Holy Institution

Chapter 90: Problem Analysis (10)


I don't know if Orosei sensed Heidein's conspiracy, and before they put the plan into practice, he helped them prepare a Contan Avenue.

"Extracurricular practice?" Di Lin was surprised. This was the first time he had heard of it.

Hydein frowned and said, "Did the council come up with it again?"

Orosei sighed: "You shouldn't always be hostile to them."

Hydein raised his eyebrows and said, "Aren't they the ones who are hostile?"

They are not hostile, they are just too idle. Orosei secretly said in his heart.

Di Lindao: "What should I do for extracurricular practice?"

Oro Circuit: "Actually, this is the system of the Saint-Sauveur Academy of Glory, but the council feels that this system is very suitable for your current situation. Saint-Sauveur has a close relationship with the mercenary union, so the main content of their extracurricular practice is to work in the mercenary. Soldiers will take tasks and obtain corresponding credits according to the level of the task. Our college does not have such exchanges with the mercenary labor union, so all your extracurricular training content is produced by the college. Of course, when necessary, you You can ask for the help of the Magic Guild. Don't worry, I've already greeted Bradley. You've fought together before, so you shouldn't be unfamiliar."

Hydein seemed to think that the deal was not bad, so he said, "As long as the task is completed?"

"Theoretically, that's true."


Orosei couldn't help sighing when he saw Hyde's bad eyes. Sure enough, calm and arrogant people will become impulsive and sensitive when they encounter feelings. "The council made two special requests. First, they got along with this plan that was specifically applicable to him because Dilling could sense the element of wind. If Dilling can't prove this in front of everyone, then This plan does not work.”

Hyde was confident, "What about the second?"

"Second, this is the students' graduation practice. Therefore, the tutors cannot go together." Otherwise, with Hydein's strength, no matter what kind of tasks they assign, they will be resolved quickly.

Hydein curled his lips, half-smiling, "Do you think I'll help him cheat?"

Oro Circuit: "No. It's because the academy needs you very, very much right now."

"Is there another sandstorm somewhere?" Heidein asked.

Oro Circuit: "It was Luce who accidentally messed up your research in Library One the day before yesterday. So you have to stay and sort them out. You know, your research is in addition to yourself. , other people do not understand so thoroughly."

Hyde narrowed his eyes, "That's a good excuse."

Orosei laughed dryly.

Some things are tacit.

When he came out of the dean's office, Di Lin still felt like he was in a fog. "It's really that simple?"

"Simple?" Hydein hugged his chest and looked at the row of green towering trees on the opposite side, and said lightly, "Do you think that if the people in the council didn't fully give me a chance to let me go so easily?"

Dilling said with a smile: "At least it's much better than staying in the academy for decades and not knowing if I can graduate."

Heidein said: "The questions they ask will be very tricky."

"I can handle it." Dilling was confident. He didn't go to St. Padres College for the sake of graduating and staying on. He has his ideals, and although he does not want to be successful in politics, it does not mean that he does not want to be successful in his life.

Hyde smiled suddenly and said, "If they are too proud, I will be very sad."

Dilling looked at him with a questioning expression on his face.

But Heidein just patted his head, "You just need to think about how to pass the wind element test now."

Di Lin touched the place where he had been photographed, and suddenly said seriously, "I am your lover."

Heidein said: "So?"

"I hope we can get along in the way of lovers." Although this sentence has been practiced in his heart for a long time, he still can't help but stumble when he says it. Noticing that Hydein's face became unpredictable and profound, he felt a little uneasy. I don't know what the consequences of this sentence are.

"The lover's way?" Heidein's hand grabbed his chin, and his face slowly approached him.

Dilling held his breath, his eyes widening and straightening as the reflection in his pupils grew.

"Is... Is that so?" Heidein's lips touched his lips lightly.

Softer and gentler than expected.

Dilling was so nervous that his heart almost jumped out of his chest.

