Hope Coffee House

Chapter 30: The death of Gao Qi


Zhang Feng had already fainted and had no idea about this matter.

The handsome man approached Zhang Feng again and bent down to check the injury on his left rib.

This time, the handsome man seemed satisfied.

He stood up slowly, relit a cigarette and held it in his mouth, then left leisurely.

Why did this handsome man kick Zhang Feng

Wu Liang was a little confused.

A few minutes later, the ambulance arrived. Zhang Feng, who had fainted, was carried into the ambulance by medical staff, and silence returned to the community.

The setting sun has completely sunk into the horizon, and the dim street lights gradually light up.

Gao Qi looked quietly in the direction of the entrance of the community, wondering what he was thinking.

Ten minutes later, the effect of the Time River Card ended, and the two reappeared in the real world.

"It's time to go to the next place." Wu Liang looked at Gao Qi and reminded him.

Gao Qi did not turn around and asked in a low voice: "Where is the second place...?"

"You probably haven't been there before. It's Zhang Feng's home."

Gao Qi ignored Wu Liang and walked directly towards the gate of the community.

Without Wu Liang leading the way, Gao Qi went directly to the downstairs of Zhang Feng's home in high school.

Wu Liang took out his mobile phone in time and played the second recording.

"On Monday, May 11, 200 He told me that he and his father were divorced.

After finally looking forward to Monday, I came to school early and waited to see Gao Qi.

However, Gao Qi did not come to school. Instead, I heard a lot about her.

The core of these rumors are all matters in Gao Qi's family. I have never told anyone about these things. I only wrote them in my diary as part of my relationship with Gao Qi.

My mother must have peeked into my diary.

I returned home angrily and confronted my mother. She admitted it directly without any hesitation. She also told me that she secretly used my mobile phone to send Gao Qi a breakup message yesterday, and told me that it was all for me. good.

I finally understood the reason why Gao Qi's phone was turned off, and I was so angry that I slammed the door and left. I just want to see Gao Qi and explain everything to her. "

Wu Liang used the second River of Time card.

The environment around them changed again, the sun was shining brightly and there were no clouds in the sky.

The young man Zhang Fengzheng ran into the community angrily in the direction of the two of them.

The two followed Zhang Feng back home, heard his confrontation with his mother, and saw him wiping away his tears and slamming the door away...

Gao Qi's face became even paler.

Then, Wu Liang took Gao Qi to the third placeā€”the roof of the teaching building of Shanghai Experimental Middle School.

The door leading to the rooftop of the Shencheng Experimental Middle School teaching building is now locked.

Fortunately, Wu Liang was prepared. He took out a pin from his pants, inserted it into the keyhole and pinned it left and right. The iron door was quickly opened.

Wu Liang took out his mobile phone and played Zhang Feng's last recording.

"On the morning of Monday, May 25, 200X, I finally met Gao Qi.

My heart really hurts, I don't want to lose her.

But I want to protect her more.

I don't want her to be completely disappointed with the world, because that would make her too lonely.

But now she won't listen to my explanation no matter what.

She will untie her knot and regain hope in the world.

She will definitely live a good life in the future. "

Wu Liang used the last River of Time card.

The two people's bodies became bright again.

Soon, young Zhang Feng walked up with his schoolbag on his back.

Zhang Feng walked to a fence on the rooftop in despair, and slowly sat cross-legged on the ground, with a look of great pain in his eyes.

Zhang Feng sat on the rooftop for a long time, his expression gradually calmed down, he opened his schoolbag and tore out a page.

Zhang Feng began to write to Gao Qi.

Gao Qi walked to Zhang Feng, squatted down slowly, and silently looked at every word Zhang Feng wrote.

Wu Liang did not step forward to disturb Gao Qi, but stood in the distance, silently checking Gao Qi's hope value on the system panel.

Today, Gao Qi's hope value has dropped to -54%.

Zhang Feng finished writing the letter, took out a chocolate pie from his schoolbag, looked at it with a smile for a while, then opened it and ate it with tears in his eyes.

After eating the chocolate pie, Zhang Feng folded the letter, carefully put it into the plastic packaging bag of the chocolate pie, and stuffed it into the gap in the rooftop wall.

Gao Qi suddenly fell to the ground.

The effect of the Long River of Time card soon ended, and the sky returned to darkness.

