Hope Coffee House

Chapter 63: Take a leap


After his father died, Li Ze's mother was taken to prison and soon sentenced to death for intentional homicide.

His father's brothers and several of Li Ze's uncles often brought their aunts and uncles to the door of my grandma's house to make trouble, saying that women must pay their debts to their mothers. Li Ze's mother could not kill Li Ze's father in vain and wanted her grandma to pay for it. .

Grandma is already in her seventies, has only a meager pension, and has to raise Li Ze's siblings. How can she find the money to compensate them? She can only endure the harassment of these people, feeling depressed and depressed every day.

Li Ze's grandfather passed away very early. Grandma only had one daughter, her mother. She lost her only child in his later years. Coupled with all kinds of harassment and persecution from Li Ze's uncles, the old man was disheartened. He passed away in just one year. .

Only Li Ze and his brother were left in this cold world.

That year, Li Ze was ten years old and his sister was fifteen.

After grandma passed away, Li Ze's uncles and aunts never appeared in front of the two siblings again.

My grandma was very respectable when she was working. She had a big house in the town and a good location.

When Li Ze's mother and father got married, the conditions were not good. In addition, his grandfather had passed away at that time, so his grandmother gave the house to Li Ze's parents as a wedding room, and she built a small house in a remote location in the town. .

The big house that once belonged to Li Ze's family had already been taken over by his uncle after his parents' accident. Now the small house left by his grandma is in a remote location and is not valuable.

The deceased grandma lost her pension and left behind a pair of underage grandsons and granddaughters. Not only did she completely lose her attraction to uncles and aunts, she also made them avoid her.

No one wants to raise the Li Ze siblings.

The fifteen-year-old sister left school and took on the burden of life. She worked in a restaurant in the town in exchange for a pitiful salary to support her ten-year-old brother and protect the family.

Li Ze wanted to work with his sister, but her sister insisted that he study. Her sister told Li Ze that he should study more and be successful in the future, and then he could get out of the small town and change the fate of the two siblings.

Li Ze did not live up to his sister's expectations. When he was twelve years old, he successfully entered the best junior high school in the county. His sister was very happy and spent half a month's salary to buy Li Ze two new sets of clothes and a pair of new clothes. shoes, and a new school bag, and told Li Ze to continue studying hard.

Li Zesheng has a good appearance, long eyebrows, and deep eyes. He was very popular among the girls when he was in primary school in the town. Now that he has come to the county town to attend middle school, he is also very popular among the girls in the class.

Of course, Li Ze studies well and is handsome, so the boys in the class are also willing to play with him.

However, Li Ze gradually discovered that he was different from other boys.

Boys around the age of twelve are in puberty, and their bodies gradually undergo a series of changes: beards grow, their voices become thicker, and their Adam's apple protrudes...

However, Li Ze's body remained unchanged. He had no Adam's apple and no beard. His smooth and fair face even had a strong feminine aura. From a distance, he looked like a quiet girl.

When Li Ze was in the second year of junior high school, a boy in his class made a joke with Li Ze.

Later, the joke turned into a vicious rumor and began to spread throughout the class. Everyone secretly said that Li Ze was a eunuch.

Li Ze was so angry that he had a fight with the boy in the class who started the rumor. The boy had a tooth knocked out, and the back of Li Ze's head was broken, bleeding all over the floor.

Li Ze's sister Li Yu came over after hearing the news. She was angry and distressed, and had a long private conversation with the head teacher.

At the class meeting the next day, the head teacher personally gave everyone a physical hygiene lesson, telling everyone that puberty develops early and late, and everyone is different. Boys originally develop later, and some boys do not develop until they are fifteen or sixteen. It is normal for the baby to develop only when he is older.

At the class meeting that day, the boy who spread the rumor that Li Ze was an eunuch stood in front of Li Ze with a red face and solemnly apologized to him.

Many students in the class who had followed the rumors also lowered their heads in shame, feeling ashamed of their previous actions.

From that day on, the classmates in the class never laughed at Li Ze because of his developmental problems.

But it was during the class meeting that day that Li Ze suddenly realized that he was really different from other boys.

Anger, humiliation, helplessness, despair...all kinds of negative emotions were constantly intertwined, and eventually turned into hatred for his long-dead father.

Time flies, and in the blink of an eye, Li Ze goes to high school in the county.

In fact, with Li Ze's grades, he can go to City No. 1 Middle School, the best high school in the city. In order to retain outstanding students, the county's high school proposed that if Li Ze is willing to study in the county's high school, he can be exempted from all three years of high school. tuition and book fees, and an additional 500 yuan monthly subsidy for living expenses.

