Hope Coffee House

Chapter 56: A major turning point


About half an hour later, Wang Zhaozhao also returned to Hope Coffee House.

"How is it? Did you find anything?" Wu Liang asked quickly.

"Boss, Shan Ziling behaves as well in the gym as she does at home. She is still a very gentle woman."

"What about Shan Ziling and her fitness coach Li Ze? Is there any special relationship?" Wu Liang asked.

According to common sense, if Shan Ziling is not a pervert herself, but her attitude towards her husband suddenly changes drastically and she becomes murderous, it is very likely that she has a change of heart, and her personal trainer Li Ze seems to be a good choice.

"Boss, do you mean an affair by the special relationship? Based on my observations today, there is absolutely no possibility of an affair between Shan Ziling and Li Ze!" Wang Zhaozhao said.

"I also saw Li Ze. He looks good. How can you conclude that Shan Ziling and him are not having an affair?" Wu Liang was a little confused.

"Hmm... This is a girl's intuition. I was observing Li Ze today and I think that although he is handsome, he has a bit of a temper... Mom, this kind of boy can only be a girl's best friend or friend, but never a lover. of!"

"Has a bit of a temper? You mean, there's something wrong with Li Ze's sexual orientation?"

"80% there is something wrong! During the training process with Shan Ziling, he and Shan Ziling talked about topics that only girls talk about, such as which skin care products are easy to use and which brand of facial mask is better? Hydration, these are topics that only girls are interested in, and Shan Ziling’s tone when chatting with him is like best friends!”

"Then... did the two of them talk about Shan Ziling's marriage life or anything related to Gu Donglin?" Wu Liang asked.

"We didn't talk about it at all, so boss, now I am more and more suspicious that our guest Gu Donglin lied!"

"We can't just look at things on the surface. We still have to continue to follow Shan Ziling to see if we can find other clues." Wu Liang said thoughtfully.

"Boss, have you found any clues here?"

"Not yet, but I did meet an interesting person today." Wu Liang raised the corner of his mouth.

Now there are no clues about Shan Ziling in the gym. The only hope is the beauty salon that Shan Ziling often goes to.

It is now early January, and Wang Zhaozhao is going back to Yucheng University of Traditional Chinese Medicine for his final exams, so in the next week, Wu Liang can only investigate Shan Ziling alone.

Wang Zhaozhao originally wanted to come back every night and continue to help Wu Liang monitor Shan Ziling, but Wu Liang decisively refused on the grounds that his current work tasks were very few and Wang Zhaozhao should prioritize his studies.

Wang Zhaozhao returned to school obediently and concentrated on preparing for the exam, while Wu Liang began to squat near Shan Ziling's house, waiting for her to go out again.

Fortunately, Shan Ziling did not keep Wu Liang waiting for a long time. In the afternoon of the next day, she went out again and walked to the beauty salon next to her house.

Wu Liang quickly used an invisibility card and followed him.

Shan Ziling wore a navy blue woolen coat, which made her look even more gentle.

After Wu Liang followed Shan Ziling to the beauty salon, she saw that she reported her mobile phone number skillfully. After the front desk staff confirmed the package with her, a female technician took her to a small room. Wu Liang hurriedly Followed.

There was a machine in the small room. Wu Liang didn't recognize what it was. He only saw the female technician letting Shan Ziling lie on the bed. After briefly cleaning her face, she took some bottles and jars and put it on Shan Ziling's face. Wiped it all over his face.

Then, the female technician turned on the instrument in the room, and used a handle-like object to scratch Shan Ziling's face. After a long time, the female technician applied a facial mask to Shan Ziling and asked her to After resting for a while, he walked out of the room.

Shan Ziling kept her eyes closed the whole time and said nothing.

Taking advantage of Shan Ziling's time alone in the room, Wu Liang went to other rooms and looked around. He found that the customers who were doing facial treatments were all silent. Occasionally, customers who had essential oil massage on their backs would talk to the technicians. Have a little chat.

Wu Liang frowned and returned to Shan Ziling's room again. After a long time, the female technician came back again, took off the mask for her, smeared it on her face, and ended the service.

When Shan Ziling went to check out at the front desk before leaving, Wu Liang specifically looked at Shan Ziling's information on the computer at the front desk. She bought packages for several items, but they were all related to faces.

Things were at an impasse again.

Shan Ziling's activity in the beauty salon was just facial care. She couldn't even speak to the technician, so there was obviously no possibility of being instigated into blackmail.

