Hope Coffee House

Chapter 109: Let me give you some wine


Wu Liang stuffed the bags of fruit and yogurt into Wang Zhaozhao's hands and asked Wang Zhaozhao to walk in front.

Wang Zhaozhao glanced at Wu Liang with some doubts.

"Simple and kind girls can always lower people's wariness." Wu Liang explained in a low voice in Wang Zhaozhao's ear, and then whispered a few words to Wang Zhaozhao before knocking on the door gently.

The door to the duty room was quickly opened by a middle-aged doctor in a white coat. The middle-aged doctor looked very surprised when he saw Wang Zhaozhao and three people standing at the door carrying fruit yogurt.

Wang Zhaozhao smiled sweetly, handed the fruit and yogurt to the middle-aged doctor, and said mischievously: "Hello, Dr. Yang! I just heard in the front-line office that you have just finished your ward rounds. I guess you must be very tired after a busy day. Let's come here to help you." I’m sending you some late-night snacks, so I won’t disturb your rest, right?”

Wu Liang has just told Wang Zhaozhao the name of this second-line doctor. The doctor's name is Yang Guang.

Yang Guang, a middle-aged doctor, was stunned. Seeing Wang Zhaozhao's warm smile, he felt a little moved. He smiled and said, "Don't bother me. I'm not busy at the moment. Come in and sit for a while."

After Wu Liang and the others found their seats and sat down, Yang Guang closed the door and came over. He smiled and said, "This is the first time someone has come to bring me supper so late. Thank you very much. Are you the patient's family?"

Wang Zhaozhao shook his head, pursed his lips and said: "I am actually a patient. I received treatment in the mountain city hospital for several years when I was a child. Later, I recovered and was discharged. My parents also moved away from the mountain city with me. Twelve years have passed. .

I am especially grateful to the medical staff at Shancheng Hospital who took good care of me. I finally had the opportunity to come to Shancheng recently and wanted to go to Shancheng Hospital. After asking many people, I learned that Shancheng Hospital had been closed nine years ago, and the medical staff at that time were greatly affected. Part of it was merged into our Fourth Children's Hospital.

I miss the medical staff who took care of me very much, but when I was young at the time, I only remembered that the doctor who took care of me the most in Shancheng Hospital was named Li. All medical staff in the world deserve our respect and gratitude, so I asked for two My friend accompanied me and bought some fruits and came over for a walk together. "

After hearing Wang Zhaozhao's story, Yang Guang was a little surprised and said with a smile: "You are really thoughtful. Nine years ago, many medical staff from Shancheng Hospital were merged into our hospital. There were several doctors named Li, but I didn't know much about them. Familiar, but Dr. Jiang in our department was transferred from Shancheng Hospital, you can ask him about it."

"Great! Dr. Yang, do you have Dr. Jiang's phone number?" Wang Zhaozhao said excitedly.

Yang Guang shook his head and smiled: "Dr. Jiang never answers calls from strangers. Even if I give you his phone number, you won't be able to get through. Dr. Jiang's full name is Jiang Xinghe. He goes out to the clinic every day. You can wait for him to come out and see him in person. Talk to him."

"Okay, thank you very much!" Wang Zhaozhao quickly wrote down Jiang Xinghe's name on his phone.

"You're welcome, but Dr. Jiang is young and has a relatively... personality. He will most likely refuse your request." Yang Guang said helplessly.

"It's okay, actually I just want to visit the medical staff who are working hard for the patients. I am very happy to have the opportunity to chat with you for a while today." Wang Zhaozhao stuck out his tongue.

Wang Zhaozhao's beautiful words were spot on, and Yang Guang was made to laugh. Everyone chatted for a while, and then the three of them said goodbye to Yang Guang and left.

After leaving the ward building, Wang Zhaozhao stuck out his tongue and said: "Boss, handsome Lu, how did I perform?"

Wu Liang rubbed Wang Zhaozhao's head, nodded and smiled: "The performance is good, boss, I am very satisfied."

