Hope Coffee House

Chapter 116: A strange combination of circumstances


Wu Liang looked at the pink figure. It was a seven or eight-year-old little girl with very white skin and big eyes. She was wearing a pink dress and looked like a doll.

"Die'er, little brothers have just arrived, please don't joke around." Yu Clan rubbed the girl's head lovingly.

The girl turned her head and took a deep look at Wu Liang and Lu Yun, rubbed her head on Yu Zu's waist, and said coquettishly: "Daddy, Die'er knows~"

Negative emotion value from Yu Die: +100

Hearing the system prompt in his mind, Wu Liang couldn't help but be stunned. He and Coach Lu had done nothing, so why did he receive negative emotions from Yu Die

Is it possible that he was disliked by her at first sight

"Okay, Die'er, be good. You go and play first. Daddy still has to arrange rooms for the two brothers." The Yu clan casually let go of the little arms on his waist and touched his daughter's soft face. .

Yu Die glanced at Wu Liang and Lu Yun again, nodded reluctantly: "Okay."

After that, he ran away alone.

Negative emotion value from Yu Die: +200

Wu Liang: "..." Could it be that the little girl Yu Die felt that she and Coach Lu had separated the Yu family's attention from her

The Yu clan looked at the two of them and smiled: "Let's go, I will take you for a physical examination first."

Wu Liang and Lu Yun had no objections and followed the Yu clan silently.

Along the way, the three of them met several people. The Yu clan seemed to have a high status in Shancheng Hospital. Those people took the initiative to greet the Yu clan and called them director, while the Yu clan just smiled and nodded.

Soon, the two followed the Yu clan to the physical examination center.

Several nurses in white coats at the physical examination center stood up and greeted the Yu people.

Two of the male caregivers took two sets of clothes from the cabinet and came over, taking Wu Liang and Lu Yun to take a shower.

At first, the two male caregivers were a little wary. Seeing that the brothers Wu Jiang and Wu Shan were of normal intelligence and very cooperative, they felt relieved. After taking the two men to the shower room, they did not follow them in, but just waited at the door.

Wu Liang glanced at the dark blue glass wall of the long and narrow shower room, and made a subtle gesture to Lu Yun.

The two happily took off their clothes, turned their backs to the glass wall, and started taking a shower.

In the room next to the shower room, Yu Zu stood up in front of the one-way mirror and stared closely at the identical tattoos on Wu Jiang and Wu Shan's lumbar spines. Through the one-way mirror, the black tattoos actually glowed with light blue fluorescence. .

The Yu clan whispered to themselves in disbelief: "0136! It's really 0136! Impossible! Two 0136s, how is this possible?"

Yu Zu walked back and forth in the room twice, took out his mobile phone, and dialed a number. The call was quickly connected. Yu Zu whispered: "The tattoo belongs to 0136, and both twins have it."

There was silence on the other end of the phone for a long time before he confessed to the Yu family and then hung up the phone in a hurry.

Yu Zu walked out of the room with a complex expression and whispered to the two caregivers waiting outside the shower room: "A-level test."

Wu Liang and Lu Yun took a shower and put on the white cotton clothes and pants brought by the nurse. Under the guidance of the nurse, they entered a testing room. In the center of the room was a huge capsule-shaped testing chamber. There is a red letter A written on the door.

Wu Liang instinctively felt that there was some danger. He had the blessing of the system, so he was not afraid, so he walked to the testing room first and praised loudly: "How cool! Is this where we are going to conduct physical examinations? I want to try it first!" "

A nurse walked to the console in the room and pressed a button, and the testing chamber slowly opened. Another nurse inserted an indwelling needle into the vein on the back of Wu Liang's hand.

Under the guidance of the nurse, Wu Liang entered the testing room and lay down. The nurse inserted the intravenous needle into the indwelling needle on the back of Wu Liang's hand, and fixed some metal heads connected to various colored wires on Wu Liang's head and body. place, finally fixed Wu Liang's hands and feet, and slowly closed the detection chamber.

Contrary to Wu Liang's imagination, although various subtle stimulations can be felt during the test, it is not painful.

