Hope Coffee House

Chapter 44: Participate like crazy


For five consecutive days, under the arrangement of Wang Zhaozhao, Wu Liang met with all the senior executives of MLM products that Wang Zhaozhao had contacted before. He also recommended a wave of prize-winning activities for everyone according to the routine, and stated that he wanted to get a bonus of 1 million. , it is important to unite first and become a winning brand.

In the past five days, the number of real users sharing products has also begun to increase. The number of shares shared by the three major brands, Gerong and Maizhong, which were the first to know the limits of this activity, has even begun to show an exponential growth trend.

The vast majority of these users are direct sellers, and the other part are relatives and friends of the direct sellers. People outside the circle are still unaware of this prize-winning event.

Although many direct sellers have already shared the prize-winning activities with their Moments in order to make their products a winning brand and asked everyone to help recommend their products, in fact, their Moments have long been blocked by many friends.

Occasionally, someone sees a link to a prize-winning activity shared in their circle of friends. When they see the title "Prize-winning activity! Reward 1 million in cash!" these bright red characters, they are directly dissuaded from clicking on it. See, on the contrary, I will also attract people with black hair in my circle of friends.

As for the copywriting published when everyone shares the product, it gradually has the flavor of brainwashing offline people.

XXX stars have joined XXX and are free endorsements for XXX…

XX prostate cancer patient has been miraculously cured of cancer after long-term use of sound negative ion sanitary napkins...

Because of long-term drinking of water from Meiji's high-tech magnetized faucet, a 13-year-old boy was completely cured of leukemia without knowing it...

Since taking Shitian's eel oil, cancer patient Uncle Zhang no longer loses his hair during chemotherapy, and his hair is darker and thicker than before...

The product sharing content of users participating in the prize event has become more and more exciting. Some people have even posted a smiling photo of the president of a certain country shaking hands with the president of his company, introducing to the world that the president has cooperated with his own brand in a certain country...

When Wang Zhaozhao first sorted out his notes, he saw several similar photos and always thought they were P's, because three products on similar background boards posted photos of their company presidents smiling and shaking hands with someone from Ao.

But Wu Liang told Wang Zhaozhao that these photos were really not of P, and every one of them was real.

Wang Zhaozhao didn't believe it. How could a foreign president shake hands and take photos with the heads of these health care products and micro-business companies in Longguo? It makes absolutely no sense!

So Wang Zhaozhao made a bet with Wu Liang, and the loser would be responsible for cleaning the coffee shop for a whole year.

Wu Liangzi readily agreed and asked Wang Zhaozhao to go online to find the answer.

After Wang Zhaozhao did some research on the Internet, he was so shocked that his jaw almost dropped.

It turns out that as early as two years ago, after he resigned as president, this Austrian came to Shanghai, our country, to participate in a global summit of small and medium-sized enterprises, with more than 2,500 entrepreneurs from the country attending.

There was a handshake session after the meeting. As a human background, Mr. Ou kept smiling and shaking hands with many entrepreneurs for photos.

A photo shoot that only takes a few seconds will cost 250,000.

Despite such a high price, more than 100 entrepreneurs took photos with Mr. Ao.

Of course, most of these people are the bosses of health care product direct sales companies or micro-business MLM companies.

Just by relying on the handshake after the meeting, Mr. O successfully earned nearly 30 million yuan, not counting the share of admission tickets to this meeting, which was as high as more than 5,000 yuan per ticket.

After finding out the matter, Wang Zhaozhao was furious.

It's not because I have to clean the Hope Cafe for a year, but because of someone's behavior, which has extremely bad effects.

The photos of him shaking hands with the leaders of major health care product MLM and micro-business MLM will definitely be used by these people to gain trust by using the fact that their products have gone global, and their products have been highly recognized by the president of a certain country, etc., for the development of downlines. .

I don’t know how many people will choose to believe in this product because they saw this high-definition photo of the company president shaking hands with someone from Ao, and resolutely embark on the path of online MLM.

I don’t know how many families have been torn apart because of the impact of this photo.

