Hope Coffee House

Chapter 43: The event begins


The spicy spicy soup in Yucheng is rich and spicy. The various ingredients in the soup are cooked soft and glutinous, but the fungus and gluten still retain the chewy texture. Wu Liang followed Wang Zhaozhao's method and tore the scallion pancake into several pieces. I soaked the pieces into the spicy soup and drank two bowls in a row.

The fatigue of the past ten days was gone, and my whole body felt warm.

Wang Zhaozhao’s favorite beef box is also a delicacy in the world. The appearance of the beef box that has just been fried in the oil pan is golden and shiny. Take a small bite while it is hot, and the crispy and crispy shell will be bitten, and you will make a delicious sound. With a crunching sound, the delicious and rich beef filling explodes in your mouth at the same time. Because sweet potato vermicelli is added to the filling, it doesn't feel greasy.

A bowl of beef spicy soup only costs 8 yuan, and a beef box also costs 8 yuan. The two of them had a full meal and were very happy. In the end, they only spent 39 yuan when they checked out.

Happiness is that simple.

Wu Liang sometimes really doesn't understand what the extreme people like He Rong and more of He Rong's peers are thinking in their minds.

Wouldn’t it be nice to have clothes to wear, food to eat, health and safety

At nine o'clock, Wu Liang and Wang Zhaozhao arrived at the place agreed with He Rong on time. He Rong was already waiting for them in the hotel lobby.

The meeting place was a conference room in the hotel, which looked quite formal.

When He Rong led the two of them into the conference room, there was only one person in the conference room.

The man was a middle-aged man, wearing a cheap black suit. He was sitting at the main seat in the conference room. After seeing Wu Liang and the others, the middle-aged man just nodded lightly and did not get up.

He Rong enthusiastically brought Wu Liang and Wang Zhaozhao to the middle-aged man. He first introduced Wu Liang and Wang Zhaozhao to the middle-aged man, and then introduced to Wu Liang and Wu Liang: "This is our extreme business director Pan Yuncheng."

"Hello, Director Pan." Wu Liang quickly stretched out his right hand.

Pan Yuncheng then stood up and shook Wu Liang's hand, and then took the initiative to reach out and shake Wang Zhaozhao's hand.

"Xiao He told you, I only have one hour before I go directly to the airport to fly to Malaysia for vacation." Pan Yuncheng sat back on the chair again and said quietly.

"Really? You have to leave early for the international flight. How about you go on vacation first and don't delay the plane." Wu Liang said with concern.

Negative emotion value from Pan Yuncheng: +100

"... It's okay. I value integrity the most. Since I promised to answer your questions, it doesn't matter if I delay the flight. At worst, I will just buy another ticket. All this money is nothing to me." Pan Yuncheng said nonchalantly.

"Mr. Pan is really generous. I do have a lot of questions about limits that I want to ask you. This is not only to invest in limits in the future and make big money in the long run, but also to make a quick buck within a month." Wu Liang whispered mysteriously. .

"Fast money?"

"It's just a prize-winning event. You post an article to select the most magical and useful product in your mind. Whoever wins one month later will receive a cash reward of 1 million!" Wu Liang said in a low voice.

"Hey, this 1 million prize event must be a lie!" Pan Yuncheng rolled his eyes disdainfully.

"Of course it's not a lie. It has been notarized by a well-known notary office in Jicheng. I even called the notary office to ask! This prize-giving activity is absolutely real! Of course, this little money will help my family's business. Of course it’s nothing to Mr. Pan, but for someone like me who is content with a small amount of money, making 1 million a month is a huge opportunity!” Wu Liang said with a grin.

After hearing Wu Liang's words, Pan Yuncheng's eyes lit up, and his body sitting on the chair leaned forward slightly, but his face remained unmoved, and he asked lazily: "Oh? Really? ?Although I don’t like the money, I’m quite curious, why don’t I come and listen?”

He Rong, who was sitting beside him, had already pricked up his ears and stretched his neck to approach Wu Liang.

Wu Liang took out his mobile phone and said: "It doesn't hurt to tell you. After all, if you want to get the money, everyone still has to work together in the early stage."

After that, Wu Liang sent the prize event WeChat on his mobile phone to Pan Yuncheng and He Rong, letting them watch it themselves.

Nowadays, the website no longer only contains the introduction of event rules. On the product sharing page, many users have posted the most magical products in their hearts: Gerong's kudzu powder, extreme oral liquid, Meiji's high-tech faucet, and healthy negative ions. Sanitary napkins, plum pill donkey hide gelatin pearl capsules, slimming pills...the list goes on and on.

