Hope Coffee House

Chapter 102: A game


Wang Xiaoyu's betrayal happened so fast that even Wu Liang and the other two people who were secretly on guard were very surprised.

"Why?" Lin Jiamu asked in confusion as his body shook slightly.

Wang Xiaoyu ignored Lin Jiamu, quickly pulled out the scimitar stuck in Lin Jiamu's heart, walked up to Luo Yu, and cut the rope on his body.

"Because she has always been mine before she was hired by you. After completing the contract with you, she will carry out the tasks assigned by me." Luo Yu stood up with a smile and put his arm around Wang Xiaoyu's shoulders.

Unfortunately, Lin Jiamu could no longer hear Luo Yu's explanation. His body fell softly to the ground, his pupils dilated, and he stopped breathing.

At the same time, Lu Yun had already used his hands to break the ropes on his body. At the same time, he quickly broke the ropes binding Wang Zhaozhao and Wu Liang with his bare hands.

Wu Liang and the others quickly stood up and faced off with Luo Yu and Wang Xiaoyu across Ye Zhenghe, who was still tied to the ground.

"Don't move. There is high-purity cyanide in the needle. It will kill you in 5 seconds. Zuo Zhe has already tried the effect." Luo Yu looked at Wu Liang and the others and said with a smile.

The watch on Wang Xiaoyu's wrist was facing Wang Zhaozhao's neck.

"Miaozi invited us to the Hot Spring Villa, isn't it just to borrow a knife to kill someone?" Wu Liang moved a step to the left and blocked Wang Zhaozhao.

"Don't be nervous, Mr. Lu is too powerful. We are just doing this to protect ourselves." Luo Yu took out an envelope from his arms with a smile, "Miss Miaozi invited Mr. Wu here just to let you play a game." only games."

Play a game

Wu Liang frowned slightly, and in the blink of an eye, a name appeared in his mind.

Ye Han.

"Ye Han is in your hands." Wu Liang frowned and said coldly.

Luo Yu smiled and said: "In the animal kingdom, the president of the Supreme People's Court decided to forgive the four murderers who were still young. However, the father of the little sheep was pushed into the fish pond by one of the murderers, the little wolf, half a year later. .

More than twenty years later, the four murderers of that year are all living well. Although they have not learned to restrain their criminal impulses, they have learned to cover up and hide their crimes, even though their hands are stained with the blood of countless people. , but no one found it.

Now a similar scene is happening again. Miss Miao Zi wants to ask Mr. Wu to be the president of the Supreme People's Court of the Animal Kingdom. Ye Han, a born bad guy, it is up to you to decide whether to kill or keep him.

Of course, Mr. Wu can also give this letter to Ye Zhenghe, which can cover your choice with a fig leaf without getting your hands dirty. "

After that, Luo Yu put the envelope on the ground and slowly retreated towards the door of the room. Under the cover of Wang Xiaoyu, he picked up Zuo Zhe on his back and left the room.

Seeing Luo Yu carrying Zuo Zhe on his back, Wu Liang hesitated for a moment, his lips moved slightly, but in the end he said nothing and allowed the two of them to leave with Zuo Zhe on his back.

Since Luo Yu chose to carry Zuo Zhe on his back, Zuo Zhe must be saved, and the poisonous needle in Wang Xiaoyu's watch must not be cyanide.

If Lu Yun is allowed to take the opportunity to step forward, he will most likely be able to capture Luo Yu and Wang Xiaoyu in one fell swoop, and even use this to force out information about Miu Zi.

But doing so is also extremely risky.

Lu Yun is not a god. If Luo Yu and Wang Xiaoyu do not have the antidote for the poisonous needle, Lu Yun's life will be in danger if he is hit by the poisonous needle.

For small fish and shrimps like Luo Yu and Wang Xiaoyu, it is not worth taking such a risk.

"Give me the letter. I will deal with the evil son I gave birth to myself. You don't have to bear this burden." Ye Zhenghe, who had been silent all the time, suddenly said.

Wu Liang looked at Ye Zhenghe, shook his head and smiled: "I don't want to get involved in this kind of thing, but if I hand the envelope to you, it means I have made a choice."

Miao Zi really posed a problem for himself.

Wu Liang picked up the envelope on the ground and opened it silently.

Inside is an architectural design drawing of a hot spring villa, marked with a red asterisk in a hidden room.

"Mr. Ye, please sit here for a while." Wu Liang greeted Ye Zhenghe and prepared to take Lu Yun and Wang Zhaozhao to find Ye Han.

"Wu Liang, even if you don't kill Ye Han and I, the guardian, are still alive, you can't keep him by your side." Ye Zhenghe Youyou said, "As long as he still lives with me, I will kill him sooner or later. This There is actually only one answer in the game from beginning to end, and that is, Ye Han must die."

Wu Liang didn't think of this, but he didn't actually care about the game Luo Yu mentioned. What he had been thinking about was what kind of medicine was sold in the gourd of the Hope Coffee House system.

In this mission, I hope the coffee house only allows me to enter the hot spring villa at the invitation of Miao Zi.

I originally thought that Hope Cafe wanted me to deal with Miao Zi at the Hot Spring Villa, but in fact, Miao Zi was not at the Hot Spring Villa at all. There were only two little shrimps under her, Luo Yu and Wang Xiaoyu.

Throughout this trip to the hot spring villa, the three of them did not actually encounter very dangerous situations, nor did they have much sense of participation. They were more like three spectators, witnessing this plan planned by Zuo Zhe and secretly added to by Luo Yu. He embarked on an act of revenge and saw how cold-blooded and cruel the so-called born bad people were, and how full of evil they were.

What is the purpose of Hope Coffee House for me to come here

What should I do to satisfy Hope Cafe

Wu Liang ignored Ye Zhenghe and took Lu Yun and Wang Zhaozhao to search for Ye Han according to the instructions on the map.

Ye Han's hiding place was actually marked in Room 104, where Zuo Zhe lived before.

Wu Liang and the others entered Room 104 and walked to the large desk in the room. On the wall above the desk hung a forged copper relief mural with a lifelike dragon carved on it.

Wu Liang pressed his finger against the dragon's eye, and heard a slight crisp sound. The wine cabinet in the room began to slowly move to the side, revealing the hole of the black saxaul on the floor, and the black steps at the hole were vaguely visible.

Wu Liang turned on the flashlight on his mobile phone and took the lead in bending down and climbing down. After passing a twists and turns, a glimmer of light appeared in front of Wu Liang's eyes.

At the end of the steps is a thick-looking door, with a faint orange light coming from the crack.

The door was unlocked, so Wu Liang pushed it open with a little force.

It was a little different from Wu Liang's imagination. Although Ye Han had been locked up here for two days and two nights, there was no unpleasant smell in the basement and it was even very clean.

This basement is like a smaller version of a hotel room, with a sofa, a coffee table, and a simple bathroom.

There is an iron ring tightly tied around Ye Han's left ankle, and an iron chain as thick as a thumb is tied to the iron ring. The iron chain is very long, and the other end is tied to the wall opposite the door, allowing Ye Han to move three points in the room. The second local activity allows him to go to the bathroom freely, but it is not long enough to reach the door.

There were several packages of biscuits and bottles of mineral water scattered on the coffee table. Ye Han was very economical. He only drank one bottle of water and only ate one package of biscuits. At this time, he was lying on the sofa in a very comfortable posture, seemingly We are already prepared for a protracted war.

Seeing Wu Liang and the others entering the room, Ye Han slowly opened his eyes.

(End of chapter)