"After all, this Austrian man is the president of a big country, so he lacks this little money? Why is his character so bad!" Wang Zhaozhao said angrily.

"This matter has nothing to do with character. Think about it carefully. When this person was in office, was he also constantly targeting our Dragon Kingdom?"

Wang Zhaozhao thought about it carefully, then nodded and said: "That's true, he was not a good person when he was in office!"

"This is due to the fundamental conflict in values between his country and our Dragon Kingdom. In our Dragon Kingdom, which has five thousand years of excellent traditional culture, patriotism, dedication, integrity, friendliness... these values are rooted in everyone In my heart, that’s why there are people who are willing to sacrifice themselves for others...”

"The country that Mr. O lives in is a country driven by capital. They believe in the principle of profit first and pursue surplus value with the greatest desire. Because of their persistent pursuit of wealth, freedom has gradually evolved into selfishness. excuse…”

"When a president from another country who grew up in such an environment comes to our country, do you think he will give up making money and choose to protect the interests of the people of our country?"

Wu Liang looked at Wang Zhaozhao.

"Absolutely impossible." Wang Zhaozhao shook his head like a rattle.

Perhaps thinking of the uproar in Xiangcheng that he heard about on earth in his previous life, Wu Liang felt a lot of emotion and sighed quietly: "People from other countries will never protect our people from the Dragon Kingdom, they will only carry out their inner feelings." Unscrupulous instigation, the only one who can protect us Dragon Kingdom people and make us better off is us Dragon Kingdom people ourselves."

Seeing Wang Zhaozhao meditating aside, Wu Liang smiled and said: "I remembered some past things and some feelings, so I said more. My current insights are still superficial, but I may have deeper insights in the future."

"Boss~ I finally understand now that you are not just trying to overthrow one company, but you are trying to wipe out all 23 health care product pyramid schemes and micro-business pyramid schemes!" Wang Zhaozhao looked at Wu Liang with bright eyes.

"With their real-name ID card information, coupled with the false propaganda and bonus policies in the content they share, it will become ironclad evidence of these companies' pyramid schemes. When the time comes, the relevant departments will follow the clues based on this massive amount of information. I’m worried they won’t go out of business!”

"Boss, is my guess correct?" After Wang Zhaozhao said a lot of his analysis, he looked at Wu Liang excitedly and asked.

"Part of it is correct, but it's not comprehensive enough." Wu Liang said with a smile, "Let me ask you, why are there so many people like your mother, one after another, falling into the MLM scam?"

"Because they have been brainwashed by these health care product pyramid schemes and micro-business pyramid schemes. They believe these things are useful and think they can make money." Wang Zhaozhao replied.

"This is just a superficial reason. Why did your mother still not want to stop even though she heard what Li Qin said a few days ago that Extreme products are all scams and not many people make money?"

"Because my mother has exhausted her family's wealth to the limit, and finally got promoted to a senior manager. Now she is only a hair away from her goal of becoming a business director. She can succeed if she gets you, so she doesn't want to give up."

"This is just a superficial reason for you. If you think about it again, your mother wanted to be promoted to business director even if she betrayed everyone and squandered the family fortune. What is the real reason?"

Wang Zhaozhao thought carefully for a while and said excitedly: "It's money! According to my mother's idea, as long as she can be promoted to business director, she can earn 3 million a year in her lifetime, and she can pass this membership to me."

"This time it comes to the point. Those who are obsessed with MLM are not actually obsessed with the products they make or the projects they talk about. What really makes them sink is that they can obtain endless wealth without having to work. of greed.”

"This is also the real reason why countless people are fooled by various pyramid schemes and Ponzi schemes." Wu Liang said quietly.

"So, you want to completely cut off these people's greed for getting something for nothing?" Wang Zhaozhao asked in surprise, "How to do this?"

"Of course we can't do it, but we must at least work hard so that most people can use their own reason to defeat greed and no longer plunge into such pyramid schemes." Wu Liang said firmly.

Two more have been dropped from my collection in the past two days, so I’m so sorry... Please leave more comments, or criticize me for what I wrote/(ㄒoㄒ)/~~

(End of chapter)