Hope Coffee House

Chapter 117: Great ability to fly


Under the leadership of the nurse, Wu Liang and Lu Yun came to Area D. All the wards here are single rooms, clean and tidy. Each ward has an independent bathroom, single bed, table and chairs, TV, air conditioner, cabinet... The conditions are better than those in student dormitories.

The doors of the ward in Area D are not locked, and through the small glass window on the door, you can clearly see the activities of the children.

Some children are reading, sleeping, or writing and drawing alone in the room, some are huddled together in two or three watching movies, and some are sitting around a ward, discussing something with great interest.

Most of the people gathered together were children under the age of ten, and most of the boys and girls over the age of ten acted alone.

Under the arrangement of the nurse, Wu Jiang and Wu Shan lived in opposite wards. They did not need to leave the room. As long as they stood in front of the door, they could see each other through the small glass window on the light-transmitting door.

After distributing brand-new daily necessities such as sheets, quilts, towels, toothbrushes, etc. to the two people, the nurse reminded them that three meals a day would be delivered to them. If they had any questions, they could call the number on the bedside table, and then left Area D. .

After the nurse left, Wu Liang pulled Lu Yun into his room, closed the door and asked in a low voice: "Do you remember anything? Do you feel familiar?"

"I have no impression at all." Lu Yun shook his head in confusion. Looking at the daily necessities piled on the table by Wu Liang, he felt that it was really an eyesore, so he couldn't help but get up and pack them away silently.

"It's okay. Seeing the tattoos on our bodies is enough for the Yu people to drink a pot. They will definitely take action." Wu Liang sat on the chair with a smile and watched Lu Yun help him tidy up the bed and organize daily necessities. , Wu Liang was secretly happy that having a friend with obsessive-compulsive disorder really saved him trouble and effort!

dong dong dong

There was a knock on the door of the ward, and a fat man about the same age as the two of them walked in. He said with an old-fashioned look: "New here?"

Wu Liang nodded and smiled: "Who are you?"

The little fat man coughed dryly and said: "It doesn't matter who I am. What's important is that a place has its own rules. Since you are new here, you should take the initiative to visit the seniors in District D instead of waiting for the seniors to come to their door. , and even asked the seniors to introduce themselves first.”

Wu Liang couldn't help but be amused by the little fat man: "But you don't seem to be older than us. Isn't it inappropriate to just talk about a senior?"

"In our mountain city hospital, age is not important, strength is king." The little fat man said.

"It seems that you are very strong. Can you knock us two brothers down in one breath?" Wu Liang joked.

"What you said is too one-sided. Can strength be evaluated solely by combat strength? Of course, I am not saying that combat strength is not important, but in our Shancheng Hospital, the assessment of strength is more comprehensive. Some people Although his combat power is not high, he has unparalleled advantages in other aspects and can still be called powerful, just like... "

Before the little fat man finished speaking, a girl of thirteen or fourteen years old put on a mask and walked to the door of Wu Liang's room. She rolled her eyes and said disdainfully: "Qu Fei, can you close the door in advance when you are bragging? I The people next door are sick of hearing it, but your ability is worthy of being called strength? Come on, let’s show it off to the newcomers.”

"Song Shanshan, this is in front of a newcomer, how can you bully me like this!" The little fat man blushed and said angrily.

Poof - poof -

"In front of newcomers? Don't I usually bully you like this?" The girl named Song Shanshan took a step back slightly and said sarcastically.

"Fuck... sister, sister! I was wrong, stop talking to me!" the little fat man pinched his nose and said angrily.

Poof - poof -

Every time he spoke to Song Shanshan, the little fat guy named Qu Fei would fart loudly.

Within two words, Wu Liang already felt like he couldn't breathe.

"Humph." Song Shanshan snorted coldly and closed the door.

Wu Liang: “…”

Qu Fei glumly turned on the air conditioner and turned on the ventilation function, then sat down on the bed that Lu Yun had just made, and sighed: "Finally, a newcomer has arrived. I thought I would pretend to be a master in front of you two, but in the end All collapsed.

As you all know, my name is Qu Fei. I have no fighting ability. My only special ability is that I can’t help but fart with a small amount of hallucinogenic effects when talking to girls.

If you have some mild hallucinations, it is completely normal, and it will only take about ten minutes. In addition, I still have to emphasize that your hallucinations are not caused by the smell, but the hallucinogenic effect of the fart! "

"I understand, I understand." Wu Liang suppressed a smile and said, "Your special ability is quite powerful, but it may be a little difficult to find a girlfriend in the future."

"Hey, I'm so sad! God has given me such a face. If I could have a face like the two of you, I might still have a chance." Qu Fei touched his face with some regret, "Don't blame me. Now, tell me about you two, what are your abilities?"

"My name is Wu Shan, and that is my brother, Wu Jiang. We are twins with no special abilities." Wu Liang said with a smile.

"No special abilities?" Qu Fei said in surprise: "Didn't you get promoted from Area E? How did you come to Area D?"

"Our father passed away half a month ago. Today our stepmother sent us to Shancheng No. 4 Children's Hospital for hospitalization, and then the man named Yu sent us here." Wu Liang explained.

"You came directly to Area D from outside?" Qu Fei's eyes widened and he looked at the two of them in disbelief: "Are you sure that you really don't have any special abilities?"

"Why do you say that? Are the people in Area D very powerful?" Wu Liang asked curiously.

Seeing Wu Shan humbly asking for advice, Wu Jiang listened carefully to what he said even though he remained silent. Qu Fei felt a lot more comfortable and enthusiastically explained to the two of them: "Actually, the people who live in District D are all A person who has special abilities, but the special abilities are basically useless.

Under normal circumstances, newcomers like you who enter our Shancheng Hospital from the outside have no special abilities, and they will all live in Area E.

After that, the newcomers would go through trials every day, waiting for their special abilities to differentiate. The trials were extremely painful. I had to suffer for half a year before I got my special abilities.

After possessing special abilities, they will enter the testing chamber for ability testing and then be graded. Ability is divided into four levels from strong to weak, namely A, B, C, and D, which correspond to the four wards that can be admitted to A, B, C, and D.

At this time, everyone who gets the test results can have a choice, either to live in the corresponding ward according to their own level, or to choose to stay in Area E for trials and wait for new abilities to differentiate.

Because the higher the level, the higher the accommodation conditions and freedom of life. For example, in our D area, everyone lives in the most ordinary small single room. Food and daily necessities are all distributed uniformly, and there is no right to choose freely. Although You can leave your room, but you can't leave D area.

There are not as many people in Area C as we do here, but the area is several times that of Area D. Not only does everyone have better rooms than ours, but there are also many activity rooms. As for Areas B and A, I’m not sure. "

I was sorting out the outline yesterday, so there was no update at 8 o'clock in the morning. Today... there is only one update... /(ㄒoㄒ)/~~

(End of chapter)