Hope Coffee House

Chapter 25: Rumors spread like wildfire


Zhang Feng was beaten by gangsters on Friday evening. After two days of rest over the weekend, most of his injuries have healed.

The gangsters were not only measured but also very skilled in beating people. Zhang Feng's arms and legs were covered in large bruises, and his buttocks were in severe pain, but there were no traces of being beaten on his face.

Because it was Zhang Feng who rushed forward first. Although he was knocked unconscious in the end and went to the hospital, the matter was a fight. Even if he resorted to legal action, Zhang Feng would not be able to get the slightest advantage, so he did not ask his mother to call the police.

My mother initially disagreed, but after hearing Zhang Feng say that if she reported to the police, she had to take a statement and cooperate with the police investigation, it would delay her studies, she stopped insisting.

What worries Zhang Feng the most is Gao Qi.

Zhang Feng often called Gao Qi during the two weekends, but Gao Qi's cell phone was always turned off.

On Sunday, Zhang Feng was really worried about Gao Qi and couldn't help but want to go to Gao Qi's house. Seeing that his mother could not stop Zhang Feng, she sat on the ground and started crying.

While her mother was crying, she told Zhang Feng a shocking truth.

"You don't know, right? Your father and I divorced when you were in your first year of high school. Mom only has you now."

"I am here to study with you and take care of you. Your father pays for our living expenses. In order not to affect your college entrance examination, your father and I have been hiding this from you."

"But now that you have been seduced by Gao Qi, Mom can only tell you the truth."

"Our family has no money or power. You should know how important it is to you to take the college entrance examination."

"Back then, your mother and I didn't go to college because we didn't study hard, so we couldn't find a decent job. In the end, we married your father, who was also a loser. We lived in poverty together for more than 20 years, and now he dumped me. It’s a half-life tragedy.”

"Fortunately, God took pity on me and gave me a promising son. Mom, I will be counting on you for the rest of her life."

"She, Gao Qi, likes you and is willing to support you, but is she willing to support your mother?"

"Not to mention that if she, Gao Qi, doesn't like you in the future, and you don't have a good education, you will accomplish nothing and have nothing in the future, how will you survive?"

"You will be 18 years old after the college entrance examination, and your father will no longer have the obligation to support you. If you fail to get into a prestigious school, do you think you will have a chance to repeat your studies? Do you think your father will still give you child support? Give me living expenses and let us come back for another year? Impossible!"

"Don't meet Gao Qi again, otherwise Mom will just die, out of sight is out of mind!"

After saying these heart-wrenching words, my mother sat on the ground and continued to cry loudly.

Zhang Feng was stunned for a while, then ran over and helped his mother up.

Looking at his emotionally broken mother, Zhang Feng really didn't know what to say.

He loves his mother and Gao Qi. He is full of confidence in the college entrance examination and the future.

Zhang Feng didn't understand at first, but it was just that he failed the math questions in the midterm exam and his grades dropped a bit. Why did his mother's mood suddenly collapse

Now Zhang Feng understands that her mother has divorced her father long ago and is in a period of insecurity. In her heart, she is her only hope. However, the decline in her midterm exam scores and her love affair with Gao Qi have made her mother have doubts about the future. Great uncertainty arose, and she broke down and cried after trying to persuade herself to break up with Gao Qi to no avail.

Zhang Feng would not break up with Gao Qi, but looking at his mother who was sitting on the sofa crying sadly, Zhang Feng couldn't bear to tell his mother about the matter, and he couldn't leave home to find Gao Qi. He was afraid that his mother would not be able to think about it.

Zhang Feng had no choice but to suppress his worries about Gao Qi and waited for Monday like a year.

On Monday, Zhang Feng got up early and went to school after breakfast. He wanted to see Gao Qi. From Friday afternoon until now, the two had not contacted each other for nearly three days. Zhang Feng was very worried. .

However, Gao Qi did not come to school.

During the morning break, Zhang Feng heard some rumors secretly circulating among his classmates.

These rumors are all about Gao Qi.

