Hope Coffee House

Chapter 57: The face outside the window


Zheng Danqing is actually from the Criminal Investigation Brigade

Wu Liang was a little surprised.

Wu Liang instantly thought of the murderous intent in Li Ze's eyes just now. Could this Zheng Danqing be here to investigate Li Ze

Could it be that Li Ze was not only suspected of instigating Shan Ziling, but he was also burdened with other murder cases

After Li Ze heard the message from the other end of the phone, he narrowed his eyes slightly and hung up the phone, but the corners of his mouth curled up slightly, looking like he was in a good mood.

At this moment, Wu Liang looked at Li Ze, feeling an indescribable conflict in his heart.

Although there is no evidence and no knowledge of Li Ze's methods, Wu Liangzhong's suspicion of Li Ze has increased to 80%, because he knows everything about marriage life and has always held a negative view, which is very likely to instigate or influence Shan Ziling.

What's more, a criminal police officer is now targeting Li Ze. In addition, Li Ze's reaction to Zheng Danqing's identity just now means that Wu Liang doesn't believe that he is fine.

Li Ze paced back and forth in the physical fitness testing area. After walking around twice, he took out his mobile phone again and sent a WeChat message: "Let's have dinner together at noon tomorrow? Just the two of us, at the same place."

On WeChat, the other person’s note was Shan Ziling.

Shan Ziling quickly sent a reply message, an OK gesture.

Li Ze smiled slightly, turned and left the physical fitness test area, and went to the rest area to chat with other coaches.

Wu Liang checked the time. It was not yet 6 o'clock. The busiest working hours for personal trainers were between 6 o'clock and 9 o'clock in the evening. Li Ze should have a few more clients coming.

After exchanging several more invisibility cards in the mall, Wu Liang began to lurk quietly next to Li Ze.

In the tea room of the coaching lounge, Li Ze and many personal trainers who had not made an appointment were having dinner together. The dinner was provided by the gym for free. Li Ze and the others were eating with their legs crossed, while they were complaining about the food. Everyone took turns telling dirty jokes while eating, laughing together.

In the tea room, Wu Liang also met Lu Yun.

Lu Yun was still wearing a black long-sleeved and trousers sports bra, with a gym-issued shorts and vest over it. She was sitting alone in the corner of the tea room eating silently, which was out of tune with the liveliness and joy of the others.

Others seemed to have become accustomed to Lu Yun being like this, and no one came forward to talk to him.

Wu Liang was not interested in the dirty jokes made by Li Ze and others, so he quietly came to the opposite side of Lu Yun and silently observed how he was eating.

Just when Wu Liang sat on the chair opposite Lu Yun, Lu Yun stopped chewing for an instant and looked in the direction of Wu Liang from a distance.

Wu Liang was surprised. His invisibility card was still working. Could it be that Lu Yun could see him

Of course Lu Yun couldn't see Wu Liang. He paused for a while, with a confused look in his eyes, and started chewing again.

The way Lu Yun eats is very interesting, like a robot, chewing at a constant speed and swallowing mechanically. No matter whether he is eating vegetables or rice, there is no emotion on his face, as if eating is not a pleasure, but a task.

Wu Liangxian was so bored that he deliberately counted and found that Lu Yun had to chew 20 times for each mouthful of food, not too much at a time, but not too much at a time.

Fifteen minutes later, Lu Yun had eaten all the food in his lunch box, not a grain of rice left.

Afterwards, Lu Yun stacked the disposable lunch boxes neatly again, and even the chopsticks were stuffed back into the small plastic bags, restoring their appearance before eating, and then he picked them up and threw them into the trash can. .

Wu Liang secretly wanted to laugh, thinking that if Lu Yun wasn't a super obsessive-compulsive disorder, he must be a robot.

After Li Ze had eaten, he received a total of three customers from 6 pm to 9 pm before getting off work.

Of course, without exception, the three customers are all female members.

