Holy Institution

Chapter 73: Internship abroad (3)


"What about the out-of-the-ordinary statement?" Heidein clearly didn't want to be trendy.

Melina sat down on the only chair in the tent, "There are two kinds. One is natural disasters."

Hydein sneered: "A natural disaster more powerful than the magician?" If it is a natural disaster, then the magician can easily stop the spread of this disaster by controlling the elements.

"The other kind," Melina lowered her voice, "do you know what Saint Dean believes in?"

Dilling was startled.

Saint Dean believes in...

Hydein said slowly: "It's a bit reliable."

Melina glared at him, "Don't you think this is the worst of the three?"

"I only know that this is closer to reality." Heidein said lightly.

Melina was silent for a moment before she asked reluctantly, "Then what are you going to do?" She asked, in fact, she had already tacitly agreed that the third possibility was the closest to the truth.

"First of all, you need to know what he wants to do. After so many years of no movement, there is no reason to appear suddenly." Hyde's eyes deepened, and the curse on Neia suddenly flashed in his mind, and he kept calling the other party the devil, maybe, the answer was early. It was revealed inadvertently.

"How do you know?" Melina asked.

Heidein said: "Find someone."


Hyde suddenly stopped talking and looked at her with interest.

Melina's cheeks were slightly red, but she was not shy, but angry. He probably also found that he had been led away by the other party without knowing it. "Since you already have an idea, hurry up and do it." She shook her head uncomfortably, clearly intending to see off guests.

Hydein didn't make fun of him anymore, he lifted the curtain and came out.

Dilling hurriedly said goodbye to Melina, came out to catch up with him and asked, "Where are we staying at night?" He originally expected Melina to arrange dormitories for them, but he didn't expect... the talk fell apart.

Heidein turned to block a passing magister and asked, "Where is Chai Fuang's tent?"

Chai Fuang's tent is probably the most gorgeous one in the entire Eastern Military Region.

In the words of Hydein, it is a saucy bag.

However, there was nothing in the tent, and probably Chai Fuang also packed up when he left. Fortunately, Dilling and Hydein both had the habit of walking with bedding, so they didn't have to worry about having nowhere to sleep at night.

Since it was late, the two of them made their beds and went to bed separately.

He was obviously tired all day, but Dilling couldn't fall asleep just tossing and turning. Melina's words in the tent kept playing in his mind. If it is really what she said, then what they are facing now is simply impossible to overcome.

He is not one to give up easily, but this time it is really bottomless.

"Are you asleep?" he asked in a very soft voice.

There was no sound over there.

Dilling sighed softly and turned over again.

"Do you think ordinary people could hear that volume?" Heidein's voice suddenly sounded in the darkness.

Dilling's dangling heart finally found a solid place to rest. "Tutors are not ordinary people."

Hyde didn't refute him because he heard it quite comfortably.

"Did the dust storm really... cause it?" he asked.

"I can only tell you," Heidein said slowly, "I didn't cause it."

Dilling suddenly realized that he had asked a stupid question, "So how are we going to beat him?"

Heidein said: "I don't know."

This is the first time that Dilling heard Hydein clearly express his uncertainty, and he felt a little bit of emotion and a little bit of joy in his heart. For a strong person, showing weakness is a very difficult thing, especially when things haven't happened yet. Heidein's pride is clear to him, so his showing weakness in front of him is even more precious.

"Is that something to be happy about?" A warm breath blew on his cheek.

Dilling turned his head in astonishment. There was a small night pearl in the room, the light was not bright, but it was enough for him to see Heidein who was sitting next to his bed and looking down at him. The distance between the nose and the nose of the two people will never exceed three centimeters.

"What are you laughing at?" Those azure blue eyes seemed to be full of magic, almost attracting him.

Di Lin didn't dare to look directly into his eyes, but he lowered his eyes just to meet his lips, and his mouth suddenly became dry.

Seeing that his face was getting redder and redder and his breathing was a little short, Heide couldn't help raising his eyebrows. He used the wind to send himself back to his bed in an instant, and said lightly, "Go to sleep."

Dilling held his breath and dared not move.

after a long time.

