Hope Coffee House

Chapter 28: A handful of duck tongue


When Wu Liang said goodbye to Zhang Feng's mother and son, he still secretly put the envelope containing 20,000 yuan into Zhang Feng's mother's hand, secretly telling her not to tell Zhang Feng.

Zhang Feng's mother gratefully accepted the money and sent Wu Liang to the unit door before turning back.

If you don't know how expensive firewood and rice are when you're not a family member, Zhang Feng's mother has not had an easy life these past few years.

Today was a fruitful day, and Wu Liang became more and more confident in punishing Gao Qi.

After walking out of Zhang Feng's community, the aroma of barbecued skewers hit our nostrils, adding a touch of warmth to the cold winter.

Wu Liang felt a little hungry for a moment, and planned to find a restaurant nearby to fill his stomach before returning to Hope Cafe.

After walking for a while following the aroma of grilled skewers, Wu Liang saw a simple temporary shed built on the side of the road.

Shanjin District is already an outskirts of Shanghai, and it's already past eight o'clock in the evening. Naturally, no one will come to take care of this illegally built small barbecue stall.

The owner of the barbecue stall is a middle-aged man with a burly build. He holds two large handfuls of duck tongues in his hands and is busy in front of the oven. Although the weather is cold, he only wears a sweater, and sweat is faintly visible on his red face. .

Behind the middle-aged man, there is a young man in his early twenties, who seems to be the boss's son, and is helping.

The tender duck tongue bounces on the charcoal fire, and occasionally oil drops drip, and a sizzling sound comes from the charcoal fire, and the aroma is overflowing.

The barbecue stall was relatively simple, with no tables and only a few small plastic stools. At this time, several young men were sitting on the stools, holding a handful of duck tongue skewers in one hand and feasting on the food.

The duck tongue must have been freshly grilled and still a little hot. Everyone sitting around was licking the skewers and making "hissing" sounds from time to time.

There were three cars parked on the roadside. It seemed that these customers were attracted temporarily while driving on the road.

"Young man, would you like some skewers?" The owner of the barbecue stall greeted Wu Liang enthusiastically.

"Boss, do you still have some spare duck tongues in your hand?" Wu Liang asked, suppressing his greed as the roasted duck tongues glowed with golden oil and exuded fragrant aroma.

"I have it, there are still 10 skewers of duck tongue left."

"Then give it all to me."


"How much does it cost, boss?"

"Don't worry, we'll figure it out together after you finish eating."

The duck tongue was roasted quickly, and the young man behind the middle-aged man quickly distributed the duck tongue to everyone.

Everyone got the duck tongue and immediately started a new round of feasting.

Wu Liang took his own duck tongue that had been roasted until golden brown and couldn't wait to take a bite.

The duck tongue is crispy on the outside and tender and elastic on the inside. With just one bite, the fragrant juice explodes in your mouth instantly. Wu Liang couldn't help but make a hissing sound when it was so hot.

This is too delicious! It’s simply delicious!

I never expected that a roadside barbecue stall I accidentally discovered could grill such delicious duck tongue.

Wu Liang has lived in Nanjing for seventeen years. Nanjing people love to eat duck, and he can be considered a gourmet of roasted duck tongue. He never expected that the roasted duck tongue he ate at this roadside stall in Shanghai today was better than the roasted duck tongue he had eaten in Nanjing. Those roasted duck tongues are three points better than the ones I’ve had before.

Wu Liang quickly ate all ten skewers of duck tongue.

"Is it delicious, young man? Do you want to add another handful?" the middle-aged man asked Wu Liang with a simple and honest smile.

"Okay." Wu Liang narrowed his eyes and smiled.

The middle-aged man became even happier when he heard this, and the young man behind him who was helping him quickly picked up a handful of duck tongues and handed them over.

Wu Liang also came up and chatted with the boss: "Boss, your stall only sells roasted duck tongue?"

"Yeah, I'm good at this, and I can't do anything else like this." The middle-aged man said with a smile.

"But your roasted duck tongue is really a masterpiece. I have never tasted such delicious roasted duck tongue. Why don't you open a shop? It's so tiring to set up a roadside stall. If you can't accumulate customers, you won't make much money. A lot." Wu Liang praised.

"Hey, my craftsmanship wasn't that good before. It wasn't just to earn a living, I just developed my craft slowly."

The two chatted for a while, and the duck tongue in the middle-aged man's hand was roasted.

