Hope Coffee House

Chapter 46: The wind roared


As the scale of the war between die-hard fans of many major health care product MLM companies such as XXX and those who recommend the "Justice" brand continues to expand, this matter has gradually begun to attract the attention of netizens across all platforms.

Many victims of related health products and micro-commerce products have also noticed this, and have angrily told everyone about their victimization experiences using these products on major platforms.

“My child drank Sanyang milk powder when he was a child, and his kidneys were damaged as a result. Fortunately, he was discharged from the hospital after treatment.

Five years ago, my child was diagnosed with renal insufficiency and kidney stones again. We were worried that something was wrong and tried every means to cure the child.

A person who makes XXX contacted us after hearing about this and said that they had had successful cases before and that eating XXX products would definitely cure their children's diseases. We sold everything and bought 50,000 yuan of extreme products for our children, but the children died of uremia!

You extreme people even posted photos of our children online, claiming that they were successful cases of your treatment! He was killed by you, and you still dare to take advantage of him! Extremely, I hate you! "

"Three years ago, my daughter was diagnosed with neuroblastoma at Spring City Children's Hospital. I was going to do a bone marrow transplant for my daughter, but I found that my family's savings of 200,000 had already been invested in plum pills by my wife.

After four months of continuous chemotherapy in the hospital, her daughter's condition improved significantly and she could even get out of bed and walk. However, her wife insisted on interrupting her daughter's chemotherapy and asked her to take a large amount of plum pills as health supplements, which were said to be able to cure cancer.

My daughter's condition soon became serious. Now, my daughter has passed away because of the delay in treatment. I hate it so much... "

"I am a newly graduated student. I bought Gerong health care products worth 8,000 yuan according to my senior sister's recommendation to regulate my body. I didn't expect that the health care products were bad for me. My eyes swelled to the point of closing my throat, and my skin became red and ulcerated. The face is swollen and deformed!

I went to see my senior sister, but she didn't care and spoke harshly. She told me that I was detoxifying and what was happening now was an 'adjustment reaction'. As long as I kept taking it, I would get better!

Fortunately, I didn't believe her and went to the hospital for treatment in time. Now I still have scars on my neck from the skin ulcers from that time! I have posted the photos of the time when I was using Gerong at the worst time and the photos of the scars now. Everyone must be alert, Gerong is harmful to people! "

“My grandpa suffered from severe rheumatic joint pain, so Shitian’s direct salesperson of health care products sold the product to my grandpa, telling me that Shitian had cured many people, and that as long as grandpa insisted on taking the medicine, his rheumatic joint pain would be cured.

My grandfather felt a stomachache after taking it, so he contacted the direct salesman. He told my grandfather that the stomachache was a normal detoxification reaction of taking Shitian, but in fact, my grandfather died of gastric bleeding caused by taking Shitian! I will curse Shitian for the rest of my life! "

"Jiaodianshan weight loss pills are very harmful to people! Don't be fooled again! They are very expensive. After taking them, you will feel dizzy and insomnia, your heartbeat will speed up, and your blood pressure will rise! After taking Jiaodianshan, a classmate of mine went to the hospital for a check-up. , actually directly caused kidney damage! The doctor said that it was fortunate that it was discovered early, otherwise it would have been kidney necrosis!"

"The popular Ziya grass mask on Wechat is also a pyramid scheme! I just started seeing my classmates selling it in my circle of friends, so I bought a box. The effect was obvious when I first started using it. My skin became much whiter in a few days than before. , so I was bewitched by my classmates and hoarded 5,000 yuan, a full 100 boxes, and became an agent.

After using it for more than a month, a few red blood streaks began to appear on my skin, but I didn't care much about it. Two months later, I went back to my hometown for the Chinese New Year without a facial mask, and the skin on my face became inflamed and a large piece of it grew. I thought the erythema was an allergy. After I returned to school after the Chinese New Year, I put on a facial mask and it was cured immediately the next day.

Gradually, my friends who bought facial masks from me began to report that the facial masks I sold were addictive to use, and their skin would become inflamed once they stopped using them. I didn’t believe it, saying that they were allergic to other skin care products. I asked my friends to use only my facial mask every day.