It's a pity that Wu Liang stayed hungry and squatted for a long time, but he didn't catch anything against Li Ze. The three female customers in the evening were all Li Ze's old customers. The content of their chat was very casual, including skin care, beauty, and travel. , pets... Li Ze could have a lively chat with them about all the topics that women were interested in, and his words and deeds were actually somewhat feminine.

If he hadn't just seen Li Ze telling dirty jokes with his legs crossed, Wu Liang would have thought, like Wang Zhaozhao, that Li Ze was a sissy and had issues with his sexual orientation.

But looking at Li Ze now, Wu Liang only felt that his scheming was unfathomable.

After working hard all night but getting nothing, Wu Liang was a little unwilling and exchanged a few stealth cards from the mall again, and decided to follow Li Ze back to the dormitory to see if he could find out anything.

This follow-up made Wu Liang discover a new secret. Li Ze was very rich and drove a sports car, estimated to cost about 2 million.

Can a fitness instructor really afford a 2 million sports car

Wu Liang remembered that Lu Yun said yesterday that he and Li Ze were roommates.

Li Ze already drives a sports car, so he must not be short of money at home, so why doesn't he go home after get off work at night, but instead squeezes into the dormitory arranged by the gym with his colleagues

With countless questions, Wu Liang quietly followed Li Ze into the car.

Li Ze's dormitory is far away from the gym. It is in the south of the city and is close to the suburbs. Fortunately, it is already late and the road is not very congested. It only takes fifty minutes to drive there.

Although the community is in the suburbs, it has been around for some time, and the facilities are relatively old. Ningcheng is humid and rainy, and the elevator room exudes a faint musty smell.

Li Ze's dormitory is on the first floor. It is a house of about 100 square meters. The decoration of the house is old and the lighting on the first floor is extremely poor. The whole house is cold and damp, giving people a depressing feeling.

The living room was partitioned and divided into four bedrooms. Each bedroom contained two single beds, a wardrobe, and a writing desk, which was already a little crowded.

After Li Ze returned to the dormitory, he did not rush to his room. Instead, he took a bottle of beer from the refrigerator, sat on the sofa and watched TV while drinking.

In the eight-person dormitory, the others have not returned yet.

Wu Liang walked around the four bedrooms and soon found Li Ze's room.

Because all the people living here are men, the other three bedrooms are all messy. Socks and underwear are scattered in every corner of the room. The quilt is twisted on the bedside. There are eaten takeout boxes on the table, half-drunk beer and Earphones, razors and other items were tangled together in a mess, exuding a faint odor.

There was only one room facing south. Not only was it clean and smellless, it was even tidy to the point of perversion.

Everything in the room is arranged very neatly. The quilts on the two beds in the room are stacked into sharp-edged tofu blocks, or it can be said to be perfect cubes...

The glass of the window was clean and translucent, with no trace of stain visible. Wu Liang looked carefully for a while and found that not even a single hair could be seen on the floor or sheets...

Besides Lu Yun, Wu Liang couldn't think of anyone else who would keep the room so clean.

Wu Liang probably guessed the reason why Li Ze did not go back to the bedroom, but chose to watch TV and drink beer in the living room.

Wu Liang stayed beside Li Ze for a while. Seeing that Li Ze did not do anything else and was just sitting on the sofa drinking and watching TV, he went to Li Ze and Lu Yun's room again.

Lu Yun had just lost his memory not long ago, and he had a very obsessive-compulsive personality. He thought that most of the things in the room belonged to Li Ze, and maybe he could find some clues.

Although Wu Liang, who is invisible, cannot directly touch drawers and cabinets, he can control his body to easily pass through them and directly see inside the drawers and cabinets.

However, Wu Liang searched carefully and found no clues. There were only some clothes and daily necessities in the room, not to mention diaries, letterheads, and not even a book.

Seeing that he found nothing, Wu Liang sighed and stood silently by the bedroom window. The window was wiped clean by Lu Yun, and Wu Liang could see the stars in the night sky outside the window at a glance.

Suddenly, Wu Liang's figure flashed and froze in place.

Under the moonlight, Wu Liang saw a black car parked in the courtyard of the community outside the window. There was a familiar face in the car.

Zheng Danqing.

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(End of chapter)