Because the handful of duck tongues roasted this time belonged to Wu Liang, the middle-aged man handed them directly to Wu Liang and said with a smile: "There are a lot of duck tongues roasted this time. Eat them while they are hot. They will not taste good when they are cold."

Wu Liang didn't answer, and said with a smile: "Boss, you put too much duck tongue salt in this dish."

"How is that possible? I have been roasting for 10 years, and the salt content of this one is absolutely the same as the one you just ate." The middle-aged man shook his head and smiled, and continued to hand the duck tongue to Wu Liang.

"If you don't believe me, try a bunch and I'll treat you to it." Wu Liang said with a smile.

"What do you mean?" the middle-aged man asked with a frown as the smile on his face faded.

"Please eat the duck tongue you roasted yourself. It's delicious. What? You don't dare to eat it?" Wu Liang smiled and played with the taste.

"What's not to eat? It's inexplicable!" The middle-aged man took back the duck tongue handed to Wu Liang with dissatisfaction.

At this moment, something unexpected happened.

The middle-aged man held the iron pick with a duck tongue in his hand and stabbed Wu Liang hard in the face.

Wu Liang was on guard and dodged sideways.

"How did you notice it?" the middle-aged man asked coldly.

"The roasted duck tongue is so delicious, and it is unreasonable to set up a barbecue stall in such a remote place in the outer suburbs of Shanghai. If you are forced by life, naturally you can make more money by having more barbecue types. How can you only sell Duck tongue? The most important thing is, how can Shi Fu, who sells barbecue every day, have a pair of clean hands like yours with no oily cracks?" Wu Liang sneered.

"The boy is quite smart, but this is a bit troublesome." The middle-aged man looked at Wu Liang in distress and said: "In our profession, we all pay attention to being kind to others. I want you to have a good meal and go on the road comfortably. Yes, but you happened to see through this drugged duck tongue again. I have no choice but to make you suffer a little before leaving."

As soon as the middle-aged man finished speaking, the young cook behind him and the seven customers at the barbecue stall all stood up and gathered around Wu Liang.

Wu Liang was well prepared, kicked over the oven, and took advantage of the chaos of the rolling coals to find an opening and escape quickly.

"Did Gao Qi send you to kill me? It seems that I really stepped on her tail." Wu Liang ran away without forgetting to taunt the people behind him.

Several young men chased Wu Liang, but the middle-aged man calmly ordered a few people to stay and start the car with him to chase Wu Liang.

This was the first time Wu Liang encountered an assassination. The barbecue stall opened near Zhang Feng's house. This matter was definitely related to Gao Qi.

It's actually very simple to get rid of everyone's pursuit. You just need to run into the corridor of a community and return to the Hope Cafe.

Most of the nearby communities are old communities with no access control and the unit doors are open. As long as Wu Liang casually sneaks into a corridor and returns to the Hope Cafe, those who are chasing him behind him will only think that he has entered a certain place. in the resident's room.

As a result, these people behind him would never dare to knock on the door to look for him. They could only wait around the community and wait for him to appear again.

But this was too passive. Gao Qi had already taken action against him, and Wu Liang did not want to sit still and wait for death.

After thinking for a while, Wu Liang came up with a plan and quickly ran into an old neighborhood and got into a corridor with the most lights.

Later, Wu Liang exchanged an invisibility card that he had never used before and used it immediately.

Just for a moment, Wu Liang felt that the whole world seemed a little different before his eyes.

Wu Liang tentatively tapped the railing with his finger, and his finger passed directly through the middle of the railing. He seemed to have become a transparent person, unable to interact with the real world.

Later, Wu Liang saw several young men chasing him running into the corridor, passing through his body one by one, and chasing upstairs.

In the meantime, a young man did not forget to ask his companions to speak softer.

Several young people went upstairs and searched carefully, but found nothing. They had to go downstairs again, and happened to run into a middle-aged man who got out of the car and came over.

"Where are the people?" the middle-aged man asked.

"After I ran into this corridor, I couldn't find him. He must have been hiding in a resident's house."

"Damn, that's unlucky. He can even run away with this." The middle-aged man cursed in a low voice and ordered to the group of young people: "You guys are keeping an eye on me around here. I don't believe he can." I’ve been hiding in there and not coming out.”

Everyone responded and dispersed.

Please vote for recommendations, please invest, please collect~ The next story is about to start, and we need rich names for supporting roles~ Everyone, please go to the supporting building~\(≧▽≦)/

(End of chapter)