My friends all felt that I was lying to them and that I had lost my humanity in order to make money, so they all left me. Then I slowly discovered that my skin was also starting to have problems. Even using a facial mask every day could not suppress the inflammation. .

I asked my superior agent, and she told me that if one pill a day didn’t work, just use more. Two or three pills a day would be fine. I was a little skeptical, and after searching online, I found out that I might be suffering from hormone dependence. Dermatitis!

After I stopped using facial masks, my face immediately began to develop rashes, yellow water, scabs and ulcers. The doctor told me that because I had been using hormone masks for half a year, if I wanted to cure the hormone-dependent dermatitis on my face, at least It takes a whole year!

I used to be the beauty of our major, and there were many boys chasing me, but now I am a weirdo with a bad face! ! Wechat business facial mask MLM is harmful to people! Whoever uses it will regret it! ! "

More and more victims of health care products and micro-business products and their families have begun to speak out. Unlike before, this matter has attracted widespread attention, and articles written by victims and their families have been reposted by countless big Vs. .

Many media outlets have also begun to interview these victims and make videos and post them online to remind everyone to be careful.

Countless netizens also began to post comments on some experts, actors and entrepreneurs on Weibo.

"@ Professor Lin, have you really endorsed Laijia Spectrum? Do you actually believe that wearing body-shaping underwear can cure cancer? <(`^)>"

“@马 Papa, I heard that you have entered micro-business?”

“@马 Papa, I heard that in order to encourage micro-business, you also issued a woman’s declaration? (Д)ノ”

"@成kun, you no longer sell memberships on WeChat? Why are you still running to endorse Extreme?"

"@马 Papa, I can see chicken soup about you in Moments every day... [Someone said: Posting advertisements in Moments every day is so annoying! I have blocked you. Actually, don’t bother me. Papa Ma once said, when you When you find that you can’t afford the things sold in your circle of friends, you should start struggling! When you find that you don’t recognize the things sold in your circle of friends, it’s time for you to start making up lessons! Smart people will see Moments are business opportunities, rich people see Moments as shopping, and losers see Moments as advertising!]”

"@张智强, I am paying homage to the billionaire Mr. Zhang from the front row. I heard that you took more than 600 people in the company to go to the extreme? Have you been promoted to chief director?"

"@李志灵, beauty, your secret of secretly drinking collagen powder to become beautiful has been discovered by us!"

Wave after wave of public opinion directly pushed everyone's attention to the prize-winning event to the top.

Many star studios took the lead in publishing articles to refute the rumors, stating that they had not joined such and such a health care product company, let alone endorsed such and such company, and stated that they had collected evidence and would pursue legal liability for such and such company's infringement.

Cheng Kun and other celebrities whose high-definition photos were taken also personally posted on Weibo to prove their innocence, saying that the set of high-definition photos of themselves joining XXX were actually just participating in a charity event sponsored by XXX. At the same time, they directly criticized XXX's exaggerated publicity. A lawyer's letter was issued.

Papa Ma also posted a Weibo post, which contained screenshots of many micro-business promotions of Papa Ma’s quotes, with a black question mark face at the end...

Major media outlets took notice and started reporting on the MLM activities of health care product direct selling companies and some micro-businessmen.

There are overwhelming reports on Weibo and WeChat Moments, and the self-media has begun to exert its energy to popularize health care product MLM and micro-business MLM.

The UP owners on the well-known video website L station have also published stories revealing the scams of health care product MLM or micro-business MLM, and popularized various new online MLM fraud methods.

Countless mainstream media continue to invite anti-MLM experts to popularize the inside story of new online MLMs such as health care product MLMs and micro-business MLMs, and help everyone better identify this new type of online MLMs. These programs have also become popular on TV. Gotta be seen everywhere.

The relevant departments of Longguo even directly set up a joint investigation team to investigate a number of companies suspected of pyramid schemes reported by the media.

At the same time, the official anti-fraud and anti-pyramid schemes of relevant departments have added countless fans. There is no need for the staff of relevant departments to explain themselves. Everyone has begun to take the initiative to learn about new methods of pyramid schemes.

Suddenly, the online MLM organization was in turmoil.

Please vote for recommendations, please collect, please invest~~This volume is almost over~

(End of chapter)