Hope Coffee House

Chapter 269: Zhao Zhao's breath


Thinking of this, Wang Jiayang took a deep breath and walked out of the basement quickly.

Something big has happened.

In the past two years, besides Qu Qingzhu and Tao Hongding, God knows how many people have known this secret.

Wang Jiayang took out the organization's internal communication phone and quickly made a call.

Wang Jiayang's call was not to his superior, but to a number that every Chiyou member knew by heart - the highest official of the Chiyou organization, Chief Zhou.

The reason why he did not call his direct superiors was naturally because the fewer people who knew about this matter, the better, even members of Chi You.

After all, compared to the painful training methods that used to increase extraordinary strength through cultivation, spiritual trials, etc., the price of this secret is too small.

Although Chi You members have undergone rigorous training and have firm beliefs, they are also human beings. They also have family members and lovers who need to be protected, and they also have selfish motives.

It's not that Wang Jiayang hasn't thought about it, maybe after this call is made, not only Qu Qingzhu and Tao Hongding, but also his eight-person team may no longer be free, and may even lose their lives.

But he still called Mr. Zhou.

Those brothers who had been with him through life and death and already understood his intentions did not stop him.

Because everyone knows that once this secret is spread, the organization's decades of efforts and the bloodshed and sacrifice of countless colleagues will all be in vain.

After a long while, Wang Jiayang hung up the phone with a complicated expression.

Sure enough, it was not a secret among Chi You's senior officials to absorb intelligence particles from the human brain through digestion.

Director Zhou did not show the slightest surprise after hearing Wang Jiayang's report. He just calmly told Wang Jiayang that an action team dedicated to handling the matter would come to explain the matter to everyone later.

Before hanging up the phone, Mr. Zhou also praised everyone for their firm belief, and there was even a hint of trust in important matters in his words.

After talking to Mr. Zhou on the phone, Wang Jiayang's mood only relaxed for a moment, and then became heavy again.

Because he received a call from his direct superior.

On the phone, the superior calmly announced the organizational structure changes for him and the team he led, and conducted a brief but thorough work handover with him on the phone.

The whole phone call was always business-like. Regarding why Wang Jiayang's team was suddenly transferred, the superior who had led Wang Jiayang for many years did not have a trace of curiosity and did not even say a word of nonsense.

After handing over the work, Wang Jiayang wanted to say something to his superior, who had been working with him for many years, but when he opened his mouth, he felt unable to say anything.

This superior had issued countless tasks to Wang Jiayang, and even visited the no-man's land several times, rescuing people who were almost killed in battle, but Wang Jiayang didn't seem to understand this superior who depended on him for life and death.

When Wang Jiayang wanted to say a final word about taking care, his superior had already hung up the phone.

Looking at the phone with a black screen in his hand, Wang Jiayang felt mixed emotions.

Chi You's organization is more vertical, and there are very few joint operations between departments. He and his superior may never see each other again in the future.

A GL8 parked in front of the Huayushu Community located in the south of Qingtang City.

Li Daochun's tracer had been defused by an expert, and its last displayed location was in the Flower Villa.

Although Huayu Villa is a high-end villa area with extremely tight security, with the presence of Gan Zhenglong, who is good at hypnosis and memory manipulation, everyone entered the community almost without any hindrance and arrived at the door of Qu Qingzhu's villa.

Now that a certain expert has defused the tracer on Qu Qingzhu, Qu Qingzhu is no longer in the villa.

But this does not mean that Qu Qingzhu can deal with everything in the villa in a very short time.

With Lu Yun's keen sense of breath and Cao Jin's master Hu, it is very possible to find some important clues in this villa.

Although the door of the villa was locked, it was not difficult for Wu Liang and the others.

Lu Yun just stepped forward and gently turned the door handle up and down. He only heard a crisp "click" and the door opened.

Along with the roar of the machine, a strong smell of disinfectant hit their faces, making everyone frown.

"It smells like blood." Lu Yun pointed in the direction of the basement.

That's where the roar of the machine came from.

Everyone quickly arrived at the basement of Qu Qingzhu's house, but were surprised to find that the basement was filled with various precision instruments used for experiments, and the source of the roar was a huge iron can standing in the corner of the laboratory.

"What experiment is Qu Qingzhu doing?" Wu Liang became more and more confused.

Lu Yun walked straight to the huge iron can and unplugged the power supply.

The roaring stopped instantly.

Seeing Lu Yun's actions, everyone gathered around the tin can with solemn expressions.

Lu Yun stretched out his right hand and tapped the tin can a few times, then punched the hard body of the can.