"Zhaozhao, thank you very much." Lu Yun looked at Wang Zhaozhao and said sincerely.

"We are all friends, why are you so polite!" Wang Zhaozhao stuck out his tongue and said: "Brother Lu, please don't look at me so sincerely, the boss is going to be jealous of you!"

"Get out!" Wu Liang laughed and cursed, barely resisting the urge to kick Wang Zhaozhao in the butt.

"I'm not jealous, why is Wu Liang jealous? Is it because eating some vinegar after eating hot pot can nourish the stomach?" Lu Yun asked doubtfully.

"Hahahaha..." Wang Zhaozhao laughed wildly, holding his stomach.

Even Wu Liang couldn't help laughing.

The three of them walked around the Fourth Children's Hospital in Shancheng and found many hidden places that were convenient for teleportation from the Hope Cafe. Then they returned to the Hope Cafe.

"Boss, I checked on the official website of Jiangcheng Fourth Children's Hospital. Jiang Xinghe will have a clinic tomorrow morning. Can we go to his clinic and wait for him at noon tomorrow?" Wang Zhaozhao asked with his mobile phone.

Wu Liang lay lazily on the sofa and shook his head: "According to Dr. Yang, this Jiang Xinghe has a very personal personality and is probably a difficult person to get along with.

A morning of outpatient service is exhausting both physically and mentally. After the outpatient service, the doctors have to take advantage of the short lunch break to eat and prepare for work in the afternoon.

We rashly stopped him on the way to lunch and asked him about what happened at Shancheng Hospital back then. We were afraid that it would only arouse his resentment and we would not get anything out of the question. "

Having said this, Wu Liang got up from the sofa, sat upright and said solemnly: "Since our new guest Gong Meiyin said that she is in Shancheng Hospital, it means that Shancheng Hospital must still exist, or exist secretly in some form. With.

Needless to say, the power of our Coach Lu goes without saying. Gong Meiyin can unconsciously seduce me and Coach Lu. She is not a simple character. I think Shancheng Hospital, which is related to both of them, must not be simple.

Selling information has always been a two-way street. A large-scale investigation into the identity of the medical staff who left Shancheng Hospital will only arouse the vigilance of enemies hiding in the dark. Now Jiang Xinghe, who was accidentally asked from Dr. Yang, is a very good person. For the sake of our coach Lu and Gong Meiyin, we must act more cautiously.

I will first investigate Jiang Xinghe, then find the most suitable entry point, and make a plan before meeting him. "

"Okay boss, I just checked on the hospital's official website. Jiang Xinghe is only 37 years old this year, but he is already the chief physician! I will collect patients' comments about him online, and I can also analyze his personality." Wang Zhao Zhao said.

"No need Zhaozhao, you and Coach Lu go to rest first. I will ask Chen Wei for help in collecting patients' comments about Jiang Xinghe online. He can do it with just a few lines of code, which will save us a lot of effort." Wu Liang smiled.

Lu Yun was very grateful to Wu Liang in his heart, but the word "thank you" was too thin. Lu Yun thought for a long time and didn't know what to say to express his gratitude.

After sitting blankly on the sofa for a while, Lu Yun's eyes suddenly lit up. He took out his collection of ice white wine from the refrigerator and handed it to Wu Liang, whispering: "Get some rest early."

Wu Liang was stunned and instantly understood what Lu Yun was thinking. He grinned and said, "Coach Lu, you have been working for me for free, both as a bodyguard and as a thug. It is my promise to you to help you find out your past identity. You don’t need to thank me, not to mention we are still friends.”

Lu Yun's eyes fluctuated slightly, and he nodded slightly: "Go to rest early, I'll give you ice white wine to drink."

"Yes, I will definitely drink it." Wu Liang shook the cold wine bottle in his hand, with a hint of warmth in his smile.

Today I can go back to 8 a.m. and 6 a.m.~

(End of chapter)