Hope Coffee House

Chapter 110: A person of temperament


At nine o'clock in the morning, the person who sold the information sent Jiang Xinghe's information to Wu Liang.

Jiang Xinghe's career development can be said to be smooth. He went to college at the age of 17 and studied for a bachelor's, master's and doctoral degree for 8 years. After graduating at the age of 25, he entered Shancheng Hospital as an attending physician. Two years later, he was successfully promoted to deputy chief physician at Shancheng Hospital.

When he was 28 years old, Shancheng Hospital closed down, and Jiang Xinghe successfully entered Shancheng Fourth Children's Hospital. Five years later, at the age of 32, he was promoted to chief physician, becoming the youngest chief physician at Shancheng Fourth Children's Hospital.

However, Jiang Xinghe's popularity at Shancheng Fourth Children's Hospital was extremely poor, especially among his colleagues who were transferred from Shancheng Hospital at the same time. Almost no one looked favorably upon Jiang Xinghe.

It is said that in the years when Shancheng Hospital was just closed, many of the medical staff who were transferred had conflicts with Jiang Xinghe, and there were even several cases where they got into fights over trivial matters, and both of them were hospitalized in the end.

Due to the extremely bad impact of this incident, Shancheng Fourth Children's Hospital made a series of personnel transfers. There are six wards in the inpatient department. The hospital arranged Jiang Xinghe alone in one ward, and other medical staff who were transferred from Shancheng Hospital They are all in wards two to six.

Jiang Xinghe has superb medical skills, has a dignified appearance, received the highest professional title at a young age, and is financially well-off. He has a fully paid-for villa on the outskirts of the mountain city. Logically speaking, he should not have to worry about finding a wife.

However, at the age of 37, he is still unmarried and does not even have a girlfriend. At the same time, there is no evidence that Jiang Xinghe likes men. Therefore, the biggest reason why he does not have a girlfriend is most likely a personality problem.

After Wu Liang added money, the person who sold the information also told Wu Liang a piece of more valuable news.

Jiang Xinghe once called the police once, just half a month before the Shancheng Hospital was closed.

As for the content of Jiang Xinghe's alarm record, because the authority was too high, the person selling the information had no way of knowing it.

Wu Liang was very surprised by this. Could it be that the closure of Shancheng Hospital was related to Jiang Xinghe's alarm

This speculation can explain why the medical staff who were transferred from Shancheng Hospital to Shancheng Fourth Children's Hospital did not have a good look on Jiang Xinghe, but it does not rule out that everyone's hostility towards Jiang Xinghe is related to his daily behavior.

However, Jiang Xinghe, who is opposed to most people in Shancheng Hospital, is definitely a good breakthrough.

Soon, Chen Wei also sent a summary of patients' comments about Jiang Xinghe on the Internet to Wu Liang's mobile phone.

Jiang Xinghe has been practicing medicine for 12 years and has countless patient reviews on the Internet. In order to facilitate Wu Liang's review, Chen Wei also specially summarized them.

It's said to be patient reviews, but because Jiang Xinghe's patients are all children with schizophrenia, almost all of the reviews on the Internet come from family members of the children.

The family members of the children are 99% satisfied with Jiang Xinghe's treatment effect, but only 70% are satisfied with Jiang Xinghe's treatment attitude. Generally, in the patient ratings of doctors on the Internet, satisfaction with treatment attitude is often related to satisfaction with treatment effect. Similar situations like Jiang Xinghe's are extremely rare.

Chen Wei also conducted statistics and analysis on Jiang Xinghe's treatment attitude satisfaction scores and found that these scores were polarized. Nearly 70% of the children's family members gave Jiang Xinghe's treatment attitude a score of 100 points, while the other 30% of the children's family members directly rated Jiang Xinghe's treatment attitude. Scored 0 points.

