Hope Coffee House

Chapter 17: Dark secret


It was the first time that Hao Xin saw Han Xu showing such a complicated expression. Despair, pain, regret, hatred... all kinds of extremely negative emotions were mixed in, and seemed to tear Han Xu apart.

Han Xu did not answer Hao Xin's words, picked up the wine glass and drank silently.

Seeing that Han Xu didn't want to talk, Hao Xin had no choice but to drink with Han Xu.

Cup after cup, bottle after bottle.

Hao Xin didn't remember how much he drank with Han Xu. He only remembered that after half of the wine bottles on the table were empty, Han Xu suddenly cried.

There was no crying, just red eye circles and tears constantly flowing from the corners of the eyes.

Han Xu looked at Hao Xin and said the first sentence in a hoarse voice: "I feel so disgusting."

"Ah?" Hao Xin looked at Han Xu blankly, not knowing what to say.

Han Xu drank another glass of wine, and then said slowly: "I betrayed Qiqi."

"Ah?" Hao Xin looked at Han Xu in surprise, still not knowing what to say.

"That night five days ago, Qiqi and I came back from dinner and happened to meet her best friend Zhang Mengzhu at the school gate. Zhang Mengzhu was standing at the school gate worried with two huge handbags."

"Because of a bad relationship with his roommate, Zhang Mengzhu moved out of his dormitory, rented a house outside, and is moving his belongings there."

"For the sake of convenience, she packed all her things in two large handbags and wanted to move them all at once, but she didn't expect that the things were too heavy. She had to take a break every few steps while carrying the two bags. It took me more than half an hour to walk from the dormitory to the school gate."

"Qiqi saw that Zhang Mengzhu was having a hard time moving, so she asked me to help. She also had some clothes she bought before, so she went back to the dormitory by herself."

"You also know that Qiqi doesn't care about those rumors and has a good relationship with Zhang Mengzhu. The two of them often do activities together. With Zhang Mengzhu's popularity in our class, there is no one else willing to help. Naturally, I have to help."

"Those two bags of stuff were really heavy. I was already sweating profusely when I helped Zhang Mengzhu carry them to her rental house."

"To express his gratitude, Zhang Mengzhu handed me a bottle of strawberry milk and said that it was cold and windy outside. I would catch a cold if I went out to blow in the wind after sweating so much. He asked me to sit down and rest for a while to eliminate the sweat before leaving."

Speaking of this, Han Xu's eyes turned red, and the hand holding the wine glass was trembling slightly.

"I didn't think much about it. I sat down and drank the bottle of strawberry milk, and then I lost consciousness."

"When I opened my eyes again, I found myself tied to the bed by Zhang Mengzhu, a bitch."

After saying these two sentences, Han Xu clenched his fists and closed his eyes.

Han Xu couldn't tell what happened next, and he didn't say anything in the end.

Just repeating over and over again in front of Hao Xin: "I'm really disgusted."

Hao Xin could also make a guess and asked tentatively: "She drugged you. This is a crime. You can call the police."

"Zhang Mengzhu has photos and videos on her hands... She said that if I went to the police, she would immediately drink medicine and sue me."

"This Mengzhu is so shameless! But everything depends on evidence. She set you up to do this. The police will definitely give you justice." Hao Xin said excitedly.

"But I don't want the matter to get into trouble! I don't want Qiqi to know about it! I love her! I want to be with her for the rest of my life!" Han Xu said emotionally.

"...How did you solve it with Zhang Mengzhu?"

"Zhang Mengzhu said she just wanted me to see how good she is. Since I don't like it, forget it. She won't pester her, and she won't let Gao Qi know about it."

"Does Gao Qi know about this now?"

"It's been five days since the incident happened. Qiqi probably doesn't know. But that night she called me twice and sent me a few text messages, but I never picked up or replied..." Han Xu sighed and grabbed her hard. Holding his hair.

"What about Zhang Mengzhu these days? Nothing happened, right?"

"Not yet. She is still by Qiqi's side. She greets me normally every time we meet, as if nothing has happened. But every time I see her, I feel that I can't face Qiqi. I feel very uncomfortable. Disgusting..." Han Xu's eyes were filled with pain.

Hao Xin didn't know how to comfort Han Xu, and couldn't figure out how to deal with this matter. He could only drink with Han Xu silently, and comforted: "Since this matter does not continue to ferment, it is better to forget about it completely, just like everything else It’s like nothing ever happened.”

