Hope Coffee House

Chapter 47: Carnival of justice


This public opinion storm about health care product pyramid schemes and micro-business pyramid schemes soon swept every inch of the Dragon Kingdom, and countless anti-MLM poems that were once rarely known became popular again.

By the 20th day of the prize-giving event, the "Justice" brand had already firmly ranked first among shared brands and became the winning brand.

Wu Liang handed over all the information on the prize event website to the relevant departments for investigation purposes.

As of this time, the number of participating users on the prize event website has reached 50 million, of which nearly 30 million participating users are people who engage in health care product MLM or micro-business MLM and their families, and the remaining 20 million participating users are from the masses. The teacher of justice among them.

The prize-giving activity is a real event, and the second round of ten-day voting will continue. At this time, the prize-giving activity has turned into a competition for everyone to choose the best anti-MLM copywriting in their minds.

Closely related to anti-MLM are the rights protection methods for victims of health care product MLM and micro-business MLM.

Countless legal experts have been invited by major media to educate everyone on how to protect their rights through legal channels for people who have been victims of false promotions of health care products and micro-business products.

Relevant departments in various places have also organized legal popularization activities such as "hundred legal experts entering the community".

These activities have helped countless victims of MLM products.

In the past, most of them had little legal awareness. After being victimized, they only knew how to go to the people selling their health care products or micro-business products and ask them to give an explanation. Once the other party blocked them or simply acted rogue, these victims would I can only swallow the bitter pill silently and swallow my anger.

Now, after listening to the rights protection lectures given by legal experts on major TV and the Internet, people have begun to sort out the evidence of their own victimization and take the MLM products that harmed them to court.

There are countless people like Wang Zhaozhao who have suffered deeply from their family’s health care products and micro-business pyramid schemes. They have come forward to give their own accounts, allowing everyone to see more clearly the tragedies caused by health care products and micro-business pyramid schemes to each family.

Many people also took the initiative to submit to the relevant departments evidence that a certain product was suspected of pyramid schemes that they had collected from their family members who were engaged in health care products and micro-business pyramid schemes.

Countless enthusiastic people took the initiative to report some suspicious neighbors they saw to the relevant departments. More than ten people lived in the same house and did not know what they were doing every day.

Based on reports from the masses, the relevant departments followed suit and even eliminated several traditional MLM organizations.

For this reason, the relevant departments specially rewarded the people who reported the case, and also distributed a bonus of several hundred yuan to show their encouragement.

This move has aroused the enthusiasm and motivation of many uncles and aunts. When they have nothing to do for exercise, they walk around their own communities to observe whether there are any suspicious people in the community.

With the active help of the broad masses of the people, the relevant departments are no longer as restrained in investigating these health care products and micro-business MLM companies as they were earlier, making it difficult to obtain evidence. Instead, they are like sailing along the current, and the investigation proceeds extremely smoothly.

Ten days passed in a blink of an eye, and the final winner of the prize event was finally revealed. The winner won a cash prize of 1 million with a vote count 18,000 higher than the second place. She was a girl named Lu Ling's girl's parents are both engaged in Shitian health care products business. Now her family has a lot of debts and everyone has deserted them.

In her sharing of the award-winning event, Lu Ling described in detail the destruction her family suffered due to Shitian in the past twelve years, and also shared what she knew about various health product pyramid schemes and micro-business pyramid schemes on the market. He wrote down the anti-brainwashing methods in detail, and finally appealed to everyone that if you want to crack down on health care product pyramid schemes and micro-business pyramid schemes, everyone's strength is needed.

Lu Ling wrote very sincerely, detailing each item one by one, and wrote more than 50,000 words. Countless people were deeply moved, voted for her, and reprinted her article.

Just when Wu Liang was about to award the grand prize of 1 million in cash to Lu Ling, Lu Ling took the initiative to call Wu Liang through the notary office.

On the phone, Lu Ling told Wu Liang that she planned to refuse the 1 million cash reward.

Wu Liang was a little surprised and asked Lu Ling why. After all, Lu Ling had already written in the article sharing the prize event that her parents had already owed hundreds of thousands in foreign debt due to their obsession with Shi Tian. With this cash reward , will be of great help to her family.