Gao Qi quickly took out his mobile phone, turned on the flashlight, and ran towards the rooftop fence where Zhang Feng fell.

Gao Qi's hope value has dropped to -70%.

Wu Liang turned on the flashlight and followed Gao Qi.

The crack in the roof cement fence has been filled with gravel and dust, and the edge of a plastic packaging bag can be faintly seen.

Gao Qi eagerly scraped away the dust from the cracks in the wall with his nails and took out the plastic bag.

Over nine years, the plastic packaging bag has faded so much that it can barely be seen as a small red and white bag.

With trembling hands, Gao Qi gently opened the packaging bag and took out the small square piece of paper inside.

The small piece of paper has become soft and worn, with traces of light blue smudges on it.

Gao Qi gently unfolded the small piece of paper. No words could be seen on it, only a mottled light blue water mark remained.

"You may not know yet, but Zhang Feng's mother has already made a decision to attend the class break that afternoon, and hopes that you and Zhang Feng will get along well." Wu Liang said quietly.

"If you could meet Zhang Feng, Zhang Feng would have already made everything clear to you face to face."

"That afternoon during the big class break, you will hear Zhang Feng's mother's apology on the radio and understand everything."

"As long as you were willing to believe Zhang Feng once, you can live a very happy life now. Maybe now you have married Zhang Feng and your baby can talk."

"Even if you can go to the rooftop and take a look, you will find this letter. Your life will still be different now. What's more, after knowing that it was all a misunderstanding, I believe you will never leave the beloved one again. Yours."

"In that case, you will also have a life that is happy despite its small shortcomings."

"You yourself ruined the happiness you should have had." Wu Liang said coldly.

Gao Qi never spoke, but held the mottled and broken paper in both hands, crying like rain.

"And what have you done with unwarranted hatred?" Wu Liang sneered.

"You used all your tricks and used Han Xu's childhood shadow to kill Han Xu, who wanted to be with you for the rest of his life."

"Your acting skills are outstanding, and you can convince Ding Anming, who loves you deeply."

"You have evil intentions. You deceived Chen Wei's family into dissipating their wealth because of your unwarranted treatment for his father. Then when Chen Wei's father got liver cancer, you turned around and got engaged to someone else, almost forcing him to death."

"Gao Qi, you have been living like a joke all these years. You are hateful, pathetic and pitiful, but you are not worthy of sympathy at all." Wu Liang looked at Gao Qi indifferently.

Gao Qi ignored Wu Liang, but picked up the phone and made a call.

"Why did you lie to me?"

Who is Gao Qi calling? Wu Liang was confused.

"At this point you are still lying! You were smoking under the tree that day. You clearly saw everything and kicked him. Why did you lie to me?" Gao Qi asked in an excited voice.

Wu Liang was shocked. Gao Qi was actually calling the handsome man who kicked Zhang Feng in the left rib? What is the relationship between the two of them? It is very suspicious for a handsome man to attack Zhang Feng. Is everything Gao Qi did related to that handsome man

Wu Liang couldn't hear what the person on the other end of the phone said, but found that Gao Qi's eyes were getting more desperate.

Wu Liang quickly checked Gao Qi's hope value on the system panel, which was -100%.

The other party seemed to have hung up the phone.

Gao Qi looked at the mobile phone in his hand silently, his eyes completely darkened.

There was a dull loud noise in the night sky.

Gao Qi's figure has disappeared.

The whole process happened so fast that Wu Liang hadn't reacted yet.

On the system panel, Gao Qi's name and her hope value also disappeared.

In this way, my mission should be considered completed.

Wu Liang took a deep breath, took out his cell phone, and wanted to tell everything immediately to those who cared about the victims and even felt sad about it.

But it was already half past two in the morning, and they should all be asleep.

It is better to wait until tomorrow, when the news of Gao Qi's death is announced, and then tell them. Gao Qi's death can be regarded as an explanation for all this.

Wu Liangzhong secretly made a decision.

"Hope Cafe" has published 30 chapters and 84,000 words so far. Gao Qi died, and Wu Liang finally completed his first novice mission bound to Hope Cafe. The first volume of the story is now considered complete. Friends who want to gain weight can read it. In addition, please vote for recommendations, collect, and invest~(`)

(End of chapter)