After confirming that Hyde was really asleep, he covered his heart and let out a slow breath. Fortunately, Hyde retreated just now, otherwise he really didn't know what he would do impulsively. He had heard of the impulsive behavior of many noble youths, and he didn't want to add his name to it.

Although the mind constantly persuades itself, the body does not appreciate it. The tumultuous desire tossed him into the early morning, until he was really exhausted, and he fell asleep in a daze.

The next day, although Di Lin was already energized, he still showed a listless look.

Heidein didn't say anything and took him to Melina's tent.

The real battle is about to begin.

In addition to Melina, Pamela also came in the tent, and a white-robed old man with a white beard was sitting beside her.

Seeing him, Dilling couldn't help thinking of Tommy Cracklan, the mysterious magician who loved to draw but couldn't draw well. Thinking of him, he couldn't help but think of the bits and pieces of St. Padres College - Saussuremon Kevin…

After he thought about it for a while, the atmosphere in the tent was already tense.

Pamela stared at Heidein, her body trembling with anger. Originally, after Melina told her about Hydein's status and achievements in the academy this morning, she was secretly grateful to have such a strong supporter, but she didn't expect this happiness to turn into anger in less than an hour.

"Your request is really ridiculous!" Pamela, for the sake of Melina and St. Pardes, didn't want to tear her face, and forced herself to suppress her anger, "The most urgent need for Langzane is manpower. , how could it be sent out to find Prince Neia? Besides, Prince Neia is in Xiaobei City, if you really want to find him, you shouldn't come to Dabei City to find him!"

Although Dilling didn't know why Hyde was suddenly in a hurry to find Neia, he said without hesitation, "We've been to the palace, and the king said he's coming to the front."

"Your Majesty may not want to tell others about Prince Neia's whereabouts." Pamela didn't have such a good temper when it came to Dilling. She even pointed to Sang and scolded Huai: "What Langzan needs most now is to work together to deal with the sandstorm, not to harass my royal family for some inexplicable reason!"

Melina knew about Hydein's temper. Although he is unreliable in his words, he has always been reliable in his actions. "Why are you looking for him?"

Heidein said: "Remember what we said last night?"

Melina's eyes lit up, "How do you know it's him?"

"Guess." Under the eyes of everyone, Hydein said these two words without any pressure.

Pamela angrily lifted the curtain out of the tent.

The white-bearded old man's butt was still firmly glued to the only chair.

Melina frowned and introduced the person occupying her chair with an unhappy face, "Magic Guild, Brandy."

Dilling was surprised: "President of the Magic Guild?"

Bradley smiled at him: "Yes, nice to meet you."

Brandy's identity in Dreamland is very delicate. In terms of nobility, he is absolutely nobler than the emperor of the Kaeding Empire and Shaman Lille; in terms of holiness, he is absolutely no more than the Pope of the Light God Society; in terms of profoundness, he is definitely not as profound as the dean of St. Pardes College, but in terms of power, he is Possibly better than all of the above. He holds most of the magicians in the Dreamland in his hands. No matter how good the magicians of St. Pardes are, they can never be compared with him in number. And, nominally, the magicians of St. Pardes have always belonged to the Magic Guild. Since they used the resources of the Magic Guild recklessly, they have no position to disentangle this relationship.

Therefore, Dilling still maintains considerable respect and curiosity for this legendary big man. "It's my honor to see you here."

Bradley smiled at him, then turned to look at Hydein and said, "Tajlis mentor has always emphasized that Prince Neia must be found first. Does it have anything to do with Langzaan's current predicament?"

"What's the matter?" Hydein asked without answering.

Bradley didn't care, "Donggui Desert is no better than Nightmare Forest. It has nothing but yellow sand in the sky. There must be a lot of articles in this sudden sandstorm."

These two sentences are the same as saying nothing.

"What article?" Heiden continued to ask.

Bradley laughed. "Tajlis tutor should already know, right?"

"I don't know." Hydein simply refused.

Bradley said, "Then why are you so obsessed with finding Prince Neia?"

Hydein hugged Dilling, "I'm looking for it for my students. They're friends."

Melina also looked over in surprise.

Dilling nodded. Although he didn't believe that Hyde was looking for Neia for such a simple purpose, at such a time, he would support him without any hesitation.