different feelings. At least when Dilling was hugged, he couldn't feel that Heidein's waist was so thin. His hands tightened, he took a deep breath, closed his eyes, and after a while, suddenly opened them.

A gust of wind blew, and the reception room was empty.

Dilling didn't know what the slowest speed the crystal ball could collect, but looking at the still peaceful palace from a distance, he was sure that he had passed the test.

"Phew." He breathed a sigh of relief, slowly calming his beating heart.

Heidein looked at him sideways, his eyes deep.

To be able to nearly double his speed in such a short period of time... It seems that persecution in a crisis is indeed a shortcut.

"Teacher, can we go back?" Di Lin's tone was helpless.

"You just performed well." Hope to see more and better performances in the future. With a deep smile, Hyde turned around and walked towards the State Guest House.

Was it praised just now

Di Lin was in a trance for a while before he started to keep up.