Hope Coffee House

Chapter 60: Think differently


After a sound night's sleep, Wu Liang got up early. After breakfast, he came to Shan Ziling's neighborhood and squatted, waiting for Shan Ziling to go out.

Today's investigation is crucial. If the method by which Li Ze instigated Shan Ziling to assassinate Gu Donglin cannot be found, there will be no way for Shan Ziling to be successfully influenced and reconcile with Gu Donglin.

What's more, he has now learned from Zheng Danqing that Li Ze's subordinates are very likely to have lost four lives. Based on his understanding of the system's past style, if he does not solve the scourge of Li Ze, even if he finds ways to make Shan Ziling If he reconciles with Gu Donglin, the task may not be considered completed.

Shan Ziling didn't go out until eleven o'clock at noon.

Today, Shan Ziling's dressing style and makeup are more colorful than in the past.

Her behavior made Wu Liang even more confused. Logically speaking, Li Ze should be Shan Ziling's "best friend". There is no love between men and women. Why should Shan Ziling dress up carefully when they eat together

With deep doubts, Wu Liang used an invisibility card and followed Shan Ziling.

The place where Shan Ziling and Li Ze agreed to eat was a Japanese restaurant. There were many private rooms in the store and it was very quiet.

Shan Ziling and Li Ze arrived by chance and met at the entrance of the store.

"You look good today!" Li Ze looked at Shan Ziling and smiled slightly. His androgynous appearance actually eclipsed the carefully dressed up Shan Ziling.

"Really? Gu is not at home these two days, so I am naturally in a better mood." Shan Ziling said with a smile.

"Let's go, sister Shan is rarely in a good mood. We must have a good meal today." Li Ze smiled clearly at Shan Ziling and made a gesture of invitation.

After the two entered the private room, Li Ze handed the ordering tablet directly to Shan Ziling. Shan Ziling seemed to have been used to it for a long time and was not polite. He quickly ordered a lot of his favorite dishes and then handed over the menu. Return it to Li Ze.

Li Ze took the tablet, added two more bottles of grapefruit wine, and then placed the order.

The waiter quickly came to the box and served two glasses of lemonade and several free side dishes to the two of them.

The first time he saw the waiter, Wu Liang recognized her identity. She should be a colleague of Zheng Danqing who had dressed up in disguise.

This person took out the sterile towels and tableware from the cabinet in the private room, arranged them for the two of them, and then left the private room silently.

Of course, she had silently installed miniature audio and video equipment in the hidden part of the private room.

The two chatted for a while, and the topics were very light-hearted, mostly about recent entertainment industry gossip and funny news.

The grapefruit wine that Li Ze ordered was quickly served along with some sashimi and salad. The grapefruit wine tastes sour and sweet, and has a rich fruity aroma. It is loved by women, but for women, drinking it alone can make them drunk easily.

After drinking two glasses of grapefruit wine with Li Ze, Shan Ziling gradually started to talk more. Li Ze seemed to casually ask about Shan Ziling's current situation. Shan Ziling seemed a little proud and started to talk to Li Ze. My recent results.

Hearing that Shan Ziling took advantage of Gu Donglin's business trip two days ago to remove the speakers and cameras that were previously installed in Gu Donglin's room, Li Ze showed a clear smile and said: "It's been a month, and he actually Just thought you should check out that website?”

"Otherwise, how can we say he is a waste?" Shan Ziling said with disdain, "He suddenly sent me a text message three days ago, saying that he was on a temporary business trip and had not been home for the past few days. I called him at that time. I made a call and asked if I wanted to send him some clothes and daily necessities. The trembling look on his face when he lied and refused was simply ridiculous."

"But according to your previous description, he had nightmares every day. If he hadn't gone to the website, he would have collapsed by now." Li Ze asked with interest.

"It's impossible to collapse. Only if he dies can the child and I live well. If he doesn't commit suicide after the collapse, but instead becomes a lunatic, wouldn't I be shooting someone in the foot?"

"Otherwise, let's forget it. You scared him for a month, which is enough to relieve his anger. He also makes a lot of money, so he can just hold his nose and get through this day." Li Ze narrowed his eyes and smiled.

Wu Liang was a little surprised when he heard what Li Ze said. Li Ze, are you trying to dissuade Shan Ziling

"Impossible! I feel sick when I see him now. My hatred for him has been uncontrollable for a long time!" Shan Ziling said decisively, with a ferocious expression faintly visible under the exquisite makeup.

"Before we got married, Mr. Gu tried to please me in every possible way. After getting married, his face completely changed! From pregnancy to giving birth, I suffered so much! But what about him? He only knows how to drink with others every night, every day and midnight Just came home!”

"And when I was in confinement..."


Shan Ziling seemed to be very angry. She kept talking about how sorry Gu Donglin was to her since her marriage for a long time, and her eyes became more and more bloodshot.

Li Ze had been listening to Shan Ziling's story attentively, and would echo a few words angrily from time to time, but his eyes were getting brighter and brighter.