At the top of the web page, you can see the top ten product brands currently ranked by number of shares, with Extreme ranking first.

After the two of them read it, their eyes shone brightly and they were secretly excited.

After all, the temptation of earning 1 million in cash a month is much greater than going to the limit.

"Mr. Wu, what do you mean by working together just now?" He Rong couldn't help but ask.

"I just discovered this through a detailed interpretation of the rules of the prize-winning event!" Wu Liang said mysteriously.

"Think about it, the first twenty days of this rule are to select the winning brand first, and then in the next ten days, everyone will vote, and the most convincing user sharing from the winning brand will be selected as the final winner, and he will get 100 Thousands of cash rewards."

"This prize-giving event is a real-name event. Each person only has one chance to recommend a product. If the product we recommend is not even a winning brand, doesn't 1 million have nothing to do with us?" Wu Liang asked the two of them.

"That's true." He Rong nodded, while Pan Yuncheng was still sitting on the chair reservedly, pretending not to care at all and not saying a word.

"I have heard Aunt He tell me a lot about Extreme these days. I think our Extreme can definitely win the winning brand. After all, our Extreme direct sellers have more than 3 million people. In addition, our Extreme people Family, friends, customers, etc., have great hopes of winning this winning product.”

"But the key problem is that we are afraid that fans of brands that are as popular as us, such as Jianjian, Meiji, Maizhong, and Gerong, will be the first to mobilize their relatives and friends and take the opportunity to surpass us!"

“That’s why we at Extreme need to be proactive, publish sharing articles as early as possible, and work together to promote Extreme products.”

"After XXX wins the winning brand, we have so many XXX products. It depends on who shares the XXX products the most and who writes the most comprehensive sharing information. If you want to get the 1 million cash reward, you will naturally have to It’s all up to you.”

Wu Liang looked excited and talked endlessly.

"This is what I want to ask Director Pan today. Can you send me more materials about our Extreme Oral Liquid? For example, our Extreme Oral Liquid can treat cancer, and the materials that celebrity bosses have added to our Extreme Oral Liquid. I'll send you one. I'll share my product in detail and try to get the 1 million!" Wu Liang rubbed his hands and showed a flattering smile to Pan Yuncheng.

"Of course there is no problem. I will send you a copy of all the information I have." Pan Yuncheng agreed to Wu Liang with a smile, but the corners of his eyes and eyebrows trembled slightly.

In the time that followed, Wu Liang excitedly asked Pan Yuncheng a lot about extreme products, and took notes very carefully. However, Pan Yuncheng's words became increasingly vague, saying that he had just changed his mobile phone, so he could give There are not many pictures and texts about Wu Liang.

Before the hour was up, Pan Yuncheng told Wu Liang that he had imparted all his extreme product knowledge to Wu Liang. Now that he had started training, he was going to the airport. After that, Pan Yuncheng hurriedly left the conference room.

Wu Liang didn't seem to be satisfied yet, and kept pestering He Rong with his notebook for a long time. It wasn't until Sun Jie, the senior director of XXX and Pan Yuncheng's superior, came to the conference room that he let He Rong go.

After that, Wu Liang repeated the routine of meeting the business director Pan Yuncheng, then picked up his notes and excitedly began to ask Sun Jie about the product information and imaging data of Extreme Oral Liquid.

Sun Jie readily sent Wu Liang a lot of information, and then left with an excuse.

After Sun Jie left, Wu Liang left with Wang Zhaozhao satisfied. Before leaving, he did not forget to tell He Rong that when he got the 1 million in a month, he would come to her to buy goods, and he would be promoted to Business Director.

After the two left the hotel, Wang Zhaozhao asked curiously with his mobile phone: "When you showed me our prize event at eight o'clock in the morning, no one had shared the product yet. Why are there so many sharing users now? ?”

"The website is mine. If I don't create a few virtual users in the early stage to encourage everyone, how can they mobilize all employees to participate in the event?" Wu Liang said with a smile.

"It turns out it was you who arranged it. No wonder these copywritings seem so familiar to me!" Wang Zhaozhao said in surprise.

"Of course you will feel familiar. These shared information are actually all derived from your notes."

"Did you do all this, boss? This is amazing!" Wang Zhaozhao looked at Wu Liang with admiration and asked.

"Of course not. A friend made these for me. He is very nice." Wu Liang smiled slightly and added: "Very good, very good."

Recently, apart from eating and sleeping, I have been typing. However, there seem to be very few readers of my books. Only a few book friends often interact with me. If there are still friends who are reading my books, please leave more comments~ Also , please recommend votes, please invest, please collect~~~(°‵′)

(End of chapter)