Hope Coffee House

Chapter 27: The only link


Before Zhang Feng could get close to Gao Qi, he was pushed far away by several angry boys.

The teacher quickly arrived after hearing the news, took the knife from Gao Qi's hand, quickly stopped her bleeding, and dialed 120...

In the chaos of the crowd, no one paid attention to Zhang Feng anymore.

Zhang Feng returned to the classroom alone, picked up his schoolbag, left the classroom alone, and walked to the rooftop of the teaching building.

No one noticed him, maybe someone noticed him leaving the classroom but deliberately chose to ignore it.

Zhang Feng sat cross-legged on the rooftop. The wind on the rooftop was not strong, but it was quite cold.

When Gao Qi slit her wrists, Zhang Feng saw the deep-seated hatred and determination in her eyes.

She said she didn't want to see herself again and would rather die for this.

But how could he bear to let her die

If she really died, how could he let her leave alone

Now that the misunderstanding has deepened to this point, her decisive slitting of her wrists means that the two of them will never have the chance to resolve their misunderstanding face to face.

I'm going to lose her.

Zhang Feng is very sad. Now in her eyes, he is the selfish, cold-blooded, heartless and heartless person.

There is no one she can trust in this world.

How lonely that must be.

Zhang Feng didn't want her to be completely disappointed with the world.

Fortunately, Zhang Feng came up with a way.

Zhang Feng took out a notebook from his schoolbag, tore off a page, put the notebook under the paper, lay on the ground and started writing.

This is a letter written to Gao Qi.

In the letter, Zhang Feng first recounted the misunderstanding between the two in detail.

Later, Zhang Feng formally apologized to Gao Qi in a letter on behalf of his mother, and told Gao Qi that he did not blame her at all for what she said in school, because she was the one who was hurt first. , only distress and self-blame.

Zhang Feng told Gao Qi that he could only commit suicide to tell her that he had always loved her and had never changed.

Zhang Feng also said that Gao Qi did not have to feel sad for her passing, and it allowed her to have new expectations for the world, and she was very happy.

Finally, Zhang Feng also told Gao Qi that if she meets a boy she likes in the future, she must not hesitate to believe in love and enjoy love boldly. He will bless her and protect her in heaven.

After writing this letter, Zhang Feng's eyes were already red.

He took out a chocolate pie from his schoolbag and slowly ate it while crying.

Zhang Feng then folded his letter, put it into a plastic bag containing chocolate pie, and stuffed it into a gap in the wall of the rooftop fence.

Chocolate pie is Gao Qi's favorite thing to eat, and it is also a testimony of their love. It is an unspoken agreement that Zhang Feng once swore to pie. Neither of them will forget those words.

After packing everything, Zhang Feng climbed onto the fence of the rooftop. The cool breeze was getting colder and colder.

If she leaves like this, I will accompany her on this trip. On the road to hell, I can explain everything to her.

If she is lucky enough to survive and hear the news of her departure, she will definitely come here, find the chocolate pie packaging bag in the crack of the wall, and find the letter she left behind.

In that way, she may be sad in the following days, but as time goes by, she will eventually go out, embrace love again, and be full of hope for the world.

very nice.

While everyone was still in class and no one was downstairs, Zhang Feng jumped down with a smile.

When Zhang Feng opened his eyes again, it was already two days later.

Zhang Feng was a little surprised. Unexpectedly, he was not dead.

Amidst the dull pain that spread throughout his body, Zhang Feng suddenly realized that he couldn't seem to feel the existence of his legs and feet.

His mother was beside his hospital bed, already crying into tears.

Zhang Feng asked his mother in a hoarse voice how Gao Qi was doing.

The mother didn't answer, but kept saying sorry, saying that she should have gone to school earlier to apologize to Gao Qi.

Zhang Feng didn't understand what his mother meant, so he insisted on asking how Gao Qi was doing now.

Only then did she learn from her mother that when Gao Qi cut his wrist that day, he only scratched the veins and did not damage the aorta. He is now fine.

It is said that Gao Qi never returned to school after being bandaged that day.

Later, the mother carefully told Zhang Feng that the doctor said that his lower body might be paralyzed for life.

Perhaps because he had died once, Zhang Feng looked away from everything and smiled to comfort his mother. It doesn't matter. I still have my hands. I can see, hear, speak, and think. I am already luckier than many people in this world.

In order to treat Zhang Feng, her mother borrowed a lot of money.

Later, Zhang Feng was discharged from the hospital, gave up the college entrance examination, and began his writing career at home. Two years later, his novels were gradually able to support the family's expenses.

