Hope Coffee House

Chapter 111: Hospital past


Wu Liang looked into Jiang Xinghe's eyes and said sincerely, "This matter is very important to me."

"Wait for me at the door of Ward 1, 502. I'll go to the cafeteria to buy lunch first."

"Mr. Jiang, I just brought you lunch." Wu Liang smiled and shook a large bag of takeaway in his hand.

"Just wait, I won't worry about eating your food." Jiang Xinghe sneered.

Wu Liang quickly stepped aside to get out of the way, "Then let's wait at the gate of 502. See you later."

The three of them came to the first ward. Wu Liang specifically asked the nurses at the nursing station. 502 was Jiang Xinghe's office.

Ten minutes later, Jiang Xinghe returned to the office door with the lunch box in hand, took out the key and opened the door. Wu Liang and the others quickly followed in.

Jiang Xinghe took off his white coat and hung it on the hanger. Without saying a word, he began to sit at his desk and eat lunch silently.

Wu Liang gently closed the door of the office. Although there was a row of leather sofas in the office, Wu Liang, Lu Yun, and Wang Zhaozhao were still standing at the door, quietly watching Jiang Xinghe eat.

Jiang Xinghe has a weird temper. Since he asked the three of them to come to the office, they must have agreed to tell him about the incident at Shancheng Hospital. If he wanted to avoid any accidents, it would be safest not to touch things in the office and not disturb Jiang Xinghe's meal.

Sure enough, twenty minutes later, Jiang Xinghe finished his lunch slowly, then looked up at Wu Liang and the others standing at the door, pointed to the sofa and said with satisfaction: "I like people who understand the rules best, sit down."

Wu Liang and the other three walked to the sofa and sat down together.

Jiang Xinghe said quietly: "I can tell you what happened at Shancheng Hospital, but you must keep it a secret."

"Okay." Wu Liang and the other three nodded in unison.

Seemingly very satisfied with the three people's performance, Jiang Xinghe stopped delaying and happily told what happened at Shancheng Hospital back then.

At the age of 25, Jiang Xinghe received his doctorate and became an attending physician at Shancheng Hospital.

The full name of Shancheng Hospital is Shancheng Children's Psychiatric Hospital. At that time, it was the only tertiary-level child psychiatric hospital in Longguo and a leader in the field of treating child mental illness in Longguo.

After Jiang Xinghe entered Shancheng Hospital, he devoted himself to his work and kept treating children, often working overtime until late at night.

Slowly, Jiang Xinghe discovered that he often met some colleagues late at night. These colleagues treated very few children, but they also got off work as late as himself, which was a bit strange.

However, Jiang Xinghe was only interested in treating children and was not interested in the affairs of his colleagues, so he did not delve into it. Instead, these colleagues who worked overtime for no apparent reason often chatted with Jiang Xinghe late at night to explore Jiang Xinghe's views on various matters.

Jiang Xinghe is obsessed with treating children and related academic progress. Sometimes he will casually exchange a few words with his colleagues, and sometimes he will even completely ignore the colleagues who interrupt his work without giving any face. Jiang Xinghe's attitude is very bad, but these colleagues don't care. They are like dog-skin plaster and take turns. Chat with Jiang Xinghe late at night.

This chat lasted for three years.

Jiang Xinghe knew that these colleagues had been testing him for some reason.

But Jiang Xinghe didn't care. The only thing that could make him obsessed was academics, even if these colleagues were secretly planning to exterminate the human race and it was none of his business.

Three years later that night, Jiang Xinghe, who had been promoted to deputy chief physician, was writing a thesis in his single office. The director of the department suddenly visited late at night and told Jiang Xinghe with a smile that he had passed the organizational test.

Afterwards, the department director took Jiang Xinghe to the complex building in the corner of the hospital.

Jiang Xinghe rarely came to the complex. Most of the rooms in the complex in the courtyard were empty. The complex was completely dark at night, with only a few dim lights shining in the lobby on the first floor.

The department director took Jiang Xinghe to an extremely remote elevator room in the lobby on the first floor. The elevator looked a bit dirty and seemed to have not been used for a long time. There was also a sign indicating that the elevator was out of order.

The department director took out a card and swiped it against an inconspicuous black metal block next to the elevator. The elevator door opened quickly. The department director and Jiang Xinghe entered the elevator. There was no floor button in the elevator. After the elevator door closed, the elevator started to move. Run downward.

When the elevator door opened again, Jiang Xinghe saw a completely different complex.

For the past three years, the colleagues who had often talked to him late at night were now standing in the hall in front of Jiang Xinghe, smiling at him.

After that, the department director solemnly put the card that opened the downlink elevator of the complex building into Jiang Xinghe's hand, and arranged for a colleague to introduce everything in the organization to Jiang Xinghe.

In Shancheng Hospital, some children with extremely serious conditions often require continuous hospitalization, a process that may last for years or even decades.

For various reasons, it is not uncommon for guardians to abandon these children in mountain city hospitals because they no longer pay for treatment.

According to normal procedures, the hospital will call the police, and the police will look for the guardian of the child who has committed the crime of abandonment.

However, Shancheng Hospital did not call the police. Instead, it secretly moved these abandoned children to the underground of the complex building for research on human body science.

To put it bluntly, these abandoned mentally ill children are used for human experiments.

This kind of human experiment is not a clinical trial of medical treatment, but an experiment for the purpose of studying human body science. It is the purest exploration of the human body. It belongs to the category of parapsychological research internationally, but the organizational methods are more extreme. .

This is naturally illegal, and the conditions of the children as experimental subjects are not good. Through the bulletproof glass windows of some wards, Jiang Xinghe can even see some children covered in blood, tied up in the hospital bed and struggling.

Tissues have been around for many years, and their scientific research on the human body has advanced tremendously.

Under extreme experimental conditions, some children were inspired to develop special abilities.

Under the guidance of his colleagues, Jiang Xinghe saw with his own eyes the various special perceptions and special actuation abilities displayed by children in certain wards.

The purpose of the organization is to ultimately achieve the targeted creation of children with special functions through external stimulation.

The reason why children with special abilities are created is because it has long been confirmed in the long history of the organization that the probability of adults being inspired to develop special abilities under extreme experimental conditions is less than one ten thousandth of that of children.

Jiang Xinghe pointed out with some confusion that children abandoned by their guardians generally have extremely serious mental problems and the possibility of cure is very low. These children cannot accurately express their perceptions and are not suitable as experimental subjects with special sensory abilities.

The colleague showed a mysterious smile and told Jiang Xinghe that the organization had a deep foundation. Not all the experimental subjects came from abandoned children in Shancheng Hospital, and some healthy children were sent here through other channels.

At the same time, due to various reasons, many children abandoned by their guardians are actually only mildly schizophrenic or even not sick. They send their children to Shancheng Hospital just to get rid of a drag.

That night, Jiang Xinghe visited with great interest until very late.

The next day, Jiang Xinghe got up early, drove to the gate of Shancheng Hospital, made a sharp turn to the Shancheng Public Security Bureau one kilometer away, and reported the case.

(End of chapter)