Holy Institution

Chapter 85: Problem analysis (5)


"Water..." Dilling's mouth moved for a long time before the word came out.

Melina touched his forehead, "I'll pour it." Although she is a water magician, it is easy to get water, but she can only get cold water. If you want hot water, you must have the cooperation of a fire magician. . At this time, when thinking of fire magicians, it is inevitable to think of Heidein.

No matter how unpleasant she once looked at this person, at this moment, she was sincerely worried about him.

In fact, she knew very well that under such circumstances, Hydein's winning rate would not exceed 3%. Although she believed that with Heidein's metamorphosis, there was definitely a powerful killer, but human power always had an end.

She came back after pouring the water, only to find that the bed was empty. She was shocked, and immediately flew from the window to the street, just in time to see Di Lin lying on the ground not far away.

Melina hurriedly helped him up and looked down at his wound. Blood had seeped out from the gauze. Dilling's face was very pale, and his mouth was desperately breathing air.

Melina gave him a painkiller.

You can't take too much of this medicine, because eating too much will weaken the magician's ability to perceive the elements, but looking at Di Lin's situation, if he doesn't take it, he will soon pass out of pain.

Dilling swallowed the medicine and closed his eyes for a while.

"Is it better?" she said softly.

Dilling slowly opened his eyes, his breathing slowed down significantly, and his body began to struggle again.

"What do you want to do?" she said angrily.

Dilling's hand held her tightly, and his eyes were more stubborn and stubborn than hers.

Melina sighed, "What can you do?"

Dilling looked up at the sky and closed his eyes silently.

Just when Melina thought he had given up and was about to use wind magic to carry him back, Dilling suddenly disappeared in front of her like a gust of wind.

Melina looked at the empty front, cursed angrily, and ran towards the front line with wind magic.

Fire dancing yellow sand.

The yellow sand and the flames were entangled frantically, almost no gap could be found, and the earth trembled.

A figure in the distance swept towards this side, as if turning a blind eye to the battle in front of him. Even when it came close, it did not slow down and rushed directly into the flames of yellow sand.

The yellow sands that were fighting each other suddenly gathered into one, and then slammed down the flames around!

The flames seemed to be squashed, spreading nearly 100 meters across, forming a huge circle of fire.

In the center of the fire ring, three figures stood in three positions, each maintaining a certain distance.

"You lose." The red-haired man said coldly, every single piece of his bare muscles was tensed. Obviously, it was not easy for him to win.

Heiden stood the furthest. He slowly took out a crutch-length magic wand, leaned on it with his hands, and kept his body from falling. But his face was even more ugly than a dead man.

Standing in the middle of the two was a strange boy wrapped in vine-like magic patterns. His eyes were red and he stared at the red-haired man. But there was only pain in those eyes, nothing but pain.

The red-haired man looked away, avoiding eye contact with him. "I'm here for you."

The boy's body trembled, his teeth clenched his lower lip tightly, as if he was enduring great pain.

"I'm doing it for your own good." The red-haired man said again, his voice slightly raised, not sure if he was convincing him or himself. "Just follow me and you can have the best of everything. Then you'll know how stupid it is to be attached to the present."

The young man stared at him, a tear slowly flowing from the corner of his eye.

The red-haired man froze for a moment, his face suddenly sinking. "Neia, does choosing to follow me make you feel so uncomfortable?"

Neia didn't speak, but the bloodshot lower lip had already told him the answer.

The red-haired man's expression became more and more ugly. He took a step forward, grabbed his arm, and said angrily: "Then what are you doing here?! Tears make my heart soften? It's a pity, I can't do it!"

Neia slowly raised her head.

His pupils are pure black, and when viewed from a close distance, they are both pure and blank.

The red-haired man seemed to be recalled, and his heart ached.

Neia suddenly bent her knees and knelt down.

The red-haired man was still holding his arm, but his hand was slightly relaxed, "What do you mean?"

"I agree." Neia finally spoke, her voice was extremely hoarse, not at all as clear and soft as before.

The red-haired man looked at the top of his gray hair without any joy. "Promise what?"

"Promise to go with you." Neia answered weakly. The double torture of body and spirit for so long has worn away the youthful spirit and innocence. Under such power, any struggle is in vain, it just gives the other party more opportunities to hurt and more trouble for all those who help him.

Obviously it was the expected result, but there was no expected joy and pleasure. The red-haired man released his hand and sighed, "If you agreed from the beginning, there wouldn't be so much trouble."