Wu Liang pondered for a moment, continued to use the invisibility card, and followed Shan Ziling back home, wanting to see if there was anything abnormal.

But Shan Ziling's behavior was just like what Wang Zhaozhao had described to him before. He was gentle and polite, had an excellent attitude towards the nanny, and was very patient with his own children. He really couldn't tell that he was a mentally gloomy person.

Wu Liang carefully observed Shan Ziling's nanny. Whether Shan Ziling was in front of her or not, she took care of the children with the same patience and meticulousness, and her attitude did not change.

The nanny didn't talk much, and she looked like a simple, responsible middle-aged woman. She didn't look like someone who would instigate Shan Ziling.

Wu Liang pondered for a long time and decided to go to the gym where he was yesterday to check out Li Ze.

Shan Ziling's social connections were so thin that they were almost non-existent. According to Wang Zhaozhao's account, this personal trainer Li Ze should be regarded as one of Shan Ziling's rare friends in Ningcheng.

When Wu Liang arrived at the gym, it was already four o'clock in the afternoon.

In order to avoid being discovered by Lu Yun and forcing him to train again, Wu Liang used an invisibility card in the Hope Cafe and teleported himself to the gym.

Li Ze was leading a member to do strength training at this time. The member was also a woman and looked very young.

It was probably the first time for this young woman to come here. She was a little reserved in her movements, and she was also a little polite and distant from Li Ze in her words.

Every time a group of training was completed and during the break, Li Ze would joke with the young woman and ask about her family situation and work status.

But the young woman's answers were very vague. She often smiled and said nothing, or asked Li Ze some questions. After Wu Liang listened for a long time, he didn't know what this young woman did, whether she was married, or whether she had children.

However, with the help of this young woman, Wu Liang heard a lot of information about Li Ze.

Li Ze is 26 years old and has been working as a personal trainer in this gym for a year and a half. He is one of the most popular personal trainers among female members because he always has endless topics to talk about with the female members. He still doesn’t have a girlfriend. Nicknamed "Women's Friend".

When the young woman heard that Li Ze still had no girlfriend, she curiously asked him if he had a boyfriend.

Li Ze smiled mysteriously and did not answer.

After all, it was personal privacy. Li Ze didn't say anything, and the young woman couldn't ask more questions. He also talked about his colleagues who were suffering from many trivial matters after getting married.

This topic seemed to arouse Li Ze's interest. Not only did he listen with great interest, he also told the young woman many stories he had heard about men turning bad after marriage.

It turns out that many of Li Ze’s members are married women who have given birth to babies. When they come for training, they often talk to Li Ze about their married life, complaining that the sweet love they once had has turned into what it is now. Chicken feathers everywhere.

The married life of many women today is no longer just a piece of cake, it is also mixed with countless betrayals and pains, and their love for their husbands has long turned into resentment.

There are generally two reasons why these women still maintain this marriage life.

Either it is for the sake of the children, who do not want the children to become children of single-parent families at a young age and suffer psychological harm.

Either he is unwilling to give up the current material living conditions. Although he hates his husband deeply, after all, he can provide himself with a comfortable material life, which is of some use.

The two chatted a lot about their opinions, and gradually became familiar with each other. After the one-hour class, the young woman said with emotion, "Life is not easy, and every family has its own scriptures that are difficult to recite." Then she waved her hand and bought it. Li Ze offered personal training courses worth RMB 10,000, and he and Li Ze also left contact information with each other.

Only then did Wu Liang notice that the young woman's name was Zheng Danqing.

After Zheng Danqing left, the smile on Li Ze's face gradually faded, and there was a cold murderous intent in his eyes. He took out his mobile phone, walked to the quiet and unmanned physical fitness test area, and made a call.

Wu Liang hurriedly followed.

The call was quickly connected, and Li Ze whispered: "Check a person, Zheng Danqing, Guan Er Zheng, the painter of Danqing, the ID number is 3201021991********."

Wu Liang listened attentively, and a reply came quickly from the other end of the phone: "She is a native of Ningcheng, unmarried, and now works in the Criminal Investigation Brigade."

Tomorrow is New Year's Eve, and the new year is coming. The streets are full of people buying new year's goods, bringing their families and families, smiling broadly.

Although I haven't gone out yet, the strong flavor of the New Year is already echoing in my mind. It's great to celebrate the New Year.

(End of chapter)