Family members of the children who rated Jiang Xinghe's treatment attitude 0 points pointed out in the comments that when they communicated with Jiang Xinghe about their child's condition, Jiang Xinghe's words were sharp and he liked to expose other people's hearts, which was traumatizing and difficult to accept.

Some family members of the children even posted their own depression diagnosis certificates, accusing Jiang Xinghe that although Jiang Xinghe cured their children, during the six months of the child's treatment, they suffered severe mental abuse from Jiang Xinghe because they had to communicate with Jiang Xinghe about their children's condition. , inevitably suffered from depression...

The most interesting thing is that Jiang Xinghe also used his own account to publicly reply to the family of the child. The reply contained only three words: You deserve it.

Seeing this, Wu Liang couldn't help but laugh out loud. This Jiang Xinghe seemed to be a man of temperament.

After getting to know Jiang Xinghe from the side, Wu Liang decisively gave up his plan to create a special opportunity to get close to Jiang Xinghe.

To be the youngest chief physician of Shancheng No. 4 Children's Hospital, Jiang Xinghe must not be a fool. If he tries to play tricks with him and is exposed by him, it will bring the matter to a deadlock.

Based on the analysis of Jiang Xinghe's information, Wu Liang is 90% sure that he is the "culprit" who caused the sudden closure of Shancheng Hospital.

So it would be better to follow the advice of Dr. Yang Guang, who is in the same department as Jiang Xinghe, and wait for Jiang Xinghe's outpatient clinic at noon, and ask him directly.

If Jiang Xinghe didn't cooperate, he would use the truth-telling card to follow him and forcefully ask questions. Since he and Shancheng Hospital were on opposite sides, he didn't have to worry about alerting him.

After making the decision, Wu Liang and the others had a hasty breakfast, then went to Shancheng Fourth Children's Hospital, found Jiang Xinghe's outpatient clinic, and started waiting at the door.

Hospitals are the best place to see all kinds of things in the world, and the same is true for children's psychiatric hospitals. Compared with ordinary children's hospitals, the families of children here look less anxious and panicked, and more hopeless.

In addition to genetic factors, organic factors and biochemical factors, schizophrenia in children also has psychosocial and personality factors. Among them, the influence of the original family cannot be underestimated.

While Wu Liang and the others were waiting for Jiang Xinghe, they saw a couple in the waiting area of the next door clinic pointing at each other's noses and yelling curses. Their child, who was only eight or nine years old, was huddled next to a chair at the door of the clinic, talking to each other. Air conversation.

Wang Zhaozhao felt a little distressed when he looked at the little girl. He took out a piece of chocolate from his bag and handed it to the little girl, hoping to make her happy. The little girl took the chocolate expressionlessly, glanced at Wang Zhaozhao, and threw the chocolate in In the trash can next to me...

Waiting until almost noon, there were only a few scattered patients left in the waiting area. Jiang Xinghe finally finished seeing the last patient and walked out of the clinic.

Jiang Xinghe is very thin, with very white skin, and no beard at all on his face. He looks like he is only thirty years old. Under his thin black metal-framed glasses is a pair of deep eyes, which seem to be able to see everything.

"Hello, Dr. Jiang!" Wang Zhaozhao stepped forward with a sweet smile and said greetings.

"No sign, no time." Jiang Xinghe did not stop beside Wang Zhaozhao at all, but coldly uttered six words as he passed by.

"Mr. Jiang, we want to talk to you about Shancheng Hospital. Shancheng Hospital was closed down because you called the police, right?" Wu Liang and Lu Yun stood in front of Jiang Xinghe, one on the left and the other on the right.

Jiang Xinghe raised his head and glanced at Wu Liang who spoke out, raised his eyebrows and said, "It's me, what can you do to me?"

Wu Liang waved his hand and said: "Mr. Jiang misunderstood. We have no hostility towards you. We just want to know what happened in Shancheng Hospital back then."

Jiang Xinghe narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at Wu Liang: "Do you really want to know?"

(End of chapter)