Five minutes later, the door of the testing chamber opened automatically. The nurse helped Wu Liang untie various restraints. Wu Liang got up and walked out of the testing chamber, and Lu Yun entered instead.

Five minutes later, Lu Yun walked out of the testing room with a calm expression. Nothing special happened. It seemed that this was really just an ordinary physical examination.

The two caregivers did not speak to Wu Liang and Lu Yun, but quietly waited for the instructions in the earphones.

In the office, Yu Clan looked at the two reports on the screen in front of him, his face as dark as water.

The first time he saw Wu Jiang, the Yu family seemed to see 0136 standing in front of him nine years ago. Wu Jiang's face, body shape, and temperament were all exactly the same as 0136.

The moment he came back to his senses, the Yu clan felt a little funny again. How could 0136 still look like a teenager after 9 years

The pair of young men who looked like 0136 in front of them must be the bait sent by someone.

In the name of reviewing charity projects, the Yu family arranged for colleagues to investigate the details of Chen Li and the twins.

There is no flaw at all.

There is no flaw, which is the biggest flaw.

The Yu clan is almost certain that this pair of fishing baits was sent by the mysterious organization nine years ago.

In the past nine years, the research at Shancheng Hospital has achieved amazing results, and now it will definitely not be as humiliating as it was then.

After asking the dean for instructions, the Yu people brought Wu Jiang and Wu Shan into the courtyard, but saw the same tattoo number as 0136 on their lumbar spine.

The tattoo numbers of the experimental subjects in the hospital are engraved by the dean himself and cannot be imitated.

Now a pair of identical tattoos have appeared.

This leaves only the most unlikely possibility, that 0136 really came back and became two people.

After the Yu family reported the situation, it attracted great attention from the hospital. The hospital requested that the twin brothers undergo A-level testing immediately.

However, the titles of the two test reports are marked with the letter E.

Wujiang and Wushan are only E-level.

There is a huge difference between E-class and 0136.

Could it be that the dean's tattoo was really successfully imitated by that mysterious organization

Now I sent two E-class baits just to slap the dean in public

Or is this all the dean's arrangement? Is he using this to test himself

After all, there have been a lot of rumors in the courtyard recently...

The Yu clan stared at the two test reports on the screen, thinking a lot. After a long while, they whispered: "Send them to Area D."

In a ward in Area A, a boy of thirteen or fourteen and a little girl in a pink skirt were playing checkers.

The boy was very thin, with fair skin. He wore a white cotton hospital gown loosely on his body. The top two buttons of the hospital gown were unbuttoned, revealing a piece of skin on his chest, but this skin was filled with a sickly deep color. red.

The little girl in the pink skirt is about seven or eight years old. She has a cute Yuxue, and she is Yu Die.

"Your father has arranged for them to be in Area D." The young man's tone was full of helplessness, and he looked at Yu Die with a pair of rare golden eyes, "Little ancestor, please find someone else next time you want to do something like this. If I'm found out, I'll be killed."

"If you don't want to die, don't be discovered." Yu Die held a chess piece and said calmly.

"Little Ancestor, there are so many people in Area A, can't you choose someone else to bully them?" the young man said in a dissatisfied tone.

"Do you have any objections?" Yu Die raised her eyes to look at the young man, raised the palm of her left hand upward, and lightly clenched her fist with her five fingers.

The young man snorted, and cold sweat instantly fell from his forehead. He quickly said in a hoarse voice: "Just kidding, just kidding! No objection at all!"

Yu Die snorted coldly, stood up and walked to the door of the ward. Her expressionless face quickly changed into an innocent and cute expression. She turned to look at the young man and said, "Brother Tong Sheng, I'm really happy to play chess with you, Die'er. Let’s go now, I’ll come and play with you next time!”

Watching the little girl in pink skirt jumping away, Tong Sheng slowly walked to the door, closed the door gently, and then started to spit out the fragrance in the direction where Yu Die left.

Of course, Tong Sheng just mouthed silently and didn't dare to make any sound.

(End of chapter)