Hope Coffee House

Chapter 50: An eternal problem


Gu Donglin thinks he will be killed by his wife soon

Wu Liang was a little puzzled, and the expression on his face became gentler, and he quickly comforted him: "Don't panic, since you are here, I will definitely help you."

Gu Donglin shook his head and said indifferently: "You are saying the same thing as them, but soon, you will change your story and say that this is all my imagination."

"Of course not. The fact that you are here proves that you are a good person. I will always believe in you and help you." Wu Liang said sincerely.

"I'm a little thirsty, can you get me a glass of water?"

"Of course!" Wu Liang quickly brought a pot of warm water and two cups, poured himself a cup and drank it, and then poured a cup for Gu Donglin with a smile.

Gu Donglin was really thirsty and drank two glasses of wine in one go before slowly telling his story.

Gu Donglin is 32 years old and has been working as a marketing manager in a company in Ningcheng for five years.

A year ago, he married his girlfriend of three years, Shan Ziling.

Gu Donglin was on the rise in his career and was very busy every day. He originally did not plan to get married so early, but Shan Ziling was pregnant. When the two found out, the child was already two months old.

Shan Ziling was 5 years younger than Gu Donglin, and was 26 years old at the time. Since the child was here, it was fate, so the two decided to keep the child.

So, Gu Donglin and Shan Ziling quickly gathered evidence, invited relatives and friends, and held a wedding.

Shan Ziling originally had a clerical job in a chemical factory. Although it was relatively easy, the salary was not high.

Now that she was pregnant with her baby, Gu Donglin was afraid that continuing to work in a chemical factory would have an impact on her baby. Gu Donglin simply asked Shan Ziling to quit her job and raise her baby at home.

After all, although his monthly income of 30,000 yuan before tax is not much, it is enough to support Shan Ziling and her baby.

Due to work reasons, Gu Donglin often had meetings or social events at night. He always came home very late, and sometimes smelled of alcohol, making it difficult to take better care of Shan Ziling.

So, when Shan Ziling was 6 months pregnant with the baby, Gu Donglin took his mother, who lived in her hometown in the countryside, to his home to take care of Shan Ziling.

Although her mother has little education, she is quick at work. She usually cleans the house at home and prepares three meals a day for Shan Ziling. The house at home has three bedrooms and one living room, so it is not inconvenient for her mother to live here.

With my mother coming to help, the living atmosphere at home has improved significantly.

Not only is the house clean and spotless, there are always fruits in the refrigerator, but even when Gu Donglin comes home from socializing every night, he can also drink the delicious and stomach-nourishing honey and hawthorn hangover soup made by his mother.

As for his wife Shan Ziling, she was raised fat and white by her mother.

In March this year, my wife gave birth to a lovely son.

My wife's parents both work in public institutions and cannot take time off to take care of her.

The wife wanted to go to a confinement center, but the mother felt that the care taken by outsiders was not as meticulous as her own, especially as some informal confinement centers were often exposed on the Internet. The nurses were unprofessional and the care procedures were not standardized, so she discussed it with Gu Donglin. , or take his wife home to take care of him.

Gu Donglin felt that what his mother said made sense, so he went to discuss it with his wife and asked her what she meant.

The wife seemed a little unhappy, but she still agreed and asked for a confinement nanny to go home and help take care of the baby.

Both his wife and baby needed to be taken care of, and the mother was naturally too busy to handle it alone. Gu Donglin immediately contacted the housekeeping company and hired a gold medal confinement nanny with a good reputation.

The arrival of a new life made Gu Donglin's family very happy. Gu Donglin's company gave him 7 days of paternity leave. Gu Donglin took care of his wife and son with his mother and confinement nanny. He saw that the confinement nanny and mother took good care of him. I am dedicated, but my heart feels a lot more at ease.

After the paternity leave, Gu Donglin returned to his job and started working hard. Now that he is a father, he wants to work harder to enter the Central Marketing Department, get a promotion and a salary increase, and provide better services for his wife and son. good life.

After his wife gave birth to a child, her mood seemed a little low. Every time Gu Donglin came home at night, he could see his wife crying silently. Gu Donglin asked his wife why she was sad, but her wife just looked at him and said nothing. explain.