It is said that Gao Qi is a psychologically twisted person. Her parents were pissed to death by her, her relatives are afraid of her, no one wants to take care of her, and everyone avoids her like a snake...

Because there was no one around him to cause trouble, Gao Qi reached out to the campus, found a boyfriend, deliberately and shamelessly seduced him to live with him, and wanted to delay his studies. Fortunately, the boyfriend's mother found out and found the school …

After Gao Qi made her parents angry and died, she got a large sum of money and used the money to raise several handsome boys outside. After having enough fun, she dumped them. If anyone was unwilling to break up, Gao Qi hired someone to threaten them. The methods are quite cruel...

Rumors are more powerful than tigers, and the more they spread, the more outrageous they become.

Hearing these vicious words, Zhang Feng was really angry, but he could not find the source of the rumors.

Through word of mouth, rumors can become unrecognizable, but not necessarily the core.

Zhang Feng carefully analyzed the rumors he heard, looking for their core.

Gao Qi's parents died.

She seduced her boyfriend to live with her, was discovered by her mother, and found the school.

Zhang Feng looked pale and seemed to have found the source of the rumor.

I have never told anyone about Gao Qi.

No one knew that Gao Qi asked him to accompany her home for one night.

I have only written these things in my diary. I wrote them just to record every day with Gao Qi.

It was her mother who peeked into her diary, came to the school to find Gao Qi, and made these things public!

Zhang Feng suddenly understood the reason why Gao Qi's cell phone had been turned off from last Friday until now, and he also understood the reason why she did not come to school today.

After figuring everything out, Zhang Feng felt his head was buzzing and his chest was so tight that he couldn't breathe.

Regardless of asking for leave, Zhang Feng went home directly to confront his mother.

My mother was watching TV at home and was a little surprised when she saw Zhang Feng suddenly coming home in the morning.

"Mom! Did you peek at my diary on Friday and go to school to find Gao Qi?" Zhang Feng asked his mother loudly.

"What did you say? Looking for Gao Qi?"

"Stop pretending! You revealed everything about Gao Qi's family and said she seduced me. Now there are rumors about her all over the school. Her mobile phone has been turned off for three days, and she didn't come to school today. !" Zhang Feng said angrily.

Seeing that the matter was revealed, Zhang Feng's mother disapproved and said: "I read your diary and went to find her, but isn't what I said true? Her parents didn't pass away? She didn't let you go to her house to live with her. ? What’s wrong if she doesn’t come to class? Anyway, she studies well, so not going to class for a week won’t be a big loss.”

"Mom! It was your son who fell in love with her first, and it was your son who first confessed to her and said he would never leave her in his life. If anything happens, come to me! Why did you hurt her? She lost her parents. How could you bear to do it without the protection of your relatives?!" Zhang Feng almost yelled at his mother.

"Emergency times require extraordinary measures. If I don't have the heart to attack her, your life will be over. You are young now, so you don't agree with my approach. When you get into a prestigious school and find a good job, you still You have to come back and thank me. When you have children too, you will understand me completely."

"Oh, by the way, I also used your mobile phone to send her a breakup message. Plus there are rumors in your school. She won't forgive you. You two can't be together anymore. Just take it easy. Let’s study.” Zhang Feng’s mother said calmly.

"Study hard, get into a prestigious school, and find a good job. You keep telling me these things every day!"

"Mom, what do you think I am? Am I a tool for you to fulfill your dream of going to college or a prestigious school? Am I a bargaining chip for you to brag to other parents and friends? Or am I a tool to make money for you in the future?"

"I have tried my best to take the college entrance examination. I just like Gao Qi. Are you so awesome?"

"Mom, you never know whether I am happy or not, and you never ask me what I want."

Zhang Feng casually wiped the tears on his face, slammed the door and left.

"Hope Cafe" is a unit drama story under the main line. Each volume is a short story. This volume will be over in just a few chapters. Those who have been waiting to watch it will be able to read it in a few days. I’ve seen it. Also, I’m asking for investment, recommendation votes, and collection! Even if I don’t support anything, I can at least say something~ I feel a little lonely when I’m singleplayer/(ㄒoㄒ)/~~

(End of chapter)