Hope Coffee House

Chapter 11: The sun is just right


Fan Hongshuang stared at Wu Liang for a long time, then nodded and said: "That's all, I've told you so much, it doesn't hurt to tell you everything."

"I did investigate Gao Qi's past. When she was studying in college in Shanghai, she had a boyfriend named Han Xu. Later, the boy suffered from depression and committed suicide by jumping off a building."

"He's dead too?" Wu Liang asked in surprise.

"Not only that, I also investigated that when Gao Qi was in high school in Shanghai, he had a first love boyfriend named Zhang Feng who attempted suicide by jumping off a building, resulting in lifelong paralysis."

"Although I don't know if these two incidents are also related to Gao Qi, the men who have dated Gao Qi seem to have no good endings. This is why I discourage you. You are only nineteen years old and have a lot of money left. We should not take such a big risk if we hope for the future." Fan Hongshuang looked at Wu Liang and said seriously.

"Sister Fan, thank you, you are a good person." Wu Liang said sincerely.

"Actually, I also have a question to ask you. You said you wanted to pursue Gao Qi, so you invited me, Gao Qi's friend, to dinner and asked about Gao Qi's likes and dislikes. But now Gao Qi's circle of friends will never have anyone. I exist, and how did you know my contact information?" Fan Hongshuang asked with a frown.

What a smart girl.

"I got your phone number from Chen Wei." Wu Liang said honestly.

"It turned out to be him. He is Gao Qi's current boyfriend. I had contacted him before in the name of Gao Qi's friend. I had vaguely reminded him to be careful about Gao Qi, and also wanted to inquire about Gao Qi's situation from him."

"Chen Wei was dumped by Gao Qi a few days ago and almost committed suicide. The reason I asked you on an appointment was actually to investigate Gao Qi's past." Wu Liang confessed.

Later, Wu Liang told Fan Hongshuang in detail Chen Wei's experience.

After a while, Fan Hongshuang said with a complex expression: "Her methods are really getting better and better."

"Sister, tell me all the information you know. I want to find out all the crimes Gao Qi has committed. She must be punished." Wu Liang said sincerely.

"With the way she did things, she couldn't find substantive evidence that could convict her." Fan Hongshuang smiled bitterly and shook her head.

"That's not necessarily true. My sister just said that if Gao Qi's two boyfriends in high school and college, Zhang Feng's attempted suicide and Han Xu's successful suicide, are all related to Gao Qi, then Zhang Feng is the case where Gao Qi failed in his first attempt. , Han Xu is Gao Qi’s first successful murder case, and some substantial evidence may be found in these two incidents.”

"I have gone to find a few people related to Zhang Feng and Han Xu, but I didn't find out any valuable information. I can tell you the contact information of these people, but if you find anything, you have to Tell me." Fan Hongshuang said as she handed the phone to Wu Liang.

Wu Liang quickly took it, scanned the QR code and added Fan Hongshuang’s WeChat account.

"I will send you those contact information soon, but you have to promise me not to act impulsively no matter what you find. Gao Qi is very dangerous." Fan Hongshuang looked at Wu Liang and warned seriously.

"Okay, sister, I promise you." Wu Liang nodded.

Fan Hongshuang sent all the contact information to Wu Liang, and then got up and left first.

Wu Liang said goodbye to Fan Hongshuang, and after sorting out his contact information on his seat, he stood up and was about to pay the bill and leave, but was told by the waiter that Fan Hongshuang had just paid the bill.

Wu Liang sighed with emotion, and then thought of Gao Qi's other three friends.

Just by looking at the expensive restaurant the three of them chose, you can roughly guess their personality and purpose.

These three people should be friends that Gao Qi made before and after he met Chen Wei. He couldn't find any valuable information even after thinking about it. Now that he has a new direction of investigation, he doesn't have to be taken advantage of.

Wu Liang took out his mobile phone and sent a text message to the three people: "After checking, I found out that the restaurant you chose is so expensive. I thought about it and forget it. I won't disturb your time. I'm sorry."

Negative emotion value from Huang Shasha: +100

Negative emotion value from Zhou Muxue: +100

Negative emotion value from Chang Ningning: +100

As soon as the text message was sent, 300 wishes were credited instantly.