Neia lowered her head, "Let them go."

The red-haired man looked at Heidein.

He admired this man very much. There are not many people who can block his attack, and even fewer people who can counterattack after blocking his attack, and those who block his attack and counterattack successfully. So far, he has only seen this one in front of him.

Although, he has reached the end of the shot.

"Okay." The red-haired man held out his hand.

The black stripes on Neia's body were like snakes, and they had to slip from him back to the red-haired man's hands, and finally disappeared under the bronze-colored skin.

"Let's go." The red-haired man didn't withdraw his hand.

Neia meekly raised her hand and held it.

Hydein frowned.

"Teacher." Neia looked back at him.

Heiden listened quietly.

"It's my own choice. And," he paused, "thank you, and sorry."

The red-haired man was a little impatient and dragged him directly into his arms.

The dust rose again.

Because his body was swaying in the wind, Hyde finally couldn't help kneeling on one knee and holding his head. His mental power was already overloaded, and if it wasn't for Neia's appearance just now, he would either have died at the hands of the red-haired man, or he would have drained his mental power and turned into an idiot.

But even if it didn't get there, it's not much better now.

The yellow sand slowly fell.

A divine power fell on his body, making his pain slightly lessened.

Hyde opened his eyes.

Wheeler and Macron were standing in front of him, looking at him worriedly.

"Are you alright?" Mallon asked.

Heidein shook his head and stood up slowly.

The three were speechless.

Heidein knew that they must not have just come. But it was because of the red-haired man that he didn't show up.

Seeing his mockery, Mellon said, "It's great that this catastrophe can pass."

Wheeler was silent. He has always been arrogant and arrogant, but after seeing the dispute between Huangsha and Flame just now, he knew that the magician who looked much younger than himself had surpassed himself by too much in terms of magical attainments.

Seeing that he was unsteady, Mellon stretched out his hand and said, "I'll take you back."

Heideyin was about to refuse when a strange feeling suddenly flashed in his heart, and he turned his head to look in the direction of Dabei City.

Suddenly, a force hit him and fell to the ground together.

Maroon originally wanted to reach out, but after realizing who was coming, he retracted his hand.

"Dilling?" Hyde asked through gritted teeth.

Dilling didn't answer.

—Because he passed out.

The final result was that Dilling was brought back, and Hyde was brought back. Although Hydein never admitted it, in his words, he just walked along the way.

Due to overdraft of mental strength, Dilling suffered a serious abdominal injury, and both of them took care of the injury for nearly a month.

The crisis in Dabei City has passed, and the Langzan people have returned to their homeland. However, due to the shadows of the old days, with Dabei City as the boundary, the north of Dabei City is uninhabited and no one wants to live. Even Dabei City has changed from a prosperous town to a checkpoint.

After Hydein and Dilling were able to move a little, they were picked up by someone sent by St. Pardes College.

Hyde became famous because of the first battle, and was personally announced as the first person in the list of magicians by the president of the Magic Association, Bradley. This is the first time in the past 100 years that the Magic Guild has not operated behind the scenes and handed over this position to someone from St. Pades College.

Dilling also received a lot of attention.

Emperor Shamanril personally issued an edict to commend him, and said that if he wanted, he could return to the country at any time to accept the earl's reward. Such a hereditary heir to receive an additional award is very rare in Shaman Lille. For a while, the Basec family was restless. Everyone knows that although Dilling is only an earl now, he is still young and will definitely get a higher title in the future. In this way, Andre Basseko's Duke position may be handed over to others to inherit, that is to say, the Basseko family is likely to have two powerful nobles, and I am afraid that Dreamland will not be able to find a second place for such an honor. home's.

However, the two people at the forefront were not as excited as others had imagined. In fact, when they got back to St. Pardes, they went back to their old days.

Maybe even worse than it used to be.

Because Dilling's magic progress has obviously slowed down, Hyde's face is getting worse day by day because of this.

Dilling was very aggrieved. There was no way he could change the status quo.

Although he had discovered his feelings for Heidein before, but because the enemy was at the time, he didn't have the time to study and think deeply. Now that he is free, the heart that is in the turbulent period of the youth can't calm down.

Every time Hydein stared at him, his blood surged and he couldn't remember anything.

Every time Hyde was angry, he still used his blood and didn't remember anything.

In short, as long as he sees Hydein, the probability of his distraction increases day by day, and there is always an unspeakable evil fire in his heart.

Raymond found two words to summarize the various conditions after his return, "Sichun."