Hope Coffee House

Chapter 112: Act within your capabilities


Wu Liang and the others were shocked after hearing Jiang Xinghe's story.

Unexpectedly, the reason why Shancheng Hospital was closed was that it was secretly conducting human experiments.

"Mr. Jiang, do the lumbar spine skin of the experimental children in Shancheng Hospital have a series of black numbers like this tattooed on their lumbar spine?" Wu Liang opened the photo of the tattoo on Lu Yun's lumbar spine skin taken on his phone and handed it to Jiang Xinghe .

Jiang Xinghe looked at the photo and said with some confusion: "I did see this kind of number on the experimental subjects underground in the complex building back then, but my colleague at the time mentioned that the tattoos have different meanings depending on their location. , the ordinary experimental subjects I saw had tattoos on their arms, and I really don’t know the meaning of the tattoos on their lumbar spine.”

It seems that Lu Yun was indeed an experimental subject at Shancheng Hospital.

Lu Yun was adopted by his adoptive father when he was three years old. It seems that after he was adopted by his adoptive father, for some reason, he became an experimental subject at the Mountain City Hospital.

Since Lu Yun's adoptive father passed away nine years ago and the files had been destroyed, the only way to know the reason was from Shancheng Hospital.

Gong Meiyin is now in Shancheng Hospital. It seems that Shancheng Hospital was not uprooted after Jiang Xinghe called the police. Now it has been revived.

"Mr. Jiang, were all those who participated in human experiments in Shancheng Hospital arrested?" Wu Liang asked.

"How is that possible?" Jiang Xinghe sneered, "If this matter is exposed, it will be a scandal that shocks the world. The administrative accountability system is there. For such a big thing, who can bear this responsibility? Who is willing to be blamed for it? This sudden misfortune caused us to lose the position we had worked so hard for for decades

Of course, this matter was eventually covered up, and Shancheng Hospital was closed down for some reason. The underground organization of Shancheng Hospital took the initiative to send several doctors to take the blame, and they were arrested for illegal detention. The matter was hastily closed.

The medical staff and patients of Shancheng Hospital were all merged into the former Class II-B hospital, Shancheng Fourth People's Hospital. The injection of funds, talents and equipment made Shancheng Fourth People's Hospital become a Class III-A hospital. It was renamed Shancheng Fourth Children's Hospital and became a specialized hospital for child psychiatry. "

"In the end, it was just a symbolic treatment of a few shrimps and another skin?" Wu Liang frowned, "So the secret organization in Shancheng Hospital has not been eradicated at all. It is now dormant here in an upright manner, and has been A new round of secret experiments began.

Mr. Jiang, to be honest, I recently met a little girl. She said that she lives in Shancheng Hospital. We want to save her and more children. We need your help. "Wu Liang said sincerely.

Jiang Xinghe shook his head gently and said quietly: "I was too young and impulsive back then, and thought I had become a great hero who protected the children. In fact, I couldn't even protect myself.

After I called the police that year, I was first detained administratively for fifteen days on suspicion of disturbing order in my work unit. Fifteen days later, everything was settled.

Now, I have long understood that people should act according to their ability. What I should do most is to work hard to improve my medical skills, cure more children, point out the core conflicts of children's families, and prevent the recovery of children. Attack again.

As for completely dismantling the secret organization of Yamashiro Hospital, it is not suitable for me at all. "

"The secret organization of Mountain City Hospital is very likely hidden here, and countless children may be suffering somewhere under our feet.

Mr. Jiang, you have worked here for 9 years. We need you to help us find the personnel of the secret organization and the test site. We will do the rest. "Wu Liang said in a deep voice.

"I don't want to know about the secret organization at all." Jiang Xinghe refused decisively, then raised his eyebrows and sneered: "You don't think that just a few psychiatrists from Shancheng Hospital can establish such an organization, do you?"

Wu Liang was silent.

Of course, a few doctors alone cannot establish such an organization. Behind the secret organization, there must be many powerful supporting forces.

"The reason why I was fine back then was because my father 'donated' 90% of his property to them, and they saved me. To this day, they are still monitoring my phone calls and Internet records.

I think the three of you are not very young, so you should not go into this muddy water. It is a pity that you lost your lives at such a young age. "Jiang Xinghe said in a low voice.

Wu Liang pondered for a moment, then raised his head and said: "Mr. Jiang, I understand your difficulties, and I will not force you to help find the laboratory location of the secret organization. Please give me a name, one that you think is most likely to secretly serve the organization." The name of the doctor who absorbed the test subject children.”

Jiang Xinghe was silent for a while, then slowly spit out a name: "Yu Clan."

"Thank you." Wu Liang and the others stood up slowly, preparing to say goodbye and leave.

Before leaving, Wu Liang suddenly turned around, pointed at the pen holder on Jiang Xinghe's desk and said, "If you have anything you want to tell me, write it down on paper before leaving get off work every day and put it in your pen holder."

Jiang Xinghe was stunned, then took a deep look at Wu Liang, and seemed to understand something.

Wu Liang took Lu Yun and Wang Zhaozhao to close the door and left, found a hiding place, and returned to the Hope Cafe.

Needless to say, Wu Liang said that Wang Zhaozhao had already started searching for information about the Yu clan on the Internet.

Wu Liang saw that Lu Yun's expression was as usual, and then he slowly said: "Coach Lu, I checked your adoptive father's information before, and I only know that his name is Lu Zhi. His parents died young, and he inherited a large inheritance when he was nine years old. He adopted you when he was twenty years old, and all his money is in his account. He has no job, no real estate, and no other information can be found.

Since it has been confirmed that the tattoo on your lumbar spine is the serial number of the experimental subject of the secret organization of Shancheng Hospital, then the information about your adoptive father is most likely false.

You may be a healthy child that they got into the secret organization through some special channels, and your super sensory ability may be one of the special sensory abilities inspired by the experiment. "

Wu Liang spoke very slowly. As Lu Yun's friend, Wu Liang felt very uncomfortable. How strong Lu Yun is now, how much pain and torture he endured under the complex building of Shancheng Hospital back then.

Wu Liang didn't even want to think about whether Lu Yun's current amnesia was related to becoming an experimental subject back then.

Lu Yun understood what Wu Liang meant from his expression and slowly said: "I'm very happy to know my past. It's much better than having a blank mind. No matter how good the past experience is, Bad as it is, it's all a part of me.

Gong Meiyin's current situation may be more dangerous than mine. There may be countless children around her who have experienced similar experiences to me. "

This was the first time Wu Liang heard Lu Yun speak so many words in one breath.

Wu Liang nodded slowly, checked the system task bar, and said solemnly: "Gong Meiyin's hope value is still -99%. We must find her location as soon as possible."

(End of chapter)