"I also want to forget this matter, but I can't get over this hurdle in my heart." Han Xu said painfully.

"If you really can't forget it, just confess it." Hao Xin looked at Han Xu and suggested: "Gao Qi is a good girl, simple, kind, and considerate. You are the victim in this matter, tell her everything. , she will understand you, so Zhang Mengzhu can no longer appear in front of you, and you won't feel so uncomfortable if you can't see that woman."

Han Xu remained silent and just drank heavily.

After a long time, Han Xu said to Hao Xin: "Brother Hao, I have to think about it again. Please keep this matter secret for me."

"Okay, I promise you." Hao Xin solemnly made a promise to Han Xu.

This is the secret that Hao Xin has kept for many years.

Hao Xin had secretly consulted a lawyer. Han Xu committed suicide. A week had passed since the incident. Han Xu could no longer produce evidence that Zhang Mengzhu had drugged him, so Zhang Mengzhu would not bear any legal responsibility for this.

Hao Xin didn't want Han Xu to still become a topic of conversation after his death, and he didn't want the secret that Han Xu desperately kept to be known to others, especially his beloved Gao Qi, so he chose to keep it secret.

In this way, in Gao Qi's heart, Han Xu will always be her perfect first boyfriend.

Zhang Mengzhu had already done something unforgivable to Han Xu, and Han Xu committed suicide. She felt even more guilty, so naturally she would not take the initiative to tell the matter.

This secret was kept secret for six years.

"So, in your mind, the murderer of Han Xu is Zhang Mengzhu?" Wu Liang asked.

"Who else could she be? It was she who did that dirty thing and forced A Xu to death. Wasn't the murderer you investigated her?" Hao Xin looked at Wu Liang and asked angrily.

In the case of Han Xu's suicide, Gao Qi's hands were extremely clean.

In the eyes of everyone, she is synonymous with simplicity and kindness.

Now that I told Hao Xin that the person he suspected was actually Gao Qi, Hao Xin would never believe it.

But Wu Liangzhong always believed that this matter was inseparable from Gao Qi. Even if Zhang Mengzhu's behavior was suspicious, it was nothing more than a knife.

Wu Liang followed Hao Xin's words and said, "My suspect is also Zhang Mengzhu. I just checked with you. How much do you know about Zhang Mengzhu?"

"Zhang Mengzhu has always had a bad reputation in school. There are various cars waiting to pick her up at the school gate every Friday night and take her back to school on Sunday. Everyone knows what Zhang Mengzhu is doing, and many classmates are aware of it. They all look down on her and don’t want to talk to her at all.”

"Zhang Mengzhu's roommates are even more disgusted with her. They are afraid that because the four of them share the bathroom, she will be infected with some unclean disease. Therefore, the other three people often attack her with words and want to drive her out of the dormitory. This is why Zhang Mengzhu is in the dormitory. I couldn’t survive, so I later moved out to live outside.”

"Only Gao Qi, who has a simple and kind temperament, never looks at Zhang Mengzhu through colored glasses and is willing to be friends with her."

"If she hadn't done what she did to A Xu, Zhang Mengzhu would actually be a poor person. Her family's conditions were very poor. She applied for a student loan when she entered school. Teacher Dong also awarded her the stipend for all four years of university. Every time she She might have to go with others on weekends to survive, but she shouldn't touch A Xu."

Speaking of Zhang Mengzhu, Hao Xin still couldn't restrain his anger.

"Is there anything unusual about Zhang Mengzhu's behavior after Han Xu's accident?"

"After A Xu's accident, she also moved outside. I don't know if she was still taken away on weekends, but looking at how she dressed every time she came to class, her quality of life was obviously two levels higher than before. , it is very likely that it has been raised outside by a rich person."

Zhang Mengzhu was short of money, and after Han Xu's accident, her quality of life improved by two levels.

Coupled with the countless clues he had obtained before, Wu Liang felt that he had found the answer.

What is needed now is to prove whether his conjecture is correct.

All the clues have been given. Come and guess, what is going on? How did Gao Qi successfully make Han Xu commit suicide? The answer will be announced tomorrow, ()hehe (PS: Please collect, invest, and recommend votes~~)

(End of chapter)