Is it because the mother didn't take good care of her? Or is there something wrong with the gold medal confinement nanny you hired

Gu Donglin secretly asked his confinement sister-in-law if his mother had made his wife angry, but the confinement sister-in-law just shook her head in confusion.

Gu Donglin quietly asked his mother if the confinement nanny he hired was not taking good care of him. His mother said that the confinement nanny was very dedicated to her work and was even better at taking care of the baby.

Confused, Gu Donglin told his mother that he had discovered that his wife was always crying silently recently, and advised his mother to pay more attention to Shan Ziling's emotions.

The mother seemed a little unhappy and said: "The two of us have done our best to take care of her and the child every day. There is not a day when my arms are not sore. Sometimes my waist is so tired that I can't straighten up. If she has any dissatisfaction, she can tell her face to face. Ah, what does it mean to wipe tears in front of you?"

Seeing that his mother was displeased, Gu Donglin didn't say much. He just explained that he might have seen it wrong and comforted his mother before giving up.

Thinking that maybe his wife had just given birth and was emotionally unstable, Gu Donglin did not dare to provoke his wife at this time. After coming back every night, he would first take a look at his wife and baby. If they were not asleep, he would hold the baby and play with it. , told his wife a few jokes about what he had seen recently, and then went to bed.

Sometimes Gu Donglin comes home too late and his wife and children have gone to bed, so he tiptoes back to his room to sleep. Of course, he doesn't forget to drink the honey and hawthorn hangover soup prepared by his mother.

Gu Donglin thought that life would go on like this and get better and better, but he didn't expect a big war to break out at home soon.

It was a Saturday, and it was rare that Gu Donglin didn't have to work overtime, attend meetings, or travel to other places on business.

The daily work is not easy, and he has to carefully take care of his wife's mood when he returns home. Sometimes he has to help burp the baby at night. Gu Donglin is very tired, so he takes advantage of this rare weekend to have a good sleep.

However, the dream was broken amid a quarrel.

The mother and wife were arguing hysterically, and the gold medal confinement nanny wisely carried the child to the bedroom.

Gu Donglin didn't bother to wipe his eyes, put on a pair of pants in a hurry, and ran over.

Seeing Gu Donglin coming over, his wife cried even harder: "You make me stew this greasy pig's trotters soup every day without adding salt, and it makes me sick to death! I said I don't want to drink it, your mother You actually told me, what will my grandson eat? Why don’t I stew these soups for you every day just to improve your milk supply so that my grandson can eat nutritiously?"

"Isn't my grandson your son? What's wrong with asking you to drink more soup? Don't put too much salt in the soup during confinement, otherwise the child's face will have white spots, which will not be good for your health!" The mother was indignant. road.

"You only have your grandson in your eyes, and you don't care about my life or death! You make me fried vegetables, boiled eggs, millet porridge, and that greasy pig's trotter soup every day! When I first gave birth, I said I wanted to go to a confinement center. , is it you who stopped me? Is this what you mean by taking care of me at home?" the wife said angrily.

"You are really a heartless person! What have I done wrong to you? Aren't I doing all the work in this house? Did you lift a finger? The conditions at home were poor when I was in confinement. No, I want to drink pig's trotter soup but I can't get it! What are you dissatisfied with?" My mother also started crying.

"I'm so dissatisfied! You cook for me every day and make a fool of yourself, but you don't treat your son badly. You cook that hawthorn soup fresh every day and prepare it for your son. As long as your son has time to eat at home, you can Cook for him in different ways! During the day when he is not at home at work, you just complain next to me, either that my milk is not good, or that the child does not look like his father. What do you mean? "

"My son works so hard every day to support you two, and he also has to drink and socialize. What's wrong with me preparing some hangover soup for him? He rarely has a meal at home for half a month, so what's wrong with me cooking for him? ? If you don’t drink the soup well, of course your milk will be bad! I can’t even say a few words next to you?”

Gu Donglin stood blankly in the living room, feeling a little dizzy.

Unexpectedly, this legendary eternal problem would actually fall on his head.

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(End of chapter)