Wu Liang's lips curled up. Since he could collect the negative emotions of these three people, they must be as bad as the boy named Jiang Feng whom he met in the hotel yesterday.

In this case, I currently have very few Hope Coins, so why not take this rare opportunity to spend a lot of Hope Coins

Sure enough, in just two or three minutes, the three of them all responded to Wu Liang's text messages. The main message was that they had a very good relationship with Gao Qi and knew all of Gao Qi's preferences. It was a pity to cancel the meeting at the last minute. After all, Gao Qi was the least interested. People who like to go back on their word, etc.

Wu Liang once again sent a text message to the three people: "Sister, you are right. In order to chase Gao Qi, I really shouldn't give up this rare opportunity, but I really feel bad for treating you to such an expensive meal, otherwise Let’s pay AA for the meal!”

Negative emotion value from Huang Shasha: +100

Negative emotion value from Zhou Muxue: +100

Negative emotion value from Chang Ningning: +100

This time, all three of them responded instantly. They all politely expressed their rejection, and told Wu Liang in text messages with regret that Gao Qi hated stingy men the most.

"Sister, you are absolutely right! Otherwise, our meal plan remains unchanged, and I will be the one to treat the guests! Since I am asking my sister for help, I naturally have to eat something good, but I am really short of money now, sister Can you lend me 5,000 yuan first? My Alipay account is 152********. When I catch up with Gao Qi, I will work hard to get the money back to you as soon as possible!" Wu Liangjian sent the group message with a smile The third text message.

Negative emotion value from Huang Shasha: +100

Negative emotion value from Zhou Muxue: +100

Negative emotion value from Chang Ningning: +100

The three people's replies to Wu Liang this time were very consistent, all with the word "go away".

After sending three group text messages, Wu Liang successfully received 900 Hope Coins.

Looking at his 1,797 hope coins in the system account, Wu Liang was very satisfied.

Zhang Feng and Han Xu were both in Shanghai, and the contact information of several people Fan Hongshuang gave him were also in Shanghai. Wu Liang decided to go directly to Shanghai to look for clues about Gao Qi's crimes.

Now it is an ironclad fact that Gao Qi wanted to force Chen Wei to commit suicide. In order to prevent Gao Qi from attacking Chen Wei again, Wu Liang made a special call to Chen Wei before leaving Jicheng.

Wu Liang first asked about the current situation of Chen Wei's parents. After hearing that the two elders were fine for the time being, he told Chen Wei some of his investigations and suspicions about Gao Qi.

Chen Wei was shocked at first when he learned that the old man he was taking care of in Shanghai was not Gao Qi's father, but when he recalled the scenes while taking care of the old man, he suddenly realized.

I see.

Whenever the old man's condition improved slightly, he would hold his own hand tightly with his right hand, as if he wanted to say something eagerly, but in the end he always seemed hesitant to speak.

The complicated look the old man looked at him, the tears flowing from his eyes, the long sigh he let out before he left...

Everything is explained.

The old man wanted to live, so he insisted on the best treatment for him.

Although it was learned from Wu Liang that everything Gao Qi did was to push himself to a dead end and commit suicide in despair, it was thought that this old man who did not know his true identity got the best for it. After treatment, Chen Wei was somewhat relieved.

As my mother said, saving one life is better than building a seven-level pagoda.

Although he failed to keep the old man in the end, he tried his best and has no regrets.

And as Wu Liang said, good people will be rewarded after all.

Wang Yu, the CTO of the company I interviewed before, just called Chen Wei and Chen Wei was hired.

Wang Yu offered Chen Wei a very high salary, far exceeding the salary of colleagues at the same level. It is said that this was a special approval that Wang Yu personally obtained from the CEO.

Wang Yu told Chen Wei on the phone that he was worthy of this salary.

Now the employment notice is quietly lying in Chen Wei's mailbox.

Chen Wei told Wu Liang the good news.

Outside the window, the sky is blue and the sunshine is just right.

During the new book period, Blade needs everyone's help, please invest, please collect, and please recommend votes~~(づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭~

(End of chapter)