Hope Coffee House

Chapter 22: Love affair exposed


Time flies, and we are in the second year of high school in a blink of an eye.

The second year of high school was divided into arts and sciences. When they were divided into classes, both Gao Qi and Zhang Feng chose to go to the science class. The classes were all parallel classes, and the class placement was determined by drawing lots. This time they were not assigned to the same class.

When Zhang Feng was a freshman in high school, he was one of the rare students who did not favor science. His grades in liberal arts and science courses were average. However, once he was promoted to the second year of high school, this advantage turned into a disadvantage.

Many students who were previously held back by their grades in politics, history and geography now easily surpassed Zhang Feng in their grades.

In the new class, Zhang Feng only ranked fifteenth.

Gao Qi was better at science courses, so he still ranked first in their class.

Zhang Feng felt a little pressure in his heart. He was afraid that he and Gao Qi would not be able to get into their common goal - Fuzhou University.

Gao Qi didn't care about this, and often said with a smile to Zhang Feng, "So what if you don't get into Fuzhou University? Whichever university you get into, I will go to that university with you. Even if you can't get into the bachelor's degree, what will happen?" It doesn’t matter, I have money, even if we don’t do anything, we can still live a good life in this life.”

Every time he heard Gao Qi say this, Zhang Feng would helplessly pinch her nose and ask with a smile: "With your grades, you can easily get into Fuzhou University, and Fuzhou University is your most desired university. Of course I have to work hard." No matter how hard you work, I will accompany you to the campus of Fuzhou University. How can I not go to college and live on your soft food?"

Gao Qi would glare at Zhang Feng with dissatisfaction, "The two of us are going to be together forever. What's yours is mine, and what's mine is yours, so why are you just living a soft life? That's obviously our money!" "

Afterwards, the two would get into trouble.

Zhang Feng worked very hard to go to Fuzhou University with Gao Qi.

Hard work paid off. In the midterm exam of the first semester of high school, Zhang Feng's grades improved a bit and he ranked twelfth in the class.

Although he is still ten places behind the previous second place, Zhang Feng is full of confidence.

His biggest advantage is "stability". As long as his grades can be steadily improved every time, he will definitely be able to return to the top three in the class before the college entrance examination and successfully enter Fuzhou University.

What Zhang Feng didn't know was that although he had a good attitude, his mother, who had been studying with him and taking care of him, was already very worried.

In the eyes of Zhang Feng's mother, her child's grades have plummeted since he entered the second year of high school. She waited with great anticipation for the midterm exam, hoping to receive the good news that her son would return to the top three in the class, but she did not expect that her son would return to the top three in the class during the midterm exam. He didn't even make the top ten in the class, ranking twelfth.

Many neighbors in the community also rented houses to accompany him to school, including several families whose children were in the same grade as Zhang Feng.

When Zhang Feng was a freshman in high school, every time she met these parents, Zhang Feng's mother would ask them about their children's grades, and then proudly say, "My son's grades are not bad, he ranks second in the class." "

Now, when she meets these parents again in the community, Zhang Feng's mother is no longer willing to take the initiative to ask about their children's grades.

Recently, a familiar parent took the initiative to ask Zhang Feng's mother about Zhang Feng's midterm exam results, and then talked to Zhang Feng's mother for a while with a "concerned" look on her face.

"Zhang Feng ranked twelfth in the class this time? He is already a sophomore in high school. Why has his child's performance dropped?"

"My child's grades were not good in his first year of high school, but he finally made some progress in his second year of high school and is now ranked fifth in the class."

"You have to take a closer look at Zhang Feng. It is said that the results of the second year of high school are gradually determined. If the results of the second year of high school are not good, it will be difficult to catch up in the third year of high school!"

After meeting and chatting with the parent for a while, Zhang Feng's mother felt her face burning and her heart felt even more depressed.

Your child finally ranked fifth in the class. Isn’t it so strange that he even came here to show off to me

Although she felt uncomfortable, the parent's words still reached Zhang Feng's mother's heart.

If your grades are not good in the second year of high school, it will be difficult to catch up in the third year of high school.

