Hope Coffee House

Chapter 45: Justice rises


As time goes by, more and more users participate in the prize-winning activities. Not only the 23 products that Wu Liang and Wang Zhaozhao deliberately discussed, but also many micro-business MLM products that Wu Liang and Wang Zhaozhao are not familiar with are also beginning to have people. Shared in the prize giving event.

Of course, the competition for winning brands has become increasingly fierce.

The top ten shared brands on the web page are constantly changing, and direct sellers from many major health care product MLM companies such as Extreme, Shitian, Jianjian, Gerong, Meiji, Tingkang, Meiwan, and Baokang have even broken the list. He mobilized his relatives and friends like crazy to get votes for his brand.

By the tenth day of the prize-giving activity, the number of real users participating in the prize-giving activity had exceeded 20 million.

After seeing this data in the background, Chen Wei, who helped Wu Liang create the prize event webpage, was very surprised and quickly called Wu Liang to tell Wu Liang about it.

Wu Liang has been paying close attention to the content shared by people on the prize event webpage for the past few days. Under the deliberate inducement of Wu Liang, Wang Zhaozhao, and Chen Wei, the direct sellers have already made no secrets in order to get the 1 million in cash. Uploaded all the internal product information they own.

Nowadays, the information uploaded by everyone is not only some outrageous false propaganda and bonus policies, but also many internal training videos and some brainwashing videos of company executives at annual meetings similar to Li Qin's speeches.

The time was ripe, Wu Liang told Chen Wei that all the phishing accounts he had designed before could be removed.

Chen Wei's skills were excellent and he did not hang up the phone with Wu Liang. He just asked Wu Liang to wait for a while.

Wu Liang heard a crisp sound of typing on the keyboard on the phone, and then Chen Wei's voice came again: "It's done. All the shared content displayed on the web page now comes from real users."

"Thank you, brother, you really helped me a lot this time." Wu Liang said gratefully.

Chen Wei has already understood what Wu Liang wants to do these days. He shook his head and said with a smile: "I can participate in this matter with you and help so many people. I am so happy that it is too late, so there is no need to say thank you."

After the two hung up the phone, Wu Liang immediately took out his mobile phone and made a few calls and sent some messages.

That night, prize-giving activities began to spread among the big Vs on major platforms.

After many people saw the recommendations of big Vs and found out that the activity was real, they also forwarded it on Weibo and WeChat Moments.

"Surprise! This prize event with a cash prize of 1 million is actually real?"

"I never expected that a prize-winning activity could be so earthy. That's right, it's called prize, activity, activity! The key is, the prize of 1 million is true!"

"The person with the most votes in the end can actually get 1 million in cash! Hurry up and register an account. Although the koi may not be me, what if?"

"If I finally win the grand prize, I will... not go to work for five years and sleep at home every day!"

"I just called the Jicheng Notary Office. This event is indeed real!!!"

The prize-giving activities have even been on the hot searches and hot lists of major social platforms.

As the prize-giving activity became more widespread, people participating in the prize-giving activity began to feel that something was wrong.

Why are the top ten brands with the most shares in the prize event so weird

So everyone took screenshots of the product recommendation articles they had browsed and sent them to their WeChat Moments and Weibo, along with links to prize-winning activities and accompanying texts of condemnation.

"What the hell is the number one limit? Can oral liquid cure cancer? ((((;°Д°))))"

"Can a newborn baby drink health care products indiscriminately? It's too dark! ヽ(#`Д)"

"I would like to ask, how do negative ion sanitary napkins treat prostate cancer? ()"

"As a pharmacy student, I heard that drinking water from a high-tech reinforced faucet can cure cancer. I just want to say *****!"

"I am a pediatrician. Newborns only need to drink breast milk, not even water. In addition, there is no such thing as fetal poison. Jaundice needs to be treated according to different situations. Feeding newborns these Laoshizi oral liquids is extremely dangerous. , parents, please don’t fall for this again!”

"Wearing a bodysuit and a scarf, can skin cancer be cured?! Can ovarian cancer be cured?! Can it also cure all diseases and make people rejuvenate?? Professor Lin, you are a doctor! Why did you go to a spectrum for that? This kind of **company works as a health consultant??”

"Did I go to the wrong place? Why are the participating users in this prize event all ** personnel? The style of painting is wrong!"