Nowadays, the huge debt owed by the family has gradually been paid off, and life is continuing to move in a good direction.

The only regret for Zhang Feng was that he never saw Gao Qi again, and he never heard from her again.

Zhang Feng also wanted to contact Gao Qi, but found that Gao Qi had already lost contact with his former high school teachers and students. Since that time, Gao Qi had never been to school again.

The letter on the rooftop of the teaching building has always been lying quietly in the crack of the fence.

After listening to Zhang Feng's story, Wu Liang was filled with emotion.

I think Gao Qi's darkening began when he received that breakup text message.

Because after that, Gao Qi did not come to class for a week, allowing the rumors to ferment, and then the rumors were reversed. Gao Qi's slitting of his wrists in public was really like Gao Qi's style of doing bad things, but the method was a bit immature. .

Gao Qi was retaliating against Zhang Feng. He cut his wrists in public that time, probably to put pressure on Zhang Feng and force him to approach the dead end.

But Gao Qi probably didn't expect that Zhang Feng never betrayed her from beginning to end. He jumped from the rooftop of the teaching building because he loved her too much, so he wanted to use such an extreme method to wake her up and save her.

Sadly, Zhang Feng still failed, and Gao Qi never let go of the hatred in his heart.

Wu Liang suddenly remembered that after taking on the additional mission, Gao Qi's hope value had always stayed at 0%. Presumably, this meant that she had no hope or emotion for this world.

I don’t know what Gao Qi thought when he learned that Zhang Feng jumped from the building.

Do you think Zhang Feng's psychological quality is too poor and he has succeeded in revenge, or have you ever suspected the real reason for Zhang Feng's suicide

Wu Liang suddenly thought of a way to punish Gao Qi.

He quickly took out his mobile phone, turned on the recording function, and asked Zhang Feng three questions.

After Zhang Feng thought carefully, he answered one by one, and then began to ask Wu Liang about Gao Qi's current situation.

Wu Liang hesitated, wondering whether he should tell Zhang Feng about Gao Qi's numerous evil deeds.

Although Zhang Feng is now paralyzed in the lower half of his body and can only sit in a wheelchair for the rest of his life, he has regained his work and life.

Although there are still collection agencies threatening them over their debts, life is getting better day by day and life is full of hope.

If Gao Qi's evil deeds were told to Zhang Feng, then what would be the meaning of all his previous efforts, his leap that gave up his life, and his youth that died in a wheelchair

Zhang Feng seemed to notice Wu Liang's hesitation and smiled: "No need to hesitate, but it doesn't matter. No matter what she does now, it will not affect my original decision, and I will not regret it."

Looking at Zhang Feng's calm and determined expression, Wu Liang began to tell about Gao Qi's evil deeds.

It started from forcing Han Xu to death in college, and then slowly moved on to the murder that Gao Qi deliberately caused after working - Ding Anming killed Sun Lihui in anger, and finally talked about Chen Wei, who was defrauded of all his family property by Gao Qi and almost committed suicide in despair.

Wu Liang spoke very slowly and in detail.

Zhang Feng listened quietly all the time, without saying a word or saying a word.

By the time Wu Liang finished speaking, it was completely dark.

Wu Liang looked at his phone. It was already half past eight in the evening.

The faint smell of rice had drifted outside the door a long time ago, but Zhang Feng's mother never came in to disturb the two of them.

It was already getting late, so Wu Liang quickly stood up and left.

Zhang Feng wanted to stay with Wu Liang for dinner, but Wu Liang politely declined.

Wu Liang took out an envelope with 20,000 yuan wrapped in it and handed it to Zhang Feng, asking him to take the emergency first, but Zhang Feng declined.

Wu Liang was a little puzzled and signaled that Zhang Feng's door had been newly painted by a debt collection company, so why not send them away with money first.

Zhang Feng smiled and told Wu Liang that over the years, they had just kept changing their tricks in collecting debts, coming to threaten and harass us, but they had never really touched a single hair on the mother and son.

Wu Liang was a little puzzled. He knew a little about debt collection companies. Their methods were not as gentle and polite as Zhang Feng said.

Zhang Feng laughed softly and said: "This may be the only link between me and her."

Wu Liang suddenly realized that this debt collection company was Gao Qi's minion.

So the person who lent money to Zhang Feng's mother must have been Gao Qi.

Does she want to use the debt collection agency to torture the mother and son so that they will never have peace

Or are you worried that Zhang Feng has no money for medical treatment

The corners of Wu Liang's mouth raised slightly, and his confidence in punishing Gao Qi increased.

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(End of chapter)