Heidin looked at him closely, suddenly stuck out his tongue and licked his half-opened lips, and said in a low voice, "It tastes good. However, at this time, it is better to think about how to pass the exam first."

"..." Dilling was sure that he had been molested.

Raymond looked at Di Lin, who was sitting on the bed without saying a word when he came back, and wondered, "What happened?"

Dilling's eyes moved, and he quickly fixed his gaze on the wall.

"Did the rumors in the academy put you under too much pressure?" Raymond felt a little guilty. After all, the matter of Dilling and Hydein was publicized by him, and he could not have imagined that the consequences would be so serious. "Actually, the matter of graduation can be slowed down for a while. Anyway, we are all in the same academy, so it is very convenient to do what you want to do." He just finished speaking, but found Di Lin's face flushed all of a sudden, and he couldn't help saying in surprise: "You ...is it really okay?"

Dilling took a deep breath and finally pulled his thoughts out of the kiss. I have to say that the first kiss is very lethal for the young man who is in love. "what did you just say?"

"I said, if you are under too much pressure, you can slow down the graduation matter." Raymond said, "Anyway, it's all just rumors now, and no one has officially made a decision."

Di Lindao: "The dean has officially proposed my graduation plan."

"Huh?" Raymond was stunned. Do I still need a special design plan by the dean for graduation

Dilling explained the plan proposed by the dean of the academy.

Raymond thought for a while and said, "It sounds a bit difficult, but it's not too difficult. Even if Hyde doesn't go, with your father's status and power, it's easy to complete some small tests."

Dilling frowned and said, "This is my graduation test. I'd rather fail than use someone else's strength." In addition to what Hydein said about the benefits of staying in school, he wanted to graduate as soon as possible. Go to Heidein's side. Not only the identity of the assistant, but also his ability and strength. If he passed the graduation exam in other ways, there would always be a pimple and scar in his heart, preventing him from ever really getting close to Heidein.

Raymond shook his head and sighed: "You always complicate simple things. But no matter what, I support you!"

Dilling smiled gratefully: "Thank you."

"Don't forget to come and see us after graduation."

"I want to stay in school after graduation." Di Lindao. His dream had never been shared with them, so he didn't know.

Raymond said in surprise: "What about your father and family?" After being also a nobleman, he knew very well what he would give up if he stayed in St. Pades.

Dilling said with a smile: "The Bassek family has never lacked talents."

"Tsk tsk, the power of love is really great." Raymond sighed.

Dilling said: "It's not because of Hydein. That's what I planned to do, and that's the biggest reason why I joined St. Pades."

Raymond said: "You really don't miss the duke's title?"

Dilling said: "The person who comes with the title also has considerable responsibilities."

Raymond nodded with emotion: "That's right. But I still want to go back. Although the title I will inherit in the future is not as high as yours, this life path will be much easier than other paths." He paused, admiringly He looked at him and said, "You are so brave." Since Dilling's decision was made before he met Hydein, it means that he was ready to fight to the end in St. Pades before his magical talent manifested. Not everyone can make such a determination, especially since he has such a prominent family background.

Dilling smiled and said nothing.

"How are you going to prove the wind element?" Rui Meng remembered this. "What is the wind element? Tell me, maybe I can sense it."

Di Lindao: "Every time I sense that the wind element is the water element or the fire element being used to cast wind magic, so I think, maybe the wind element itself does not exist. It is just the water element and the fire element to a certain extent. degree of variation.”

Raymond was surprised: "Can elements mutate?"

"It's just my guess. Whether it's true or not, we won't know until the test day." He smiled, "I'll definitely pass this test anyway."

Raymond said solemnly: "Just based on this discovery, you are absolutely qualified to graduate! My God, if it is confirmed, you will definitely be engraved on the most glorious page of the history of St. Pades."

Di Lindao: "No, I'm still too far away." Only after the battle outside Dabei City did he realize how small he was in this magical world. Of course, he is also convinced that one day, he will stand at the same height as Heidein and move forward side by side.