It was not easy for her sister to make money, so Li Ze really needed the preferential treatment policy provided by the county high school, so he resolutely chose the county high school.

When Li Ze was in his second year of high school, his 22-year-old sister got married.

Married to Awei, the son of a contractor in the county.

The contractor's family is in good condition. His son Awei is three years older than Li Ze's sister Li Yu. He has never done any serious work since graduating from high school. He usually hangs out in the county town and goes to other places with a group of friends. Playing games in an Internet cafe is like going to a KTV to drink.

A year ago, Ah Wei met Li Yu, who was working as a cashier in the hotel, at a party with his friends. Li Yu, like his younger brother Li Ze, had a good appearance, and Ah Wei fell in love with Li Yu at first sight.

From that day on, Ah Wei began his crazy pursuit of Li Yu.

Li Yu has suffered countless hardships since he was a child, and is afraid of men like his father to his core.

Fortunately, Awei is nothing like his father.

Although Awei likes to go to KTVs with his friends to sing and drink, his alcohol capacity is very small and he will get drunk after two bottles of beer.

Every time he gets drunk, Awei looks like a fat cat, sleeping soundly and snoring like thunder.

Ah Wei will not become another person after drinking, let alone hit Li Yu.

Li Yu began to frequently mention Awei to Li Ze, how good Awei was to her, and how Awei was different from his father.

Seeing his sister happy, although Li Ze was slightly worried, he didn't say anything in the end.

Later, my sister married Awei and became pregnant soon after the marriage.

Ah Wei was very excited. Several of his disabled friends had already become fathers, and each of them gave birth to a son.

When Li Yu was four and a half months pregnant, Ah Wei contacted someone and couldn't wait to have someone take a look at her, saying it was a boy.

Ah Wei was so happy that he told everyone he met that his wife was pregnant with a son, and he even took some of his friends to a celebration banquet for three days.

Of course, Awei also became more and more gentle and considerate towards Li Yu. He often put his face on Li Yu's swollen belly, looking forward to the birth of his son.

When Li Ze was in his third year of high school, his sister's baby was born. The person who saw the B-ultrasound seemed to have made a mistake. His sister gave birth to a girl.

Ah Wei was so angry that he insisted that the hospital had given birth to the wrong child, so he took the infant child for a paternity test.

The identification results showed that the female doll was the biological flesh and blood of Ah Wei and Li Yu.

Ah Wei had blown it out five months ago that he had given birth to a son. The more arrogant he was in the past, the more embarrassed he is now.

Ah Wei lost face in front of all his friends, and his resentment was naturally vented on Li Yu and his daughter.

Ah Wei would not use violence against Li Yu in the form of beatings, but he was very good at using cold violence.

The cold and distant attitude, the curve of the lips with disdain, the frown, and the impatient look in the eyes were like sharp knives, constantly harassing Li Yu who had just given birth.

Li Yu soon suffered from postpartum depression and cried every day.

Ah Wei's indifferent attitude continued to torture Li Yu's heart and aggravated Li Yu's condition.

Even though Li Ze kept telling jokes to his sister every week when he came back from school, his sister never showed a smile again. She only responded to Li Ze with silent tears.

On this day, when Li Ze came home from school again, he happened to bump into Ah Wei talking to sister Chi.

The angry Li Ze couldn't help but slander Ah Wei. Unexpectedly, Ah Wei, who was hurt in face, threatened Li Ze to kneel down and apologize to him, otherwise he would tell Li Ze to get out and never live in his home again. After being admitted to university, Li Ze , I will not give Li Ze a penny for tuition.

Unexpectedly, before Li Ze said anything, his sister Li Yu was angered first.

Since giving birth to her daughter, Li Yu has been treated coldly by Awei and has accumulated countless grievances and anger. Awei's shameless threat to Li Ze became the trigger for these negative emotions.

Li Yu loudly accused Ah Wei of being a shameless person, and his words were full of disappointment and dissatisfaction with Ah Wei.

This was the first time Li Yu resisted Ah Wei after giving birth to his daughter, and it was in front of Li Ze. Ah Wei, who had lost face, became angry and slapped Li Yu in the face.

Li Yu covered his face, his angry expression turning into endless fear and despair in an instant.

Seeing that his sister was being bullied, Li Ze yelled and punched Ah Wei, and the two started fighting.

Li Yu picked up his infant daughter, walked slowly to the window, gently pressed his forehead against his daughter's, and comforted her in a low voice: "Baby, be good, don't be afraid, mommy will always be with you."

Before he finished speaking, Li Yu jumped out of the window with his daughter in his arms.

Ah Wei and Li Yu's home is on the twelfth floor.

Updates will resume tomorrow, two chapters a day, eight in the morning and six in the evening.

(End of chapter)