There was only a muffled sound, and Lu Yun's wrist was already submerged in the iron can.

As Lu Yun pulled out his right hand from the tin can, a thick and delicate red liquid flowed out from the hole in the tin can. The rich smell of blood instantly overshadowed the smell of disinfectant in the laboratory.

This blood did not come from Lu Yun, but from what was in the iron can.

"Are these..." Cao Jin exclaimed.

Lu Yun gently brought his blood-covered right hand close to the tip of his nose, then nodded slowly and said: "Although it is very light, the jar does contain a lot of the scent of Luo Su and the room in the Black Swan Love Hotel."

Everyone's original goal has been achieved, but now they are not happy at all.

Because the people they were looking for, Luo Su and Cong Guangfu, were dead, but the murderer Qu Qingzhu had disappeared.

They didn't even understand why Qu Qingzhu killed people in this way.

"If you look carefully, you might find something else." Wu Liang said in a deep voice.

Everyone dispersed in response.

Soon, Wu Liang found an old black diary in the attic of the villa, which was Qu Qingzhu's diary.

Wu Liang flipped through it casually a few times. The diary was filled with densely written small words, and the handwriting penetrated the back of the paper. It seemed that the person who wrote this diary was extremely emotional.

Just when Wu Liang was about to ask everyone to go upstairs to take a look, there was a sudden noise at the gate of the first floor of the villa.

Wu Liang thought for a moment, then secretly hid the diary on his body, and then went downstairs to check the situation.

What Wu Liang didn't expect was that a group of old acquaintances came.

In the hall on the first floor, Wang Jiayang was talking to Lu Yun and Li Daochun. When he saw Wu Liang coming down the stairs, he seemed relieved and said with a smile: "Long time no see."

"Aren't you on a mission in a no-man's land? Why are you here suddenly?" Wu Liang asked in surprise.

"Of course there are new tasks, but because of the organization's confidentiality policy, I can't tell you more about the specific tasks." Wang Jiayang smiled, "How did you find this place?"

"We were looking for two people who disappeared suddenly. We followed the clues and found our way here. Unfortunately, Qu Qingzhu left before us, and the person we were looking for died here." Wu Liang pointed. Points in the direction of the basement.

"Thank you for your hard work. We, Chi You, will take over everything from now on. We will handle all the aftermath work one by one." Wang Jiayang smiled and issued the eviction order.

As extraordinary beings, the three of them have heard of Chi You's famous name, Cao Jin. They also admire Chi You's ideas and sacrifices over the decades from the bottom of their hearts.

Now that Chi You has come to take over the case, everyone no longer needs to worry.

Cao Jin quickly told Wang Jiayang in detail about Guangfu's arrears of wages to the workers.

Wang Jiayang smiled and nodded: "Don't worry, we will send someone to return the wages to the workers in the name of Guangfu, and they will arrive within three days."

The matter they were most concerned about was resolved. Cao Jin and the other three no longer hesitated. They glanced at Wu Liang and Lu Yun and asked them if they wanted to leave together.

Because of the mission of Hope Cafe and Qu Qingzhu's matter, Wu Liang naturally wanted to continue investigating.

Now looking at the meaning revealed in Wang Jiayang's words, they probably already knew the inside story about Qu Qingzhu.

Based on Lu Yun's and his own experience of traveling with Wang Jiayang in northern Tibet, Wang Jiayang should not have kept secret about this mission. The only explanation for this matter is that Qu Qingzhu's behavior most likely involved some people that Chi You considered extremely important. Important secrets.

Now that he has obtained Qu Qingzhu's diary, he can naturally search for clues secretly through her diary. There is no need to force her to keep it, which will embarrass Wang Jiayang and attract Chi You's attention.

"We feel relieved that you are here to take over this matter. See you later." Wu Liang waved his hands to Wang Jiayang and others, preparing to leave with Cao Jin and others.

At this moment, Lu Yun, who had been standing silently in the hall, suddenly pressed Wu Liang's left shoulder.

"Can't leave." Lu Yun said calmly.

After saying this, Lu Yun actually walked to the basement again, stopped in front of the huge iron can, and closed his eyes gently, as if he was feeling something.

After a while, Lu Yun opened his eyes, looked at Wu Liang and said solemnly: "There is Zhao Zhao's aura in this house."

Happy National Day to everyone! Happy Mid-Autumn Festival! Although a new book "My Girlfriend Wants to Become an Immortal" has been published, this book will continue to be updated. Since there are very few readers who follow the update, the current focus will still shift to the new book. This book may be updated from time to time in the recent period. Update, but it will definitely continue to be updated and completed, don’t worry~

(End of chapter)

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