After Shan Ziling finished speaking, her eyes were full of resentment. She clenched her fists and whispered, "It's hard to forgive this hatred if you don't kill him."

Li Ze seemed to have remembered something and told Shan Ziling a story about his client.

Li Ze's client had a very similar experience to Shan Ziling, and her husband was also very similar to Gu Donglin. Both of them had very different attitudes towards their wives after marriage. A very irresponsible man with a small family.

But the client's husband accidentally contracted rabies and died in the second year after his marriage because he was bitten by the family's pet dog and was not vaccinated against rabies.

This matter is somewhat coincidental. Li Ze's client felt depressed after giving birth to a baby. The client's husband bought a puppy from a pet store to make her happy. Unexpectedly, after a few days of raising the puppy, he suddenly became depressed. He doesn't want to eat anymore and has a bad temper.

When the client's husband was taking care of the puppy, he was actually bitten by the puppy and the skin on his hand was broken. The ferocious puppy even bit the nursing client.

The client's husband was furious, thinking that the puppy had a bad temper, so he kicked the puppy severely. The puppy was only a few months old and could not withstand the kick of an adult man. It was kicked to death on the spot.

Because the puppy was bought from a pet store and had been vaccinated against rabies, the client’s husband thought it would be fine. In addition, he was busy with work and had to go on a business trip, so he did not get the rabies vaccine.

Li Ze's client wanted to breastfeed and was afraid of being infected with other bacteria and affecting the child, so he went to the hospital to get tetanus shots and rabies vaccines.

Unexpectedly, within half a month, the client's husband died of rabies.

Fortunately, the couple had a good income. They had bought a large amount of insurance in Hong Kong City before. When her husband died unexpectedly, Li Ze's client received a large insurance compensation, and he and his son, who was less than one year old, were financially secure.

Later, Li Ze gossiped in a low voice: "All pet dogs sold in pet shops must be vaccinated, so how can they get rabies? In my opinion, it is most likely that she arranged this matter, but she did it secretly, so there is no way It was not treated as a criminal case.”

"Besides, her husband bought the dog, and it was her husband's decision not to vaccinate against rabies. The insurance company couldn't find any trace of insurance fraud, so naturally it could only pay the premium honestly." Li Ze said with a smile.

Shan Ziling showed an envious look and said thoughtfully: "Rabies... has a 100% fatality rate, and the insurance compensation threshold in Hong Kong City is low, so this is a good idea."

"Yes, for the same thing, smart people and stupid people have very different results when dealing with the problem." Li Ze smiled and told Shan Ziling another joke-like story.

A wife found out that her husband was cheating on her and wanted to kill him. In order to avoid being discovered, she came up with what she thought was a brilliant idea.

After she washed her husband's underwear, she soaked it in paraquat and dried it before giving it to her husband to wear.

The husband did not know it and was indeed infected, but the paraquat underwear caused ulcers on his skin and mucous membranes.

When the husband sought medical treatment, the doctor soon detected paraquat in his body.

Paraquat worked so well that the husband soon died of organ failure.

The police soon arrested the wife for intentional homicide.

The wife hired a good lawyer and took the initiative to explain how she committed the crime. She also said that she soaked her husband’s underwear with paraquat just to punish him and hoped that his skin would be damaged and he would not be able to continue cheating. She did not know that doing so would cause harm. Dead husband.

In the end, the wife was convicted of intentional injury and sentenced to eleven years in prison.

After listening to Li Ze's narration, Shan Ziling smiled wildly. She held her chin with one hand and said, "This is indeed interesting. The skin is ulcerated and the organs are failing. I am very satisfied with this way of death. It's just that the detection technology is so advanced now. You even use paraquat... isn't this looking for death?"

"So, if the knowledge reserve is not enough, it will be more difficult and the risks will be greater." Li Zeruo pointed out.

"Whether the risk is high or not, you will know after trying it." Shan Ziling lowered her eyes and said calmly.

"We'll see." Li Ze raised his glass to Shan Ziling.

"Hey, are you inciting me to kill someone?" Shan Ziling raised her wine glass and suddenly raised her eyebrows and looked at Li Ze and asked.

"If you are caught, I, the instigator, will be guilty of the same crime as you." Li Ze smiled slightly and drank the wine in the glass.

Shan Ziling smiled and drank down the glass of wine, and said with a slight smile: "This matter is not difficult at all. When a person dies, the relevant departments will first investigate the social relations of the deceased. Ninety percent of the biggest suspects are among them, and countless prisoners We try every possible means to erase evidence and create alibi just to escape the law, but we often fall short due to various omissions."

"But in my opinion, this kind of thinking is simply wrong. Why do you have to do it yourself to kill people? It is best to leave it to others." Shan Ziling covered her mouth and chuckled.

"Your idea is quite interesting." Li Ze looked at Shan Ziling, the corners of his mouth slightly raised, and the look in his eyes was dark and unclear.

Happy New Year! I hope everyone will be safe and healthy in the new year. I hope this disease can be defeated soon.

(End of chapter)