Zhang Feng's mother was a little puzzled. Her son's grades had always been so good in his first year of high school. Why did he suddenly drop so sharply in his second year of high school

Although my son has always said that it is because he is not partial to subjects, he lacks the advantage when he first entered the science class, so his grades dropped a lot.

But based on her understanding of her son, she felt that Zhang Feng was hiding something else from her.

Could it be that Zhang Feng fell in love early

Zhang Feng's mother felt nervous.

After having this idea, Zhang Feng's mother was confused all day long.

When school was about to end in the evening, Zhang Feng's mother finally couldn't help it, hurriedly put on her coat, came to the entrance of Shencheng Experimental Middle School, and found a place to stand in the shadow of a tree.

As soon as the school bell rang, the students quickly walked out of the teaching building carrying their schoolbags and scattered in all directions.

Among the countless students wearing school uniforms, Zhang Feng's mother quickly spotted her son.

Zhang Feng was carrying a schoolbag on one shoulder and was walking towards the school gate talking and laughing with a girl.

With just one glance, Zhang Feng's mother was 100% sure that Zhang Feng was in love early.

Zhang Feng and the girl stopped at the school gate and continued to talk and laugh side by side. It was not until the girl stopped a taxi that Zhang Feng handed the girl his schoolbag and waved goodbye.

At this time, there were few students at the school gate. Zhang Feng's mother walked out from the shadow of the tree and walked straight towards Zhang Feng.

When he saw his mother, Zhang Feng instantly understood that his mother came specifically to see him today.

He had just sent Gao Qi to the car, and his mother had already seen him.

Mother should also already know about her love affair with Gao Qi.

Now that you know it, there is no need to hide it anymore.

"Mom, the girl who walked with me just now is my girlfriend, her name is Gao Qi." Zhang Feng said with a smile.

"Let's talk about it when we get home," the mother said with a hesitant look on her face.

Seeing that his mother was in a bad mood, Zhang Feng had to follow her home silently.

As soon as she entered the house, my mother ignored her slippers and went straight to the point: "When did it start?"

"We've been together since freshman year." Zhang Feng answered truthfully.

"You didn't study hard, and you actually started falling in love?" Mother raised her voice.

"I have been studying hard. It is precisely because we fell in love that we both have a common goal. I study harder than before."

"How dare you lie? If it weren't for the distraction of puppy love, how could your grades have dropped so much?"

"Mom, I've told you many times that the reason why your son's grades have declined is because your son is not partial to subjects, so he suffered a bit after being divided into liberal arts and sciences. Don't worry, Mom, I have recently found a learning method that suits me. Next I will definitely return to the top three in my class this semester.”

"Do you think I can believe it? Break up with that little girl named Gao Qi as soon as possible. Don't contact the two of you anymore. Study hard. You are already a sophomore in high school. How dare you fall in love early? Neither of you want to go to a prestigious school? She is in high school. Qi doesn't study hard and wants to drag my son down?"

"Oh, Mom! Gao Qi studies much better than me. She studies theory just like me, and she has always been ranked first in their class! She has been helping me in my studies recently. If I want to say that it is dragging me down, it is your son who is dragging me down."

"Zhang Feng! The college entrance examination is the only way for you to change your destiny! Why did I quit my job and come here to study with you? Isn't it just so that you can get into a prestigious school and have a big future one day! Do you think I quit my job and come here to take care of you? Are you here to see your puppy love?" Zhang Feng's mother was completely angry.

"Mom! When I grow up, I will listen to you no matter what you say. Can you believe me now? I like Gao Qi. The two of us have been making progress together. I know my grades well. I will definitely be able to go to a famous school. of!"

That night, neither Zhang Feng nor his mother succeeded in convincing the other.

Regarding this conversation with his mother, Zhang Feng was not very worried. He would definitely not break up with Gao Qi. As for his mother, he would study harder and strive for a dramatic improvement in his grades next time. If he wanted to come to his mother, he would Nothing more will be said.

In order to make his mother recognize his relationship with Gao Qi and at least stop her from speaking out, Zhang Feng decided to study harder.

Early the next morning, Zhang Feng had breakfast and went to the classroom to study by himself.

What Zhang Feng never expected was that shortly after he went out, his mother also went out. She went directly to the school gate to wait for Gao Qi.

Please collect, recommend and invest~() Hehe

(End of chapter)