"There are fruit on the tree, you and me under the tree, ()()()"

"Thank you all, Amway. From today on, I will eat a nutritious meal of Shitian eel oil mixed with plum pills when I am hungry, drink extreme oral liquid when I am thirsty, wear underwear from Home Spectrum, and put two sound negative ion sanitary napkins under my feet every day, just in case. Unfortunately, I got sick, so I took all the top ten brand miracle medicines. On this day next year, I will live broadcast and soar! ()"

"Don't argue, what they wrote is true. Our neighbor's old man had cancer and he was buried for three days. With the mentality of giving it a try, his family bought a car of Extreme Oral Liquid and dumped it on the old man's grave. The old man actually woke up on the second day and crawled back home. The family quickly continued to give the old man the ultimate drink. As a result, on the third day, the old man was able to speak and eat, and now he can go downstairs to dance in the square!"

After everyone complained, everyone's attention has already shifted from the 1 million bonus to the shared content posted by users who participated in the prize event.

Many well-known video UP owners began to produce various videos complaining about these products.

The funny anchor started a live broadcast to read the product sharing copywriting of users who participated in the prize-winning event, making everyone in the live broadcast room burst into laughter.

There are also many people who really can't stand the product sharing content of those direct sellers in the prize event, so they specially registered an account on the prize event page, and the brand of the shared product is written as "Justice", and at the same time they are looking for various anti-brainwashing evidence as Share content and start fighting with fellow direct sellers in giveaway events.

This approach resonated with more people, and countless people joined the camp of sharing "Justice" brand products, began to conduct well-founded analysis of different MLM products, and constantly persuaded these direct sellers to return to their roots in the shared content. .

As more people became aware of the prize-giving activity, and countless participating users who supported the "Justice" brand joined in, the number of shares of the "Justice" brand increased, and it finally appeared on the top ten list, ranking 10th place.

This phenomenon aroused the anger of many fans of health care products and micro-business products. They began to secretly use their family members' mobile phones and identity information to register accounts at prize-winning events, and launched a crazy counterattack.

"I am an extreme person, and I became pregnant because of eating extreme products. After my baby was born, I have been giving her extreme oral liquid, which can remove yellowing, detoxify the fetus, and prevent pneumonia caused by colds. Many people are worried about side effects and still make untrue remarks here, but think about it, your children are children, and the children of us extreme people are also treasures! If it is unsafe, will our mothers let our children drink it?"

"After my aunt had breast cancer surgery, I sold her more than 20,000 yuan of extreme products, so that she did not need chemotherapy and could only eat extreme food. My aunt believed in me and did not go to the hospital for treatment. Now she has been taking extreme food for 5 years, and her health is... It’s still good! That’s my aunt in the picture below!”

"The uncle in the picture is my friend's uncle. He was diagnosed with advanced prostate cancer three years ago. The doctor asked him to take injections for castration treatment. I didn't let him continue to listen to the doctor's advice. I gave him several capsules from our Shitian. Now his prostate cancer has been completely cured, and my aunt can thank me!"

"I work for Tingkang. Now I am a senior agent with more than a hundred members. No less than 50 of my people have been rewarded by me for traveling to Thailand because of their good performance. There are also 20 people who have participated in the European tour. There are also The company of 8 people directly awarded each person a car! I have more say than you about whether Tingkang makes money or not!"

"The Zhengyi brand is rubbish! My aunt suffered from all kinds of illnesses because of using Zhengyi products. Fortunately, she later wore the Maizhong Body Shaping Bra that I recommended to her. Now she has successfully regulated her qi and blood and solved the gastrointestinal problems that had troubled her for many years. !”

"Big star Feng Bingbing drinks our Gerong's collagen powder as water, and Li Chiling is also secretly using our Gerong's collagen powder to stay young. They are not afraid of side effects. Why are you still hesitating here?"

"Mr. Zhang Jianliang, a billionaire from Jiangxi, understands the strength of Extreme in the field of health. He has brought more than 600 employees to join Extreme, and now he is going all out to develop his own Extreme business! There are pictures and the truth! Just listen to the brand If you haven’t heard of it, don’t believe it!”

Dear friends, please vote for recommendation, please collect, please invest~~ Just say a few words to Blade!

(End of chapter)