Lu Ling told Wu Liang that this money was the fruit of victory obtained through the joint efforts of everyone who supported the "Justice" brand. She did not want to monopolize it, nor was she worthy of monopolizing it. She wanted to use the money to do something better. Meaningful thing.

After Wu Liang was silent for a moment, he told Lu Ling his plan.

Soon, the award-winning event page was updated with the award information—after receiving the bonus, the million-dollar winner of the award-winning event donated the bonus to the award-winning event again in the name of supporting the "Justice Brand" as a new project of the award-winning event ——The project operating funds of "Teacher of Justice".

This new message also included a video of Lu Ling.

Lu Ling told everyone in the video that health care product pyramid schemes and micro-business pyramid schemes have harmed countless people, and tens of millions of families have been torn apart. Once family members and friends are brainwashed by these pyramid schemes, they continue to increase investment and get trapped in them, and then try to pull them out. , it’s difficult.

Therefore, if we want to prevent this kind of tragedy from happening again, each of us must take action. Only by mobilizing the energy of each of us can we kill these health product MLM and micro-business MLM in their seedlings.

Later, Lu Ling appealed to everyone: in the future, when you see someone selling health care products or micro-business products in your circle of friends, don’t simply block or block them, and try to chat with her in an interested manner. Find out whether the business model of this product is an online pyramid scheme.

In the future, when relatives and friends at home sell health products face to face, you might as well ask clearly.

Once you discover a new health product MLM or micro-business MLM, you must post the evidence to the Justice Master website and report it.

Although the reporting materials uploaded by one of us may not constitute evidence, there is great power in numbers. As long as everyone works together, no matter how secretive a health product MLM or micro-business MLM organization is, it will be submerged by the vast ocean of the people, leaving no place to hide.

At that time, with the help of the people, the relevant departments will be more powerful. They can follow the clues, collect more evidence, and convict and try these new MLM companies.

The sky net is vast, sparse but not leaking.

The master of justice will be invincible, but the MLM fraud will have nowhere to escape!

Right above the prize event page, the website entrance of the Master of Justice is eye-catchingly floating there, emitting golden light.

Lu Ling's act of donating her 1 million bonus once again touched countless people. People reposted her video and praised her for her kindness.

Taking advantage of this small upsurge in public opinion, the website of the Justice Division also became popular all over the Internet with Lu Ling's video.

The website of the Master of Justice is very grand. At the top of the website, it says, "Be a hero of justice - I find out, I report." Several bright red characters with gold edges are shining brightly, making people feel inspired to see it. A sense of righteousness.

The operation method of the Justice Master website is very simple. Just click on the eye-catching "I want to report" button, and you can follow the prompts to upload the MLM products you want to report, as well as the corresponding material evidence.

After the report is completed, it will be publicized on the website, and the website will automatically group reports of the same brand into one category, making it easier for relevant departments to follow the clues and search for irrefutable evidence.

Once the MLM brand reported by users is brought to justice by the relevant departments, the Justice Master website will launch a "Justice Carnival" activity, and all users who report the MLM brand will receive the "Justice Hero" medal of honor issued by the website.

After collecting ten "Justice Heroes" medals of honor, you can exchange for a physical "Justice Medal", which will be delivered to the user's home by free express delivery from the website as a souvenir.

At the same time, during the Justice Carnival event, the first 100 users who reported the MLM brand will also receive a cash reward of 500 yuan, and the money will be directly transferred to the bank account provided by the user on the day of the Justice Carnival event.

In addition, the Master of Justice also has a special window for reporting and receiving awards for pyramid schemes. As long as residents find suspicious illegal gatherings in their own communities and report them to the relevant departments and it is confirmed to be pyramid schemes, after uploading the corresponding evidence of successful reporting on the website, You can receive an additional 200 yuan as a reward from the Justice Master website.

However, in just three days, the number of registered users of Justice Division has exceeded 50 million, and countless people have issued their own reports in Justice Division.

This battle is finally coming to an end. Please vote for recommendations, collect it, and invest. It is still in the new book stage, and there are very few investors, so you will definitely make money~ () Hehe

(End of chapter)